
Harry Potter The Birth Of Darkness

A man was sentenced to one of the worst deaths for an unforgivable crime, however, something goes wrong in his execution, a black hole absorbs him and he is reborn in the world of Harry Potter. Now in a new world and having a great curiosity about magic, our protagonist embarks on the path of learning to master magic, no matter the cost.

exluthor · Derivados de obras
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10 Chs

Chapter 10

Lying on the bed in my cell I was not sure how much chance I had of surviving my prison sentence, after going through that strange trial I would not be surprised if the black hand behind this circus they set up decided to send someone to kill me if it is necessary

Waiting calmly, an old man approached my cell.

When I looked up I saw that the old man pulled out a chair in front of the cell where I was sitting and I could recognize who it was.

He is one of the wizards belonging to the Wizengamot, I remember that he argued with Minister Fawley and called him by the name of Tiberius.

I looked at him with no intention of talking to him.

The wizard Tiberius also looked at me silently.

spent a short time until Tiberius broke the silence "Boy, you probably have a lot of doubts about what just happened at your trial and why it all led to a sentence that seems quite unfair."

I remained silent waiting for him to continue and see what answer he had for me.

"It's much simpler than you can imagine kid."

"Some families have long considered the Gaunt surname to be a disgrace to pure-blood families, their behavior does not reflect the nobility and status that a family must have to represent them"

"This is one of the reasons why the decline of your family was so rapid in recent centuries, a long-term strategy was implemented against the Gaunts, although the brutes and ignorant people still bear most of the blame. Of your family"

"Today one of the last descendants of the Gaunt family was sentenced, with you, only your grandfather, your uncle, your mother, and you, the smallest of them all, are still alive."

"Although your grandfather's sentence is short, he is old and does not represent any risk, his temperament is faithful to his madness."

"your uncle is a complete idiot, what he lacks in beauty he also lacks in intelligence, I must say that it is something ubiquitous in your family, none of us doubts that after a few years in Azkaban, he would probably get worse, if it survives."

"Your mother did well to escape, I wouldn't be surprised if that old cabin exploded or if she suffered a terrible accident that would cause her to lose her life."

"I have to say that some people are not very happy with the intelligence you showed in the boy trial."

"This situation does not worry them either, because none of them believe that you will be able to survive and stay sane during your time in Azkaban," Tiberius said with a sad face.

Listening to Tiberius tell me about all these situations, I began to understand a little of the plot that was developing against my family.

I am a small animal in a big spider web and every time I try to move it catches me more and more, little by little the spider gets closer to finish me off.

I decided to ask the magician Tiberius

"Tell me what you want from my old man."

"I don't think that under these circumstances you will help me escape from my cell and the ministry," I said jokingly while shaking the handcuffs.

Upon hearing this, Tiberius looked at me with some curiosity and a little sadness as he commented, "Boy, it is a shame that this has to happen to you, you could have a great future, you are a very intelligent child, you would probably make an excellent wizard, not many can laugh at his death."

With a continuous sigh "I don't want anything from you, Griselda told me a little about you and we wanted to help you, unfortunately, it wasn't enough."

There was something that assailed my curiosity, which is the reason why everyone thinks I am going to die in prison, I decided that it was a good time to obtain information about where I would be held and not get an unpleasant surprise.

"Sir, I would appreciate it if you could answer one of my questions, what is the reason why everyone believes that I will die in prison?"

"What is it that has everyone so terrified?"

Tiberius, upon hearing this question, was stunned for a few seconds, he looked at the floor. Seemed somewhat disoriented as if thinking about the past.

A few seconds passed in silence until he responded "The prison is not the problem, it's what's inside it, in Azkaban there are evil beings who are in charge of protecting the place and guarding the prisoners."

Tiberius was silent for a moment, then continued.

"The magical community has called them Dementors, dark creatures that feed on the peace, hope, and joy of the person they attack, leaving the person with only feelings of despair and sadness."

"It is not a secret that the vast majority of Azkaban prisoners have died from the madness that has been produced by long and exhausting days of torture by these beings, some deciding to commit suicide when they could not take it anymore or who knows, perhaps encouraged by his madness."

