
Chapter 70: Confrontation with Voldemort

Suddenly, the bushes in front rustled with a "swish" sound.

Alaric's nerves immediately tightened.

You see, he was about to face Voldemort, known as the "most powerful dark wizard in history."

Although the current Voldemort could only inhabit the back of Professor Quirrell's head, no one knew what other powerful means he still possessed.

Soon, the bushes shook again... then, a figure wearing a hood emerged from the shadows. The figure was hunched, walking unsteadily as if about to fall at any moment.

"Alaric," the hooded figure spoke, his voice deep and hoarse, but Alaric could still recognize it as Professor Quirrell's.

"Alaric, why are you here in the Forbidden Forest at this time?" Professor Quirrell questioned Alaric with a tone colder than he had ever used before, advancing towards him as he spoke.

"Stay where you are, Professor Quirrell," Alaric pointed his wand at him, shouting loudly, "or I'll use magic to keep you in place."

At the words, Professor Quirrell stopped.

"You actually point your wand at a professor," he sneered, threatening Alaric, "appearing in the Forbidden Forest at midnight, pointing a wand at a professor. If you don't repent, Ravenclaw will lose points because of you, and you'll be put in detention."

Seeing the supposed Voldemort in front of him pretending to be Professor Quirrell and trying to deceive him, Alaric felt insulted.

"Are you joking with me?" he scoffed in a cold tone. "Or has the mighty Dark Lord fallen so low that he has to rely on the tricks of liars to survive?"

Upon hearing this, Professor Quirrell was visibly taken aback for a moment, then trembled with anger.

"Do you recognize me?" his voice suddenly became sharp, almost inhuman. "Ravenclaw's boy, filthy mudblood, how did you recognize me?"

"I've noticed something wrong with Professor Quirrell for a long time," Alaric explained indifferently with a cold voice.

"The obvious smell of garlic to cover your stench, the trick with the giant troll on Halloween, and your attempt to kill Harry on the Quidditch field.

Along with your desire for the Philosopher's Stone and the thirst for unicorn blood. Besides a half-dead Dark Lord, who else can fulfill all these conditions?"

Of course, all of this was made up by him to bluff Voldemort and buy time for the unicorn. The healing potion's effect couldn't take effect so quickly, and with an injured unicorn present, he couldn't go all out.

"Hmph, is that so," Voldemort snorted after hearing Alaric's analysis but was secretly shocked by the wisdom of this first-year wizard. 

Then he threatened, "Indeed worthy of Ravenclaw's genius. However, you shouldn't have come here; it will cost you your life."

"Lose my life?" Alaric retorted. 

"I think it's you who's about to lose your life. You actually killed a unicorn in the Forbidden Forest! Aren't you afraid of the curse? 

No, of course, you're not afraid. Because you, on the brink of death, have to rely on the curse in unicorn blood to sustain your half-life, right?"

"Since you already know," Voldemort whispered, "then step aside quickly. My target is only the unicorn behind you.

If you leave now, I might spare your life. I might even permit you, a lowly Muggle, to become my follower. I can see that you possess power far beyond your peers..."

Hearing this, Alaric burst into laughter, as if hearing something ridiculously funny.

"Leave this place? Join your ranks? Just based on you? You, a half-dead wizard, who can't even protect yourself, yet you have the audacity to threaten me here? Don't you also have the blood of a half-lowly Muggle?"

Faced with Alaric's mockery, Voldemort couldn't take it anymore. He waved his wand, and a green light shot towards Alaric.

Originally, Alaric just needed to dodge lightly, and this spell couldn't hit him. However, to protect the unicorn behind him, Alaric had to directly face this magical attack.

He used Spellweaver to cast a transfiguration spell on a nearby dead tree. The tree immediately rose from the ground, transforming into a thick concrete wall.

The green light hit the concrete wall, creating a large crater on it but was blocked.

"Too weak," Alaric sighed. In a chanting tone, he added, "The mighty Dark Lord has now become so weak that he can't even handle a first-year wizard."

Voldemort was almost driven mad by his words. He no longer cared about conserving magic power and began bombarding Alaric frantically.

Alaric calmly dealt with it, using transfiguration or counter-curses to block Voldemort's attacks one by one.

Finally, Voldemort stopped the frenzied assault. His own condition wasn't great, and after this wasteful barrage, he was almost depleted of magic power. Alaric seized the opportunity and cast a Smashing spell at him.

The spell hit Voldemort, but he wasn't shattered into pieces. Apparently, he had some means to prevent the full effect of the spell. However, the spell didn't completely fail; Voldemort, in great pain, collapsed to the ground.

"You cunning mudblood..." Voldemort gritted his teeth and cursed, then turned his entire body into black smoke, avoiding Alaric's second attack.

The ground was immediately blasted into a large crater.

However, the black smoke entered the dark forest, and Alaric lost Voldemort's position.

He had to remain vigilant, he was thankful that he had two magical creatures as radars by his side.

Suddenly, the unicorn neighed towards the left of the forest. Alaric turned to look, and saw the black smoke condensing into Voldemort.

A gruesome green magic shot towards Alaric, carrying the scent of death within its radiance.

"It's Avada Kedavra!"

This curse is almost impossible to resist with regular spells, but Alaric remained unmoved. Calmly, he cast a spell to catch a fish from the lake. The fish flew through the air, blocking the Killing Curse's attack.

However, Voldemort seized the opportunity and continued his assault.

Next, two more Killing Curses flew towards him.

Alaric once again caught a fish and a rabbit, blocking the two attacks respectively.

However, he couldn't block the fourth Killing Curse—small animals were not sufficient to resist the Killing Curse. Yet, within a short time, Alaric couldn't find another small animal to use.

His right hand was already reaching into his pocket, almost summoning Orianna immediately.

At this moment, the unicorn behind him tugged at his cloak with its mouth.

Alaric turned around to see the unicorn standing up successfully, her injuries already healed.

The fourth Killing Curse approached, and before Alaric could react, the unicorn bravely stepped forward, blocking the curse.

The curse hit her horn and strangely lost its effect.

This startled Alaric; he had no idea that a unicorn's horn could have such an effect.

But thinking about the unicorn's strong magical resistance in its fur, it seemed reasonable.

Of course, at this point, the unicorn's horn was charred black, indicating it couldn't do this again for a while.

The unicorn glanced at Alaric, pride evident in her eyes, along with an expectation of praise.

Alaric found it a bit amusing, like dealing with a little girl, but he still rewarded her by patting her soft mane as a reward.

Then, the unicorn walked up to Alaric, lowering herself slightly, gesturing for him to mount.

For the unicorn, allowing someone to ride was a step further than mere petting. It seemed that Alaric's actions had brought them closer.

Alaric was momentarily surprised but quickly flipped onto the unicorn's back, then looked towards Voldemort, who was recovering his magical strength.

It was time to turn the tables."




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