
Harry Potter: MageX

In a surprising twist of fate, Harry Potter discovers that he possesses the elusive X-gene, unlocking a whole new realm of possibilities within the wizarding world. As he navigates the challenges of adolescence at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Harry grapples with the awakening of his mutant abilities, which allow him to absorb magical powers and abilities. I hope you're enjoying the fanfiction so far! I'd love to hear your thoughts on it. Whether you loved it, hated it, or have some constructive criticism, your feedback is super important to me. Feel free to drop a comment or send me a message with your thoughts. Can't wait to hear from you! If you're passionate about fanfiction and love discussing stories, characters, and plot twists, then you're in the right place! I've created a Discord server dedicated to diving deep into the world of fanfiction, especially my own stories. Whether you're a reader, a writer, or just someone who enjoys a good tale, I welcome you to join us for lively discussions, feedback sessions, and maybe even some sneak peeks into upcoming chapters, along with artwork related to the stories. Let's nerd out together over our favorite fandoms and explore the endless possibilities of storytelling! Click the link below to join the conversation: https://discord.com/invite/HHHwRsB6wd Can't wait to see you there! If you appreciate my work and want to support me, consider buying me a cup of coffee. Your support helps me keep writing and bringing more stories to you. You can do so via PayPal here: https://www.paypal.me/VikrantUtekar007 Thank you for your support!

Vikrant_Utekar_5653 · Derivados de obras
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22 Chs

Chapter 4

As Harry remembers the feeling of glides effortlessly through the air without a broomstick, he can't help but grin. It was a moment of exhilaration that had taken him completely by surprise.

He recalls the sensation of weightlessness and freedom as he soared through the air, propelled by the sheer power of his own abilities. It had been a moment of pure wonder, a testament to the extraordinary things that were possible with his mutation.

Harry remembers the look of amazement on the faces of Professors Dumbledore and Xavier, along with Miss Munroe and Mr. Logan, as they watched him fly, their cheers and laughter echoing in his ears. It had been a moment of triumph, of realizing that he was capable of so much more than he had ever imagined.

But above all, Harry remembers the feeling of pure joy that had filled him as he soared through the sky, the wind rushing past him and the ground far below. It had been a moment of pure magic, of realizing that anything was possible if he only believed in himself.

As Harry ponders on what other abilities he might get through his mutation, he considers the possibility of absorbing the powers of his family's invisibility cloak, his mind races with excitement and curiosity. The cloak has always been a source of mystery and wonder for him, and the idea of gaining its abilities fills him with anticipation.

He imagines what it would be like to become invisible at will, to be able to move unseen and undetected through the world around him. The possibilities are endless – sneaking past enemies, eavesdropping on conversations, or simply exploring places that were once off-limits.

But Harry also knows that with great power comes great responsibility. He understands that invisibility could be a double-edged sword, and that using it recklessly could have consequences.

Nevertheless, the temptation is strong, and Harry can't help but feel drawn to the idea of unlocking the cloak's secrets. With a sense of responsibility and wisdom, Harry decides to seek the counsel of Professor Xavier and Dumbledore before proceeding with his plan to absorb the powers of the invisibility cloak.

He knows that their guidance and expertise will be invaluable in helping him understand the potential consequences and responsibilities that come with such a decision. After all, both Dumbledore and Professor Xavier have years of experience in mentoring young individuals with extraordinary abilities, and Harry trusts their judgment implicitly.

Taking a moment to collect his thoughts, Harry makes his way back to Hogwarts, his mind buzzing with anticipation and questions. He knows that this conversation will be crucial in shaping his next steps, and he is determined to approach it with an open mind and a willingness to listen.

As he enters Dumbledore's office, Harry feels a sense of calm wash over him. He knows that he is in good hands, and that together with Dumbledore and Professor Xavier, he will be able to navigate the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.

As the group settles back into the office, Dumbledorr adopts a solemn expression, indicating the gravity of the conversation about to unfold.

"Before we proceed any further," Dumbledore begins, his voice steady and measured, "there are certain truths that must be revealed. Harry's past is intertwined with events that are both extraordinary and harrowing, and it is essential that you understand the full extent of his experiences."

With that, Dumbledore begins to recount Harry's tumultuous journey, from the fateful night his parents were murdered by Lord Voldemort to his subsequent upbringing with the Dursleys, where he endured years of neglect and mistreatment.

