

dr_MASK07 · Fantasía
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5 Chs

Rebirth :

Do you know how it feels to get crushed by a truck?

Well, I do, and I can tell you it is not a pleasant experience. I am Arthur Grey, Genius, billionaire, philanthropist but no playboy. The founder of TAG, a company which leads the industry of whatever it touches. From medicines to technology to computers and phones, there is nothing we cannot conquer. But now I am the next soul in a colossal line to be judged by the king of hell only because I had to save a girl from getting crushed.

"Please enter", a deep dark voice entered my ear as I instinctively took a step forward, only to be sucked into another room. In front of me was a huge mountain-like humanoid who spoke to me.

YAMA: "let's see, Arthur Grey, born in poverty and rose up ranks quickly bla bla, bla bla founded company.....here now this is the good part, Arthur Grey has decreased the death rate caused by diseases by selling his medicines at a low rate. He has also promoted the development of human technology and thus Earth reached an estimated point of development almost 15 years earlier. You have repeatedly donated to charity. The girl you saved invented a cure for cancer and a partial one for aids. This leaves with a staggering 2000 karma points, higher than even Jesus who had a record for best at 1980 points. Now lad you can either go to heaven or reincarnate into a fictional world with some perks you can buy with karma points."

MC: "I have decided. I will be born in the Harry Potter world. I want to be born in England in the same year as the golden trio and want to have magic.

Yama: :"200 points gone now and 1800 left"

Mc" That's all it took it, then I might as well add perks. I want to be born as an orphan. I will be the descendant and heir to both Merlin and Gryffindor. I want to look like Gilgamesh from fate but with 10 times more charm and handsomeness. I want my wand to be made of a dual-core of Dragon King and Phoenix King. The wood should be Elderberry wood. I also want to be ambidextrous and have edict memory. Make sure the memory of my previous life and meeting with you is blocked until i read the Hogwarts letter."

Yama:"1000 points left"

Mc: "I want the talent of Voldemort for DADA and Charms, the talent of Snape for potions, the talent of Dumbledore for transfiguration, the talent of Harry for flying, the talent of, the talent of Neville in Herbology, the talent of Ron in chess, the talent of Nicolas Flamel in Alchemy, the talent of Gryffindor in duelling, the talent of Hitler in Public Speaking, the talent of Napolean in war strategy, The talent of Rockefeller in business and the talent of Bruce lee in Martial arts.

Yama:"300 points left"

Mc: " I want max luck I can get"

Yama: "I can but it will reach as much as Ron and Hermione, not Harry as he is the child of luck in the World. You have 250 points left"

Mc" I want to have a high elf servant. He should look like Sebastian Michaelis in 'Black Butler'. He shall be extremely loyal and have Sebastian Michaelis's personality."

Yama:" You still have 200 points left"

Mc: " I want to use the rest of the points to ensure the development and prosperity of my company in the real world as well as that of my country, ENGLAND.

Yama: " Well of you go then, bye"