
Harry Potter and the Rune Stone Path

=== Author: Temporal Knight (from fanfiction net) === *Disclaimer* I really liked this fanfiction so I wanted to put it here for easier reading, everything belongs to the original creator. If the original creator wants to take it down, pls leave a review below. This is where I read it- https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11898648/1/Harry-Potter-and-the-Rune-Stone-Path === Synopsis: 10 year old Harry finds a chest left by his mother with books on some of her favorite subjects. Discovering he has a talent for understanding and creating runes sets Harry onto a very different path than anyone had expected. Shortcuts, inventions, and a bit of support go a long way!

DaoistViking · Derivados de obras
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157 Chs

Lakes and Allegiances (Part One)

"Back from trying to convince the world that you're richer than the goblins?" Narcissa asked with a derisive snort as Lucius Malfoy walked into the sitting room. He scowled at her comment and poured himself a drink.

"The Scandinavian representatives were easily dissuaded from causing problems. I didn't even have to use a tenth of the bribes typical with Fudge. It was almost laughable. The French though," Lucius' scowl deepened, "those cheese eater barbarians wouldn't know a smart deal if it slapped them in their face. We're just lucky their Champion wasn't the one injured. I may not have been able to save Fudge had that happened."

Narcissa laughed. "That idiot will destroy this country. He's already doing a bang up job at it."

"That 'idiot' is the best, cheapest, most malleable and highest placed asset this family has ever seen!" he retorted.

She snorted derisively showing just what she thought of that assertion. "And he will drag us all into the dirt with his blind insistence on protecting that…woman. This foolish Tournament doesn't even approach being subtle," Narcissa said glaring at Lucius. "Damaging the reputation of Harry Potter is one thing, a simple matter really, but actively attempting to end an ancient line is completely different. The Wizengamot will turn on him and you will be caught in the crossfire."

Lucius gestured dismissively at that. "Neither the Wizengamot nor the public will do such a thing. I may have lost Skeeter, the stupid careless woman…but I still control the Prophet. They will never print anything that disparages Fudge too much. Besides…since when have you cared about ending lines?"

Narcissa shook her head at both his arrogance and his ignorance. "I have always cared about ending lines, dear," Narcissa snapped scowling, the venom practically dripping from her tone. "Being a pureblood used to mean something in this country. We used to maintain the family grimoires, uphold ancient traditions both personal and national, and we could trace our ancestors back to the original settlers. Now all that 'Pureblood' means is destruction and corruption. It is not enough that you poison my son with your hatred and vitriol, but now you again poison the country."

Lucius' hand clenched around his glass as he sneered at Narcissa's arrogance. How dare she insinuate having any right over his child. "Draco has never been your son. He is my Heir!" Lucius growled. "I will continue to raise him in the proper beliefs, in the way I see fit and you will continue to remain quiet if you wish to maintain your lifestyle. You believe the same things I do surely? I fail to see why we keep having this argument."

Narcissa tossed her hands in the air. Had he been listening at all to anything she had just said? "We keep having this conversation because your tiny brain fails to see the difference between tradition and bigotry. I seek to honor the precepts upon which our society was constructed, that is all. A society which will stagnate and die without new blood now and then. You would understand that if you had ever bothered to study history."

Lucius glared at his wife for several moments. Slowly he put his cup down and said, "You would do well to be careful what you say, woman. The Dark Mark grows stronger by the day. It is only a matter of time before our old Master returns."

"He was never my master. I may have played the dutiful wife in public, but that madman would see everything I have ever believed in run into the ground if the whim hit him. All he ever cared for was power and you idiots follow him without a second thought as to how you're all just his tools," she said narrowing her eyes at him. "You are quickly falling into old patterns, Lucius, and the only thing that kept me silent all these years for has been torn away from me thanks to you."

Lucius stood and laughed derisively. "Watch yourself, Narcissa. It is foolish to agitate me. When the Dark Lord returns…I may not be able to protect you."

She laughed, as much to hide the shiver of dread that ran up her spine, as to spite him. "Oh? And you would give me to his court to entertain them with Draco watching then would you?"

"It would do him well to remember what happens to those who denounce the Master." Lucius swept from the room his cloak billowing behind.

