
Charms & Troll

Professor Flitwick was currently standing on the podium and telling us," Levitation is the most basic of all charms. Just swish and flick while saying 'wingardium leviosa'. Try it yourself."

Everyone did as told. I waved my wand and casted the spell on the feather. It slowly rose up and Professor praised me and gave Slytherin 5 points. I increased the speed and made the feather flew with a woosh sound. Professor was surprised," 10 points to Slytherin." Hermione did it and got Gryffindor 5 points but not fast like me. She then proceeded to show her to teach Ron with her Know-it-all attitude. The class ended. The four of us were walking towards our dorms to keep the books and then proceed to the hall for dinner. We heard Ron insulting Hermione while he didn't notice that she was clearly walking behind them. she blazed past them crying. Harry scolded Ron for doing this and Ron apologized.

*During Dinner*

We saw the hall door open and a scared Quirell screaming,"Troll, there's troll in the dungeon....that's what I wanted to tell you." and fainted. Everyone started screaming until Dumbledore shut them up and told the prefects to take the students to their respective dorms. As we were going, I saw Harry and Ron slipping past towards the girls' washroom. I followed them but I failed to notice that Daphne was following me as I did not spread my spiritual/magic radar at that moment.

Reaching the washroom, a giant troll fighting against the golden trio. I was going to wave my wand when I noticed Daphne coming. As soon as she reached me, a splinter from the breaking of bathroom cabins scratched her face. Seeing this, I turned to the troll and waved Piper and a hole appeared on its head. It fell down without a breath lying there. The trio saw the two of us. I walked towards them and erased the memory of me being there completely but I may recover if something stimulated it , I have not yet perfected it, I have to ask Uncle Severus about it. I turned towards Harry and said," You have to report your abuse to Dumbledore or threaten your relatives with magic but don't do anything stupid." He had a surprised look so I told him me being able to see memory fragments sometimes when I come across them. Of course I can't tell him that I can Legilimency at a young age. I them told him I will erase his memories of this for two days and after that it recover but it may be not so for his friends but they recover it if he reminded them or something stimulated it but I don't want that to happen so he must not tell anyone. He asked me why I am helping him and just told him," Because you're my friend Harry." He was shocked to listen to the unexpected answer from me but he agreed to be my friend. I erased his memory and went out and Hermione and Ron woke from their stupor. Soon, the teachers arrived and saw the troll's body lying without life. They asked about it but they said they don't remember. Professor McGonagall deducted 5 points from Hermione and gave 10 points to Harry and Ron for not backing out for helping a friend.

While all this was happening, Daphne and me were sitting in the common room and cast,"Episkey" to heal the scratch on Daphne's face. Saying goodnight we went to sleep and I thought about the quidditch match against Gryffindor three days later.