
The Trip is Over

Hearing Hermione's name, Mr. Williams was surprised. He knew the Granger family from his wife and had met their daughter several times. He didn't expect their daughter to be a witch.

Mrs. Williams was also surprised, then her eyes shone as if she understood something. She remembered, when she asked Hermione about her school. Hermione said the school could only enter through a letter of recommendation. Now she understood that Hermione was also attending school at Hogwarts.

After paying for all books. Professor Mcgonagall reminded Edward, if there were still school supplies that were still not purchased.

After seeing the list of school supplies. There was one that Edward wanted to buy, but was hesitant to say it.

"Nothing, Professor" said Edward, "Um ... Professor, it's written here that the first year can't carry a broomstick?".

"The first year is not allowed to carry a broomstick, because that would be dangerous" answered Professor Mcgonagall, "But the first year will still study it".

"I just want to buy it, Professor" said Edward, "I will not take it to school".

Edward was not too interested in Quidditch, and only wanted to feel what it was like to fly with a broomstick, especially when driving at high speed, which made him feel excited.

"Even if you buy it, you still can't drive it out there. It's dangerous especially when seen by muggles" said Professor Mcgonagall seriously.

Hearing that Edward was a little disappointed. It seems like he has to buy it secretly.

After making sure there was nothing else to buy, they walked back to the Leaky Cauldron.

The Leaky Cauldron is now quiet, and only a few people are in it. After greeting Tom the owner of the Leaky Cauldron, they came out.

Out of the Leaky Cauldron, Edward began to put his belongings in the car. While his parents were still talking to Professor Mcgonagall, his parents seemed to want to invite Professor Mcgonagall to eat together.

"Thank you, but I still have another business" Professor Mcgonagall shook her head, and handed Edward an envelope.

"This is your ticket to Hogwarts" said Professor Mcgonagall, "First September at King's Cross, see you at Hogwarts, Mr. Williams"

Then Professor Mcgonagall walked towards the empty alley. There was a loud crack, and Professor Mcgonagall disappeared.

Seeing Professor Mcgonagall disappear, Mr. And Mrs. Williams is stunned.


'I can certainly do it one day' Edward thought.


Arriving at home, Edward began to bring his belongings to his room, and said to his parents

"Dad, Mom, I will arrange my things!".

When Edward entered the room, he heard his mother shouting from downstairs.

"Ok dear, oh I will also call Hermione!".

'I know it' Edward thought.

A few minutes later Edward finished arranging his belongings in the room. He also included the books he needed while at Hogwarts later with other items in the trunk.

Feeling tired after the trip, Edward began to fall asleep on his bed.


While Edward fell asleep. At Granger's house there is a conversation.

Hermione, who is currently writing a letter to her best friend Harry, suddenly hears a knock from the door of her room. She knew it was her mother, because right now at home only she and her mother.

"Yes Mom!" answered Hermione while opening the door.

"Do you still remember Edward?" asked Mrs. Granger directly.

"Edward? Yes, we just met yesterday" remembered the boy who saw her with a strange look.

"Your aunt just called" said Mrs. Granger, "She said Edward would enter Hogwarts this year, they had just returned from Diagon Alley".

"What!" startled Hermione.

"But why is Aunt calling you?" said Hermione, "Does she know I'm a witch? impossible! But how...".

"Calm down Hermione" seeing her daughter like that, Mrs. Granger doesn't know whether to laugh or cry, "Your aunt said that when they went to Diagon Alley, they were accompanied by Professor Mcgonagall"

"Professor Mcgonagall?" said Hermione confused.

"Yes" Nodding Mrs. Granger, and continued "Professor Mcgonagall said when she saw Edward interested in the book, she remembered her student at Hogwarts and that student was you Hermione! She also said that you are the best student this year. So your aunt wants your help if Edward has difficulty in a course at Hogwarts".

Hearing Professor McGonagall praise her, Hermione's face turned red. After hearing her mother's explanation, she began to calm down and was embarrassed because she always made her own conclusions.

"So, maybe your aunt will come to our house in a few days. They want to hear about Hogwarts from you" said Mrs. Granger.

"Oke, Mom!" nodded Hermione.

"Continue your business, I will go to the kitchen" said Mrs. Granger.

After her mother left, Hermione closed the door and returned to write a letter to Harry her best friend.


At the Williams residence. Edward who woke up from his sleep felt refreshed.

The first thing he did was read the book he bought, and the first book he read was A History of Magic by Bathilda Bagshot.

The book was what Hermione always read, which contained important moments and facts from the beginning of time until the 19th century. And if he wants to get to know the world of magic quickly, then it is the first book he must read.

He did not want to be naive without knowing anything about the world he was about to enter.

After several hours passed, Edward came to his senses from reading, even though his eyes looked tired but inside his eyes shone with knowledge.


At dinner, Mrs. Williams said to Edward

"I called the Granger residence, we will go to their house in a few days"

"Mom, can I not come?" asked Edward.

"Not!" said Mrs. Williams, "You have to come, if you have something you don't understand about Hogwarts, you can ask her. Also, because you go to school together, you have to be friends with each other".

Seeing his mother force, Edward could only smile bitterly.

After eating, Edward returned to his room. He started practicing spells, because he couldn't use a wand. Edward was forced to use a pencil and practice his wand movements and chanting.