As Dumbledore reveals the truth about Harry's past and his connection to Voldemort, Harry's emotions swirl in turmoil. But it's when Dumbledore confesses that he was the one who left Harry with the Dursleys, anger flares within him.

"You left me with them?" Harry's voice is thick with emotion, his eyes flashing with a mixture of hurt and betrayal. "You knew what they were like, what they did to me, and you still left me there?"

Dumbledore meets Harry's gaze with a mixture of regret and sorrow. "I believed it was the safest place for you, Harry," he says, his voice heavy with remorse. "I thought that by placing you with your relatives, you would be protected by the blood wards that your mother's sacrifice had created."

But Harry's anger is palpable. "Protected?" he repeats, his voice rising with frustration. "I was neglected, mistreated, treated like a burden! And all this time, I thought it was my parents' decision. But it was you."

Dumbledore nods, his expression pained. "I understand your anger, Harry. And I am deeply sorry for the pain you endured. But please believe me when I say that I had your best interests at heart. I believed that by keeping you close to your mother's blood, you would be shielded from harm."

But Harry's anger is not easily assuaged. "You kept me in the dark, manipulated me," he accuses, his voice trembling with emotion. "You made decisions for me without my consent, without considering what I wanted."

Dumbledore bows his head, accepting Harry's anger and remorse. "You are right, Harry. I should have been more transparent with you, more honest about the choices that were made. For that, I am truly sorry."

As the weight of their conversation hangs heavy in the air, Harry struggles to contain his emotions. As Dumbledore unveils the reason behind his decision to leave Harry with the Dursleys—the prophecy that foretold Harry's destiny as the "Chosen One"—Harry's anger flares even hotter.

"So it was all because of the prophecy," Harry seethes, his voice thick with resentment. "You thought it was more important to fulfill some ancient prophecy than to consider what was best for me?"

Dumbledore meets Harry's gaze with a solemn expression. "I understand that this revelation may be difficult to accept, Harry," he says, his tone gentle yet resolute. "But the prophecy is not something to be taken lightly. It speaks of a future that has the potential to shape the course of history, and I believed it was my duty to ensure that you were prepared for the role you were destined to play."

"But what about my happiness? What about my well-being?" Harry demands, his frustration boiling over. "Did you ever stop to consider how leaving me with the Dursleys would affect me? How it would shape the person I became?"

Dumbledore's expression softens, his eyes filled with regret. "I cannot claim to understand the full extent of the pain you endured, Harry," he admits. "But please believe me when I say that every decision I made was with the intention of protecting you, of preparing you for the challenges that lay ahead."

But Harry's anger is unrelenting. "Protecting me?" he repeats, his voice tinged with bitterness. "You left me to suffer at the hands of those people, to endure years of abuse and neglect. And all for what? So I could fulfill some prophecy?"

Dumbledore bows his head, his remorse palpable. "I cannot change the past, Harry," he says quietly. "But I can promise you that I will do everything in my power to support you and guide you on the path forward. Your happiness and well-being are of the utmost importance to me, and I will do whatever it takes to make amends for the mistakes of the past."

As the weight of their conversation hangs heavy in the air, Harry struggles to contain his emotions.

"Under no circumstances, would Harry return to the Dursleys." Xavier states firmly, "I suggest that Harry's guardianship in the muggle be transferred to me."

Xavier's firm statement resonates deeply with Harry, filling him with a sense of relief and gratitude. The idea of transferring his guardianship to someone who understands his struggles and is committed to his well-being brings Harry a newfound sense of hope.

"Thank you, Professor," Harry says, his voice tinged with emotion. "I... I don't know what to say."

Xavier offers him a reassuring smile. "You don't have to say anything, Harry," he says gently. "You deserve to have a safe and supportive environment to call home, and I am more than willing to provide that for you."

Wolverine and Storm nod in agreement, their expressions reflecting their unwavering support for Xavier's proposal. "You're one of us now, kid," Wolverine grunts, his tone leaving no room for argument.

Storm adds her support, her voice warm and comforting. "We will do everything in our power to ensure your safety and happiness, Harry," she says, her words carrying the weight of their shared determination.

Harry feels a wave of gratitude wash over him, knowing that he has found true allies in Xavier, Wolverine, and Storm. With their support, he feels empowered to face whatever obstacles may come his way, knowing that he no longer has to endure them alone.

