
Harry Shihoin

Harry being neglected by his parents for his twin brother so he leaves to japan and is adopted by a certain cat and his then harry shihoin. ||BY-blazeninja0|| Note: I do not own Harry Potter or any of its character.

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10 Chs

Chapter 1

Harry James Potter the twin brother to the boy-who-lived or the great-bastard and they were sitting in the kitchen was having breakfast that is when Samual Godric Potter was complaining about not having enough food. with harry and Samual at the age of 5 harry not knowing was to the feeling of love was and his brother was the opposite and so 4 and a half years ago when Voldemort attacked the potters to kill the eldest child so that he would not have to worry about the future but with twins you just don't know so and now we are here on their 5th birthday with harry only getting a present from Remus, Sirius and Dumbledore and today was a special because the 3 adults were going to let (read: help) harry run away you will see now.

"Hay pup are you sure you want to leave," Sirius asked him.

"Yes, Padfoot. I need to go or I go insane from all of this so this is my only choice," Harry told him.

"Well, are you going my boy," Dumbledore asked him.

"Japan," Harry said.

"Well I am sure that you will go to Hogwarts so I will not stop you but first I like to set up an inheritance test at Gringotts so that you can have a vault for yourself," Dumbledore said.

"But first presents," Remus said handing him a small book on how to become an animagus.

Dumbledore pulled out a cage with a blackbird in it and harry insanely felt a bond with it.

"A shadow phoenix," Dumbledore said as blue flames were dancing around the wing of the bird.

"I'll call you Gwen. But stay will my stuff until I find a place to live in japan ok," Harry said to the phoenix and she nodded.

Sirius finally give harry a necklace with a wolf, phoenix and a grim on it.

"This is charmed so that if you need any one of us 3 you just pour magic in the necklace and we will be straight on the way," Sirius giving Harry a hug.

"Ok well I'm off," and once Harry said that the portkey that he had on him activated and sent him to Japan with Remus, Sirius and Dumbledore in the room with sadness in their eyes and gave there presents to Samual and lest with all 3 men making a marriage contract for harry to marry 3 women my 3 different means you will find out in the future what those 3 are.

And so we find harry in japan with clothes that he left the potters with so that is A pair of black jeans that re-ripped on the knees with black combat boots, the top he was wearing that said "these aren't the droids you're looking for" and a long cote. He was wondering thou the town and was spotted by a black cat and the cat was having a confusing moment.

"Why does this kid have the same aura as Minerva," the cat said to herself "A soul Anker he on him as well as the fell on no love that if coming off him".

The cat walked up to him and talked to him.

"Hi I'm Yoruichi Shihouin who are you," she asked.

Harry turns in the direction of the voice and found the cat and looked around and said "Harry".

"No last name," Yoruichi asked.

"When your parents only care for you twin brother and you are nothing compared to them you disown your self from the family," Harry said looking at the cat.

"Come with me please," she said walking down the road and harry following her.

They walked down the road to a candy store as they walk a dark sink with glasses and a moustache with a blue apron on with brown pants on and a white shirt on.

"Master Yoruichi what can I do for you," he asked.

"Tell Keisuke to get his ass in the main area now so I can help my new son," Yoruichi said and when she said the last part harry felt that he would finally have a family that would love him.

"Ok," as the man walked in the store with Yoruichi and Harry walked in after him and sat down on the tatami mat waiting for this Keisuke and when a blond man with a green and white striped hat and green yukata and a green long green jacket.

"Yoruichi what a surprise what can I do for you," Keisuke asked.

"Well, I want you to have a look at harry for me to if you can remove the soul Anker that is in his scar on his head," and when Yoruichi said that Keisuke started to do tests on Harry and with what he sounds he was not, the happiest person in the world and so he turned back to Yoruichi taking off his hat and looking serious.

"Yoruichi turn back to human and put clothes on and then I can tell you what this about," he said as Harry saw Yoruichi turn from a cat to a 5ft woman with gold eyes and purple hair with tan skin and when she came back she was wearing a black one outfit with orange over it. "Ok Harry you now that you have a sauce of energy inside you right. Good. Well it seems that there is a soul inside of your scar well the normal way for that soul to leave your body is with your death but there is another way,"

"What is that," Harry asked.

"By becoming a Visored," he said.

"A what?" harry and Yoruichi asked. Well in Harry's case asked and in Yoruichi yelled.

"A Visored is a Shinigami and by doing that you have that soul shard in you scar fully fusing with you and it would become you inner hollow and you can gain some knowledge from the original person that is," Keisuke said.

"If you do this who will teach me," Harry asked.

"I will," Yoruichi said looking into his eyes and Harry could tell that she meant what said.

"Ok do it," Harry said as Keisuke pulled out a black katana and when he and Yoruichi started to pour energy in the katana it started to glow and Yoruichi picked up the katana and pierced harry with the sword and then a shock wave of the same energy exploded out of him as black and red Reiatsu exploded out of him has harried physical body fell and Yoruichi, court it and Harry's soul ware a black Shihakusho with a black katana at his side with the handle wrapped in a black and red cloth. Then harry fainted.

