
Harry Potter: Arcane

In the midst of turmoil, James and Sirius find a crashed spacecraft with a baby inside. A hologram of the baby's mother, Sera, appears, entrusting them with her son, Harkel. They perform a blood adoption ritual, naming him Harry. Lily, unconscious after a miscarriage, remains unaware. Kryptonian Harry Potter. I hope you're enjoying the fanfiction so far! I'd love to hear your thoughts on it. Whether you loved it, hated it, or have some constructive criticism, your feedback is super important to me. Feel free to drop a comment or send me a message with your thoughts. Can't wait to hear from you! If you're passionate about fanfiction and love discussing stories, characters, and plot twists, then you're in the right place! I've created a Discord server dedicated to diving deep into the world of fanfiction, especially my own stories. Whether you're a reader, a writer, or just someone who enjoys a good tale, I welcome you to join us for lively discussions, feedback sessions, and maybe even some sneak peeks into upcoming chapters, along with artwork related to the stories. Let's nerd out together over our favorite fandoms and explore the endless possibilities of storytelling! Click the link below to join the conversation: https://discord.com/invite/HHHwRsB6wd Can't wait to see you there! If you appreciate my work and want to support me, consider buying me a cup of coffee. Your support helps me keep writing and bringing more stories to you. You can do so via PayPal here: https://www.paypal.me/VikrantUtekar007 Thank you for your support!

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22 Chs

Chapter 20

As they settled into a spacious sitting room adorned with antique furniture and shelves filled with books that seemed to span centuries, Dumbledore felt a sense of nostalgia mingled with apprehension. The Flamels had been his mentors long ago, guiding him in the ways of alchemy and wisdom that extended far beyond the ordinary scope of magic. Now, facing them in this critical moment, Dumbledore couldn't help but feel a pang of regret for disappointing them.

Nicholas, ever the congenial host despite the gravity of the situation, poured tea from an ornate silver pot into delicate china cups. "Albus," he began, his voice carrying the weight of centuries, "we appreciate your prompt response. We must address the recent events concerning the Philosopher's Stone and the security lapses at Hogwarts."

Perenelle, her gaze steady and penetrating, spoke next. "The Stone's presence at Hogwarts has brought unforeseen dangers. It should never have been hidden there, and certainly not with such inadequate safeguards."

Dumbledore nodded solemnly, acknowledging their concerns. "I understand your apprehensions, Nicholas, Perenelle. The decisions I made were not taken lightly, but I see now that they were misguided. The safety of the Stone and, more importantly, the safety of our students must always come first."

Nicholas leaned forward, his expression intent. "We entrusted you with the Stone, Albus, believing you would protect it wisely. Yet, it took a public spectacle, a Howler, to remind you of its vulnerability. Do you understand the gravity of this lapse?"

Dumbledore met his gaze squarely. "I do. And I accept full responsibility for my actions. There is no excuse for the oversights that occurred."

Perenelle's voice softened slightly. "We are not here to chastise, Albus. We are here to ensure that such oversights do not happen again."

Nicholas interjected firmly, his gaze unwavering. "Indeed, Albus. It's time to stop playing games with other people's lives."

Dumbledore nodded solemnly, his expression reflecting a mixture of contrition and determination. "You are right, Nicholas, Perenelle. I have made mistakes, and I acknowledge the gravity of those errors. Hogwarts must be a place of safety and learning, not a battleground for dark forces."

Perenelle's eyes softened with understanding. "We know the burden you bear, Albus. But protecting the Stone was not just about its power—it was about protecting the future of our world."

Nicholas interjected gently, "Indeed, Albus. We've taken steps to ensure its security through alternative means. It is no longer your concern."

Dumbledore nodded solemnly, absorbing their words. "I understand," he replied, a sense of relief mingling with a tinge of regret. "I am grateful for your vigilance and understanding. Hogwarts will benefit greatly from your wisdom and foresight."

The atmosphere in the room lightened slightly as they moved on to discuss the broader implications of recent events and how to strengthen their defenses against future threats. It was a conversation fraught with honesty and mutual respect, each party acknowledging their roles and responsibilities in safeguarding the magical world.

As they concluded their meeting, Dumbledore felt a renewed sense of purpose. He knew there was much work to be done, but with the Flamels' support and guidance, he was confident they could overcome any challenge that lay ahead.

