
Decisions and Discussions

"Gwen Stacy?" Harry asked. "I've never heard of you before."

"I joined Shield about a year or so after you had joined Mr Potter, or do your prefer Grim?" She asked.

"Potter or Harry will do for now." Harry replied.

"Well the reason you might not have heard of me is because I had requested Mr Fury to keep me a secret." Gwen admitted. "I've been on a few missions since I've joined Shield but at the time I hadn't felt prepared to go into field duty, I knew that if people knew I had abilities then I would be forced into field duty."

"Hmm." Harry nodded, he understood that, she was right in that she would have more than likely been forced or at least pressured into some form of field activity.

"What abilities do you have?" Steve asked.

"Well, I'll give you a clue, my code name is 'Spider-Woman." Gwen said with a small grin.

"We already have a spider." Tony pointed out as he gestured to Natasha.

"Hmm, can she do this?" Gwen asked as she leaned down and pulled her shoes and socks off.

"What are you doing?" Rhodey asked.

"Just this." Gwen said as she walked towards a nearby wall, she placed her hands on the wall before placing her feet on, then to the surprise of everyone else she climbed up the wall like a spider. She was halfway up the wall before turning around and looking at everyone with a smirk.

"No." Harry said suddenly.

"No?" Gwen asked.

"No as in Natasha cannot do that." Harry replied.

"Not my fault." Natasha said with mock offense and a small huff.

"Alright this is unbelievably cool and all but get the hell off my wall." Tony said. "I need to have that cleaned now." He added when Gwen dropped off the wall and began putting her socks and shoes back on.

"There," Harry said after waving his wand over the wall. "it's clean." Harry said to Tony before turning back to Gwen. "Were you born with those powers?"

"Um...no, not really." Gwen said as she shook her head. "I used to intern at a company and there was an incident involving some experimental spiders. And then I ended up getting powers."

"Can you shoot webs?" Natasha asked.

"Not naturally," Gwen shook her head. "I do have some devices that allow me to shoot webs though. Anyway, I am sorry for interrupting your party, but I do have some things to talk with you all about. After the battle you all have become pretty famous, or at least more so than usual, everyone knows that the Avengers had fought for us. Before we continue I have to ask, are you all willing to be Avengers?"

"I'm up for it." Steve nodded, not surprising anyone.

"Me too," Tony nodded. "I think we did good work out there."

"I would also like to join," Thor said. "I'm afraid I will be going back to Asgard soon but I am more than willing to offer my assistance when I return to Midgard."

"I...can I join?" Bruce asked. "I mean, I'm still being hunted by..."

"No," Gwen cut him off. "you're officially listed as an asset for Shield, which means you're off limits. Should you join the Avengers then the same thing applies. After all we can't have a team member worry about being hunted by the government."

"In that case...I'm in...I suppose."

"Great," Gwen smiled at him before looking at Barton. "will you be joining?" she asked.

"Yeah," Barton said after a few moments of thinking. "why not?" He shrugged.

"I'm in as well if you still have available spaces." Rhodey commented.

"I suppose I'll have to join if only to keep the rest of you in line," Natasha smirked before she looked at Harry. "Harry, are you in?" She asked, everyone looked at Harry who had just finished his glass.

"Well," Harry sighed as he walked over to the bar and refilled his glass. "I'm not really sure if I should."

"Why not?" Stark asked with disbelief, something that was echoed by many other people in the room.

"Because I have a few concerns." Harry said as he leaned against the bar and looked at everyone. "I know I will probably sound like a dick by the end of this but these are genuine concerns I have. First of all, what about jobs? Many of us here already have jobs in some form or the other, does everyone have to quit their job for this? Because this sounds like a full time sort of deal."

"No," Gwen shook her head. "you can all still keep your jobs, for example Mr Barton and Miss Romanoff can still work for Shield, but they can divert any extra time to here or quit their jobs and focus primarily on the Avengers, the choice is up to them."

"Perhaps but if this thing is supposed to work then everyone needs to put effort into it," Harry replied. "if everyone's going to be just part timing this shit then we might as well just work with Shield. But I suppose part time will work in this case since I doubt we're going to be actively going out together each and every day. Moving on to something else, are the Avengers working for Shield or with Shield?"


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