In another dimension a woman with short red hair with flames at the bottom of the flames with dragon claws and talons made of fire she wore a black kimono with a crimson sash around her waist that she has e cup breasts and then she turn her gaze off to the distance.

"The one I've been waiting for," she said before bursting into flames and turning in to a Chinese style dragon made of flames with large flame wings and teleported to a world full of crystal trees with red and pink leaves with a river and lake of gold and a field filled with ruby grass and rocks made of emerald as she saw Harry as he walked up to her, this was his mindscape.

"Hi," Harry said walking up to her.

"Hello welder it is nice to finally meet you," she said in a kind tone.

"You were waiting for me," Harry asked.

"Yes, and my name is ….." she was saying and when she came to her name it turn to the sound of flame burning wood.

"Sorry what was that" harry asked.

"It is too soon for you hear my name so return to the world of the conscious," she said forcing him out of his mind.

When Harry woke up he was still in his spirit form and his head on Yoruichi lap and so he did something that shocked her, his zanpakuto and everyday else his skin tone changed to tan, his hair turns purple and his eyes turn yellow smiling at her.

"What was that," Yoruichi asked as Harry turn back to normal.

"I'm a Metamorphmagus that means that I can change a lot of things about me meaning my hair colour and length, skin colour, eye colour, height, weight and finally gender," Harry said.

When he said that Keisuke was asking what else could do he said that he hand parseltongue that means that he could understand snakes alike and he also has thu'um the dragon language.

"So you have 2 magical languages," Keisuke asked.

"Yea," Harry said.

And so with that done harry returned to his body and took 2 steps and fell asleep and Yoruichi carried him to a room that would later became his bedroom as she turned around and talked to Keisuke and asked him to follow her.

"Kisuke you now that I have a friend that lives in Scotland. Well she has the same energy as harry so I wound to worry about that but he needs training," she said.

"I now but who are we going to get Tessai to train him in kido, I'll train him in with his zanpakuto, you can train him in Shunpo and I noticed that he as a Quincy cross as well so I make a call for that, but leaves hand to hand combat," Keisuke said and then stopped to think of something and grew a smile that threatened to split his face in half and started to do the calculations and it worked out perfect, "I have an idea you may not like this".

"What is it," she asked.

"I will send a message to you old friend Suì-Fēng so see if you can talk to her and I send it to with the Shihouin clan symbol so that she knows if she does not she will be sentenced to death," and he went away to write the letter and when he came back summoned a Jigokuchō and then it was sent to the Soul Society.

In the squad 2 barracks in the Soul Society, the captain was training when a Jigokuchō turned in to a letter with Shihouin clan symbol on it and when she read it she knew that she must go without any hostility or she will be sentenced to death so she when to senkaimon and was transported to the world of the living and 4 weeks after the letter was sent.

"Urahara what do you want," Suì-Fēng asked.

"Well first 2 things 1 here is the report of what actually happened that night and once you read it well get to that part after," and handed the report to her and Tessai the tan-skinned man with the moustache handed her a cup of tea and once she read that she almost shattered the cup in her hands.

"Aizen that cheap lying no good rotten bar flushing lowlife snake licking dirt-eating inbreed overstuffed ignorant blood sucking dog kissing brainless dickless hopeless heartless fatass bug-eyed stiff-legged fangless worm headed sack of monkey shit" Suì-Fēng cursed and as soon as she was finished she turned to Keisuke "What is another thing you want we to do," she asked.

"Me and Yoruichi want you to help us train her adopted son in hand to hand combat," he said.

"Were is Yoruichi-sama right now," Suì-Fēng asked.

"She is in England right now with her new son do something they will be back in 4-5 hours," Keisuke said.

With Harry and Yoruichi in London walking to a pub called the leaky cauldron and before that entered Harry held on to his necklace wing held all 3 figures in his hand and 5 seconds later Remus, Sirius and Dumbledore appeared next to harry.

"Harry, how are you, my boy?" Dumbledore asked.

"Fine OH this my new kā-san Yoruichi Shihouin," Harry said indicating Yoruichi.

"Nice to meet you 3," she said as all 3 walked thru the leaky cauldron and made their way to Diagon alley and they started to make there ay to Gringotts so they can make Harry a vault when they entered they walked up to the front desk and asked if harry could have an inheritance test.

"1 Second please" the goblin went and brought a dagger and a gold bowl "cut your palm and let the blood go into the bowl" and when harry did the blood turn to gold and then turned in to a long roll of parchment "do you want the potter account manager to read this," the goblin asked.

"No I would like to have my own account manager please," Harry said and when he said please he surprised the goblin at the front desk and so the goblin as them to follow them to the with the parchment in his hand and made their way to the director's room.

"Lord Ragnok we have a wizard who wishes to have his own account manager plus he actually shows us goblins respect" and when the goblin teller said that Ragnok looking at Harry.

"Why do you want another account manager," Ragnok asked.

"Because I left the potters and so I would like to have an account manager that they could use to find where I live and ruin what I finally have a loving family," when Harry said that Ragnok nodded his head and called 12 goblins into his office and he asked harry to picked 1 out from them and he picked the only female goblin in there.

