
A shocking end and start

David POV:.

emptiness.that's all I feel these days in this void.when I first came here I was shocked,then came panic,then sadness.acceptness,fear of unknown.i can't see,feel,touch anything.there is only darkness everywhere.i do not know how many days I have spend in this void.

I can still remember the incident that day.i was just a normal college student in new york,usa.while coming back from college I was mugged and stabbed,Ido not want to particularly remeber dying,that coldness and my fear.

being soul(i don't have body,no shit Sherlock) the only thing to do was to wait for something to happen and I have read enough novels to know that I am going through Clinique reincarnation process.i miss my family but I have accepted long ago that I am not going to see them again.suddely i started to feel my consciousness getting heavy.the lat thing i remeber is the ever silent void.

3 Rd person pov:

14 January 1987,st.george hospital, London, england

we can see in hospital labour room a tired but still pretty pregnant woman with black hair and green eyes cursing and screaming on bed.a doctor and few nurses helping her in delivery.

doctor: keep pushing mam i can already see the head .

doctor tries to encourage the pregnant woman.

Diana: I am trying.

after 2 hours of long process the child was out and crying.

nurse 1: look how cute he is.

nurse 2: yeah and look at his eyes.

Diana: give me my son

nurse: here mam.

Diana now looks at her son. he was a little thing.black hair and wide grey blue eyes.she feels instant motherly loves for him.

Diana: your name will be David rivers

David POV

David: the only thought going through my mind was how Clinique.