
Harry Potter: Winchester Chronicles

This is an original fic, as I couldn't find a better novel to translate so I figured why not write one myself. The world still revolves around the Harry Potter series but with original and extra plot added to it to not make things boring. P.S. This is not related to the TV series Supernatural, apart from slight inspiration for a couple of things. --------------------- "Voldermort? Who? Can't you see me fighting a literal Demon?" "Why do I have to kill all these monsters to be a wizard? I don't know it's a family tradition" "What do you mean, 'Why is Harry so buff?' How else is he supposed to fight the noseless demon?" Luke woke up in a body belonging to the youngest member of the last Winchester Family, during a 'exorcism' at that. Discovering that he had transmigrated to the Harry Potter world, dreaming of a magical future, he still couldn't fathom why there were so many inconsistencies in the plot. Not to mention his new family and his father's mysterious and weird actions, but why are there so many monsters and villains hatching a new plot every single day in this children's fiction? ---------- https://www.patreon.com/The_disciple ---------- https://www.royalroad.com/profile/481960 I will be posting this story on RoyalRoad.com

The_disciple · Derivados de obras
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22 Chs

Veela village

"I see... so that's how it is." Luke nodded learning his origins as a half-Veela, 'No wonder, I look good... I wonder about what other perks I have besides this though! I mean, if anything I've learned from my previous life, is that good looks will take you far in life but that might not be good enough for this life.'

"But I still have some questions!" Luke asked Jacob as they were shopping for clothes in a regular mall, 

"What else is there!" Jacob said frustrated with the number of questions he was asked today.

"It's nothing serious, I just wanted to know if you were adopted... you know Ethan and I have plenty of good looks but you..." Luke teased satisfied with the bitter look Jacob had on, "I am kidding, don't take it so seriously... I was just wondering why are we shopping here?"

"Where else would we shop?" Jacob answered with annoyance written all over his face,

"A wizarding clothing shop, I guess... It's better than the barber shop, where that barber was staring at us like we were some hobos, and even now, although we look much more human after the haircut, I am pretty sure that woman over there is calling the child welfare on us."

Jacob looked over in a hurry, dragging Luke with him towards the cash register, after paying, they both ran out as fast as they could.

"God damn it!" Jacob cursed looking back at the woman who was desperately searching for them, 

"Chill out, I think she has good intentions, after all, can you blame her?" Luke pointed at their clothes which were nothing short of filthy, after training for 3 months in their regular clothes, no amount of magic could fix the violence that their clothes had faced, if one was to see them before their haircut, it would be a miracle if they were allowed in the mall, in the first place.

"Sigh! You asked me why we shop here. Because our dear dad is a penny pincher, a serious penny pincher." Jacob said with frustration,

"Didn't expect that from you, Daddy's boy." Luke said, "Well, it's understandable though, after all, the loyalest soldiers have the most complaints."

"Don't be an asshole," Jacob shook his head getting in the car, "Let's go before one of them comes up asking us for a license."


After a quick shower and putting on their new clothes, which weren't anything fancy, just a plain T-shirt, a new pair of jeans, and shoes, they were ready to head out.

With Michael already waiting for them in the car both of them hopped in the back, driving off to god knows where.

Michael pulled a lever on the car, and the car began floating on its own, as they began drivi- flying to their destination.

Luke, who knew about the existence of such cars from dear old, Mr. Weasley, still couldn't help but be surprised as he stared out of the window, the car picked up more altitude flying higher and higher, he stared down at the building from afar.

"Hey! Why didn't we fly before?" Luke asked

"Because I am not allowed to." Jacob answered with a shrug, "Don't look at me like that, it's just enhancements on the car that make it fly, and yes, it does have a concealing charm placed on it, making it invisible to no-majs."

"I haven't even asked anything..." Luke said with a straight face, wondering if his questions had become traumatic for some people.

Michael stayed quiet driving, letting the two brothers bicker on.

After an hour of driving they reached an open cornfield, in the middle of nowhere as he parked the car.

"Are we already there?" Luke looked around the corn field getting out of the car, as Michael parked his black 1967 Chevy Impala, casting a spell on the car as it disappeared out of sight.

'I haven't seen him put such efforts towards us, but he seems to love his damn car!' 

"Man! I haven't been here in ages," Jacob seemed more excited than any of them as he began heading inside the cornfield, with Luke following him until they reached the center of the cornfield where a spooky-looking scarecrow stood at the center but unlike a regular scarecrow, this one was placed particularly very low as its feet were touching the ground.

Michael followed soon after looking at his youngest son, he said, "Grab on to it!"

Luke followed his direction, and so did, Jacob, and Michael continued to do so as well.

"Hold on tight!" Jacob yelled before the world around them seemed to start spinning.

'A fucking portkey!' Luke thought to himself as the dizziness immediately began as soon as the process began. With continuous spinning and the feeling of weightlessness drew an uncomfortable feeling as they began floating above.

With the spinning going haywire crazy, they immediately disappeared from their initial destination, appearing again in a completely different destination.

With Micahel grabbing him, Luke at least didn't have to worry about crashing head-first into the ground, while Jacob who seemed to be used to portkeys comfortably landed.

With Michael dropping him, Luke closed his mouth leaning on him, as the dizziness was too much for him, "I am going to puke!"

"Shit! Do it somewhere else you idiot!" Jacob retorted,

Luke trying to distract himself looked around the strange place they were in, if he hadn't traveled unnecessarily for such a long distance, he would very well think he was just inside the forest near his house.

The dark empty forest just yelled creepiness from the get-go and wasn't anything he had expected a Veela's town to be like.

"You dare show your face around here!" A loud screech pierced his ears, as he looked around the forest searching for anything that could've made that noise, 'Is it a demon, again?'

Luke wondered inching closer to Michael and Jacob, as a series of flames began lighting itself from all directions.

Beings that looked straight out of hell slowly showed themselves one after another. The creatures had human-like bodies, but their face told a whole other story, the closest thing Luke could compare it to, was birds, with their long elongated beaks with cruel intentions written all over their eyes. 

They were clearly casting a spell, as they had balls of fire constantly spinning at the palm of their hands, not to mention, the large scaly wings coming out of their back, akin to something he would imagine a dragon having or even something a Dracula could be seen with.

'Did we fall under some trap?' Luke wanted to ask but seeing the severity of the situation he didn't think it was an appropriate time to be asking anything further!

"Winchester!" The creature in the middle screamed, "How dare you!"

Luke gulped under immense pressure as no matter how hard he tried to find an opening for an escape, he couldn't find any as those creatures had surrounded them from every side.

'It's time to start shooting some spells, Michael...' Luke looked at his father who looked back at him,

Michael grabbed him by his collars lifting him, and unlike the escape or fight he was expecting, Michael pushed him towards the front, in front of the creature who had larger wings than the rest, even the fireball the monster had in its hands seemed much bigger. It didn't take an idiot to figure out, that it was the boss of these creatures as sweat began pouring down his head.



Heya! I have created a Patreon for those who want extra chaps early on!


Currently, there are only +4 chapters there but I plan to increase the number on there by multiple uploads a day.

So if you wanna check it out, please do so!

Regular daily uploads will continue on as usual thanks!


The_disciplecreators' thoughts