
Harry Potter and the Rune Stone Path

=== Author: Temporal Knight (from fanfiction net) === *Disclaimer* I really liked this fanfiction so I wanted to put it here for easier reading, everything belongs to the original creator. If the original creator wants to take it down, pls leave a review below. This is where I read it- https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11898648/1/Harry-Potter-and-the-Rune-Stone-Path === Synopsis: 10 year old Harry finds a chest left by his mother with books on some of her favorite subjects. Discovering he has a talent for understanding and creating runes sets Harry onto a very different path than anyone had expected. Shortcuts, inventions, and a bit of support go a long way!

DaoistViking · Derivados de obras
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157 Chs

Guardians, Gringotts and Goblins (Part Four)

Harry and Shiva were almost to the front of the queue at Gringotts when she turned to him. "Remember, goblins take smiles with teeth showing as a sign of aggression. Be polite and direct because they don't like to waste time."

"I know, Shiva. I talked to Flitwick about proper conduct regarding goblins before I left for the summer. I got it covered," Harry said waving off her concerns. The goblins weren't that bad. They at least were blatant in their dislike of most people. He could respect that. Stepping up to the free teller Harry nodded and said, "May your gold ever flow, sir."

Harry didn't notice it but every goblin within earshot paused for a moment at the traditional greeting being spoken by a wizard child. The teller blinked down at the boy and his original, automatic sneer twisted into a confused frown. "May your hoard be increased, patron. What is your business with Gringotts?" His words were just as short as before but the tone sounded far less ornery than the first time Harry had been here.

"I need to visit my vault and I'd also like to speak with the Potter Account Manager. I have had a recent change in guardianship and I need to ascertain that she is added to my accounts as well as any necessary paperwork is in order."

"Harry," Shiva whispered with wide eyes, "you don't have to do that."

"I know. But I want to."

The teller blinked down at the two again. "Potter?" Harry nodded. The goblin frowned then snapped his fingers. A smaller goblin hurried forward from behind the counter. "Follow the Vaultrunner to the meeting room."

"Thank you, sir. May your enemies fall before you," Harry said with a small bow.

"And may their blood wet your blade." The teller responded with another surprised head nod.

"Hello, Griphook. I hope you've been well. May your gold ever flow," Harry said as he turned to the goblin they were to follow.

"You remember me?" Griphook's eyes had widened considerably and the pause in the surrounding goblins was noticeable to all nearby this time.

"Of course."

"That was two years ago, wizard." Griphook sounded dumbfounded.

"You were the first goblin I ever met," Harry said with a bit of chuckle. "It made a bit of an impression."

Griphook just nodded and shook his head before turning to lead the way back through the bank's corridors. As they trio moved off many goblins heads watched their progress. It had been a long time since wizards from a prominent family had bothered to remember their names. Or to give proper greetings. Or to even truly be polite. Perhaps Harry Potter would follow in his ancestor's footsteps after all…

Harry and Shiva were led into a small office and after greeting the goblin behind the desk took their seats. "I am Snapfist, Mr. Potter. It is good to see you have finally found the time to deem a response to my questions was warranted. Though a simple owl would've sufficed."

"Wait, questions?" Shiva said furrowing her brow at the goblin.

Harry scowled. "Let me guess. You've sent me owls for years and I've never replied to a single one?"

Snapfist leaned back with a barely concealed sneer. "We have sent letters since you first turned 11, Mr. Potter. At least one letter every month for nearly two years now."

"I haven't received any of them, sir. I apologize for any offense taken as I assure you none was intended."

Snapfist's eyebrows furrowed at the little wizard's response. This was highly unexpected. An arrogant heir was perfectly normal. A lying wizard was also perfectly normal. Both were exceedingly easy to spot. Harry Potter instead appeared nearly as frustrated as Snapfist himself. It certainly helped the child's case that wizard heirs as a rule never apologized; certainly never to a goblin.

"You don't sound surprised by this, Harry," Shiva said.

"I'm the bloody Boy-Who-Lived. Shouldn't I have gotten letters from half the witches and wizards in Britain with everything from simple thanks to marriage proposals? The first letter I ever got was from Hogwarts. The second was from Hermione. No, Shiva, it doesn't surprise me at all that someone's been stealing my mail."

"If you suspected this, Mr. Potter, why did you not say anything earlier?" Snapfist asked, eyes narrowing.

"Because, Snapfist, if I started getting letters while still at the Dursleys I'd be in for an even rougher summer than usual. I was waiting until I was free of my relatives. Now I am." Shiva was glowering at the situation as Harry explained.

Snapfist gave a low growl. "Tampering with one's mail is a criminal offense, Mr. Potter. Tampering with official Gringotts communications is an offense against the Goblin Nation." Shiva stiffened but Harry just snorted. "We will find the guilty party and ensure adequate punishment is meted out. Who may we address your letters to in the meantime?"