As the 'New Marauders' and their new recruits stood in the transformed classroom, an air of excitement and anticipation filled the room.

Hermione, her eyes sparkling with curiosity, carefully examined a shelf lined with ancient spellbooks. "These must have preservation charms dating back centuries," she remarked, flipping through the pages with reverence.

Susan nodded enthusiastically. "Imagine the spells and knowledge hidden in these books. I wonder if there's anything about advanced transfigurations."

Zatanna, overhearing them, flashed a mischievous grin. "If you're curious about transfigurations, Fred and George here are your experts. They can turn anything into something else in no time."

Fred winked at George. "Oh, we've got a repertoire of tricks ready to go, haven't we, George?"

George nodded, a playful glint in his eye. "Indeed, but some secrets are better savored slowly."

Neville, who had been quietly admiring the vines he coaxed into a spiral pattern along the walls, chimed in. "I think these vines respond to music. Maybe they can help us with Herbology assignments?"

Tonks, transformed into a mischievous poltergeist, pretended to hover by bobbing up and down with a gleam in her eye. "Absolutely, Neville! These vines are quite responsive. We could make them dance to a tune!"

Laughter erupted at the thought of dancing vines, instantly bonding the group together. Pamela, who had been observing quietly, finally spoke up, her eyes wide with wonder. "I never imagined magic could be so vibrant and alive."

Hannah nodded in agreement. "It's like Hogwarts itself is inviting us into its hidden depths."

Daphne, always strategic, surveyed the transformed classroom with a thoughtful expression. "Security should be a priority," she remarked, her tone measured yet firm. "We need wards and monitoring charms to keep this place safe."

Harry, sensing her concern, stepped forward with a reassuring smile. "Don't worry, Daphne," he said confidently. "We've already implemented some of the best spells and enchantments taught to us by my mother and Aunt Marlene. They were both former Unspeakables, you know."

Lana nodded in agreement. "They've taught us advanced protection charms and detection spells that are second to none. This place is as secure as it gets."

Zatanna, always ready to lighten the mood, added playfully, "And with Fred and George on our team, anyone who dares to sneak in will get a surprise they won't forget!"

Fred and George exchanged knowing grins, clearly pleased with the vote of confidence. "That's right," Fred chimed in. "Our pranks can be quite effective in keeping unwanted guests at bay."

George nodded, his expression serious for a moment. "But in all seriousness, Daphne, your suggestions are spot on. We'll make sure this place is protected inside out."

Harry stepped forward, his demeanor shifting slightly as he addressed the group. "Before we delve into security measures, there's the matter of initiation," he began, his voice carrying the weight of tradition and mischief. "To truly be recognized as 'New Marauders', each of you must plan and execute a prank worthy of the Marauders' name."

Hermione's brow furrowed slightly, clearly intrigued yet cautious. "A prank? What kind of prank exactly?"

Fred, ever eager, chimed in with a grin. "Oh, it could be anything! Remember, the Marauders were known for their creativity and boldness. It doesn't have to be complicated, just something that surprises and delights."

Susan nodded thoughtfully. "And it should showcase our ability to work together as a team."

Zatanna, her eyes gleaming with excitement, added, "And it should have a touch of magic, of course!"

Tonks, who had shifted into her usual bubbly self, bounced with enthusiasm. "And it should leave everyone talking about it for days!"

Harry nodded, pleased with the enthusiasm and ideas circulating among the group. "Exactly. The initiation prank is not just about fun—it's about demonstrating our unity and creativity. Once you've planned something, let us know, and we'll assist however we can."

Daphne, always composed, nodded in agreement. "It's a test of our ingenuity and collaboration. I'm up for the challenge."

Tracey, ever calculating, smiled. "I have a few ideas already. Let's make it memorable."

With a shared sense of purpose and excitement, the 'New Marauders' and their initiates set off to brainstorm and plan their inaugural prank, eager to leave their mark on Hogwarts and uphold the legacy of the Marauders with their own unique twist of magic and mischief.

The next day at breakfast in the Great Hall, an air of anticipation surrounded the 'New Marauders' and their initiates. They exchanged covert glances and suppressed giggles, barely containing their excitement over the prank meticulously planned the previous night.

