
Harry Potter: Mind Control

Octavius Black, a wizard born into the prestigious pure-blood family: The Blacks. Son of the Black couple: Druella Black and Cygnus Black III, and brother to three beautiful women: Bellatrix, Andromeda, and Narcissa. His training nights with his sisters were always exhausting, and he wouldn't allow them to marry into any other noble house; no one would have control over their bodies except him. Malfoy? A weak and dull wizard who follows another weak guy; Edward? A Muggle-born who doesn't deserve his sister's hand; Voldemort? Too weak to be a Dark Lord, so he would assume the position masterfully.

Monk_of_Souls · Derivados de obras
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36 Chs

Research on Tom Riddle

I managed to reach the target of 50 subscribers on Patreon. Thank you to everyone who is supporting me.

I'll be returning to the normal chapter release schedule now that Christmas is over.

Enjoy the Chapter!!!


Octavius returned to the castle after his meeting with Samantha Greengrass.

The woman really caught his attention.

Not just because of her sexy body and angelic face, but also because of her negotiating skills.

She knew that her family needed protection and seeking the help of House Black was a great plan for her.

"Octavius," a voice called out as he walked through the corridors.

As he turned round, he realised it was Professor McGonagall.

"Hello Professor, how can I help you?" he asked.

"I'll need help with something," she said. "My nieces are coming to visit me in a few days, I'm hoping you can help me show them around the castle," she explained.

"Of course, Professor," Octavius replied and Minerva left, rolling her hips down the corridors.

Octavius imagined that something coming from her wouldn't be as simple as just helping her visit her nieces.

But that thought was for the future.

Now he had to send a letter to his father about the state of negotiations with House Greengrass and report his younger cousin Regulus' involvement with the rising Dark Lord.

Which could jeopardise the name of House Black. 

Since Regulus' involvement could mean that the whole family would support Voldemort's cause.

Walking through the corridors of Hogwarts, he bumped into Helena.

"Hello Helena," he called out to her.

Even though she was a ghost, Helena was beautiful and reminded him of the night they had spent in the mindscape.

"Hello Octavius," she replied and Octavius could have sworn to Merlin that he saw the ghost blush with embarrassment.

"I'd like to ask you about the young man who tricked you into stealing the Diadem," he asked her.

Helena was lost in thoughts of her actions with the young Heir to the Blacks in the mental world, she really had been a bold woman.

"Oh yes, him. He was a Slytherin pupil," she said "Very close to his head of house Professor Slughorn," she added.

"Tom Riddle was his name," Helena remembered.

Octavius had a few theories in his mind.

The Diadem had been stolen by Tom, but it was impregnated with Lord Voldemort's dark magic.

Voldemort championed the cause of purebloods, but it seemed that he himself was not a pureblood.

Octavius wondered how the other houses would react to this information, that they were following a cause with a half-breed leader.

"Thanks Helena, I'm going to Professor Slughorn to get some more information," Octavius thanked his ghost friend for her help.

"Octavius?" she stopped him with the expression that she wanted to ask him something.

"Yes?" he again kept his attention on her.

"Can we meet tonight... in... the mindscape?" she shyly asked.

"I'll always be available for you," he replied positively and again walked through the castle corridors.

Octavius had a meeting with his Head of House.

As a Black, it wouldn't be difficult for Octavius to get information from Slughorn.

The man was well known for his exclusive little group.

Where he brought together great talents who could help him in the future in case of need.

He made investments that would pay off in the future.

Knock... Knock... Knock.

As he reached the office door, Octavius signalled his presence to the Professor.

"Who would that be?" a voice from inside the room asked.

"I'm Octavius, Professor," he replied.

"Oh! Yes, yes. Octavius, come in, come in," upon learning who the Professor was Slughorn opened the door and invited Octavius into his office.

The glint of greed was visible in Slughorn's eyes.

He had once invited Octavius to join his small group of students.

But he was turned down at the time.

A sad thing for him, since Octavius possessed great talent in the art of potion-making, but above all, the young boy would inherit House Black, one of the oldest and noblest pure-blood witch houses.

Having someone of that calibre owing you a favour is a very good investment.

Now with Octavius knocking on his door.

It was a new opportunity to recruit him.

"Would you like some tea or biscuits?" he offered.

Octavius was well aware of his Professor's intentions. 

However, Slughorn could also be seen as an investment by many people due to his vast network of connections and Octavius had plans to use his Head of House in such a way that his Black family would benefit.

"Sure Professor, that would be great," he agreed. "I have a few matters that your help would be very welcome for," he explained.

"Yes, yes. Good, I'll help in any way I can," Professor Slughorn was amazed by the visit.

He took a pot of biscuits from his shelf and waved his wand to warm the tea on his desk.

"What would be the subject?" he asked.

"About a student who was once very attached to the Lord, a student called Tom Riddle," Octavius asked.

As Octavius mentioned the name, he felt the Potions Professor's warm mood change to one of fear and trepidation.


[Narcisa POV]

'I should have stayed at Hogwarts,' she thought as she used her hands to massage her breasts.

She didn't want to accept this truth, but being away from Octavius was immensely frustrating for her.

Narcisa missed his touch on her body.

She missed the pleasure she felt when she gave her body into Octavius' hands.

'Damn,' she cursed when she realised that her fingers weren't giving her the pleasure that Octavius' penis was giving her vagina.

'There's still Amelia,' she thought of the blonde girl who was enamoured of her younger brother.

For Narcisa, Amelia had a body that attracted her attention.

Seeing Amelia have her body touched by Octavius was something that excited her very much. 

Narcisa couldn't deny that she was looking forward to sharing a bed with Octavius and Amelia.

"Oooohhhh... oohhhh... Octavius... deeper... harder," her moans echoed around the room.

Unaware of Narcisa, she was now being watched by her other sister, the Blacks' middle child: Andromeda.

"Yes... so delicious... keep going Octavius... tear me apart," she moaned without stopping.


My Ptrn is online - www.patreon.com/WorldofSouls

With (sexy) pictures of the characters!!!