
Harry Potter: The Crafter

During the battle in the Department of Mysteries, Voldemort showed up early and joined the fight in the Death Room. As they fought Harry managed to get one up on Voldemort, only to be tackled by Bellatrix causing them both to fall through the Veil. In that moment, Harry wondered, Was the Veil always purple?

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2 Chs


As Harry dodged yet another spell, he reflected on how his day had turned out like this. Rewinding back to when he had just finished his History OWL, Harry had seen Voldemort torturing Sirius, well at least that is what he thought at the time, and he and his friends had escaped Umbridge, Malfoy, and the other Slytherins helping her out. When they arrived at the Ministry everything was quiet, a little too quiet. This alone should have been a warning sign to him, but Harry was so focused on saving his godfather, he had never stopped to think and process why the ministry was this calm. 

He really should have listened to Hermione better.

It wasn't until the group reached the Department of Mysteries did he finally realize he had been tricked. There was no rescue, only an ambush. He had felt his heart race as he came to that conclusion. Soon Harry and his friends were fighting the Death Eater, though he was silently glad that he had gotten the jump on them while Lucius Malfoy was monologuing. Though it did help that Harry now knew what was so important about the glowing white balls, or prophecies, as the group had come to learn. And if Harry was to be honest, he couldn't believe someone as powerful and feared as Lord Voldemort was would honestly believe in something as stupid as a prophesy. 

If Hermione was given a chance to say something, or even rant at the point in time, Harry was sure she would be lecturing them all about the wooliness of the practice of Divination. Hell Harry would probably pay front row seats to see Voldemort on the receiving end of Hermione's lecture, instead of him and Ron.

That point aside, after they had blasted the shelf causing the orbs to fall, the group dispersed each running and trying to get out back to the main part of the Ministry. Only when they had entered the door they had come through, Harry and the others found themselves in another room. A defense mechanism Hermione had said.

As they tried to find the other door, Death Eaters had blasted in and set off the Time Turners and destroyed the supply. Thankfully Luna had pushed them through to the next room before the Time Explosion had caught them like it did the Death Eater. Harry, Ron, Hermione, Luna, and Neville had now found themselves in a pitch black room with an obsidian arch sitting on a raised platform. Harry swore he could hear voices, whispers almost calling him into the Void beyond the curtain, thankfully Luna said she could hear them too. 

Though, while they had been distracted by the Arch, they found themselves once more surrounded by the Death Eaters. Only this time, the Death Eaters had cast some kind of smoke screen and separated everyone. 

Lucius had approached Harry when everything cleared, telling him to hand over the sphere, and that he and his friends could go. That the Dark Lord only wanted the Prophecy. Harry, knowing Lucius was lying, was hesitant to do so but at the same time didn't want to see anything happen to his friends who he had foolishly led into a trap.

While Harry had hesitated, it distracted the Death Eaters enough to allow the Order of the Phoenix to make an appearance. At that point, all hell broke loose. As spells started to fly, Harry joined in sending spells as he could fighting alongside Sirius. While fighting Harry saw Order members that weren't fighting assisting in shielding and trying to get his friends out. Harry felt his blood run cold when he saw his dearest Hermione take a particularly nasty looking purple spell from Dolohov. The look of shock on her face would probably never leave his mind. Thankfully Neville had got the large Death Eater and gave Harry the thumb's up signaling that Hermione was alright. But instinctively Harry knew that if this didn't end soon Hermione would not make it. 

But with Hermione falling, it seemed to be the trigger for things to get worse, because not even seconds after that happened, Voldemort had made an appearance. To say that Harry wasn't nervous was an understatement, thankfully though Dumbledore had shown up and started to duel the Dark Lord. 

That seemed to be the push the Order needed to start gaining ground, but the momentary relief didn't last long. As with but a simple bludgeoning spell from Bellatrix, who had been dueling Sirius as the time, the ground in front of the headmaster had exploded, giving Voldemort the slight edge to send a simple disarming charm at Dumbledore causing him to lose his wand.

The aged headmaster had a look of worry on his face when this had happened, like this was the worst possible outcome that could have happened. But thankfully, Dumbledore's wand flew towards Harry as the Expelliarmus Spell had hit him while he was falling. 

Harry, seeing this, jumped and grabbed that wand, before Voldmort could do so. All it did though was give a random Death Eater the chance to send a bone breaker towards him, but thankfully or not it had not hit Harry directly but caught his wand breaking the holly and phoenix feather tool that had been with him for years. 

