
Transfiguration & Flying Lessons

I woke up to see to that Horus and Byakko are already awake and staring at me. I greeted them and was just about to ask them when Theodore said," Good morning Lucifer. Wow! is that black hair?" He pointed at my hair. I looked in the mirror to see two strands of black hair at the front of my head. I tried pulling and found out it was my own hair. I was shocked to see this but secretly speculated some things. *when my white tiger bloodline awakened my hair turned snowwhite, so I it may be related to my Hydra bloodline. But what caused it to awaken? White tiger awakened because of Byakko's drop of blood.* I thought about the sinister aura that tried to penetrated my mind but was repelled by the mind barrier. I suffered pain but was calmed down by something. I think it may be the Hydra .

I said to Theodore ," it may be some hormonal reaction." he did not say anything but I know he may not completely believe it. we got dressed up and went to the common room* Byakko and Horus and enjoying themselves in the room with fen,yes I released him for time being, and Ouro stayed with me* and meet Daphne and Tracy and by the looks of it, they already know Theodore . they asked about my hair change and I replied the same thing 'hormones'.

We made our way to transfiguration class. We entered and saw a cat sitting on the professor's table* I knew it was Professor McGonagall* We went to sit down as we were 10 minutes earlier than other. Daphne sat down and saw me staring at the cat. He asked ,"Hey, why are you staring at the cat, sit down or I will beat you." I replied while smiling and nodding at the cat," It's nothing" and sat down with Daphne. 10 min later after the class started, Harry and Ron came in and while they were thanking that Professor was not here, the cat turned into Professor. She scolded them and made them sit and then proceeded to teach the class. She looked at me,"10 points to Slytherin for Mr. Morningstar for figuring it out that it was me." Daphne curiously asked me," How did you know?" I said," I have about Professor being an animagus but not exactly which. So when I first saw the cat and remembering that she is an animagus I realised she was the cat on the table." "Another 10 points to Slytherin ", she said and it made the Slytherin's smile while the Gryffindor's frowned.

She proceeded," Transfiguration will the basics of magic and can you tell me why knowing transfiguration is important for wizards ?" Seeing that no one raised their hands including Hermione, I raised my hand saying ," It can change our physique if we learn high level spells and infiltrate an enemy organization and destroy it from the inside and can change even the most harmless things into deadly weapons." She smiled," 10 points to Slytherin. As Mr Morningstar said we can do all those things with transfiguration but changing physique requires a huge amount of mana reserve. Now for your first lesson you will change the wood block in front of you into a needle. Get ready with your wands."

We all got ready with our wands. I took out Ollivanders' wand* i will call it Piper and the Wolfe's as Harp* and Professor looked at my wand, clearly she felt the magic fluctuations. Everybody waved thier wand and tried to turn the block into a needle. The first person to do it was obviously Hermione after two tries but her needle was not that perfect. She turned to look at me with a proud face to which I secretly laughed as she earned Gryffindor 5 points. The second was Daphne after four tries clearly she is a genius almost on par with Hermione. Her needle was perfect which earned Slytherin 10 points and she also had a proud face while she looked at me. I snickered and finally waved Piper(wand) and the block turned into a iron needle.Professor turned to look at my table seeing that I did not do anything only to find an iron needle," Oh, Mr Morningstar you transfigured it into an iron needle. 15 points to Slytherin." I smiled at her and turned look at Daphne and Hermione and gave them a smirk. Daphne pinched my waist and gave a loud scream which caused everyone to look at us. Professor asked ," What happened?" I said that it was nothing while looking at Daphne which caused her face to turn red. Professor understood something and did not ask further. The class soon ended and in our first class Slytherin earned a total of 45 points and they were quite happy with me. We made our way to the next class.

*10 minutes later*

We are currently standing in the field with Professor Hooch instructing us how to use the broomstick.,"Now, stand beside your broom and stretch out your hand and say 'UP'. Do it." We stood beside our brooms and stretched out our hands. Everyone shouted with unison,"Up". Harry was the first to get his broom in his first try. I watched others try and Daphne was bad at it. Later, everyone got their brooms in their hands and noticed that my broom was still not ground. They laughed except Daphne, Tracy, Theodore, Harry and Professor. They all had noticed that I had not said a word till now. The others thought that my talent with broom was bad. A student from Gryffindor, who was unhappy with me for getting 35 points during previous class, said," I think he doesn't have any talent for flying." Everyone laughed except five. Harry said,"He has not even spoken a word since the start of the class." which told everyone that I have yet to try. I yawned and stretched my hand out speaking in a lazy tone,"UP". The broom immediately reacted and came to my hand. I smirked at this while I heard,"Show off" from two people , Daphne and Hermione.

Professor proceeded to tell us to sit on our broom and kick the ground to fly. Just like in the movie, Neville flew up and Professor panicked. I slowed down the crazed broom with my wand ,only seeing by two people, to make Neville get minimum injury. After Professor took Neville for treatment, I made put finger on my lips and gestured to Daphne and Hermione to keep quiet. Malfoy took Neville's Remembrall and flew off. Harry took followed him on his broom. Surprisingly, Ron also followed on his broom trying to show off. Malfoy threw the Remembrall and Harry caught it near McGonagall's office window making Ron cheer. As they were proceeding to fly back, Ron fell down from his broomstick went crazy as he was cheering with his hands removed from the broom like the others students on ground. Harry was already on the ground could not react fast. Suddenly they say a blur flew from the back towards the falling Ron and caught him and brought him on ground. They saw clearly who it was. It was Lucifer morningstar,me. Professor McGonagall came and took Harry. The Slytherin's were happy as they thought of Harry getting punished. By the time of the evening banquet, everyone found out that Harry has been made Gryffindor's seeker. The Gryffindor's rejoiced and the Slytherin's frowned. The day went by and a knew day awaited. I was excited as it was Uncle Severus's class tomorrow.