As Dumbledore observes the exchange between Harry and Xavier, a pang of sadness tugs at his heart. He knows that agreeing to transfer Harry's guardianship to Xavier is the right decision, but he can't help but feel a sense of loss at the thought of their relationship changing forever.

"Harry," Dumbledore begins, his voice gentle yet tinged with sorrow, "I want you to know that my support for this decision comes from a place of love and concern for your well-being. You deserve to have a home where you feel safe and valued, and if transferring your guardianship to Professor Xavier can provide that for you, then I wholeheartedly support it."

Harry meets Dumbledore's gaze, his expression a mixture of gratitude and sadness. "Thank you, Professor," he says quietly. "I appreciate everything you've done for me."

Dumbledore offers him a small, sad smile. "You will always have a place in my heart, Harry," he says softly. "No matter where life may take you, know that I am here for you, always."

As they share a moment of silent understanding, Dumbledore can't help but feel a sense of sadness at the thought of their relationship changing. But he also knows that Harry's happiness and well-being are paramount, and if transferring his guardianship to Xavier is what's best for him, then Dumbledore will support that decision wholeheartedly.

As the conversation unfolds, Dumbledore senses that there is one more crucial piece of information that he must share with Harry and the others. With a heavy heart, he takes a deep breath and prepares to reveal the truth.

"Before we conclude our discussion," Dumbledore begins, his voice grave, "there is one more thing that you all must know."

"The diary was not just a diary," Dumbledore explains, his words heavy with significance. "It was a Horcrux."

"And what, pray tell, is a Horcrux?" Storm asks.

Dumbledore meets Storm's gaze, his expression grave as he prepares to delve into the dark and forbidden magic of Horcruxes.

"A Horcrux," Dumbledore begins, his voice low and solemn, "is a dark and twisted form of magic that allows a wizard to split their soul and conceal fragments of it within objects or living beings."

He pauses, allowing the weight of his words to sink in before continuing.

"By creating a Horcrux, a wizard can anchor themselves to the mortal world, ensuring that even if their physical body is destroyed, they will remain tethered to life through these hidden fragments of their soul."

The group listens in stunned silence, absorbing the gravity of Dumbledore's explanation. The concept of splitting one's soul and fragmenting it in such a manner is chilling, a testament to the depths of darkness to which some wizards are willing to sink in pursuit of power.

"And the diary that Harry encountered," Xavier prompts, his voice tinged with apprehension. "It was one of these... Horcruxes?"

Dumbledore nods solemnly. "Yes, Charles," he confirms. "The diary that Harry destroyed was indeed a Horcrux—a vessel containing a fragment of Voldemort's soul."

"So, when I destroyed the diary," Harry says slowly, his voice tinged with disbelief, "I destroyed a piece of Voldemort's soul?"

Dumbledore nods gravely. "Yes, Harry," he confirms. "By destroying the diary, you inadvertently destroyed one of Voldemort's Horcruxes, weakening him and bringing us one step closer to his eventual defeat."

"But that's not all, Harry!" Dumbledore continues, "I have suspected for a long time, that there was a piece of Voldemort's Soul inside your scar!"

As Dumbledore's words hang heavy in the air, Harry's eyes widen in shock and disbelief. The revelation that a fragment of Voldemort's soul resides within his own scar sends a shiver down his spine, the implications of such a revelation weighing heavily on his mind.

"A piece of Voldemort's soul... inside me?" Harry echoes, his voice barely above a whisper. The thought is both horrifying and surreal, filling him with a sense of unease unlike anything he's ever felt before.

Dumbledore nods solemnly, his gaze filled with empathy and understanding. "Yes, Harry," he confirms. "It is a truth that I have long suspected but only recently confirmed. The scar you bear on your forehead is not just a physical mark—it is the remnants of a dark and twisted magic, a piece of Voldemort's soul that lingers within you."

The realization hits Harry like a physical blow, the weight of Dumbledore's words threatening to overwhelm him. The knowledge that he carries a piece of the very darkness he has sworn to defeat fills him with a sense of dread and despair, the enormity of the burden almost too much to bear.

Dumbledore notices the turmoil evident on Harry's face, the weight of the revelation threatening to overwhelm him. With a gentle smile, he reaches out to reassure him.