The shock at losing his wand had stunned Harry, giving Voldemort enough time to wandlessly summon Dumbledore's wand. Upon grabbing it, a magikal wave of power surged out around him, signalling that the wand, which Harry could tell was quite powerful, now answered to Voldemort.

"Come here, Potter." Voldemort had said, and summoned Harry over to him. "See Harry, you have now lost. Submit to me, and I will spare your friends."

"F*ck you, Tom." Harry replied. The Dark Lord had then hit Harry with a Crucio. Harry remembered the world going dark as the pain hit him. This cruciatus had nothing on last years, Harry instinctively knew it was the result of the wand Tom now carried. It seemed different. 

Harry then looked up from the ground where he had fallen over, he saw Voldemort boosting, the special wand held loosely in his hand. With a small grunt of effort Harry tackled the Dark Lord, trying to wrestle the Wand away from him. Voldemort had been surprised at the action, and in reflex sent a blast of raw magik out, separating Harry from him, but unfortunately for Tom, Harry had ripped not only the Wand from his hand. Unknowing to the both of them, a small black stone, with scratches on the surface that Voldemort wore on his hand attached to a golden ring that once belonged to the Gaunt Family, came loose and fell into the tear on Harry's robe, which just so happened to be the pocket that held his Invisibility Cloak. 

And with a sound of rage at his trophy over his defeat of the Greatest Wizard since Merlin, Voldemort started to spam Killing Curses at Harry.

Now back to the present, Harry using the headmaster's knobby old wand, started to dodge and defend from Voldemort's spell fire. But it was challenging, the old wand just didn't want to respond to Harry, fighting him with each spell he cast. In a sheer bout of luck, Harry managed to get out of the way and behind a boulder or what used to be a chunk of wall, just as another killing curse narrowly missed him.

"Come out here, Potter! Give me back my trophy and die like a man!" Voldemort raged, sending a blasting curse at the rock he was behind.

"Harry, get out!" Harry heard Sirius yell, and just as Harry made eye contact.

"Shut up, blood traitor!" Bellatrix shrieked before sending a quick blasting spell at the ground Sirius was standing on. The blast caught Sirius off guard and sent him flying towards the massive arch, and with a sickening crunch Sirius collided with the obsidian rock. 

The next thing Harry heard was the cackling laugh of Bellatrix Lestrange, singing about how she had killed Sirius Black.

Harry, not wanting to accept this, felt a wave of fury rush through him, whether it was his own or Voldemort's he would never know. But what Harry did now was that Sirius was hurt and he wasn't losing anyone else, so with a scream of rage, Harry lept over the boulder, and willing every bit of his emotions and magik to run though him, Harry forced a golden beam magic through the old wand at an unsuspecting Voldemort. 

Now when the golden magic hit Voldemort, two things happened. Harry's spell broke through the magical protection that Voldemort had conjured and simply blasted the man to bits. Peeling the flesh from his homunculus form. Essentially vanquishing the Dark Lord. Secondly, once the Dark Lord fell, the Wand in Harry's hand seemed to sing. Letting loose a blast of power like it did when it fell into Voldemort's hand and joined with the power of the Stone and Cloak. Not that Harry noticed this.

No, what Harry did once the magic subsided was run over to Sirius. Kneeling in front of his godfather, Harry saw that Sirius was ok, just knocked out and bit battered. Harry was relieved though that nothing truly happened to the mutt. 

"NOO! My master! What have you done boy? The Dark Lord gone, impossible. I can't accept this." Harry heard, standing back up, he turned and saw Bellatrix Lestrange standing not far from where Voldemort's ashes remained, with a look of unacceptance, bordering maniacal insanity, with tears running down her face refusing to believe Voldemort was gone. 

Harry shook his head, "That is enough Bellatrix. Voldemort is gone. Surrender. There needs to be no more bloodshed."

"HAhahaha!" Bellatrix's laughter sounded broken, like something snapped in her already deranged head. She then turned her head and faced Harry, "Surrender? Give up? That is not happening. This will not be over while I'm alive . . ."

Bellatrix then Dissaparated, Harry tensed up. He knew this was not over and looked around, he didn't see Bellatrix anywhere. 

Then. . . POP!

"Not without your DEATH!" Bellatrix yelled, as she Apparated behind Harry, catching him off guard. She then wrapped her arms around him, and yanked him backwards.

Causing them both to fall backwards through the Veil. 

In that moment, Harry didn't think of his friends, Sirius, or even what might happen next, no he couldn't help but wonder: Was the Veil always purple?

AN: Hey Everyone Greetings and Salutations. Thoth here. Thanks for reading. Please join me on the PeTreon: @TheLostLibrary. It greatly helps me out. Thanks

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