
Harry Potter: Se’x Oriented Hogwarts

“Please, Daddy fuck me. I need you so much!” Lucifer let go of her bum and slid his hand under her hip, going straight for her pussy. Her petals were silken with want, and he nodded, deciding that it was wet enough. “Get on your knees, pet. Suck me hard again.” Hermione backed off his lap and knelt to receive his offering. Tickling and tapping him with her tongue, she worked it back to full strength. His hand sank into her hair, slowly dragging her mouth closer to his pelvis. “That’s my good girl. Are you ready for that dip you’ve been begging for?” Hermione released his cock and looked up at him in a daze. “Did you say dip or dick?” “Dip,” Lucifer repeated, smirking. “But since you’re a good girl, you can have both.” ______________ Synopsis - Lucifer Morningstar, The Devil escapes the Underworld to have a vacation on Earth. But due to some unexpected problems, he would be forced to enroll into Hogwarts, and meet a certain Bushy-haired girl, Hermione Granger. All characters doing sex age is 18+ Lucifer, The Devil is Billions of years old, with Hermione Granger having multiple personalities, her other self's age is 18+ (Hermione - Blessed by Amenadiel, time works differently for her, she has already surpassed age of 18+) __________ Remember do not compare reality to fiction. No copyright infringement intended. All characters rights belong to their owners. Updates - Mon, Wed, Fri, Sun 1 Extra Chapter - 125 Power Stones! ________________ To Read 45+ Advanced Chapters, and support this novel, pls join me on Patreon. Link - patreon.com/SmutDxddy Thank you so much for your Support!

SmutDxddy · Book&Literature
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270 Chs

Ch 201 + 202 - Give her Extra Credit ~R-18~

On the First day of Easter Holiday, Lucifer and Hermione were sitting in the Common Room, doing homework, loads of homework that their Professors had set out for them.

It was no big deal now that Divination and Muggle Studies had both been dropped by Lucifer.

Hermione also dropped Muggle Studies after he made the compelling argument that they weren't learning anything useful in the class.

The stress was lifted off of them both and it was wonderful, but even with the loss of two classes, many of them still overlapped, meaning the Time-Turner was still necessary.

Next year they should be able to have three of the five electives and not need it.

Hermione had just finished with a Potions Essay when she looked up at Lucifer and didn't quite know what to say.

The Gryffindor and Hufflepuff that were in their class, except for Harry and Ron, didn't know about Lucifer's ancestry.

She had heard in the last Muggle Studies she went to, before she dropped it, from Justin that it had spread in the Hufflepuff Common Room.

For someone at Hogwarts to be related to the Greatest Wizard to ever live was something of importance.

It was safe to assume that Hufflepuff had spread the news to Ravenclaw and Slytherin, and trying to get them to not talk about it would be a near impossible task.

Lucifer storming out instead of refuting the claim Trelawney made didn't help his case, either.

Hermione understood that he was frustrated and possibly angry at the Divination Professor for doing what she did.

All of the Weasley's had already known, so it was no shock to them, and they were the only Gryffindor aside from Harry and Hermione to be aware of it.

They hadn't treated him any different, not from what Hermione could tell.

One thing she noticed, much to her chagrin, was that even more girls outside of Gryffindor were looking at him for longer than necessary.

It was a different look than one that the guy students gave him; the girls gave him ones of either desire, admiration, or longing.

She was aware they all basically meant the same, but they were varying degrees of the same meaning as how she justified it.

One girl who didn't give Lucifer any different sorts of looks was Katie; Hermione saw that Katie gave him the look she always did, which meant him being related to Merlin had no effect on how she viewed him, which Hermione both appreciated and loathed her for.

"Lucifer?" She spoke up after several minutes of staring at him.

"Yeah?" He glanced up at her.

"Do you want to talk? A-About..." She lost her confidence in saying it.

"No... no I don't," he said in a despondent tone.

Hermione's heart hurt for him.

She wanted to help, she just didn't know how.

She watched him as he translated some Runes in some of the homework she hadn't done yet.

