
School's Hearthrob

"He's coming" a fangirling group went towards the school's main gate to welcome one and only their school's hearthrob 'Kim Jung So' school's president's son and a rich boy who cares for nothing other than his looks. A quite girl who has a crush on him named 'Lee Si Ah' was passing him as a girl named 'kang Ji kyun' her bully pushed her so hard that she fell on the ground. "This is just a starting nerd" saying that her bully went away. Si Ah tried to get up then saw a hand helping her to get up. He was her bestfriend "Jinghong". She quickly get up by his hand and she hugged him. "Aww! Why are you so cute" he thought to him self and hugged you back. "Where were you? I was waiting for you from 8am and now look it's already 8:30am and now you're coming" she sadly said and pouted a bit. Jinghong chuckled a little and said "I'm sorry Si Ah I promise it won't happen next time now please don't be sad I hate when you are sad!". Si Ah smiled and then they both headed towards their classroom. Little bit they know, Jung So was watching them from starting but shrugged it off and went to his classroom too. As he entered in the class all girls started fangirling him except one Si Ah because she was not interested in these types of things because she was a quite girl who sits at the corner of the seat alone because she doesn't have any friend in this school other than Jinghong. She stand up from her place and was walking towards her locker but slipped by something and was falling but a hand at her waist stopped her from falling on the ground. As she saw up to look who it was she was shocked by seeing his crush a.k.a Jung So holding her tightly. Her heart started beating so fast that it could explode at any time but then.....