
Harry Potter and the Rune Stone Path

=== Author: Temporal Knight (from fanfiction net) === *Disclaimer* I really liked this fanfiction so I wanted to put it here for easier reading, everything belongs to the original creator. If the original creator wants to take it down, pls leave a review below. This is where I read it- https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11898648/1/Harry-Potter-and-the-Rune-Stone-Path === Synopsis: 10 year old Harry finds a chest left by his mother with books on some of her favorite subjects. Discovering he has a talent for understanding and creating runes sets Harry onto a very different path than anyone had expected. Shortcuts, inventions, and a bit of support go a long way!

DaoistViking · Derivados de obras
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157 Chs

The Third Task (Part Two)

"Fleur!" Harry called as he spied his retreating target walking around the grounds. Fleur's eyes widened and she started to pick up her pace trying to look like she wasn't running. It didn't work. Harry winced and grabbed her hand to twist her around as he caught up. "Will you please stop running away from me, Fleur!"

"Zat is not what I was doing," she said glaring. Harry glared right back and crossed his arms over his chest. Fleur scowled and looked down. "Fine. So maybe I was retreating for ze moment. Zree Tasks, Harry and zree times you have nearly died. Zis time I was actually right zere! And still I did nozing! I do not deserve to – "

"Don't you dare finish that sentence, Fleur," Harry growled. "No one could do anything the First Task. You didn't even know what was going on with me in the Second and this time, it was Fred that was in trouble and I just happened to be the closest one and looking in the right direction to do something. Don't be like me and blame yourself for something stupid that you can't control!"

Fleur opened her mouth to reply, but she snapped it shut before she could utter a word. Frowning, she slowly crossed her arms and stared at him. "You have already saved my life twice, 'arry. I seem to be letting you down."

"It's not your fault I have a really bad case of a saving-people-thing, Fleur. This was entirely my own fault."

Fleur just sighed and nodded dejectedly. "Still, I am sorry you were hurt, 'arry."

"Don't worry about it," Harry said smiling. "So no more avoiding me right?" She chuckled lightly and nodded. "Excellent. Now come on, it's dinner time and I need to talk with everyone after the meal."

Daphne shivered as she felt Harry's wand lightly touch her bare right shoulder blade. "You just couldn't wait to get my shirt off eh, Harry?"

"Well Tonks did say she wanted to do some research on other forms…" Harry teased back. In the corner nearby Tonks doubled over laughed at his comment while Daphne joined in shaking her head.

"You are getting better at those," Daphne said smirking. She shook her head lightly as she grew more serious. "It's rather odd being on the other side of this you know."

"Tell me about it," Shiva agreed scratching at her Dementor Anchor a few inches above her heart. "You know, Harry, I didn't quite believe you earlier in the year when you said they feel like they itch."

"You get used to it. I think it's your magic adjusting to the modified flow in the area that creates the sensation," Harry said while he eyed the location Daphne had chosen and compared it again to his diagram. "Now all of you hush. I need to concentrate."

Luna was lying down on the couch in the Room with her head on Tracey's lap and Coco held up above her. The little snorkack kept making extremely contented sounds as Luna repeatedly moved him up and down giggling at the expressions on the critter. Tracey looked at Hermione seated in the couch across the small table reading. "Hey, Hermione," she said softly so as not to disturb Harry who had started to apply Daphne's tattoo, "why was Harry so insistent that we get this done immediately?"

"Hmm?" the brunette murmured. She looked up and blinked before realizing that Tracey had spoken. "Oh, right. He's paranoid. Mostly I think he's just terrified of summoning the Sword of Gryffindor around anyone not protected. He did me and Tonks last night."

"Oh he did you two? At the same time? Or did you take turns? Tell me, does he live up to the legend?" Tracey's grin grew wider and wider as she continued her relentless teasing of Hermione's unfortunate turn of phrase. "Tonks calls him Wonder Boy and I can't help but be curious as to whether that's due to his equipment? Does the parseltongue come in handy for you two?"

Hermione was gaping like a fish with her face redder than any of the Weasleys' hair. After nearly a minute Hermione groaned and leaned back. "I can't believe I set you up for that so perfectly…I'm not going to answer those taunts. Not yet at least. Maybe when I can fire back without blushing." Hermione paused and grinned evilly. "Though I can say this; my Dementor Anchor is on my upper inner thigh. Tonks has hers matching on her opposite thigh. And the positions required for that placement involved quite a bit of flexibility on our parts."

Tracey laughed and gave the older girl a thumbs up. "Kinky. I approve! I'm just getting mine on my back I think. Should be covered by pretty much anything I wear that way. How about you Luna?"