It was currently breakfast time, but Hermione had skipped Breakfast as Lucifer didn't go down there when she made to do so herself.

She looked at her watch, "Breakfast will still be served for another twenty minutes, do you want me to go get you something?"

"If you want to," he said, not looking up at her.

She looked at him sadly.

She knew what she wanted to do and make him feel better, but didn't want to take advantage of him.

Hermione walked down the staircases and through the corridors to get to the Great Hall, when she realized another mistake, "Oh... I missed giving him something for Birthday..."

Even if she didn't know the exact date, but any gift would be appreciated, or that's what Hermione thought at least.

Next Hogsmeade trip, or over the Summer, she'd get him something.

She walked into the Great Hall and many eyes turned to her. She looked around for a moment and went to the Gryffindor Table to gather some food to take back.

Harry and Ron asked her if he was okay, "Hermione, how's he doing?"

"Well, he doesn't want to talk about it, if that tells you anything," Hermione said, holding herself together for her boyfriend.

She wanted to cry, but she wasn't going to let herself.

She made her way out, the talking of the students not being subtle, and she was sure they talked louder just so they could.

She did her best to ignore them, and marched outside the Great Hall.

She got back to the Common Room with the Breakfast and set it down on the table, "Let's take a short break, we've got all Holiday to finish it, but I know we won't take the entire day."

"Especially now that we've dropped Muggle Studies and the single-handedly most useless class in this school. I should've never taken Divination... especially if I knew that was going to happen..." Lucifer said and took a plate of food, "Thank you."

"You're welcome," she hesitated for a moment, before kissing his cheek lightly, just touching for a second.

When his eyes gained colour, Hermione smiled a bit, "No, if I had known that was going to happen, I don't think I'd have let you stay in that class," she now began to eat.

"What do you think Dumbledore is going to do about it?"

"Who knows... he may not do anything as the damage has already been done..." Lucifer began to eat as well.

They spent the rest of the first day of the Holiday working on Homework in the Common Room.

Some of the girls when they entered squealed upon seeing him, but then just stayed in their little group, most likely talking about him, and Hermione did not like it.

On the second day of Break, Seamus was heard raging about how they were supposed to be on Holiday and that the exams were ages away.

Hermione silently agreed they were two months away, but it was never too early to work on preparations.

Harry, plus a very grumpy looking Ron had taken over the research for Buckbeak's appeal, giving Lucifer and Hermione some relief in that regard.

Lucifer also had to squeeze in Quidditch Practice along with his mountainous homework, but that wasn't much of a problem.

Oliver did constantly remind him and Harry how the match would be riding on them.

Mainly Harry, but if Lucifer had to fill in again, it would be up to him.

Oliver also expressed with great emphasis that they had to be up by Fifty Points before the Snitch could be caught, otherwise they'd lose the Cup.

It got on Harry's nerves to the point where he yelled at Oliver that he understood.

Gryffindor House in its entirety was obsessed with the upcoming match.

They had apparently not won the Quidditch Cup since Ron's second oldest Brother, Charlie, had been Gryffindor's Seeker.

They would have won in their First Year if Harry hadn't been out of it, and they most likely would've won last year had it not been canceled.

But this year, nothing was in their way to stop them.

If any Dementors showed up for whatever reason, Lucifer and Harry both were capable of taking them on.

The House relations between Gryffindor and Slytherin were never great, but they were especially worsened with how much was riding on this final match of the year.

It had been strained to a breaking-point by the time Easter Holiday had ended.

Not long after, a number of small scuffles broke out in the corridors across several days leading up to the match, resulting in a few Hospital Wing visits.

One such incident involved a Fourth-Year Gryffindor and a Sixth-Year Slytherin winding up there with Leeks sprouting out of their ears.

Hermione noticed that the Slytherin would try to trip up Harry wherever he went, but because Lucifer usually wasn't far behind, they didn't dare try anything, especially with the newfound knowledge of him being of Merlin's Bloodline.

Hermione wouldn't say it out loud, but she was thoroughly looking to the final match of the Year.


