
Harry Potter: Magic Re: CODED

After reincarnation in Potterverse, our MC begins his adventure in a new and exciting reality. Read for more if you are interested. Disclaimer: All the characters in this novel belong to JK Rowling, I only have right's to my OC. If you are owner of this picture and want me to take it down please contact me.

GrrodGroot2002 · Derivados de obras
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18 Chs

Chapter 16 - "Nightmare"

POV MC |Three hour's later|

Never! I said never I will do this shit ever again. This shit is so dem hard , when I get my hand's on creator of this dem typing machine I will hang him, dice him and then feed him to the fishes ,but wait he is already dead so I want be able to get my hand's on him. So that leaves me with only first person that started such tradition of teaching children grammar in this way ,but knowing my luck he/she is probably dead as well so that leaves me with only my Grandma Eveline and my own Mother. I won't blame them for it after all they also went thro the same experience so they understand it as much as I do or even worse. Also they are family so what kind of monster I would have been if I blame them for their ancestors blemishes ,but that's does not release them from some comments about them. After all what kind of psycho or sadist one have to be to create such kind of tradition and make it last so long even after their death. Now looking at this from this side it is as if someone create it as a training for future generation of sadist. * Brry!* What was that? I only felt a sudden chill as if something didn't want me to think about it deeper. Because of this training I started to really miss modern technology even more. I really miss it convenience ,ease of us and it worldwide access. Now I really wish I have those handy programs like 'Exele' or 'Word' right now they would be so useful ,but they won't be made for another nine years or I seams to remember. Which is rather annoying after all I was so use to them that I didn't even realise how much I rely on them. Look's like I will have to wait until they are created. Spank!*(Sound of hand slapping an hour head) Stupid. Stupid! , stupid. CREATED they haven been created yet that mean I can just recreate them by myself and use them and maybe later sell them like 'Microsoft' did it. What kind of idiot have I become after such a lazy and easy going life that I haven't realise it sooner. If there isn't any then I can just make one myself just like note pad that I made when I was younger as to not forget how to code and I have to much free time at hand so I did it anyways not thinking about future usefulness of it. Sometimes I wonder if my cheat is being wasted on me. It should have been use by someone better or someone more resourcefulness then me. After all I have attention span of a goldfish in this younger body. Now that I think about I cannot all way's call it a 'Cheat', 'Perk' or 'Boon'. I need to think of a another name's for it that whenever I think about it I'll all way's associate with. I can think of many way's to call for example I can just call it 'Talent', 'Superpower', 'Gift' or maybe something exotic like 'Querk' or maybe something more scientific like fore example 'Mutation' or I don't know I can just call it 'Magic' and be done with it. Now that I look at from this perspective I can call it in many way's so why have I have been so adamant in calling it a cheat till now. This I don't know. Look's like I have to take it more seriously and choose a name I can call and I will all way's know what it's going on. It need to be uniformal and be easy to remember/recall as to not mistake it later on for something else. After all I will have in future so much information in my mind that it would be hard to find some of them in the future ,maybe it can be fond/remember easier if it have unique or have it flagged at the beginning so as to not make it harder for myself in the future. I should choose one and then stick to it till the end it would be easiest and cheapest way if I did it right now before I start to create more thinking and forget it later on. It's really hard to choose from everyone of them ,each one of them is good in itself and have big potential ,but I have to choose one that I can use in almost all situations and I won't mistake it for something else down the line and make it harder for my future self. I should use elimination metod as to weight pros and cons of each idea. For starters I will eliminate 'Mutation' ,because it will show up in many biological information so it's big 'No' from the start and I wouldn't want to be called 'Mutant' in the future ,because I fill to as a insult so 'No' to the squar. once more. Then next to be eliminated would be 'Talent' and 'Gift' as they are next word that can/will bring me problems later on ,as they are most use word in describing many thinks so that can make list longer then it needs to be to begin with. That leaves me with those three 'Superpower', 'Magic' and 'Quirk'. Next think to be eliminated in my opinion would be 'Magic' ,after all magic isn't real and even if it was real I wouldn't calling my cheat 'Magic' ,because it would be childish and un mature of me. If going by such way of thinking calling it 'Superpower' would be even more childish and make me look as if I have 'Eighth Grade Syndrome' so it's a big 'No' . Wow that was faster than I thought it would take to eliminate most troublesome one ,but it was to fast. Now that I was left with only one left weight it pros nad cons before I decide if I'm going to use it or not. It has nice sound to it and it's exotic so it won't cause problems if I use it often and it's rarely use in describing thing's so it's safe. So from now on I will be using term 'Querk' whenever I will be talking or thinking about my reincarnated 'Boons', 'Cheats' or 'Perks'. Now that was decided let's think about something else.


But before he could even start to think about something else to take his mind from this borderline torture metod of learning grammar he heard a voice of his Mother.

" What have you been thinking about it all this time? Also you did another mistake here ,here and here so you will have to redo this page once more from scratch." Said decisively his mother while reading once more in search of more errors that she might miss out.

" But MUM!!" Said frustrated Allan while making pauting face

" No but's. Now chop,chop and don't make the same mistake once again you have to remember it next time. So any way what have you been thinking about? I saw you being space out and it got me curious." Ask inquiring Elizabeth.

" Nothing." While saying that he avert his eyes from her and started to whistling ineptly which his mother took as a sign of lying.

" So you aren't going to tell me. So that how you are going to playing. From tomorrow onward till I say so you will do this kind of exercise ,so better prepare yourself." Said with darken face and a little smirk that is barely visible.

" No please anything ,but this!" Said while falling on his knees and started to beg for forgiveness or at least something other then this torture ,but it was for not.

" Now go to the bathroom, take a bath and then go to sleep, but it's a runner." Said with authoritative voice while giving an order.

" YES Sir." Said in a hurry Allen then grab his pyjamas and then went to the bathroom.

" Don't forget to wash yourself thorough." Said once more with the same tone.

" Yes Sir." Said with a military salut and then burst into laughter.