
Quidditch Match

Today was the day of the Quidditch match against Gryffindor. The team was currently sitting in their tents and Marcus was currently explaining the strategy to us. After the explanation finished, we lined up near the gate to the field. I greeted Harry and he asked me," Where's your broomstick?" Everyone including Gryffindor turned to look that I didn't have a broomstick. Facing everyone's gaze, I opened my palm to reveal a small broomstick in it. I cast," Engorgio" and before everyone's gaze was a broomstick with red,white and purple wood * variation due using horus's power to make it faster*. My teammates asked me what broom it was and I said it's a relative that gifted it to me. The door opened and everyone started flying out. Harry and I were the last to get out. My broom roared while flying until I reached the the goalpost. I faced my opponents' goalpost only to see everyone had a look of shock and horror. I saw that Harry has still covered half the distance to his team while I had already reached mine. Everyone including my teammates, Gryffindor's team and professors were looking at me and my broom.

[Harry's PoV]

I saw everyone in the team were looking towards the Slytherin's team. I noticed that everyone was quiet , there was no cheer. As soon as I reached my position, I turned my broomstick. I saw everyone was currently looking at Lucifer, I mean everyone including professors. I asked Fred," What happened?" He looked at me and said," Harry, you didn't look at him . He's broom is terryfyingly fast. While you just covered half the distance here by that time he was already at his position. I tell you if he were a seeker, we would have already lost. We must thank him for choosing the position of Keeper." I looked at the boy who saved me, Ron and Hermione 3 days ago.

[ POV end]

I saw Harry looking at me with a grateful look. He must have recovered his memories. To break the awkward silence, I raised both my hands towards the Slytherin's stands. The Slytherin's roared that it almost shook the field and I swear Daphne's voice saying," Show off",and looked at her laughing with Their and Tracy because they knew I somehow heard Daphne's muttering.

The game started with Gryffindor getting the Quaffle and they made their way towards the goal. They threw the ball into the goal but at the last moment I appeared and beat the Quaffle away with my broom. For 15 minutes they could not goal single point until the ball landed in the hands of Slytherin. I saw woods save the goal 2 times. Then Flint beat a bludger at Woods, who then fell from his broom and fell on the sand below. For half an hour, the Slytherin battles to score goals while the Gryffindors were blocked by me. At that point we had 120 point while Gryffindor was still at 0. Harry's broom started to go crazy and I knew Quirell worked his magic. After few minutes, the broom got stable and there was disturbance from the teachers stand. I saw Harry moving and knew he was going to chase the snitch. After 5 min, just as I threw the ball to my teammate I heard the announcement," Harry Potter has caught the snitch leading Gryffindor to victory." Gryffindor cheered while Slytherin frowned though they were satisfied with my performance. Daphne and the others cheered me up but I wasn't disappointed and I was expecting it. After the quidditch match, the rest of the year went by.