Harry sat at the Gryffindor table with Lana and Neville, casually observing Hermione and Susan engrossed in a discussion about Charms. With a subtle nod and wink, he silently signaled to them that today was the day.

Across the hall, Fred and George mingled among Ravenclaws Tracey and Pamela, their eyes twinkling mischievously as they exchanged whispered plans, careful to conceal their intentions from prying ears.

Tonks flitted cheerfully between tables, dropping playful hints to Daphne and Hannah about what was to come. Her infectious enthusiasm soon had even the reserved Pamela eagerly speculating about the prank's potential impact.

As breakfast progressed, the tension among the 'New Marauders' and their initiates grew palpable. They stole secretive glances at each other, silently affirming their readiness to execute the prank they had meticulously crafted together.

Finally, as the last few students finished their meals and began to filter out of the Great Hall, Harry stood up, his voice projecting confidently across the room. "Attention, everyone!" he called out, causing heads to turn and conversations to hush. "We, the 'New Marauders', have something rather amusing to share with you all today."

With a nod to Lana standing beside him, Harry subtly gestured towards the enchanted ceiling, where a delicate charm caused a cascade of enchanted feathers to drift down over the Great Hall. The spectacle drew curious looks and amused murmurs from the students and teachers alike.

Meanwhile, across the hall, unnoticed by most, Draco Malfoy found himself subtly enchanted by a series of small pranks orchestrated by the 'New Marauders'. His fork seemed to evade his grasp, his robes caught on invisible hooks, and his parchment kept fluttering away as if possessed by a mischievous spirit.

Fred and George exchanged satisfied smirks as they watched their subtle charms take effect, while Tonks, occasionally flicked her wand discreetly to add to Draco's bewilderment.

As the pranks unfolded around Draco, the hall filled with amused chuckles and curious whispers, embodying the spirit of camaraderie and creativity that had united the 'New Marauders' and their initiates in this subtle act of mischief. Amidst the amusement, Harry and his friends exchanged satisfied glances, knowing they had successfully executed their prank without directly implicating themselves.

As teachers gradually restored order and students recounted the morning's events, the 'New Marauders' quietly savored their accomplishment, careful not to reveal their involvement in the prank that had subtly nudged the boundaries of mischief at Hogwarts. Already, they were planning their next adventure, eager to explore the magical world of Hogwarts with wit and ingenuity.

Back at their base, nestled in the abandoned classroom that served as their secret headquarters, the 'New Marauders' prepared to formally induct their initiates into the fold. The atmosphere was a mix of excitement and playful anticipation, with makeshift decorations and enchanted lights casting a warm glow over the room.

Harry, as the de facto leader, stood at the front with a twinkle in his eye, dressed in a combination of wizarding robes and a comically oversized hat he had Tonks conjure for him. Lana, Zatanna, Neville, Fred, George, and Tonks flanked him, each wearing similarly exaggerated attire that added to the whimsical atmosphere.

"Welcome, esteemed initiates!" Harry proclaimed dramatically, his voice echoing slightly in the makeshift chamber. "Today marks a momentous occasion as we gather to formally recognize your induction into our esteemed ranks."

Lana, standing beside him with a serious expression that clashed with her oversized hat, added with mock solemnity, "You have proven yourselves worthy of joining our merry band of mischief-makers through your courage, wit, and willingness to embrace the absurd."

Zatanna, always ready to add a touch of theatrical flair, waved her wand dramatically, causing colorful sparks to shower down around them. "By the powers vested in us by the spirit of mischief and magic," she intoned dramatically, "we hereby dub thee as 'New Marauders'!"

Neville, usually the more reserved one, stepped forward with a grin, brandishing a wand that emitted playful smoke rings. "May your pranks be legendary, your mischief be memorable, and your adventures be filled with laughter and camaraderie!"

Fred and George, ever the pranksters, exchanged mischievous glances before Fred spoke up. "Remember, being a 'New Marauder' means embracing creativity, daring, and a healthy disregard for the ordinary!"

George nodded enthusiastically, his hat nearly toppling off his head. "And most importantly, it means standing together as friends, bound by the bonds of magic and mayhem!"

Tonks, who had shapeshifted into a series of amusing forms throughout the ceremony, transformed into a solemn-looking old man and sighed theatrically. The initiates couldn't help but laugh at the unexpected display.

