
Gringotts & Shopping

When they went inside, he saw people with pointy teeth and ears sitting at desk and counting money. They arrived at the muggle money exchange and Snape said,"we want to exchange money." the goblin was surprised to see Snape exchanging money for muggles but when he looked at the people behind Snape, he noticed something and nodded.

Lucifer curiously asked,"what is the currency in the wizarding world and what is the exchange rate?" this was not a question that a 5 year old should have asked. everyone looked at him curiously and feeling the eyes on him, he said," I have read many books which is why know such things".this answer made his parents nod as his has been reading eversince he was 2.

the goblin replied,"they are: galleon, sickle and knut. They are gold, silver , and bronze, respectively.there are 17 Sickles in a Galleon, and 29 Knuts in a Sickle, meaning there are 493 Knuts to a Galleon. Around the edge of each coin is a series of numerals which represent a serial number belonging to the Goblin that cast the coin. there exchange rate is 1 pound for 3 sickles and 11 knuts."

getting the answer, he was satisfied and continued to exchange the 10 million into 2008032 galleons, 2 sickle and 19 knuts.

Snape opened an account for Lucifer and deposited the money, leaving only 1000 galleons with him.just as they were going to leave gringotts Ragnok and griphook stops them. Ragnok said,"greetings Snape ,if yo don't mind may I have a little chat with the little wizard here?" "of course lord Ragnok " snape said. he took me to a safe spot and said,"kid when you come here again for school shopping visit gringotts again. I need to talk to you about something."

it puzzled me a bit. after all what would a goblin want to talk about with me, a muggle born. I was going to ask about it but he interrupted," I cannot tell you now but I must tell you do not bring your parents with you that time".

He then sent me off to my parents. Snape asked me,"what did he tell you?" I said,"nothing, he just wanted to me visit again during school shopping." after hearing this Snape had a look that he knew something.

we went to buy a suitcase around the same size as newt scamander which cost me 126 galleons. taking the suitcase we went to Flourish & Blotts. Unlce Severus just wanted me to buy the first year books and Hogwarts- A History but I took the first five years book with some other books like New Theory of Numerology and some herbology and charms books and all transfiguration books. The amount of books bought surprised everyone there but my parents didn't say anything as they love me and know how much I love books.

The total amount came to 201 galleons. I kept all the books in my suitcase and Uncle Severus took us back home and left without saying anything.

I was very excited to begin my true journey as a magician.