Narcissa was left alone staring into the fire and contemplating whether this frustrating tightrope was worth walking anymore. Draco was all but lost to her – Lucius had seen to that quite thoroughly. The boy may still care for her but he did not listen to her or believe anything she said. And if the Dark Lord was truly about to return then yet more of the old families and knowledge would be lost in the fires of war. A war that was looking to be far more evenly matched than the first. She hadn't had any choice in sides the first time when Orion had signed off on this marriage. Yet compared to back then...there was a new Lord Black now. Perhaps one who just might be willing to help her if she took the first step?

Harry stared out at the Black Lake from his spot underneath his favorite tree. The giant squid had taken to tossing several rocks into the air in a passable imitation of juggling. A display which would have been far more entertaining and humorous had his mind not been consumed with worry about the Fourth Task tomorrow.

They had done everything they could to prepare. He had purchased flippers, practiced the aguamenti maxima charm, crafted an extra Breathkeeper, studied the map Myrtle provided, gotten the alohomora to work silently, tested unlocking items with his Lockpick tattoo, continually reapplied tracking charms to Hermione, Tonks and Shiva every two hours…Harry sighed heavily.

He heard soft footsteps approaching and caught a faint trace of the rosemary perfume that Daphne liked to wear. He'd noticed a bit better sense of smell since gaining control of Midnight and it helped to pick up on some people. "Worried?" the Slytherin girl asked, sitting down beside him and joining him in watching the giant squid.

Harry nodded glumly. "At least in the first three it was just me in danger. This one though…if I screw up then one of them could die…"

Daphne snorted and shook her head. "While that may be technically true, we both know it's not going to happen, Harry. You are far too stubborn to let one of the people you care about drown like that. Your luck may be awful, but as Neville loves to say, it's the 'worst good luck ever'. Something bad will almost certainly happen, but you will pull through the other side just as your hostage will."

"I hope so," he murmured.

Daphne turned to him in exasperation and glared. She reached out and lifted his chin in one hand to force him to stare into her eyes. "Harry Potter, stop moping and being despondent over something that hasn't even happened yet. You are a Gryffindor. You idiots charge forward like fools and one way or another things work out. This conduct is very unbecoming of a Slytherin Slayer."

Harry's mouth quirked up into a small smile. "I never liked that title you know?"

She shrugged philosophically. "Not my problem. We both earned it and you need to continue to live up to it. You're ready for tomorrow." She let his chin go and looked back at the giant squid. "Besides, you'll be in there with three other friends. Stop worrying, Harry. The more you freak yourself out, the worse it's going to be. Use your Occlumency and damp it down if you have to."

"You're right," he said nodding. "I need to be on my game tomorrow, but that won't happen if I can't eat or sleep. Thanks, Daph."

"You're welcome, Harry." Daphne lapsed into silence and they both continued to silently watch the large cephalopod play in the water nearby.

Later that night Harry was sitting on the couch in the Common Room with one arm around Hermione's shoulder and the other running his thumb over her hand which rested in his lap. "I don't want to leave this spot," he murmured.

Hermione chuckled and leaned up to peck his cheek. "Neither do I, Harry. I wish we had been able to spend the night in the Room, but it's better to let them take one of us instead of forcing them to use someone unknown by hiding in the Room."

"Doesn't make this any easier," he said with a sigh.

"I know, Harry." Hermione gently sat up straight and turned to face him. "Okay. It's late enough and we both need some sleep. You've already applied the tracking charm to Nym and Shiva earlier. Do mine now."

Sighing, Harry pulled out his wand and recast the tracking charm onto Hermione. "Tomorrow is going to suck."

"You'll be fine, Harry. And so will the rest of us." Hermione smiled and leaned in to kiss him. After a few moments she pulled back and smiled. "Get some sleep, Harry. I'll see you in the morning."

"Love you, Hermione."

"I love you too, Harry." They hugged and headed off up the stairs to their respective beds trying to avoid thinking of all the ways that the Task could go wrong.

Lavender and Parvati were still in the bathroom and Hermione had barely finished changing into her nightgown when Professor McGonagall came into the dorm room. "Miss Granger? I need to ask you to come with me."