With a final flourish, Harry stepped forward and extended a hand to each initiate. "Congratulations to each of you," he said with genuine warmth beneath the theatrics. "Welcome to the 'New Marauders'. May your days at Hogwarts be filled with unforgettable adventures and pranks that echo through the ages!"

The initiates, now officially part of this quirky and spirited group, exchanged smiles and nods of gratitude. The ceremony, though faux-formal and goofy, had solidified their bond with the 'New Marauders' and set the stage for countless magical escapades to come. As they celebrated with laughter and shared stories late into the night, Hogwarts echoed with the promise of mischief and friendship that only true Marauders could understand.

Meanwhile, back in Smallville, Lily Potter, Marlene McKinnon-Black, and Sera-Vex—the holographic image of Harry's Kryptonian mother—were engaged in an ambitious project that combined the best of magic and Kryptonian technology. Their goal was to analyze the Philosopher's Stone and use its properties to create a physical body for Sera-Vex to upload her consciousness into. The Flamels had been crucial in sharing their knowledge and insights, offering expertise that was invaluable in this complex endeavor.

Lily, her wand glowing with an intricate charm, meticulously scanned the Philosopher's Stone, her eyes reflecting both wonder and determination. "It's incredible," she mused, her voice filled with awe. "The Stone's potential seems limitless, but harnessing it for our purpose is a delicate matter."

Marlene, her fingers deftly adjusting a piece of Kryptonian technology that interfaced with the Stone, nodded in agreement. "The combination of magic and technology is tricky," she said, her tone thoughtful yet confident. "But if anyone can figure this out, it's us."

Sera-Vex, her holographic form shimmering with a soft blue light, observed the proceedings with a mix of hope and anticipation. "The Philosopher's Stone is a remarkable artifact," she commented, her voice echoing with a blend of ancient wisdom and futuristic clarity. "Its alchemical properties, combined with the advanced science of Krypton, could indeed make this possible."

The Flamels had provided crucial guidance on how to safely handle and manipulate the Stone. Their centuries of experience in alchemy offered insights that were essential for this groundbreaking project. Nicolas Flamel had shared complex formulas and enchantments, while Perenelle had taught them subtle alchemical rituals to unlock the Stone's full potential.

Lily paused, looking thoughtfully at Sera-Vex. "Once we create a suitable vessel, we need to ensure the transfer process is smooth and stable. Your consciousness is far more advanced than anything we've worked with before."

Marlene adjusted a crystalline device that pulsed with Kryptonian energy. "We've made significant progress on that front," she said, her voice tinged with excitement. "The holographic interface Sera-Vex currently uses has provided us with a framework. The next step is to create a body that can sustain both her consciousness and the Stone's power."

Sera-Vex's image flickered slightly as she projected a schematic into the air, detailing the planned bio-synthetic body. "This is the model we've been refining," she explained. "With the Philosopher's Stone, we can imbue it with life. The integration of magic and Kryptonian tech should allow my consciousness to fully inhabit and control the body."

Lily and Marlene studied the schematic closely. It was a marvel of design, combining organic components with advanced Kryptonian alloys, all bound together by powerful magical runes and enchantments. The body was designed to resemble Sera-Vex as she looked in life, a coincidence making her and Lily look so much alike that they could pass for twins at a distance.

Lily turned back to the Stone, her determination renewed. "Let's begin the final phase," she said, her voice firm. "We'll start with the transmutation process and see if we can channel the Stone's energy into creating the physical vessel."

Marlene activated a series of runes inscribed around the workspace, each glowing with a different hue as they synchronized with the Kryptonian devices. The room hummed with energy as magic and technology began to work in harmony. The Philosopher's Stone, placed at the center of a complex array of magical and technological apparatus, began to glow with an inner fire, its power resonating with the surrounding enchantments.

Sera-Vex's holographic form observed intently. "Thank you both," she said quietly, her voice filled with gratitude. "This is more than I ever hoped for."

Lily smiled warmly. "We do this not just for you, but for Harry and for the future we all believe in."