"Bathsheda Babbling." Harry nodded towards Shiva. "She's my legal guardian as of yesterday. Which is actually one of the reasons why I'm here but we can go over that later. What were you trying to get ahold of me for?"

"Three primary reasons, Mr. Potter. First, we were sending account statements detailing your holdings. Here is a copy now." Snapfist handed across a piece of parchment to Harry who glanced at it and passed it to Shiva. "The summary of the information is thus: your trust vault is refilled to 2,000 galleons on the first of June each year. Your family vault remains open to perusal however all items must remain inside including gold, jewelry and heirlooms. Documents may be copied but the originals must remain in the vault. These restrictions will dissolve upon you reaching your age of majority and any items remaining in your trust vault will be deposited into your family vault. Your Muggle holdings investments have been mostly profitable with the largest producer being a company termed 'Apple'. Your current approximate holdings amount to 150,000 galleons of liquid assets, along with an additional 250,000 pounds in Muggle holdings. This figure does not take into account the jewels or jewelry in your family vault nor your family heirlooms or properties. In addition only the 2,000 galleons inside the vault are available at any given time until your age of majority."

Harry's mouth was gaping and he turned to Shiva who was looking similarly dumbstruck. "I'm almost a millionaire…"

"It's not quite enough to live on for the rest of your life without a job – especially while supporting a family – but Merlin, kid…wow," Shiva shook her head. "Don't spend everything in one place…"

"You mentioned properties, Snapfist?" Harry asked almost afraid to turn back to the goblin.

"That was the second issue we wished to discuss," Snapfist said nodding. "The Godric's Hollow home was officially claimed as a historic monument and your magical guardian signed off on this. The Potter Manor summer bungalow on the coast of France is still in good order and well maintained as per the original agreement."

"Summer bungalow?" Shiva asked with a slightly strained voice.

"Yes," Snapfist pulled some papers out of his stack to examine. "It is a small property. One floor, three bedrooms, two restrooms. The primary advantage is the location as it resides on a cliff overlooking the ocean. I am told it is quite the view though I have never visited myself."

"Anything else?" Harry asked controlling his breathing.

"The primary Potter Manor is the only other property. It is also the reason for the summons. The Manor was heavily damaged during the Blood War and while provisions were set up for the Manor's repair they were never activated."

"Why not?"

Snapfist rubbed his head. Apparently some gestures crossed species. "A very frustrating technicality. James Potter had arranged for everything as well as already completed payment. However, he had yet to sign the revised paperwork acknowledging agreement with the upgraded warding schemes prior to his death. We were unable to move forward without that signature or official release in his will to perform the work. As James Potter's will was sealed prior to being read our hands were tied. As the eldest Potter you, with your Legal Guardian's signature, may authorize this work."

"My father's will exists?" Harry asked his lip twitching. "I was led to believe my parents' wills had been destroyed the night they died."

Snapfist frowned. Could nothing be normal with this child? "I assure you, Mr. Potter. Both James Potter and Lily Potter nee Evans' wills are safe in our records."

"I want to read them." Harry's hands had clenched into fists and his knuckles were going white.

"That is not possible at this time," Snapfist said apologetically. "James Potter's will was sealed by order of the Wizengamot and cannot be read without a counter-order or release by the Head of House Potter. Lily Potter's will was never activated to begin with and cannot be read until this condition changes."

"You just said Harry could sign to start the work on the Manor, why can't he unseal the wills?" Shiva asked laying a calming hand on Harry's shoulder.

"The paperwork to repair Potter Manor was completed and signed by the Head of House. That an addendum was added to incorporate a definition of the ward scheme is what is preventing work. It is a technicality that allows for any Potter to complete the work by accepting the addendum as sufficient. The wills would need to be released by the Head of House. Harry Potter is not considered the Head of House until he reaches the age of majority and assumes the title Lord Potter."

"Well can't I unseal them? I have the paperwork proving I'm his legal guardian." Shiva got out the documents and handed them over.

Snapfist however shook his head after a quick scan. "These are Muggle forms. Mr. Potter's magical guardian remains unchanged and only he may authorize the release. As it was he who initially sealed the will I rather doubt you will gain cooperation from that direction."

"Dumbledore right? He's my magical guardian isn't he?" Harry growled.

"That would be correct, Mr. Potter," Snapfist snarled. The old wizard had trampled over many Gringotts policies through the years and did not engender warm feelings.

"How do I change it?" Shiva frowned as Harry spoke. This was a problem. She had initially assumed Dumbledore simply had in loco parentis guardianship while Harry attended Hogwarts not that he was an official magical guardian.

"It would need to be a Wizengamot decision to strip his magical guardianship rights and grant them to another," Snapfist explained.

