
Harry Potter: Red Weasley The Strange Red Wizard

I clarify that this is written in English with the translator, because I wrote the original story in Spanish. If it has more errors than I already had, I apologize, I do it at the request of some readers, I hope you enjoy it. ------- After dying and getting the opportunity to reincarnate in the world of Harry Potter with some abilities, our protagonist is reborn as Ron's twin brother, being the most discordant Weasley within his entire family. With his particular way of being, he will live in this strange world Warning: Harem, incest, +18 I only own the characters I have created, all others belong to their respective owners. This is my first Fan-fic, I'm sorry if it's not a masterpiece and has several mistakes. ------ Warning: The MC's personality changed drastically from one moment to another due to some reasons, so at one point you're going to see him go from one extreme to another in personality. It doesn't make much sense, but at first I did this to try things without knowing if it would have a future, and only after a while did it take shape.

Emanuel_Alegre · Derivados de obras
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195 Chs

Chapter 51: In a threesome with Penelope and Gemma

We didn't know how we ended up like this, I was naked on my bed with Gemma sitting on a chair in the room, with an expression of hatred for what we were about to do. On the other hand, there was Penelope, who had just entered naked, covering her parts with her hands, very nervous and holding a muggle condom that her mother had given her to avoid any accidents, despite the fact that she had informed her that the wizards had their own methods.

Gemma wanted to eat me alive, she couldn't believe she would be forced into this, Penelope wasn't any better either, but she didn't say anything, maybe because she didn't know what to say, or her nerves were consuming her.

To understand how we got to this situation, we have to go back a few hours, it all started...



No, it's a joke, I wanted to see what would happen to you if I did. This is not going to happen, or at least not soon. After brief news comes to the real chapter, then I'll delete this, I just wanted to see how they reacted.

I want to warn you that I will stop uploading the English version in parallel, it consumes me too much. I am getting very saturated having to write the chapter, correct it, translate it and correct it again. I get tired of reading the same chapter so many times that it takes away my desire to continue writing.

I will continue with the Spanish version and I will follow the English version, but for longer times, when I feel like it and have time to do it. My apologies if this upsets anyone.

It is also that I have read many comments about the beginning of the story (so also with the fact that the main character's name was changed to Red), at that time the story was going to be different, besides it was the first time I wrote and I did not have lots of ideas on how to do it. The result was what you saw...

It has crossed my mind to rewrite the origin, but I would not know if it is convenient, there would be a lot to change.


I finished dinner early to avoid being asked questions and I went to that classroom that I knew was abandoned, the one that agreed with Penelope to see us.

It was empty when I walked in, so I guess I haven't arrived yet. It only remained to wait, in the meantime, I would practice some magic, the mission that Tonks and Tenebrius were given was complicated. It was after a while that the door opened and I could see how Penelope came in, she looked like she had showered before coming since she was more dressed up than when I saw her in the great hall.

"You arrived" I said when I saw her enter, at this moment I was sitting at an old desk.

"Yes, I was surprised by your message, how did you do it?"

"A personal ability, like my clone"

"Oh... shouldn't you hide these abilities? Aren't they like family secrets and stuff?"

"Several people already know, so one less or a hundred more won't make a difference at this point" I shook my hand. I chose to show some things to better hide others, the technique of lying with the truth "Well?"


"You forgive me?"

"I must say that you surprised me, I would never expect an apology like that if that's what you can call an apology"

"Yeah… when I was thinking of ways, my original idea was to find out who your worst enemy was and then bring you his head in a gift box, but Hermione smacked me on the head and told me to stop thinking stupid. I don't understand why, I would love to have Garrick's head sent to me on a platter"

"Whose?" She was amused as she heard it, but then she asked, confused, maybe it wasn't a joke.

"Forget it, it does not matter"

"Despite the surprise and how dizzy I was at first... I did like it" she said sitting next to me "You know? When I was a child, before entering Hogwarts, my parents always sent me to a dance school. When I came here, I was surprised by all this magic and put it aside until I completely forgot about it... I had forgotten how much I could like to move like this. Thank you for reminding me, I had let the magical world take what was left of the muggle world in me" she said as she looked up at the ceiling, remembering.

"Wow, I can be considered lucky, imagine if you hated dancing..." I was surprised, I thought it would hardly work, but the goddess of fortune smiled at me with this "And why don't you try it again? I know that wizard dance style is a bit archaic, but you can create clubs and other similar things in school, maybe you will find other people who like it like you and do something good"

"Maybe I could... I'm a bit rusty and it would take me a long time, now we're preparing for the O.W.L. so I don't know if I'll be able to. But if you participate in the creation of the club, I'm sure many will want to learn from you"

"I'm fine without it at the moment, maybe later. I think I already have some trainees excited to learn, although I don't think I can teach very well, it's more of a talent than knowledge what I have about dance" Comment, barely I have time for all the things I have to do with clones, imagine adding something else.

