
Chapter 10

Casterly Rock was a supernatural thing of beauty, and a ridiculously impenetrable natural fort. It was as if the Gods themselves sculpted the marvelous structure with their divine hands. The way it was built into the mountain itself was astounding. If this was where his mother lived her life before King's Landing, then she must have had a hard time leaving it. Robin knew he himself would have to be dragged on his arse if he were ever forced to vacate this place if it was home.

As the party neared their destination, Robin had swiftly vacated his mother's wheelhouse, opting to ride a horse at the head of the party with members of the Kingsguard flanking him. The King had sent his brother-in-law Ser Jaime, The Lord-Commander Barristan the Bold, Ser Arys Oakheart and Ser Boros Blount to protect his Queen and two sons. He would have sent the whole squad if not for Jon Arryn's intervention.

Robin liked the Hand of the King. The old man was very nice to him and would sometimes approach the Prince to ask how his training and studies was progressing. Lord Arryn was also the one who encouraged Robin's mingling with the Small-Folk, much to his mother's displeasure. The Hand had told him weather it be from the goodness of his heart, or careful manipulation, mixing in with the crowd was never a bad thing. The old Lord would also sometimes gift him with presents that he knew the Prince would love. The magnificent falcon he received was a testament to that.

Currently, the Queen's party had just passed through the main gate and were entering the courtyard, where there was quite the crowd waiting for her Royal Grace's arrival. Robin's horse trotted to the front, where a line of blonde haired men, women and children were waiting dutifully. All of them had some resemblance to the Queen. But that wasn't how Robin knew that this was the other side of his family.

It was them. The Stoned-Faced Lord standing at the head of the Lannisters and the curly haired dwarf right at the back; Robin had to squint to see whom he assumed was his Uncle Tyrion, the infamous Imp of Casterly Rock.

Leaping of his horse, Robin landed perfectly on his feet. As the Boy dusted of his robes, the entire courtyard knelt before their Prince, all except for one. The Head of House Lannister merely bowed his head to his eldest Grandson.

Robin's eyes narrowed slightly, somehow he had the feeling that his Grandfather would prove to be quite the troublesome man.

"Please, Rise my people" came the voice of the Queen, jerking Robin from his personal thoughts.

It was said that Cersei's beauty shined the greatest when the mid-day sun was shining upon her in the Westerlands. Robin had no doubts about that, his mother was perfect in every sense of the word. Even if his chubby baby-brother was in her arms sleeping peacefully, the Queen managed to steal everyone's breaths away.

"Daughter, I see you are with child...again. I offer you my congratulations." Tywin acknowledge, nodding at his Queen.

"Thank you Father... it is a pleasure to finally meet you again. This is Joffrey, my son." she said, keeping her voice as neutral as possible. The Queen had mixed feelings about her father. The man was as cold-hearted as they came, barely paying any attention to her in lieu of grooming her Brother to be the perfect heir to his legacy. Cersei was always hungry for his approval when she was a girl.

Now, she wasn't sure if she cared what the man thought anymore.

"A Lannister through and through." the man said, barely glancing at the second son, his eyes searching for something else.

"Unlike me of course - Greetings Lord Tywin, Finally I get to meet my esteemed Grandfather." Robin cut in, suddenly making an appearance. Robin's height barely reached the Old Lion's breast, which was quite the achievement considering his age.

"One could mistake you for Renly Baratheon at that age." Tywin said, not bothering to return the greetings, which Robin had to admit irked him quite a bit, he still held that tiny little bit of hope that his Grandfather wasn't a complete Malfoy. Which meant Jackass in his dictionary.

"This -" he said, ignoring his Grandfather completely and walked towards the collective blondes "- must be the other side of my family, the famous Lannisters!" he exclaimed, his voice cracking at the end. Damn, that totally ruined his awesome introduction. Robin really hated having to go through puberty twice.

"You must be my Lovely Aunt Genna, the stories of your famed beauty do you no justice!" Robin said, some of his 'Harry Potter' breaking through as he ignored Genna Lannister' outstretched hand and kissed her on the cheek, hugging her as he did. Smirking at Genna's 'Oh my!', Robin clasped his Great-Uncle Kevan's arm like an adult, he patted the man on the shoulder as well, laughing when the man jerked to the side and winced a little.

"Apologies Nuncle, it seems I've inherited my Father's strength, and more!" he roared in laughter, drawing all attention to him.

"Now son, you can greet you cousins later, we should get settled in." Cersei said, giving her son 'the look'. She was not impressed at her son's little show of rebelliousness.

"We will have a feast ready in a few hours, you may roam around the castle or rest, the servants will show you to your rooms." The Lord said as he dispersed the crowd. Robin ignored him again, and quickly made his way to a retreating member of the family, which unknown to him, made his mother's usually beautiful visage contort into an ugly frown.

His short, stumbling steps reminded Robin of Dobby the House Elf for some reason.

Tyrion Lannister, the Imp of Casterly Rock was absolutely furious. His father had put him in charge of clean-up duties after the upcoming feast and had ordered him to stay away from the Princes, citing the fact that he was a pathetic whore-mongering drunk that would only give the future rulers a bad impression of their family.

It was the most fucking ridiculous thing he'd ever heard. Of course he wasn't going to act like that in front of children! Tyrion's hatred of his father grew just a tiny bit as he made his way towards the courtyard, where every member of the family had to gather.

Lord Tywin had commanded that he stood at the back with the lesser Lannisters of Lannisport. Tyrion sneered to himself, he could give a rat's ass about his sister's children, not to mention the Queen-Bitch herself.

Standing in the warm midday sun, Tyrion had to rethink that satement as he spotted the Crown Prince jumping of the horse and walking as if he owned the place. He definitely disagreed with his previous statement when his nephew ignored his Father completely to greet Uncle Kevan and Aunt Genna. Tyrion was grinning the whole time, seeing the rebelliousness for what it was. Clearly the Prince was ticked off and he showed it the only way he knew how.

He liked the boy, Tyrion was actually happy that the Future King inherited none of his mother's traits, well except for the cheekbones. It was Cersei's only redeeming quality.

Tyrion quickly walked off after his father dismissed the crowd, and was making his way towards his chambers for a glass of wine and a good book when someone tapped him on the shoulder.

"Greetings Nuncle Tyrion! I never got to greet you just then! Terribly sorry about that!" the boy grinned. Now that he was closer, Tyrion could see that the boy inherited more than just his mother's cheekbones.

"Ah... if it isn't the Crown Prince-" Tyrion greeted. "-what brings a young man of your stature here to greet this lowly dwarf?" he drawled, bowing so low his nose almost touched the floor.

Chuckling lightly, Robin bowed back, showing off his flexibility as he bowed as low as his uncle did, surprising the man.

"Let's cut the bullshite shall we? Height doesn't mean two shits to me." he said, laughing loudly at the man's reaction.

"What say we talk a walk Nuncle? You look like you could be a great conversationalist! We can tour and you can show me the sights to be seen..." he babbled, much to Tyrion's amusement.

Not once did the boy show displeasure at his apparent disfigurement, the boy treated him like any normal man would. Internally, Tyrion was astonished that the Prince of Westeros was so polite, down-to-earth and even had a great sense of humor.

He had a feeling this one would prove to be quite entertaining