As the intricate process began, the room filled with a blend of magical light and technological brilliance. The Philosopher's Stone pulsed with energy, its alchemical properties melding with the advanced science of Krypton. The air crackled with power as the Stone's energy was carefully channeled into the bio-synthetic body, guided by the combined efforts of Lily, Marlene, and Sera-Vex.

Marlene monitored the progress closely, her eyes darting between the readouts on the Kryptonian devices and the magical indicators. "Everything is stable," she reported, her voice steady. "The energy transfer is proceeding as planned."

Lily focused on the complex spells she was weaving, her wand moving with precision. "We're almost there," she said, her tone filled with anticipation. "Just a bit more and the body will be ready."

As the final phases of the process neared completion, Sera-Vex's holographic form seemed to shimmer with excitement. "This is it," she said softly. "The culmination of our efforts."

With a final surge of energy, the Philosopher's Stone released a burst of light that enveloped the bio-synthetic body. The magical runes and technological circuits glowed in unison, and for a moment, the entire room was bathed in a radiant glow.

When the light faded, the body lay still for a moment, then took its first breath. Sera-Vex's consciousness, seamlessly transferred from the holographic interface, began to animate the body. Her eyes opened, and she looked around with a mixture of wonder and joy.

Lily and Marlene watched in awe as Sera-Vex, now in a physical form that was a near replica of Lily, stood up and took her first steps. "Welcome to your new life," Lily said warmly, her eyes shining with pride and happiness.

Sera-Vex smiled, her expression filled with gratitude. "Thank you," she said, her voice now carrying the warmth of a living being. "This is a new beginning for all of us."

As they embraced, the room hummed with the residual energy of their incredible achievement. Together, they had pushed the boundaries of what was possible, heralding a new chapter in their extraordinary journey.

As Lily, Marlene, and Sera-Vex celebrated their success in Smallville, a far darker scene unfolded in the dense forests of Albania. The spirit of Voldemort, ethereal and weakened, lingered in the shadows, nursing the wounds of his recent failures. His spectral form flickered with frustration and malice as he ruminated on his plans gone awry.

Voldemort's mind replayed the humiliating defeat he had suffered. After possessing Professor Quirrell and making his way back to Hogwarts, he had been exposed almost immediately. Harry Potter, the boy who had thwarted him as an infant, had once again been his undoing. Quirrell's death had been inevitable, but the spirit of Voldemort had hoped to use the opportunity to regain his strength and position. Instead, he had been forced to flee, his plans unraveling before they had even begun.

And then there was the inexplicable failure during his spectral attack on Harry Potter. Despite his malevolent intent and significant effort, his attack had failed miserably, leaving him even more disoriented and weakened.

"What went wrong?" he hissed, his voice barely a whisper in the still air of the forest. The trees around him seemed to lean away, as if repelled by his dark presence. "How could I have been so easily thwarted by that boy again?"

He knew he could not remain in this weakened state indefinitely. Voldemort needed a plan, a new strategy to regain his physical form and power. As he drifted through the forest, his mind began to formulate the beginnings of a new scheme.

First, he needed to find a new host. Someone weak-willed and easy to manipulate, yet with access to the resources he needed. The memory of Quirrell's pliable mind crossed his thoughts, and he knew he would need another such vessel. He would also need to be more careful, more cunning in his approach.

Next, he would seek out his Horcruxes. They were the key to his immortality, and with their power, he could slowly begin to rebuild his strength. He would have to move cautiously, avoiding detection while he gathered his scattered pieces.

And then there was Harry Potter. The boy was clearly more formidable than he had anticipated. Voldemort's thoughts turned to the prophecy, the mysterious words that seemed to bind their fates together. He needed to understand it fully, to uncover any hidden meanings that could give him an advantage.

But most of all, he needed to bide his time. Rushing into action had led to his downfall before, and he could not afford another failure. He would gather his strength, rebuild his power base, and strike when the time was right.

Voldemort's spectral form drifted deeper into the forest, his thoughts consumed with plotting his return to power. He knew the road ahead would be long and perilous, but he was determined to rise again. Harry Potter and the wizarding world would once more know the terror of his name, and this time, he vowed, nothing would stand in his way.

As the shadows of the forest closed around him, Voldemort's mind was already several steps ahead, laying the groundwork for his next move. The future was uncertain, but one thing was clear: he would stop at nothing to regain his former glory and exact his revenge on those who had wronged him.


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