One day, Lucifer feeling much better decided to teach Hermione more about the Cheering charms as they were late in Professor Flitwick's class.

"I am going to teach you, about Cheering Charms!" Lucifer said, dramatically flinging his arms out.

"Why do I get the feel, that you just practiced it on yourself?" She asked with a frown.

"Turn that frown, upside down, which is the point of Mr Morningstar's lesson today!"

"Did you just refer to yourself in the third person?"

"Save all questions until after the lecture please, Miss Granger." Lucifer raised his eyebrows as Hermione bit her lip.

"Wait, are you, you know... really that turned on by this?" Lucifer asked, with a mischievous smile.

Hermione gave a slow nod, while trying her best to not hump the  mattress.

"Granger! Granger!" Lucifer snapped his fingers in front of her face, as she had put her right hand on her thighs.

Thinking about everything she wanted to do with Lucifer right now, "Earth to Granger!"

"Huh? I swear I didn't do anything!" She said quickly removing her fingers from the dangerous territory, but her arousal exposed what she was feeling.

"What were you saying?" She asked, innocently, her cheeks flushed, hoping Lucifer didn't notice it.

"I was demonstrating the wand movements for the spell. Are you okay? You seem off."

"What!? I'm fine I swear!" Hermione said way too quickly.

"Are you sure there's nothing you want to tell me? Anything at all? I won't judge..."

"No! Nothing! Zilch!"

"Zilch? Sure .... anyway, as I was saying the wand movements for the charm go like this..."

That night, Hermione had some pretty embarassing dreams about her and Lucifer in an abandoned classroom, trying to pursuade him to give her some extra credit.


The night before the match, there was so much tension in the air that Hermione couldn't even work without being interrupted every two minutes by a rowdy Gryffindor.

"I can't work, I can't concentrate," she said, finally giving up. She packed up her stuff and started encouraging Lucifer for the next day. "You'll do great, I know it!"

Fred and George were letting loose fireworks of all colours and sizes, making different patterns inside the Gryffindor common room.

"Do you want to go up to my dorm?" Lucifer asked, piling up his own work.

"It's really loud down here."

"I'd love to."

When they got up there, Lucifer shut the door, keeping out the racket that the Weasleys' multiple fireworks were making.

"You're going to be fine!" Hermione said, but Lucifer didn't know whether it was for his benefit or hers.

She looked absolutely terrified about the thought of something happening to him during the match.

"I will be, are you going to be okay? You look more nervous than even Potter...."

"I'm fine, I just need a distraction from Quidditch at the moment. My head is just filled with negative thoughts about what could happen."

Hermione sat down on the edge of Lucifer's bed, who got a glint in his eyes, which made Hermione smirk and playfully gesture with her finger for him to come closer.

He pushed her down onto the bed and laid on top of her as he kissed her deeply.

Hermione brought her leg up and he gripped into her thigh.

She pushed her tongue onto Lucifer's lips, silently asking for entrance which he allowed.

Their tongues battled for dominance, and he soon backed down allowing Hermione to roam free inside his mouth.

Her heart fluttered as Lucifer, without breaking apart, lifted her up and pushed her up against the wall.

As they parted for a breath, he started trailing smaller kisses down her neck, leaving little love bites which would show up in the morning.

Unknown to them, Harry and Ron had just entered the dormitory and were stood in the doorway.

"Harry, what do we do?" Ron asked, cringing as Hermione wrapped her legs around the boy's waist.

"We leave Ron... we leave. Dibs the armchair next to the fire" Harry whispered, before dashing off down the stairs.

Lucifer set Hermione back down on the bed, pulling the curtains around the four poster bed.

The two just continued to snog for the rest of the night until she passed out on his bed for the lack of oxygen.

The next morning, she woke up and were overjoyed to find they were in the same bed.

Hermione's head was resting on Lucifer's bare chest, and her arms were wrapped around him protectively.

"Good morning, gorgeous..." Lucifer said as Hermione flipped her head around to look at his face.

"Mornin..." She rested her eyes once again and pulled Lucifer tighter towards her. "Can we stay here forever?"

