
Harry Potter: The combat instructor

In the world of magic, Ciaran Frémont had spent eight years honing his skills as a graduate of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Despite the passage of time, his longing to return to Hogwarts lingered, this time not as a student but as a professor. His wish seemed to manifest when a letter arrived from none other than Principal Dumbledore himself, inviting him for an interview. Ecstatic yet conflicted, Ciaran's joy was tempered by the realization of an urgent task awaiting him. Before he could embark on this journey, he needed to tell his boss the current Director of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, the pinnacle of authority within the Ministry of Magic. I've decided to translate and fix up this fanfic in my spare time since it wasnt looking to good. No hate plz im trying my hardest :( translation 霍格沃茨新任教授

AssClappicus · Cómic
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86 Chs

finally entering the secret room

Ciaran's heart fluttered. What had Dumbledore discovered?

"Harry, follow me," Ciaran said. He raised his wand high, illuminating their path with its light—the beacon of Dumbledore's wand guiding them forward.

"Lumos," Harry whispered, and his wand immediately responded, casting a soft glow.

Their footsteps echoed loudly as they traversed the damp ground.

Though the tunnel lay cloaked in darkness, the combined light of their wands provided ample visibility, especially for Ciaran and Dumbledore. Compared to Harry's, their wands' light resembled that of a dim bulb or a flickering candle.

"Oh, and Harry, remember," Ciaran interjected, recalling something. "At the slightest hint of movement, regardless of the circumstance, shut your eyes tightly. No matter the sound you hear, keep them shut. Understand?"

Harry felt a surge of nerves but nodded in affirmation, mindful that Professor Frémont led the way and couldn't witness his gestures. "Understood, Professor."

"Excellent," Ciaran nodded.


The sound of bones breaking beneath Harry's foot startled them. Peering closer, they discovered he had stepped on a mouse skull, scattered amidst the small animal bones littering the ground. Harry struggled to imagine Ginny's potential reaction upon encountering such a sight.

An icy chill crept over Harry as he proceeded through the tunnel, his mind racing.

"Take care," Ciaran cautioned Dumbledore, her breath hitching slightly, her eyes narrowing in readiness. She almost incanted a spell, her wand poised to strike, but halted just in time.

"What's this?" Harry gasped, his voice hoarse as he stared at the looming creature ahead, then promptly obeyed Professor Frémont's directive, squeezing his eyes shut.

On the other side of the tunnel, a massive figure loomed motionless, its outline barely discernible.

"Professor, is that a basilisk?" Harry inquired cautiously, his heart pounding, a dull ache settling in his chest.

"No," Ciaran shook her head. "It appears to be the shed skin of a basilisk."

Observing the colossal creature, Ciaran couldn't help but marvel, "What an enormous basilisk!"

While aware of a basilisk's presence in the secret chamber's entrance passage, she hadn't fathomed its true size until now, beholding the immense shed skin.

Approaching for a closer look, the light revealed a vast expanse of vibrant green snake skin, coiled on the tunnel floor, its hollow interior conspicuous.

Evidently, the basilisk responsible for shedding this skin must have been at least twenty feet long!

"Indeed," Dumbledore affirmed, "A basilisk lurks within the Chamber of Secrets, often prowling Hogwarts Castle." His tone grew grave, acknowledging the basilisk's minimal attacks on students and faculty. He couldn't help but wonder about Ginny Weasley's fate—was she still alive?

His heart weighed heavy with concern.

"Let us proceed; this is merely shed skin. The true peril lies within the secret chamber," Dumbledore declared solemnly. "This tunnel merely leads to it."

Ciaran followed Dumbledore, with Harry trailing behind, as they ventured past the immense basilisk skin. Turning corners one after another, they plunged deeper underground.

"We must be several miles beneath the castle by now," Ciaran remarked.

"Perhaps... beneath the lake," Dumbledore speculated, leading the way with his unparalleled magical prowess, having confronted the Dark Lord Glinde Voldemort in countless battles.

Sensing Harry's apprehension, Dumbledore offered reassurance, "Fear not, Harry. I assure you—forgive my immodesty—my magical proficiency ensures I can handle any danger, providing an opportunity for your escape."

Yet, Harry's anxiety only mounted.

"Don't fret, Harry. Professor Dumbledore is the most formidable wizard in the wizarding world. If there's a problem he can't solve, our worrying won't make a difference. Let's just think of our last words and epitaphs," Ciaran quipped, lightening the mood.

Chuckling, Dumbledore replied, "Indeed, Ciaran, your trust means a great deal to me."

"Had I Dumbledore's power, others' belief in me would be inconsequential. I'd simply trust in myself," Ciaran remarked casually, scanning the tunnel walls.

Their exchange eased Harry's nerves. After all, with Professors Dumbledore and Frémont by his side, what cause had he for worry? Besides, with his limited experience—he hadn't even completed his sophomore year yet—worrying served no purpose.

Minutes or perhaps longer passed as they cautiously navigated the tunnel, until finally reaching a dead end. Two inscriptions adorned an imposing wall, featuring intertwined serpents with gleaming emerald eyes, seemingly alive.

"Slytherin's handiwork," Dumbledore noted, turning to Harry. "Once more, Harry, I require your assistance."

"It's my pleasure," Harry responded obligingly.

Having arranged themselves according to strength, Harry approached the wall while Ciaran and Dumbledore remained vigilant, prepared for any sudden basilisk appearance. Facing the serpents, Harry cleared his throat and hissed, "Open!"

The serpents parted, and the stone wall split, sliding away to reveal an opening. Just as Harry prepared to enter, Dumbledore intervened, grasping his shoulder.

"I'll go first, Harry."

"Harry, you enter last," Ciaran affirmed.

Following Dumbledore's lead, Ciaran slipped through the gap, with Harry bringing up the rear, their entry sequence determined by their magical prowess.