"Can you be my account manager?" Harry asked her.

"I would love my name is Arnar now please follow me to my office" Arnar said as she walked to her office and when everyone was in her office and the goblin teller gave the parchment to Arnar and left to return to his work.

"Ok let me read this:

Name: Harrison James Potter

Birthday: July 31st 1980


Father: James Eric Potter

Mother: Lillian Rose Potter nee Evens

Adopted Mother: Yoruichi Shihouin

Godfather: Sirius Orion Black


Heir to house Potter

Hrir to house Black

Heir to clan Shihouin

Lord Percival

Lord Gryffindor

Lord Ravenclaw

Lord Hufflepuff

Lord Slytherin

Lord Emrys

Lord Le-Frey

Lord Pendragon

Duke Hogwarts

Earl of shadows

Earl of Twilight

King of Britannia

King of Camelot


Harrison James Potter Trust Vault (Potter), Vault Number 2235

Harrison James Potter Trust Vault (Black), Vault Number 9749

Percival Vault, Vault Number 427

Gryffindor Vault, Vault Number 392

Ravenclaw Vault, Vault Number 343

Hufflepuff Vault, Vault Number 969

Slytherin Vault, Vault Number 891

Emrys Vault, Vault Number 2

Le-Frey Vault, Vault Number 3

Pendragon Vault, Vault Number 1


Hogwarts, Scotland

12 Grimmauld Place, London, England

Urahara candy shock, Karakura town, japan

Daroonga Hold, Wales

Wolveshire Citadel, Wales

Appley Palace, Wales

Starm Fortress, Scotland

Shardore Fortress, Northern Ireland

Oakwell Fortress, England

Alnor Fort, England

Dustorn Citadel, Camelot

Shihouin Clan House, Soul Society

Money and other:

Harrison James Potter Trust Vault (Potter): 9849 Galleon's.

Harrison James Potter Trust Vault (Black): 9849 Galleon's.

Percival Vault: 632224 Galleon's, 456 gems, 799 books.

Gryffindor Vault: 869305 Galleon's, 900 gems, Sword of Gryffindor.

Le-Frey Vault: 4136787 Galleon's, 10000000 gems, Sword of the Twilight.

Hufflepuff Vault: 763833 Galleon's, 357 gems, 457 recipes.

Slytherin Vault: 620532 Galleon's, 557 gems, 113 books.

Emrys Vault: 40701423 Galleon's, 20000000 gems, 1 shadow dragon egg, Sword of the Shadow.

Ravenclaw Vault: 204486 Galleon's, 4000000 gems, 20000000 books.

Pendragon Vault: 122775699 Galleon's, 557 gems, Excalibur.


Magic: 50% -Because of age.

Animagus: can become animagus.

Metamorphmagus: able to change everything about him.

Parseltongue: the ability to speak to snakes.

Thu'um: the ability to speak to dragons:

Fire elemental: 50% -Because of age.

Water elemental: 50% -Because of age.

Air elemental: 50% -Because of age.

Earth elemental: 50% -Because of age.

Lightning elemental: 50% -Because of age.

Metal elemental: 50% -Because of age.

Wood elemental: 50% -Because of age.

Ice elemental: 50% -Because of age.

Light elemental: 50% -Because of age.

Dark elemental: 50% -Because of age.

Shinigami: realty unlocked have not heard zanpakuto name.

Visored: yet to face inner hollow.

Quincy: yet to train in the Quincy arts." She read.

After Arnar read all of that she looked up to see the looks on the humans in her office and the reaction was as such Remus jaw was litany on the floor, Sirius was looking like he would need a drink, Dumbledore was what looks to be a heart attack and Harry and Yoruichi was doing a great impression of an owl at the news and so they went their separate ways and when Yoruichi the door she saw Suì-Fēng bow to her as she entered.

"Yoruichi-Sama Harry-Sama welcome home" Suì-Fēng called to them.

"kā-san Da hell," Harry asked her.

"Harry-Sama it is time for your hand to hand combat lesson," Suì-Fēng said.

Suì-Fēng lead harry to the underground training room.

4 years later.

Harry was walking thou his inner world and walking up to his zanpakuto and she turned to him and asked "are you ready for Shiki" and harry nodded and then in front of harry s sun bust in to lift harry reached in as she said "my name is" Harry pulls out a sword as they say together "Honoryumaru" (Flame Dragon circle)

Harry wakes up with his family sounding him with harry smiling at them I've unlocked Shiki and so everyone went down to the underground training area and then they gave some harry room.

"BURN EVERYTHING – Honoryumaru" harry called with the sword tuning in to a whip blade with the blade being held in the mouth of a dragon.

And for 2 years harry was training all field when his 11th birthday came around he when out to do some shopping and when he arrived home he was meet by Tessai and they both when down to the training room with the room as black as night when all of a sudden the lights came on and everyone screamed "SURPRISE!".

Harry was given a lot of presents and an owl dropped harry Hogwarts letter with Dumbledore appearing and saying "Happy birthday Harry".