
Harry Potter: Winchester Chronicles

This is an original fic, as I couldn't find a better novel to translate so I figured why not write one myself. The world still revolves around the Harry Potter series but with original and extra plot added to it to not make things boring. P.S. This is not related to the TV series Supernatural, apart from slight inspiration for a couple of things. --------------------- "Voldermort? Who? Can't you see me fighting a literal Demon?" "Why do I have to kill all these monsters to be a wizard? I don't know it's a family tradition" "What do you mean, 'Why is Harry so buff?' How else is he supposed to fight the noseless demon?" Luke woke up in a body belonging to the youngest member of the last Winchester Family, during a 'exorcism' at that. Discovering that he had transmigrated to the Harry Potter world, dreaming of a magical future, he still couldn't fathom why there were so many inconsistencies in the plot. Not to mention his new family and his father's mysterious and weird actions, but why are there so many monsters and villains hatching a new plot every single day in this children's fiction? ---------- https://www.patreon.com/The_disciple ---------- https://www.royalroad.com/profile/481960 I will be posting this story on RoyalRoad.com

The_disciple · Derivados de obras
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22 Chs


The inside of the hall was grandiose compared to the shabby-looking building he saw outside.

A crowd of people had gathered with his father at the front, who was getting insulted and argued with by the people sitting at the very front of the hall. There were 9 chairs in total situated next to each other, and sitting on them were older Veela' who according to Elara were the village elders, at the center with the biggest chair that was akin to a throne, was where their grandma was sitting on.

"You let my grandson suffer among the no-majs! Not only did you hide him and rob him of his potential and identity but you even dared to make the child oblivious to the fact of who you and his mother was." Valery, who seemed loving just a minute ago now had the cruelest expression imaginable as she yelled at their father, "Have you forgotten that the only reason, I did not kill you back then was because of them?"

"I was afraid. Afraid of raising the child, who reminded me of Olivia every single second. Afraid that I was going to lose him, like I did with her." Michael said with emotions that Luke hadn't seen before making him curious about his mother who wasn't around anymore, "I prayed for the first time in my life, I prayed to hope that he won't be able to use magic, I prayed that he would live his life as an ignorant no-majs. I even thought sending him to live with my cousin who couldn't use magic somehow would influence him to not do so either."

"Damn! I am going to get an earful" Jacob said biting his nails,

"That's expected and all, but why is our grandma sitting in the center, is the village head or something?" Luke asked in a whispering tone,

"Don't you know?" Elara whispered, "Grandma is the current Queen of Veela'"

'Ah, so there was a thing like that no wonder she looked like a boss villain at the time,' Luke nodded as the power she held in the village made sense, 'Does that mean this village is like a mini kingdom? Or does she govern her entire race?'

"But I failed..." Michael continued, "I couldn't prevent what was meant to be. So I took him back, and here I am, asking you to help me."

"If you couldn't bear to look at your own son, you could've left him with us. We would have done everything in our power to look after him, but you'd rather have him robbed of his potential." One of the elders sitting next to Valery said, "And after all this time, you've come to us asking for favors?"

"Don't you feel ashamed?"

"Luke! Come out, now!" Michae said shocking the trio who were hiding as Jacob pushed him out of the hiding.

With everyone's attention on him, he awkwardly walked toward his father looking at Valery and the rest of the elders, 'God damn it!'

"I am sure you know what happened with Olivia when she was pregnant with him," Michael said, "You and the elders, couldn't figure out the cause and neither could I, but after so many years, I have a theory and I want your help with him."

"I won't ask for forgiveness, as a father, everything I did, I did it for him." He said getting down on his knees and lowering his head, "And even today, I beg of you to help him, not for me, but for the sake of Luke."

"You lower your head and yet you hide your intentions." Valery said, "Even without you telling me, I can see what the 'Theory' of yours is, but what I can't see is what plans you have hatching in your mind. You talk about being a father, yet every single time you've pushed your children in front of death."

"I knew what you were the moment Olivia bought you home, I knew of your forefathers and the said demons you wage your life every day on." Valery said, "The curse that has ruined my family, killed my daughter, now hunts my grandchildren as well."

"How long Michael? How long would this go on? Will it suffice once every one of the children dies? Will it be enough once you've destroyed everyone around you?" Valery continued, "If your forefathers had died long before, at least the curse wouldn't have drawn people into destruction for so long."

"Destiny is the one thing you can't fight." Michael said looking up, "Every Winchester has once tried to end things with himself, but every time, it doesn't work. I could've bathed in poison, thrown myself off a cliff, or dived in a volcano, but as long as I was the last person bearing the curse, I couldn't die easily. Somehow some way I'd always survive."

"Now with my sons, the curse effect on our destiny is weakened, my children are vulnerable to dangers and the demon kind wouldn't hesitate a second before taking away my people." Michael said, "I want to give them every tool, every training imaginable no matter how cruel it may be, for their survival."

"From the words you've said to me, you must've forgotten the very world itself, including every one of you here would have been long gone if my forefathers before me hadn't carried the weight of the curse and destroyed the demons before they took over the world," Michael said with respect but still not backing away or demeaning his family, "If what you said is what you really mean then, you should also come to the fact that your grandchildren wouldn't be around here as well."

"The demons that have been silent for long, have started acting again, my father and my brothers all died fighting them, and my wife died protecting her son from the very threat. A war is coming and no matter how much you curse at me, the inevitable can't be stopped."

"The only 'plan' I have been hatching is ending the demon kind once and for all, the plan that my forefathers before me failed at completing. As you should know, there is no running away from this, even if we all were to hide, the demons would take over the world sooner or later."

"So help my son become stronger!"

A defeating silence rang around the hall, as Luke tried to process everything that was said.

'So there is no running away... it seems, I have to fight or die hiding... a war, huh? Is this canon?' Luke thought to himself sweating a little, on the other side, with what he heard he managed to scramble more clues about the curse and the demons, "So it seems, as long as you're the last Winchester with the curse, you're bound to not die and procreate regardless of whether you want to or not. I have so many questions regarding that, but it would seem useless to question the curse that affects destiny itself. I need to get stronger, if I want to find out more from the book and not die.'

"A long time ago, wizards cast us out as the demons kind because of our nature to morph, we were hunted and killed every day. It wasn't until a Winchester, helped us clear our name, and now with centuries passing by wizards don't remember the demons let alone what was done to us." Valery spoke breaking the silence, "Fate is a strange thing, the debt we incurred it wants us to pay it back."

"I'll help Luke." Valery continued, "Not for you, not for the sake of your war, not even for the sake of fate. I'll help him under one condition."

"Anything I can do for you, I'll do it," Michael said without the slightest hesitation in his voice,