
Harry potter: The ringmaker

Nicholas died under mysterious circumstances on earth and was reborn into the world of harry potter as an orphan with a mysterious ring maker system. He does not know why he is here nor why he has this system but Nicholas is determined to make the best of his new life , noseless freaks be damned.

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To be more accurate Nick had created an almost straight line of signal towers from his territory all the way to Hogwarts so that he could finally have a fast method to communicate with Dumbledore. Sending letters was fine before but it took too long normally as even an emergency owl took several hours to arrive from only half the isle away much less the whole thing. In that amount of time whatever the issue was might have already been solved and thus no long need to request aid.-

This new method however was considerably faster as there was only at most a few minutes delay from the time the message was sent to when it was received from the other side of the isle. It wasn't as fast as phones or anything like that but it was still leagues better than using owls to send letters. There had also been a change in the realm that Nick hadn't expected so soon but was a welcome thing in the form of a soul forming in the waters of the realm. The first true daedra to be born into this world and it was an interesting one.-

The creature was of the beastly sort of daedra rather than the humanoid kind but looked nothing like any daedra he had ever read about. It had a narrow serpentine body that had feathers instead of scales and six stumpy but strong looking legs to carry it. The head was that of an eagles but had a black jagged beak and a single spiraling horn atop it. The long tail of the daedra was also like that of a manticore or scorpion and curled behind it. The entire creature was a dull red color and definitely not pleasant to look at.-

Nick couldn't really complain though as all daedric creatures tended to have malicious appearances regardless of which realm they hail from. After wading out of the realms waters the creature absentmindedly walked about without any real purpose at all. 'To be expected I suppose since it is the first of it's kind and lacks any outside stimulus.' Nick thought as he watched the creature for a while. After growing bored of watching it behave in a pointless manner Nick introduced a variable to test the creatures reaction in the form of a transfigured pig from the ground itself.-

There was an immediate response as the creature directly and viciously attacked the transfiguration stabbing it with it's tail and ripping open it's belly with it's beak. After the transfiguration ended the creature got angry at the disappearance of it's prey and started to attack it's surroundings in a reckless manner. 'This thing definitely fits the daedric way of doing things alright , so violent and easily angered.' Nick thought in amusement before having his other body appear before the creature to see how it would react. The creature froze the moment Nick arrived in front of it and even directly cowered in submission.-

"To be expected , even for a new daedra like yourself hierarchy is engrained in your very essence. You may leave." Nick spoke calmly and dismissed the creature that hurriedly scurried away instinctively understanding what he had said. All daedra even the beasts like that one were fairly intelligent so Nick wasn't surprised that it obeyed his command. As far as that daedra was concerned he was a god and should not be disobeyed. Looking over at the waters of his realm Nick wondered when a true dremora would be born so he could see what to expect of most of the rest.-

It was a matter of chance really so there was honestly no way to know for sure until it happened. A bit of a misunderstanding that many in Nirn had was that the waters of oblivion were constantly churning out new daedra at all times but the truth was that most of those were the same daedra having needed to reconstitute themselves after getting killed. True new daedra were actually very rare and one would be lucky to witness a single such event in a decade years. It could be sooner or later depending on how often the waters had the older daedra reconstitute themselves in it though.-

For his own realm Nick was pretty sure he could expect at least one new daedra every few months or so now that his realm had crossed the threshold to be able to spawn them. With that bit of excitement over with Nick went back to grasping his domains while mostly leaving the little daedra to it's own devices. It had tried to attack the golden apple tree after discovering it but after Nick exploded the violent thing as a punishment it avoided that spot in the realm with extreme prejudice.