Hermione drew her shoulders together and stood up straighter. "Very well, Professor. May I get changed back into my normal attire?"

"Whatever for?" McGonagall asked frowning in confusion. "This should just be a quick conversation with the Headmaster. I am not certain of the content, but surely considering the hour he won't be keeping you long."

"I'm to be Harry's hostage for the Task tomorrow, Professor," Hermione said as she shucked her gown and started to pull on her normal clothes again. "That seems fairly obvious. I would rather not be on display in front of the entire audience in my night things."

"Hostage?" McGonagall's frown deepened. "That's the first I've heard of this…"

Hermione laced up her shoes and stood. "Well, Professor, I guess you're not kept in the loop either anymore. Welcome to our world." She walked out ahead of McGonagall trying to hide her shaking hands. Her brusque tone and words didn't even register through the worry that was springing up inside. "Hello, George. Guess it's you and not Alicia then," she said as she stepped in the Common Room and saw the second red-headed twin. He nodded in reply and fell into line with her.

McGonagall's lips thinned into a line as she followed her favorite student and most annoying prankster out of the portrait hole. "If those fools endanger my lions when they aren't even entered…" she murmured under her breath as her eyes narrowed into slits. "You better know what you are doing, Albus."

When Harry made it down to breakfast he was on the verge of taking a calming potion. Seeing Tonks at the table he growled and sat beside her. "Dammit, I was hoping she was just late."

Tonks sighed and squeezed his knee. "Wotcher, Harry. So it's going to be Hermione then?"

"She never came down from the girls' dorm and Lavender said she hadn't seen her since last night," Harry said shoveling a piece of toast into his mouth.

"Tracking charm still active?"

Harry scowled. "Tried it as soon as she didn't show. Nothing."

Tonks sighed and shifted from squeezing his knee to giving him a brief hug. "She'll be fine, Harry. Our Wonder Boy doesn't fail. He may get beat up, but he hasn't failed us yet."

Harry shuddered and leaned into her embrace. "Please don't say stuff like that, Nym," he whispered barely loud enough for her to hear. "Don't tempt Fate like that."

"Champions!" Dumbledore said standing and smiling at the room regally. "Please start making your way down to the Black Lake. The Fourth Task will be beginning shortly." As he sat back down, loud murmurs and excited conversations broke out throughout the Great Hall. Everyone started to get their things together and begin to move down to the audience seating.

"Come on, Wonder Boy. Let's go get our girl back," Tonks said tugging Harry to his feet and marching him outside.

Fred and Viktor caught up as they passed out the doors. Fred frowned, none of usual levity present. "George was missing this morning. They are taking hostages instead of things."

Viktor nodded. "Yes. Millie vas to meet me this morning. She vas not present either."

"Hermione was taken last night too," Harry commented softly. "Anyone seen, Fleur?" Three head shakes met his question causing Harry's worry to start spiking again.

They were almost to the lake shore before the French Champion was sighted. Her hair was flying wildly behind her as she ran up to the group breathing heavily. " 'arry! She is gone! Zey have taken her! Ze enfoirés have taken her! Tonks, Fred, Viktor, have any of you seen her?!" (1)

"Who, Fleur?" Harry asked grabbing her shoulders and trying to ease her hysterics. "Who did they take for your hostage?"

"My sister!" Fleur cried. "Zey took my sister! Into ze lake with ze Mermen!"

Fred and Viktor frowned, but didn't seem to get the significance of Fleur's distress. Harry and Tonks on the other hand swore loudly and immediately started sprinting to the lake with Fleur shortly behind. They skidded to a stop in front of the dock where Bagman was standing and grinning at them. "Love the enthusiasm, but we still have a few – " he started to say before cutting of as a snarling half transformed Veela stood in front of him with two partially formed fireballs in hand.

"We'll start now, thank you," Harry said with ice in his voice and fire in his eyes.

"You don't even know what's involved," the Ministry official said frowning and holding up his hands slowly backing away from Fleur.

"Get to the Merpeople village. Unlock whatever is holding our hostage down. Rescue the hostage. Get back. All in under an hour," Fred said almost as coldly as Harry. "Not complicated. Start the stupid thing so we can get our people."

