
Harry Potter : The Unyielding Shadow

Like every sister, I love my brother no matter what. Even when he's an idiot. Even when he's in the spotlight and I'm forever waiting in the wings. That's life as Lorena Potter. Can't complain, really. At least I don't have a psychopath out for my head.

FantasyFusion · Derivados de obras
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52 Chs

Chapter - 17 : Revelations and Retributions


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Behind me, I heard Hagrid chortling. "Tha's the way it usually is with Muggles, scared o' what we magical folk could do."

I was panting heavily and glaring at the Dursleys. I paused as a fragile hand slid into mine and squeezed.

"Lorena," Harry murmured. I slumped, exhausted by my rant and the emotional roller coaster the night had turned into. I took a step back, leaning against Harry's shoulder wearily.

"Hagrid?" Harry asked quietly. "What ever happed to Vol – to him?"

"Good question." Hagrid nodded approvingly, still looking at the successfully-cowed Dursleys in amusement. "Disappeared. Vanished, same night he tried ter kill yeh. Same night he tried ter kill yeh. It's part o' why yer famous. Soemthin' about yeh finished him. Some say he died. Codswallop in my opinion. Don't know if he had enough human left in him to die. Most of us reckon he's out there still, lost his powers too weak the carry on. Somethin' happened that night – no one knos what – but somethin' abou' yeh stumped him that night."

Hagrid stared at us, warmth and respect blazing in his eyes. I hunched in on myself. I didn't feel like I deserved any of it. Whatever had made that Voldemort tuck tail and run, it was Harry who'd done it, not me. What had I managed that night? Getting my face sliced open? It was hardly something to be proud of.

"Just yeh wait!" Hagrid said proudly. "Yeh'll be famous at Hogwarts."

Uncle Vernon put in a last stand. "Haven't I told you?" he growled. "They're going to Stonewall High and be grateful for it. I've seen the things they need. Cauldrons… spell books… nonsense!"

"If they want to go," Hagrid said slowly, "a great Muggle like you won' stop 'em! Lily an' James's kids not go to Hogwarts! They'll be goin' to the finest school of witchcraft and wizardry in the world. Seven years there an' they won't know themselves. They'll be with youngsters of their own sort fer a change and they'll be studyin' under the finest headmaster Hogwarts has ever seen-"

"I am not paying for some crackpot old fool to teach them magic tricks!" Uncle Vernon shouted.

Hagrid yelled and jumped to his feet, brandishing his umbrella once more. Uncle Vernon retreated on pain of death by impalement.

"Never insult Albus Dumbledore in front of me!" Hagrid roared. He brought the umbrella swinging down. There was a flash of violet light and a sound like a squealing pig. Dudley yelped and clutched his bottom, a curly pink pig's tail bursting from the seam in his pajamas. Aunt Petunia wailed and clutched her son. Uncle Vernon gave Hagrid one horrified look and dragged his family back into the bedroom, slamming the door behind them.

Hagrid observed the door thoughtfully. "Meant to turn him into a whole pig," he admitted. "But I guess there wasn' much left." He glanced at us, flushing slightly. "I'd appreciate it if yeh didn' mention that to anyone at the school. Strictly speakin', I'm not allowed to use magic outside o' the school. I was allowed to do a bit ter keep up with yeh and get yer letters to yeh – one of the reasons I was so keen ter take the job."

"Why can't you do magic outside of the school?" Harry asked curiously.

Hagrid winced. "Oh, er, I was at Hogwarts myself but I… got expelled," he admitted. "In me third year. They snapped my wand an' everythin'. Dumbledore let me stay on as groundskeeper. Great man, Dumbledore!" he blustered.

"Why were you expelled?" Harry pressed curiously. I nudged him violently with an elbow.

"Got a long day tomorrow!" Hagrid announced loudly. "Lots ter buy, gotta go into town fer yer supplies." He tossed his overcoat at us. It took both of us to catch the thing without being bowled over. "Yeh can kip under that. Don' mind if it wiggles, still got a couple of dormice in the pockets."


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