"Hey... I know I forgive you and everything... but could we dance one more time? It was fun, of course, nothing as moving as before" she asked me with certain expectations.

"Okay, give me a while" I said as I formed the clone and gave him the guitar. I spent some time choosing the music and when I chose it I didn't know if it was correct to use it.

My clone began to play as I held out my hand to Penelope. She held it and I brought her to me, hugging her lightly and I started to move, guiding us both, it was kind of slow, we just swung and twirled around the room a bit.

(Perfecta by Miranda)

*Tan pronto yo te vi / as soon as i saw you

No pude descubrir / I couldn't discover

El amor a primera vista no funciona en mí / love at first sight doesn't work on me

Después de amarte, comprendí / After loving you, I understood

Que no estaría tan mal / That wouldn't be so bad

Probar tu otra mitad / to try your other half

No me importó si arruinaríamos nuestra amistad / I didn't care if we would ruin our friendship

No me importó, ya que más da / I didn't care, since doesn't matter anymore*

We continued half-embracing, dancing, we talked a bit without realizing that we were getting closer and closer. There came a time when we were talking with our faces facing each other, staring into each other's eyes... we didn't know when it happened but we stopped talking and just looked at each other, we closed our eyes and slowly but suddenly we ended up uniting through our lips...

*Entonces el amor, nos tiene de rehén / Then love holds us hostage

Seré tu eterna enamorada / I will be your eternal lover

Y te aseguro que / and I assure you that / Every night I will love you

Todas las noches te amaré / Every night I will love you

Éramos tan buenos amigos hasta hoy / We were such good friends until today

Que yo probé tu desempeño en el amor... / That I tested your performance in love...*

It was only for a moment, but it was enough to disorient us, when she realized it, she separated in an instant. She looked at me open-mouthed about to say something but I didn't let her, I kissed her harder as she moved us around the room faster. She got carried away once again and enjoyed our swaying.

*A pesar de saber que estaba todo mal / Despite knowing that everything was wrong

Lo continuamos hasta juntos terminar / We continue it until together we finish

Cuando caímos en lo que estaba pasando / When we fell into what was happening

Te seguí besando y fue / I kept kissing you and it was

Solo tú, no necesito más / Only you, I don't need more

Te adoraría lo que dura la eternidad / I would adore you for what eternity last

Debes ser perfecta para / You must be perfect for

Perfecto para / Perfect for

Perfecta para mí, mi amor / Perfect for me, my love

¿Cómo fue que de papel cambié? / How did I change the role?

Eras mi amiga y ahora eres mi mujer / You were my friend and now you are my woman

Debe ser perfectamente, exactamente / It must be perfectly, exactly

Lo que yo siempre soñé / What I always dreamed of...*

When the song finished, we parted ways and we both didn't know what to say. We stayed in position for a moment longer before she let me go and drew back.

"Sorry, I think I got carried away" I apologized to her. I don't know why I did that so lightly with her, why I put that song on... I didn't get a chance with Pansy today, so I'm kind of frustrated, but still... I don't have a problem with some girls but I don't want to screw it up anyway again, I like Penelope and I just made the same mistake... only worse.

"Okay, I got carried away too. Let's think of it as if you did a lot to apologize to me today, that I had to make up for the extra efforts to make it worth it." She joked, but clearly she wasn't very emotionally stable.

"Are you okay?" I asked, hearing her weaker than usual.

"Yes... just a little tired, I have to go" she said and left the room, but you could tell that she was walking very fast.

Sigh, I hope I haven't made things worse... I also think I owe Percy an apology. I left there and went to my room, I don't plan on looking for Pansy today, so I'll just go to sleep.

I ate breakfast at the Gryffindor table, and there were still a few who asked about my performance yesterday but weren't that enthusiastic. I talked normally until Percy appeared and sat next to me, he asked me what was that about my dance with Penelope.

"I unintentionally offended her last time and I wanted to apologize" I explained without giving him too many details.

"So, did you dance with her?" He asked confused. He had only heard what happened, he had not witnessed it personally.

"He does know how to make things interesting"

"The more emotion the better, you should learn from our little brother"

Fred and George also appeared and slapped Percy's shoulders hard.

"Why did you do that?" Percy asked, ignoring the twins.

"I... I realized that dancing and singing relaxes me a lot" I looked at the ground while I reflected, I didn't have the mood I usually had "It's a very stressed state and I just wanted to release tension, I needed a way to recover my spirits and I felt that doing that maybe I could... besides Penelope would also feel good..." The mission they gave us was something that I wasn't doing very well, maybe with Tenebrius I won't show it, since I'm always with Tonks, but the mental exhaustion it causes is enough.