"Those who are lucky only go crazy," Tiberius said as he looked at my face as if trying to see if something changed in me after hearing this information.

I listened to what he told me calmly because this was my near future and I answered him.

"They seem like very peculiar creatures, I wonder what kind of happiness they are capable of taking from me" while I laughed quite hard almost madly.

Tiberius looked at me and frowned, not knowing what he was thinking.

After a short time, Tiberius decided it was time to leave, he got up from his chair and headed towards the door.

As he walked away he didn't forget to tell me "Boy, I hope you can survive."

I just watched him leave while was silent.

I waited calmly for them to transport me to the place where I would live in the coming years. I don't fear death, but I don't want it either. If fate forces me to have to hug her, I will tighten my arms tightly around her.

I hope I don't have to share a room with some crazy person, the worst option would be with my grandfather or my uncle, that would drive me crazy hahaha

I wonder if there is a possibility to request an individual cell, a child should have privacy

I waited in silence while I thought about how ironic my life was turning out.

Years fighting in space wars, killing many enemies for the empire, and earning multiple honors that hung on my admiral uniform, all of this thrown away because the empire didn't give a shit, they betrayed me by favoring the son of a powerful family ruining my life and happiness.

All for nothing, I ended up locked up, they tortured me and then they executed me

When I thought I could start a new life with magic, destiny jokes with me again, forced to be born into a family about to disappear with its crazy and poor members, now as if it were a mockery of destiny I return to prison again.

From the story that Tiberius told, I do not doubt that those beings they call dementors are wonderful creatures. I am curious to see what kind of happiness they will be able to take from me and if that feeling still exists within me, hidden in some hidden place.

Silently waiting for my destiny in that old cell, after an unknown amount of time two wizards entered through the door and approached my cell, while opening the cell door they told me.

"Get up, kid, it's time to go to your new and probably what will be your last home."

I got up and followed the two men.

We leave through the main door and reach the hallway that connects all the doors with the elevator.

In silence, we walked towards the elevator, when I thought we were going to another floor, we entered a door that was next to the elevator.

Inside the door was a small room where there was nothing much, in front of the door there was a large fireplace and with his back to us was another man.

Upon hearing the sound of the door opening, the man turned around and I could see that it was Minister Fawley.

He looked at me for a few seconds and made a signal to the two people who were with me. The minister holds a bag in his hand and throws a powder from it in the direction of the fireplace when the flame of the fireplace comes into contact with the powder. It turns emerald green.

While this is happening I understand the meaning of the sign that the minister made to the two men because they quickly covered my ears and also my face, I cannot see or hear anything.

I sighed as I thought "There can only be two reasons for this, they plan to execute me, or Where the prison is is a secret."

"I hope for my sake that it is the second option"

I know we entered the chimney because we walked in a straight line, and the two men were guiding me while we walked for a long time, I wonder what they used to take away my senses because I really couldn't hear or see anything at all.

The only thing I can use to guide me is to feel what I step on, I can say that when we entered the chimney we came out to another house or at least a place with a wooden floor, we left that place quickly because I felt like I stepped on land.

I was surprised when I felt that I was stepping on something much softer and I also felt a strong wind.

We are likely on a beach.

Feeling that confirms when we get on a boat.

After spending a while with the movement of the boat, they took off what I was wearing.

Then I could see my new home.

An island in the middle of the water with a huge tower.

But what caught my attention were the flying beings that surrounded him.


Those must be the dementors that Tiberius spoke of,

They were quite big and only a black robe could be seen, they were flying everywhere on the island, there were hundreds of them.

They look a little ugly.

The closer we got to the island the temperature of the place seemed to decrease, I could see that the two guards and the minister were eating some pieces of chocolate.

When we arrived at the island some dementors began to approach us.

As I watch the dementars approach us I see that Minister Fawley gets a little restless.

Three dementors float near us and one of them speaks in a rough, whispering voice.

"thing......... you bring" asked the dementor

"He's a prisoner," Fawley responded while looking somewhat upset and nervous.