"Yes, well, you see we need to wait for all the audience members. The Task isn't supposed to officially start for another few minutes and – "

Viktor sneered at the man and lifted his wand to his throat to cast a quick sonorous. "Attention guests. This Task vill be starting early as these…people have abducted ones ve care for and ve vill not leave them beneath the vaves longer than necessary. Thank you for your understanding." Cancelling the charm he turned back to Bagman. "Start the Task."

Bagman swallowed and looked behind him. Umbridge smiled and stepped forward. "I'm sorry, but we must wait for the start. It is only fair to – " she abruptly cut off as five wands pointed towards her with glowing tips. Fleur had shifted almost entirely to her harpy form adding further to the threat.

Harry spoke very firmly and very slowly. "We will start immediately, Madame Umbridge. You are preventing us from rescuing hostages. We would all be perfectly justified in cutting you down and since this is an official Task we wouldn't even be prosecuted for it. Move aside."

Umbridge scowled and stepped back. Bagman quickly followed her as the three Headmasters finally came forward. "What is the meaning of this?" Dumbledore asked frowning at the Champions.

Tonks stepped in front of the group. "Get ready guys. I'll handle this. Headmasters, you have 30 seconds to start the Task because that's when the Champions are jumping in. One Veela in the water is bad enough, but having two down there…I question all of your sanity."

Maxime frowned. "What do you mean by zis?"

Tonks snarled. "What do I mean? You stupid, neglectful bitch! You – "

"Tonks, we're ready! Have them start the damn thing!" Harry shouted over his shoulder and tossing her his rune clusters and clothes. He was dressed in a simple wetsuit while Viktor and Fred only had swim trunks on. Fleur was in a one piece swim suit and all were standing near the edge of the dock.

Tonks nodded and turned to Bagman. "Start it."

The man gulped again and raised his wand before the Headmasters could say anything further. A cannon blast sounded and three of the Champions jumped into the water after casting their spells and – in Viktor's case – eating their gillyweed. Harry immediately summoned his rune stones back from Tonks. He looped the Breathkeeper around his neck and pulled out his extra version from the harness to put it in the knapsack around his waist. He fastened an activated Slow Burn onto his shoulder with a sticking charm to light the way, stuck an Extravagance Rune Show into another slot on his other shoulder and finally put a Fishing Line on the back of his hand. Finally summoning the fins he'd asked Sirius to buy the other day and strapping them on, Harry jumped into the lake.

Harry immediately started swimming down, following the directions Myrtle had helped them with. The first few minutes were easy since he just had to follow the rocky outcroppings along the bottom which were pretty distinctive. Once he passed those however he ran into the hardest part: a large sea bed of kelp that was more or less devoid of any markings whatsoever. If he lost his way at this part it would take a while to get back on track.

Harry was almost past the kelp bed when he saw several strands thrashing viciously. There was a Merman hovering over the violent segment of kelp with a hippocampus next to him. The Merman had a predatory grin on his face and was lovingly petting the sea horse. A feeling of dread crept up Harry's spine and he twisted to head into the kelp.

Fleur had been overjoyed when her family had managed to get time off to come and see the Fourth Task. It was the last one prior to the finale and while it might be a bit boring to the audience, knowing that her family was there to provide moral support was an incredible buoying sensation. Of course Harry's continual reassurances in the weeks leading up to it and been most wonderful as well. The young man was slowly opening up to her and was seeking more opportunities to be alone with her whether they were simply studying, training or relaxing. It gave her hope that maybe – by the end of the year – Harry would be willing to allow her into his growing family unit.

And then Gabrielle had come up missing the morning of.

Her parents hadn't noticed at first, merely assuming that Gabi had run off to pester Fleur like she usually did while visiting. Her absence had only been found as Fleur came to greet them both shortly before the Task was to begin and they inquired where Gabi was. It had only taken a moment before Fleur realized the organizers had decided to use her little sister as her hostage.

She had frantically rushed to find her fellow Champions, hoping that perhaps – just perhaps – she was wrong and Gabi was hanging off of her childhood hero. But no. One look at the small group walking towards the lake had dashed that false hope.