Harry just growled in response. Snapfist found himself growing to genuinely like this little wizard. It was rare enough to meet a magical that could be polite. It was even rarer to find one capable of a respectable growl.

"Snapfist," Shiva asked slowly, "just what kind of power does Dumbledore have as Harry's magical guardian?"

"Primarily, financial control over any transactions more than 50 galleons though he cannot perform any transactions regarding the family vault or your investments," Snapfist said tapping his fingers on the desk. "A magical guardian also has the right to accept or deny any magical contracts including marriage contracts."

"That's still a thing?" Harry said scowling even deeper. "What the hell is wrong with this world?" Snapfist had to hold in laughter at that question. Many goblins had asked the same thing regarding wizards.

"They're really rare, Harry," Shiva said but then frowned. "Snapfist, has Dumbledore signed any magical contracts or marriage contracts in Harry's name?"

Snapfist shifted a few more papers before shaking his head. "No. There is a draft marriage document for one Ginevra Weasley with Molly Prewett's signature already stamped however Albus Dumbledore has yet to sign."

"Thank god," Shiva leaned back with a sigh. Harry's face was starting to turn colors that only Vernon had ever reached. "What was the date on that one?"

"November 5th, 1981."

Both humans gaped at that and looked at each other. Harry unfroze first. "I am going to strangle that old man with his own beard."

"At least he didn't sign the bloody thing. Snapfist, is there any way to block that from ever getting signed?"

"Well..." the goblin tapped the desk again thinking. A scary grin split his features as he recognized an option perfectly in line with bank policies. "We could place it into the family vault. As a draft document it would be required to be either destroyed or signed before any other marriage contracts could be formed."

"And Dumbledore isn't allowed in the family vault despite being a magical guardian," Harry said. Snapfist nodded, noting with approval that the predatory grin spreading across Harry's features mirrored the goblin's own. "Can I give access to that vault to Shiva?"

"No. Not until you reach your age of majority. Currently you are the only one allowed access to the Potter family vault."

"Oh. Well it was worth a shot. Wait," Harry frowned, "by locking away this contract I'm screwing Ginny aren't I? She seems nice enough and I don't want to stop her from dating anyone until I turn 17 or something..."

"In one manner you are limiting her options, Mr. Potter. Miss Weasley would be unable to enter into another marriage contract the same as you. However, that does not mean neither of you can form relationships. It simply means neither of your hands can be bought or sold," Snapfist said.


"Do it," she nodded to him and gave a thumbs up. "This is definitely the best option until we can get you out from under him. I just wish I knew why Dumbledore seems dead set on managing your life."

"Maybe he's just senile," Harry muttered. "Was there a third thing, Snapfist?"

"Yes. A Wizengamot proxy."

"A what?"

"Shite," Shiva said softly. "I didn't even think about you having a seat on the Wizengamot. It's a hereditary one I assume?"

"It is," Snapfist agreed. "It is generally not a topic Gringotts handles however with the sealed will we have been...forced," Snapfist made it sound like a curse, "to bring up the issue. Currently the proxy is Albus Dumbledore in his role as your magical guardian. You are unfortunately unable to change this fact without his consent."

"Fantastic." Harry sighed. "Well this sucks. If you guys manage to figure out a way for us to change magical guardians before we do let me know please."

"I will ensure we do, Mr. Potter." Snapfist nodded to them both. "Before we conclude...it has come to the attention of Gringotts that you are in possession of the Sword of Godric Gryffindor. Is this true?" His eyes were beady and his stare intense.

Shiva narrowed her eyes at Snapfist and stopped Harry before he could speak. "Yes," she said. "The Hogwarts' Founders' artifact chose Harry as a champion and bestowed the Sword of Godric Gryffindor upon him in his hour of need." Harry shot her a questioning glance but Shiva just shook her head.

Snapfist frowned, deep in thought, before slowly replying, "You claimed this blade during a crisis?"

"Yes," Shiva said.

"Mr. Potter, please explain."

Harry again looked at Shiva. She just sighed and motioned for him to go ahead. "My friend and I were fighting a basilisk. Nothing was working against it so I asked for help. Fawkes, the phoenix, showed up with the Sorting Hat. I put the Sorting Hat on and the Sword came out. I used it to stab the basilisk. I think I hit the venom sack and the brain when I stabbed it."

Snapfist stayed quiet for some time. "You have claimed Right of Conquest and Right of Bequeathment then?"

Shiva nodded. "He has."

"Very well," Snapfist sighed. He shook his head with a resigned growl of defeat. "The Goblin Nation recognizes your claim and your right, Harry Potter. You maintain uncontested ownership of the Sword of Godric Gryffindor for your lifespan."