"Stressed? From what? The first year is one of the easiest, although I understand that you changed a lot since you left home, even so, it's not normal for you to be so depressed" Percy asked when he noticed that I wasn't feeling well.

"Maybe... I just wanted it to be fun"

"We also think it was amazing" continued my brothers trying to ease the atmosphere that became a bit heavy.

"If you want to have a chance, maybe you should ask him for dance lessons" (Fred) pointed at me.

"You could use learning, so her don't tell you that you are less than your little brother" (George)

"What?" I asked since they seemed to be talking about something I didn't know.

"You don't know? Percy had been chasing Penelope for a while, but he hadn't had a chance" (Fred)

"Then she told him that she wanted to raise pixies... Percy freaked out and stopped looking for her (George)

"Who do you think is to blame?" Percy complained at the shameful fact, causing the three of us to look at each other with serious complicity and ignore what he was saying.

"Well, yesterday Penelope had approached him and told him that it was a lie, that she had found out about Percy's fear and was only joking" (George)

"Just after she told him that, the Granger girl who is always with you took Penelope to the show we planned" (Fred)

"The rest you already know" (George)


"Percy tried again to court Penelope" (Fred)

"But we think it will be difficult for him if he doesn't have some dancing talent like you" (George)

"Hey, don't underestimate me, I have mine too" he said as he adjusted his suit showing some pride, but after that, he lowered his head towards me a little and whispered "but couldn't you...?"

"Sorry, it's more of a talent than an ability, I wouldn't know how to teach you" I apologized to him.

"Okay, I still have confidence in myself. Today I will ask her to be my girlfriend" he exclaimed confidently. He felt kind of silly for missing the chance last time, but he clearly wouldn't go out with her if she was going to raise pixies.

"Luck" I wished him, but something in me was not right after hearing all this.

On one hand, I felt guilty, but then I relaxed. When I kissed Penelope he wasn't dating her yet, so Penelope didn't cheat on him with me, so I stopped feeling bad and ate quietly.

I spend the morning and end up having lunch at the Hufflepuff table. When I glanced at the Ravenclaw table from here, I could see Penelope, who didn't avert my gaze, which I take as a good sign, but still, she didn't have the spirits she greeted me with before.

I had normal talks with the badgers, it seems that my performance yesterday has improved my reputation a bit. From monster to prostitute to victim to dancer... I'm so multifaceted.

As I was leaving the great hall I bumped into Percy again, but now he looked completely opposite to how he was this morning. He looked completely listless as he left the room, depressed and tired. I decided to find out what he was up to and headed back to Gryffindor to ask my brothers.

"Fred, George, what about Percy? He looks so..."

"He Asked Penelope Out" (Fred)

"But she turned him down" (George)

"We told him that he should try something like what you did" (Fred)

"Traditional methods no longer work" (George)

"You have to do it Weasley style, with fireworks and explosions" (Fred)

After finding out, I went away and left my brothers with their ideas, not that I question them, since I'm the least suitable to do it, but I think they should think about it better for the future. Before I left, I sent a message to Penelope so that this afternoon we leave in the same place as yesterday.

In the afternoon I went to complete my detention for the day with Snape and when I left I immediately went to look for Pansy so that when I ran into Penelope something like yesterday wouldn't happen. Lately, she had been a bit bold since the other time, she had begun to take more momentum and be the one holding me tightly against the wall. I let her do it, since I thought it was funny, but now I couldn't make mistakes, so I left her without air and then I left.

When I got to the agreed place, she was already there, sitting at the desk.

"Hello" I greeted as I closed the door

"Hello..." she replied "Why did you call me?"

"I just... I wanted to ask you about what happened with Percy"

"Today he came to ask me to be his girlfriend, but I rejected him"

"Why? Because of yesterday?" That was what I was really asking myself.

"Yeah... I don't feel comfortable, it's not that I'm blaming you or anything like that, it was an accident... maybe a nice accident. I thought that even if I agreed to go out with him, I couldn't prevent something like that from happening ... I don't want to hurt him, he's a good boy" She explain without looking at my eyes.

"But, and you?" Ask "You're a good girl too, it was my mistake, you don't have to feel like you're going to fuck everyone you see. Not to flatter me but I know I'm special and you only did it because it was me, you wouldn't have with anyone else if you date Percy." I sat down next to her.

"Maybe you're right... but that doesn't change anything. Even if I agreed to go out with him, that would mean being closer to you and things would be even more complicated between all of us. I wouldn't stop thinking that I'd end up looking for my boyfriend's brother for an adventure. I always thought you were something cute, but I didn't think that in a few months you would cause me so many doubts"

"I don't deny that... do you remember when I told you 'The more you say it the more possible it is' well.... you said it enough" I used my [Joker essence] to try to cheer her up.

