
Harry Potter : The Unyielding Shadow

Like every sister, I love my brother no matter what. Even when he's an idiot. Even when he's in the spotlight and I'm forever waiting in the wings. That's life as Lorena Potter. Can't complain, really. At least I don't have a psychopath out for my head.

FantasyFusion · Derivados de obras
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52 Chs

Chapter - 25 : Embracing Destiny


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"It's curious how these things happen," Ollivander said, looking between us. "The wand chooses the wizard. We must expect great things from the both of you. After all, He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named did great things… terrible, yes… but great."

Mr. Ollivander seemed almost awed by what the wand he'd created – the wand that had killed our parents – had gone on to do. I shuddered, placing my wand back in the box and wrapping the fabric over it again. I took the box from Mr. Ollivander and put the lid back on, holding it close to my chest.

I wasn't entirely sure Mr. Ollivander was a good man.

We paid seven Galleons each for our wands and left. Left the shop, left Diagon Alley, left the Leaky Cauldron, left the magical world behind. I didn't pay much attention to the eyes that lingered on our large, oddly-shaped packages and owls got on the Underground. I sat with the box holding my wand in my lap, trailing my fingers up and down it thoughtfully.


I looked up and realized we were in the train station. Hagrid pushed a hamburger towards me, looking concerned.

"You both're quiet," he observed.

I looked back down at my wand, which was still in its box on my lap, and ran my finger the length of it. This had been my best birthday ever: a pet, a wand, a ticket to a magical school, information about my parents. So much that I hadn't realized how desperately I wanted until I had it.

And yet there was the matter of my wand. Mine, Harry's, and Voldemort's. The way Ollivander spoke of wands was almost like a proud grandfather cooing over his many grandchildren. He talked like they were alive, like they had their own distinct personalities and quirks. And while that may be true… what did it mean that our three wands were all connected?

It had to mean something. It was too much of a coincidence not to, and I couldn't come up with a positive spin to it. The idea of having a connection to the man who'd taken my parents from me and almost taken my brother… He'd already carved a sign of his presence into my flesh, and now the instrument of my magic had a touch of him to it as well.

And yet I couldn't bring myself to hate the wand. I almost felt defensive of it. Such a beautiful wand, and such beautiful magic I'd done with it too. I could still see those silver and gold sparks dancing behind my eyelids, lighting up the shop and making the dust motes in the air gleam like drop of ichor. It didn't deserve to be tainted by the ugly reputation of Voldemort's wand.

And suddenly it clicked. I wouldn't allow it to be. This wand may have a connection to Voldemort, but it was mine. I would direct and it and tell it what to do. This wand would bring me power, but not through murder. It would make me strong in a different way – whatever way I saw fit.

"Everyone thinks we're special," Harry said suddenly. I tugged myself from my thoughts, removing my hand from the box. "All those people at the Leaky Cauldron, Professor Quirrell, Mr. Ollivander, but I don't know anything about magic. We're famous for something we can't remember. I don't know what happened that night, I don't know what I did. How can they expect great things from either of us?"

Hagrid smiled kindly. "Don' worry, Harry. You'll learn fast enough. Ev'ryone starts at the beginning at Hogwarts. Jus' be yourself. Yeh've both been singled out, an' tha's hard. Yeh'll have a great time at Hogwarts. I did. Still do, 'smatter o' fact."

Hagrid escorted us to the train that would take us back to the Dursleys. Before we parted, he handed us each an envelope.

"Yer ticket fer Hogwarts. First of September, King's Cross Station… It's all in there," Hagrid explained. "If yeh've any trouble with the Dursley's, send yer owl, she'll know how to find me."

He bid us adieu. I looked down at the wand in my lap once more, and when I looked out the window next, Hagrid was gone. I reached over to Harry and he took my hand willingly, holding them locked together on his lap.

"We'll be okay," I whispered. "We will."


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