"I would love to, but we are in the boys dormitory, and I have a Quidditch match to win." Hermione sighed as she traced her finger across his abs.

"Are your roommates out there?"

Lucifer peeked his head around the curtain to see that all the other beds had been deserted.

Harry's and Ron's looked like they hadn't been slept in at all that night

"They're gone. How are we going to play this? The common room will be full by now...."

"Just act normal, or as normal as you can be. They won't question it. But we should probably walk down the stairs a minute apart so as to not rouse suspicion."

"You seem to have put a lot of thought into this."

"I've been dreaming of sleeping the entire night here with you for a long time.... without going back to my dorm early, you know?"

"Good to know, we could do it more often but if McGonagall knew she would claim our heads...."

Lucifer grabbed his shirt and let Hermione walk down the spiral staircase before him, acting inconspicuous.

She even went as far as to ask Harry and Ron where Lucifer was, the former even failed miserably to hide his smirk.

While the latter was just horrified.

Lucifer made his way downstairs, and the whole Gryffindor team surrounded him.

"We've been waiting for you!" Fred exclaimed.

"Yeah, we were wondering whether we should go and wake you up!" George continued.

"Thank fuck you didn't..." Lucifer muttered under his breath.

"What was that?"

"Huh? Nothing! Er... let's get some breakfast."

Hermione skipped her way next to Lucifer and whispered in his ear.

"Harry and Ron know... they saw us yesterday and slept in the common room to avoid the awkwardness."

Lucifer looked over to Harry and Ron who were sat next to the fire, black-haired was cheerily waving at the two of them.

Ron was making a duck face so he tossed a book at his head.


When everyone made their way to the Great Hall, Quidditch members just stopped and pointed Lucifer to go ahead kind of encouraging look.

The moment he walked in, Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff began clapping for his entrance, which caught him off guard.

He eyed them before realizing that between Gryffindor and Slytherin, obviously they wanted Gryffindor to win.

He gave a brief smile before finding an empty seat at the Breakfast table, ignoring the Slytherin hissing at him.

Wood spent his breakfast urging the others to eat, while eating nothing himself.

"Good luck, Lucifer!" Cho Chang called from over her table.

Hermione sent a cold glare at the Ravenclaw and wrapped her entire arm into Lucifer's waist, making it obvious to Cho.

"Harry," he heard a familiarly dreamy voice.

Lucifer looked up and saw Luna standing behind Harry, "I just wanted to say good luck in your match against Slytherin. Gryffindor really is counting on you as their Seeker."

She looked at her relative next, "Lucifer, if you end up having to play in Harry's stead, I wish you the best of luck, even though I know you don't need it," she gave him a friendly smile and strode off back to her seat.

"One of a kind, she is," Lucifer smiled as he watched her.

"Hermione," Then heard Seamus speak to her.


"I know it's a bit after the fact, but the other day, when you and Lucifer walked into Charms Class late, looking the way you did, what was that about?" The Irish boy asked.

Hermione felt her face heat up, "It's not at all what you think! We had to rush back to the Common Room because we had forgotten something for Charms," she tried to explain.

She could tell Seamus didn't believe her, and anyone listening to her didn't believe her either.

"Then, what about today?"

Her lips twitched, she just didn't know what to say anymore or how to refute Seamus's claim.

Oliver then had the team, minus Lucifer, head out of the Great Hall, "Probably to get an idea of what the Conditions are like," he said.

He saw Katie walk by him and she gave him a friendly smile.

He smiled back and missed Hermione's glare.

She hated Katie with all her might, with how flirty she was towards her boyfriend, Hermione couldn't help it.

On the bright side, the talks of him being related to Merlin had died down, but no doubt still went on.

Hermione wondered how long it would take for it to get out beyond the School.


Author's Note

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(Dr. Lucifer giving his naughty treatment to Hermione + Medical play just waiting for you to Unlock on Patreon!) 😏

Only 4 Days left, perfect time for you to join and Read Ch 390 on Halloween! 🎃