"Harry, my boy," Dumbledore begins, his voice warm and comforting, "I understand that this news may be difficult to digest, but I want you to remember one important thing—the scar on your forehead, the very mark that signifies Voldemort's presence, has faded."

Harry's eyes widen in surprise at Dumbledore's words, his hand instinctively reaching up to touch the spot where the scar once burned with pain and intensity. To his amazement, he finds only smooth skin, the remnants of the once-prominent scar now barely visible.

The realization washes over Harry like a wave of relief, the weight of Dumbledore's words lifting the burden of fear and uncertainty from his shoulders. Though the revelation of Voldemort's soul fragment within him may have shaken him to his core, the knowledge that the scar has faded fills him with a sense of hope and renewal.

"I believe, Harry," Dumbledore continues, his voice gentle yet firm, "that you have absorbed the soul shard within the scar as well as the diary."

Dumbledore's theory casts a new light on Harry's extraordinary abilities, prompting a flurry of thoughts and questions to race through his mind. The idea that he may have absorbed not only the soul shard from the diary but also the fragment of Voldemort's soul from his own scar fills him with a mixture of awe and trepidation.

"So, you believe that I absorbed the soul shard from the diary as well as the fragment within my scar?" Harry asks, his voice tinged with uncertainty.

Dumbledore nods thoughtfully, his gaze fixed on Harry with a mixture of compassion and curiosity. "It is a possibility, Harry," he confirms. "Given the nature of your unique abilities, it stands to reason that you may have unknowingly absorbed both fragments of Voldemort's soul during your encounters with them."

The revelation sends a shiver down Harry's spine, the implications of Dumbledore's theory sinking in with a sense of both wonder and unease.

"But what does this mean for me?" Harry asks, his voice barely above a whisper. "What are the implications of absorbing these soul fragments?"

Dumbledore's expression softens with understanding as he meets Harry's gaze. "That, my dear boy, is a question that we must explore together," he says gently. "But I believe that, the ability that you have gained from the Sword, which allows you to 'take what makes you stronger' has allowed you to circumvent the negative aspects of absorbing Voldemort's soul."

Harry's mind races with the implications of Dumbledore's revelation. The idea that he has somehow gained the ability to absorb the powers of others without being consumed by darkness fills him with a sense of awe and wonder, yet it also raises countless questions about the nature of his newfound abilities and the potential consequences they may bring.

"But what does this mean for me moving forward? What kind of powers will I have gained from Voldemort's Horcruxes?" Harry asks, his voice filled with uncertainty..

Dumbledore considers Harry's question for a moment, his expression thoughtful as he weighs the implications of what he is about to say.

"The powers you have gained, Harry, are unlike any we have seen before," Dumbledore begins, his tone measured yet filled with a sense of gravitas. "The ability to absorb the powers and abilities of others is a rare and extraordinary gift—one that could potentially grant you great strength and resilience in the battles that lie ahead."

He pauses, allowing his words to sink in before continuing.

"As for the specific powers you may have gained from Voldemort's Horcruxes, it is difficult to say with certainty," Dumbledore explains. "Each fragment of Voldemort's soul carries with it a piece of his essence, imbued with the dark magic that defined his existence. By absorbing these fragments, you may have gained access to a wide range of abilities—some of which may be familiar to you, while others may be entirely new."

Harry's mind races with the possibilities, the implications of Dumbledore's words filling him with a mixture of excitement and trepidation. The idea that he may possess powers beyond his wildest imagination fills him with a sense of awe and wonder, yet it also raises countless questions about the nature of these abilities and the responsibilities that come with them.

"But what about the potential dangers?" Harry asks, his voice tinged with concern. "What if these powers are too much for me to handle? What if I lose control?"

Dumbledore's expression softens with understanding, his gaze filled with compassion and reassurance.

"Such concerns are understandable, Harry," he says gently. "But remember, you are not alone in this. You have friends and allies who will stand by your side, ready to support you in times of need. And with guidance and wisdom, you can learn to harness these powers for the greater good, using them to protect those you care about and to stand against the darkness that threatens our world."

Harry nods, a sense of determination settling over him as he prepares to embrace the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead. Though the road may be fraught with uncertainty, he knows that he will face it with courage and resolve, guided by the knowledge that he is not defined by the darkness that once dwelled within him—that he is Harry Potter, a young man of courage, compassion, and unwavering resolve, destined to face his destiny with bravery and strength.


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