"Okay one of you has to explain what is going on because I'm pretty sure I've missed a very large chunk of this last part," Harry looked between the two others getting annoyed. "Obviously something delicate was just decided and I don't appreciate feeling like it was done without my input."

"Harry," Shiva said softly, "goblins view any items they make as belonging to the crafter and the crafter's descendents after they pass. In their view any items made for a witch or wizard are merely rented. When the owner passes, the period of rent is up and they expect the item returned to the crafter or his family. We don't agree with that. We feel we paid an extreme amount for a very finely made item and we own that item so we pass them along to our children."

"Okay," Harry looked between the two again. "So you thought I was cheating you by not giving the Sword back?"

"Correct, Mr. Potter," Snapfist nodded.

"So...what made you change your mind?"

"Two things. You claim the Right of Conquest and the Right of Bequeathment. The Right of Bequeathment is valid as you did not ask for the blade yet it was delivered to you all the same. You were chosen as a champion of Hogwarts. We respect that choice and the judgment of your abilities and character. The Right of Conquest is equally valid as you accomplished a feat many would die failing to perform in your place. A basilisk is no easy prey. This marks you and your ally..."

"Daphne Greengrass," Harry supplied after Shiva elbowed him.

"...Daphne Greengrass as Warriors in our eyes. A Warrior is entitled to the spoils of his kill as well as the instruments used to perform said kill. We recognize and respect your Claims, Harry Potter." Snapfist leaned forward. "But be wary, Warrior Potter. Goblin steel will imbibe that which will make it stronger. You say you punctured the venom of the basilisk? There are very few substances stronger or deadlier than that venom. The blade is likely infused with its properties. Take care not to cut yourself," the goblin finished with a sly grin.

Harry's eyes widened at the implication that he had wrapped up a blade that could kill with a nick in an old sweater and then tossed it into his trunk...a scabbard was immediately required. Above any other errand today. Shiva gulped besides him. 'Oh good. I'm not the only one mildly freaked out by this.'

"That concludes the business I had." Snapfist nodded at the two and then held out a piece of parchment to Shiva. "Ms. Babbling if you will please place a drop of blood on this parchment Gringotts will recognize Warrior Potter as your ward as well as give you access to his trust vault. Do you have anything else you require?"

Harry turned to Shiva who shook her head. "Nope. Thanks for your time and help, Snapfist. May your enemies fall before you."

"May their blood wet your blade."

Harry and Shiva left the office leaving an exhausted goblin behind. After composing himself, Snapfist left to meet with Director Ragnok. His liege had to be informed of the events surrounding the Potter Heir.

"Snapfist," Ragnok rumbled as he walked into the chamber. "So are the whispers true? Does the Potter child have honor?"

"My lord, Harry Potter is – to all appearances – as honorable as his mother before him." Snapfist's declaration was met with raised eyebrows. "He knew the appropriate greetings and dismissals and did not blame Gringotts for failings beyond our control. He treated the Goblin Nation as knowledgeable and fair. He has performed a feat justifying the label of Warrior but does not lord this fact as wizards are wont to do."

Ragnok considered before asking another question, "And how does the boy explain his lack of communication?"

"He claims his mail has been tampered with and that he has received no letters, my lord." Snapfist saw the expression on his liege's face darkening so he hurriedly continued. "I believe him, my lord. He seems to be operating under the assumption that Albus Dumbledore is the one who prevented his mail. It is possible this was not a malicious act however if true..."

"Yes, he would still have intercepted Gringotts business," Ragnok growled. "Investigate. Is Albus Dumbledore still the Potter magical guardian?"

"He is, my lord. We have been asked to inform Warrior Potter of any means of changing this situation if we determine one."

Ragnok laughed. "Oh so the child chafes at the bit. Did his companion seem capable?"

"She is his new guardian in the Muggle world, my lord. While not at the same standard as Warrior Potter she was more courteous than most."

Ragnok nodded. That had been expected from the reports received. "And the Sword?"

"He has claimed Right of Conquest and Right of Bequeathment, my lord." Snapfist bowed and nodded his head. "His Claims are valid. The blade was gifted to him by Hogwarts herself and he used it in the slaying of a basilisk. I recognized Harry Potter and his ally during the battle, Daphne Greengrass, as Warriors for this feat."

"Hmm a worthy predator," Ragnok thought for a few seconds before smiling. "In that case we would not be able to maintain a grip on the blade anyway even should we attempt to reclaim it. He could simply summon it back whenever he wished." Ragnok burst out laughing. "I am growing to like this child!"

"I feel the Nation would be well served by maintaining an amicable working relationship with Warrior Potter," Snapfist ventured.

"Yes," Ragnok nodded, "I believe so as well. Snapfist, put out feelers for the magical guardian issue. Let us make this a race shall we? Goblin vs. wizard. Who will find the loophole first I wonder?"