"Hahaha, I guess you're right..." she laughed at the memory and then thought for a while before clarifying "don't think I'm asking you out instead of Percy, I'm not changing them"

"Yes... It sounds bad if you say it that way"

"I just don't think I can be with him without yesterday's kiss coming to mind. I told him I didn't want to go out with anyone, that I'd just focus on my studies, but I lied…" she pulled her feet up on the table and sit with my knees in front of them.

"Okay, don't feel bad, even if they dated I don't think they got married or anything, they weren't that kind of couple" I tried to comfort her, since she seemed depressed and guilty.

"Why do you say that? Did your brother say something to you?"

"No, it's just that they weren't as compatible as you think. My brother is someone who is very upright, attached to rules and authority, he will go for what he thinks is right, even if it ends up going against his family... You are a more sentimental girl, even though you are a bit structured, you are not at his level. Possibly they would not have lasted long" I told her about my analysis and she seemed to accept it, recovering a little from the discomfort.

"After we kissed I've been thinking... at that time you? As you told me, were you hot?" She asked, she no longer wanted to talk about Percy so as not to feel bad, so she changed the subject to another more interesting one that made her curious.

"Ohh yeah…that was a fundamental reason for it to happen. Not that I wouldn't do it if it didn't, you're really attractive, but…you were supposed to go out with Percy and I didn't want to do that to my brother."

"You didn't have the other girl to 'calm you down'" she began to speak more naturally, it seemed that the talk was calming her down and after telling all of the above she was taking weight off her shoulders.

"Okay, I'll tell you but you have to keep it a secret" I warned her and she nodded "Her name is Pansy Parkinson, she's from Slytherin and I'm blackmailing her so I can kiss her once a day in exchange for some photos I take of her"

"..." She widened her eyes "Are you blackmailing her? What kind of photos?" She asked, worried but intrigued, she didn't know what kind of things could be between these two children.

"She lost a bet with me and had to hug me, she fell asleep and I took some pictures of her, so now I use them to blackmail her"

"Photos... Of a hug?" She asks confused, she expected something more like a photo of the girl in her underwear or worse "How can you blackmail her with that? I don't think it's possible"

"It is if you are a public enemy in our house and a great enemy of the person who is in love, with whom I threatened to give it to him if she did not cooperate"

"Isn't that cruel?" She understood a little how and had fun with the story, but she still believed that it was not appropriate to play with the girl's feelings.

"She brought it up for her at first, besides, What would I do if not? I don't know what I'd do if I didn't use her to relieve myself... it's not like I can find a magical prostitute if there is one, I have no idea if the wizarding world has those"

"Well, it's not that it's not necessary, but you should try to find a less...painful relationship for the other party, I judged that you got along with the Granger girl" She tried to advise me, but she didn't quite know how.

"Penelope, I'm eleven years old and I have the hormonal problems of a 17-year-old. How am I going to get into a relationship like that? I can't look at someone my age and expect them to accept that I'm technically a pervert, that's why I haven't told Hermione, I already caused her a lot of damage and I don't want to get her into my problems anymore... the older ones wouldn't take me into account unless I lied about my age, and even then it would be difficult to find a good one candidate. It's not like I just come and I ask you and you're going to accept it" I told her what my problem is.

"Well, if it was to help you, maybe I'd agree when it's really necessary. It's not like I'm looking forward to it, I still think you're a bit minor, but I could help you if you need...we wouldn't do anything new after what anyway from yesterday" she commented, clearly she didn't have that many problems with the idea, but she didn't have in her mind the idea of a relationship with someone that young. At this point, she understood what I meant that it would be difficult to find someone suitable.

"Don't pressure yourself, I'm telling you that it was my thing yesterday, don't feel responsible or anything" I told him knowing that if our kiss didn't happen it would be hard for her to think of something like that "I still have photos for a few days"

"And after that?"

"I'll see what I'll do, I have a plan B and I'll see if it works or makes things worse"

"Well, if it doesn't work for you and you really need help, you can look for me. It's not because of guilt or anything like that, although being the oldest I do feel somewhat responsible... it's more to help a friend, just don't abuse my trust"

We continue talking for a while until dinner time, nothing related to the previous topics, just chatting between friends and some jokes. We came out of there with a stronger friendship relationship than before, since we seemed more willing to tell each other secrets, among other things.

We ended up going to dinner and split up. I sat in Gryffindor to see how Percy was doing, he wasn't feeling as well as he should have but he's on the mend. I feel sorry for him because I think Penelope is a great girl, but maybe it's for the best at this point, he can make his way and find someone more suitable, and Penelope too.