By the time she had entered the water she could barely think, sick with worry and fear that she had managed to draw her sister into this nightmare. She hadn't remembered to wait the five minutes Harry would need to get prepared and she had instead taken off immediately. Viktor and Fred had quickly outpaced her since swimming wasn't exactly something she did often, but that wasn't important. Getting to Gabrielle was important. If she was alone for the first part until Harry caught up then so be it.

That was when the grindylows struck. Fleur had been swimming above the kelp bed relatively low to try and save some time when she felt a small fist grab her ankle and drag her into the undersea forest. Fleur screamed in surprise letting loose a stream of bubbles through her Bubble-Head charm. Sweeping her wand down at the unseen assailant, Fleur let out a silent cutting curse. A low grunt of pain carried through the water as the hand let her go. Swimming up, Fleur tried to get back into clear water, but was immediately dragged back down by not one but five sets of hands on her this time. Fleur screamed again as several sets of teeth bit into her arms and legs.

She thrashed violently managing to throw off one of the attackers. That was when she saw the Merman watching her with a large grin from just above the kelp. He gestured and Fleur felt her limbs be pulled tight to either side. Her eyes widened as the Merman pulled the head of a hippocampus slightly to the side. Desperately she tried to cast several wide area spells but all fizzled – she had yet to practice any of them silently or wandless…

The Merman nodded in satisfaction and slapped the hippocampus on the rear. The beast surged and passed close enough to Fleur for her to be pulled slightly in its wake. Thinking for a moment that perhaps she had gotten lucky and the Merman had miss-aimed his mount she tried to draw a breath and come up with a plan on how to get herself out of this and save her sister.

That was when she noticed her Bubble-Head charm had been pierced.

Harry kicked past the Merman and his mount and into the thrashing kelp. His eyes widened as he saw Fleur held down by several grindylows, bleeding from multiple cuts and slashes. He had barely raised his hand when she suddenly gulped in a final shuddering breath and stilled before starting to drift freely in her assailants' arms with her eyes drooping closed. Harry snarled and stopped raising his wand. Instead he channeled as much magic the Boomstone tattoo on the back of his right hand as it would take.

As the localized silencing charm snapped into life around him, Harry saw the grindylows flee and caught a quick glimpse of the Merman holding his hands over his ears and falling into the kelp bed with the hippocampus motoring away as fast as its tail would take it. Letting the magic lapse, he grabbed Fleur and pulled out his spare Breathkeeper. Pressing it into her hand and wrapping her delicate fist around it he willed her to breathe. The stone wouldn't work unless she started breathing again.

Not seeing any movement Harry wrapped an arm around her waist and swam desperately for the surface. They were still close enough to the shore of the lake that they weren't too deep…but it still took far too long to reach the surface. Once their heads broke the water's surface, Harry twisted to face the dock and prayed his half-baked idea would work. Reaching out with the Fishing Line he latched onto the edge of the top and pulled.

Amazingly, his hasty plan actually did just what he'd hoped: he and Fleur shot towards the dock since it was anchored and he wasn't. His arm felt like it was going to be pulled out its socket, but he held on and he and his charge were against the dock edge in only a few seconds. Letting the rune fade back to inactivity, Harry hauled Fleur up onto the flat surface.

"Breathe, Fleur! Breathe!" Harry leaned down and started doing CPR. It was one of the things Tonks had started teaching them in the morning workout sessions and he prayed it would actually do something now. All he needed was one reflexive gasp and…Fleur coughed violently and a few meters above them, a shower of water rained onto their heads from thin air. "Yes!"

Fleur took another gasping breath causing a very small amount of water to again rain on them before her eyes fluttered open. Harry heard shouts coming closer, but he ignored them. "Fleur? Are you okay? Can you hear me?"

" 'arry?" she muttered weakly squinting up at him. "Ze Merman…Gabrielle! I have to – "

"You are not going back in there! You can barely move, you almost drowned and you don't have your wand!" Harry shouted. "Give me your key!" Fleur hesitated for a moment before weakly reaching over to pat a pouch on her leg. Harry immediately thrust his hand forward and pulled out the key she had received from the Third Task. He turned back to her and looked straight into her eyes saying, "I swear to you, Fleur, I will get your sister out."

The judges and Pomfrey reached them just Harry twisted and dove back into the water.