Meanwhile, the other two dementors began to circle us.

Fawley and the two guards took out their wands and pointed them at the dementors while Fawley asked "What are you trying to do, creature?"

After being silent for a few moments the dementor in front of us said as he pointed a skeletal finger towards me that he was in the middle of the two guards.

"Strange..... person"

After a few moments of silence, the dementors decided to leave.

Then we continue our way towards the gigantic tower, which will be my prison for the next few years.

Dementors seem like quite curious creatures.

Their bodies are covered by large robes, I see their face or what they should be because they have nothing, I wonder how they speak.

Spirit things I guess

My goal in the future will be to capture one to do various experiments on them.

I wonder what will happen if I take off his robe.

After that encounter with the dementors, we continued walking toward the tower

I have to admit that it is a pretty big building, I didn't think that the people of this era had the technology to build it, well this tower must easily be 100 stories high

We arrive at the entrance to the tower, I wonder if I will see my uncle and grandfather

At the entrance there is a large double door, upon entering we arrive at what looks like a hotel reception, although there is no one there, we continue straight through a door that leads to a long corridor and some spiral stairs at the end

While we were walking he asked the minister, "Hey old man, why didn't anyone come out to greet you, or are you not as important as you seem? "

It seems that Minister Fawley did not like what I said because he looked annoyed

Then he said "Laugh while you can kid, I hope in a few days you have the same energy"

"and just so you keep in mind, there is no one who lives in this prison besides the dementors and the prisoners"

"Once a day a special auror comes who brings food for all the prisoners"

While the minister was speaking we reached the end of the hallway and began to climb the stairs.

"Now I'm going to explain a little about your new home, this tower has 100 floors, as you can see the first floor is a reception and there is a kitchen, these stairs lead to the second floor where there are some bedrooms for the guards, although I don't know." are using"

"From the 3rd to the 100th floor there are multiple cells where criminals are locked up in order according to their crime and their history, the mildest ones on the first floors and the most dangerous ones on the highest floors, there is a reason why it is distributed like this, it you will discover in the night"

Then we reached the second floor, a long hallway with doors on the sides and at the end a door that leads to the spiral stairs to go up.

"If you were a known criminal or an adult wizard we would normally give you a cell from the 70th to the 80th floor, but after a discussion, it was decided to leave you on the 50th floor," said Fawley.

As we went up to my cell I observed the cells and the prisoners

All floors are the same, after climbing the stairs you come to a door that gives you access to the next floor, there is a long hallway to the end of the floor, where the door allows you to enter the stairs to go up to the next floor and the sides there are multiple cells

The cells are all the same, they are the same size as my room in the cabin, but there is nothing in any cell, they are all empty, and you have to sleep on the floor

On the way up the tower, I could see many prisoners and several corpses, in general, the vast majority seemed to lack life, those who were not crazy and hysterical just stared at a place as if they were dazed

And this gets worse as we continue going up, on the 27th floor my grandfather was sleeping in a corner of the cell, and I decided not to talk to him.

After a while we arrive at the 50th floor, my new home for the next 10 years, this floor is empty which seems pretty bad to me, although if something happens to me I don't believe some crazy criminals either.

After being in the cell Fawley started talking to me for a while, it was boring listening to him talk nonsense, after a while one of the two guards made a sign to him.

Then Minister Fawley says "Well boy I hope I can have the opportunity to see you in the future."

He left, but instead of going down they headed towards the upper floors, it seemed that they were going to meet another prisoner.

As I looked at my cell I could only sigh, there was nothing, not even a window to see the sea.

Then I sit down to start thinking about the things that have happened and what my plans for the future will be.

As the hours passed, although I did not have access to time, I can imagine that it did not take long for it to get dark and I saw that a while later the two guards passed by with the minister, they seemed to be going in a bit of a hurry.

While I think what happened wrong with the spell, night comes.

Merry Christmas everyone (a little late but oh well)

I'm not sure if there will be a new chapter before the new year, if not I wish everyone a Happy New Year everyone

exluthorcreators' thoughts