Luna tossed Coco up again and smiled as her pet came back down with a wide grin of her own. "Well I considered going for the left forearm to show off where my allegiance lies. Just like with Riddle's people!" Those close enough to hear could only stare at the little blonde. Tracey had opened her mouth to start to say something but Luna continued, blithely ignoring the incredulous expressions around her. "I do like the intimacy of the upper thigh though. I think I might switch mine to the outer thigh instead however. I can match with Susan if I do that!"

Tracey looked imploringly to Hermione who just sighed and leaned back in her chair and pulled her book back out. Giving up on any assistance, Tracey turned back to Luna. "I think that's probably a good idea, Luna." The girl beamed and Tracey breathed a small sigh at the potential crisis averted.

Voldemort hissed in frustration. Potter had a magical animagus. Voldemort had never cared to take the time to learn that art. It required far too much time invested for relatively low gains. Yet Potter had managed to break the rules of magic yet again and become something actually useful!

He scowled. He really had no reason to be annoyed with the boy. This merely served to reinforce that Voldemort had made the right choice all those years ago when he went for the fellow half-blood. Purebloods were so foolish and ignorant and set in their ways. They were infinitely easier to manipulate and direct than those with Muggle experiences. Which was ironic since, while it made backing the Pureblood cause easier, it also made running things afterwards far more complicated. He may have to engineer a breeding program of some sort to reintroduce new genes into the inbred fools after he was in power.

None of that was important at the current juncture though. No, what mattered now was that Potter was making more work for him. There weren't true animagus wards that he could use for when the boy was brought before him. If he couldn't keep the boy from changing form than he would have to keep the shadows in the vicinity to a minimum: none large enough for the panther to slip through would be allowed. It was easy enough…just time consuming and annoying. He'd have to direct Wormtail through the entire thing step by step.

Was it really so much to ask to have two competent servants instead of one?

Oh what he wouldn't give to have Bella back by his side. Ah…Bella…now, there was an idea…he'd planned to wait a bit first…to gather his forces before striking at the prison. But he needed at least one dogmatically loyal follower and it was looking increasingly likely that he'd lose Barty before the term was out. Oh Barty had never outright said he was under suspicion, but his lack of information in some reports was just as telling.

It took very little insight to understand that the shifter Auror was likely poking her head into things. That the woman was still alive testified more to her intelligence than Barty's failures. She must be keeping regular updates on her suspicions to multiple others. Barty wouldn't risk his cover to tie off the loose end until at least after the Cup's portkey had been redirected and layered. At least he was playing the part admirably in the meantime.

Voldemort sighed. He did hope that Barty survived the eventual confrontation. Good help was just so hard to find.

Dumbledore looked over the Treaty of Athens one more time. How the war had ever managed to start to begin with was mind boggling. When one race lived primarily in oceans and lakes and one largely lived in mountain valleys a person could be forgiven thinking that they would never encounter each other. One wrong word between two guests of Atlantis though and suddenly a simple insult and physical altercation turned into an interspecies war lasting centuries!

It was a sad state of affairs that the parties were still so at odds, yet…it suited his purposes. Dumbledore sighed and reached for a lemon drop. Sucking the candy he nodded. "Yes. Distasteful as it is, sacrifices must be made for the Greater Good. The older sister is far too obviously a target. The Merpeople will not approach her until time has expired and they are justified. The younger one though…they will never suffer two Veela in their territory at the same time. And without his key, Harry is sure to still be there trying to free his hostage until Fleur fails to arrive.

"They will go for the sister," Dumbledore scowled and took another lemon drop. "And Harry will try to save her. With a little luck he may even manage it…I certainly hope he does…More than likely both will perish though…"

Fawkes crooned sadly. Dumbledore sighed and stood to look at his familiar. "I know it is sad, old friend. I simply cannot allow a third Dark Lord of my own creation to arise. It is better this way. The Prophecy will still be fulfilled. And…even if Harry Potter is not the one, then certainly Neville Longbottom has grown strong enough to pose a threat to Lord Voldemort…Yes…if for some reason, Barty entering his name doesn't count as Voldemort's hand…Fawkes?"

The phoenix shook his head and let out another sad trill. He leaned forward and gave an affectionate beak tap to Dumbledore's forehead before taking flight. As Fawkes reached the center of the room, he disappeared in a ball of flame.

"Hmm," Dumbledore mused rubbing his beard. "Fawkes has not left in a huff in quite a few decades. Oh well, he'll be back soon enough. He always is." Dumbledore shrugged and shifted back to his table. "I suppose it's always possible that Harry has grown callous enough to completely ignore the girl…Well if he does that, then his reputation will be in ruins and his powerful help will take several large steps back. No matter the boy's choice, this is certainly the best way."

"Now to figure out just how to convince the girl to help."