
Waking Up!

Do you know the most outrageous thing to ever happen to a person? Its to be transmigrated as the first grandchild of the Halliwell sisters, the first daughter of the twice-blessed child and the boss of all the following Halliwell grandchildren. And what was worst is that after 20 years of living as a Halliwell witch/whitelighter/demon, I woke up and found myself alone in the middle of a dark forest and back to my 10 years old self. At least, I think I'm back to 10 and sure that its still my own body. Hell, who among my cousins came up with this ridiculous (and dangerous) prank? I get waking up on a dark forest alone but to turn into a child, that is way beyond a prank and very dangerous. Why do you ask why I label one of my cousins as the culprit, its because no demon can get close to me, to be able to do this. I have a built in rather for demonic things, seeing as my mom is half demon, thanks to my grandpa Cole. And I tend to have my guard down around my family, that's why I'm pretty sure the culprit would be one of my cousins or worst one of my siblings.

While I was thinking on how to get my revenge on the cousin/sibling who caused this, I heard some rustling coming from behind and lo and behold…..that is one freaking giant spider. And its looking at me like how I look at a tub of a hershey's chocolate ice cream. Darn it, why does it seem that it keeps getting bigger or is it because its coming closer. I tell myself to calm down and not to worry, Its just a giant spider as opposed to being a demon. I'm only ten now, so I tried to think and just remembered that as the oldest grandchild of the Charmed ones, I'm actually the most powerful even though the charmed line was passed onto Grandma Phoebe's side of the family, I still consider myself as charmed. Well lets just blow it up then. Don't ask me why I prefer to blow it up, its because its more permanent than me stopping time.

Well that's done, its time to go home. But what in the hell is this, I can't sense my family or that I can't even orb or shimmer. This is a bit worrying for me, after adjusting to the life of a Halliwell witch, I think I've become spoiled. I need to figure out what's happening fast, it seems that I can't teleport so first thing to do is find a way out of this forest and to do that I need to do it the normal old fashion way. Walk out of it. Well at least I could still create my orbs so I have a source of light, this forest is really gloomy and dark. Can't even get a glimpse of the moon due to the tree canopy blocking my view every time I look up.

After a bit of walking, mostly an hour according to my watch, I could see lights up ahead, and I caught my breath due to the stunning view I see. Its of a freaking huge castle, and the most incredible thing about the castle is the flag that is blowing in the wind on top of it. How could I see the flag you ask, its because its already dawn and the sun is starting to rise. I really could not believe my eyes, it's the Hogwarts banner….its freaking Hogwarts. This means that I'm no longer in San Francisco or even on the same dimension. I've been transmigrated once more. Me….Eliza Piper Warren Halliwell is now looking at the Hogwarts castle. What the heck, a Charmed one in Hogwarts.

first time author here, i'm really not sure of what i'm doing right now. but i wanted to try out a story where in its a mix of my favorite T.V series Charmed and my favorite book Harry Potter.

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