
Chapter 2

I ran as fast as I can towards my orphanage ( while original Aiden got lost, I had an advantage of eidetic memory and all memories of Aiden, using which I found my way to the orphanage) and went to my room. locked the door and quickly ( filled with an unusual amount of excitement) laid the loot on my bed. I fiddled with the trunk and when I tapped what looked like to be a rune, trunk got enlarged. I opened the trunk and looked inside. It had a lot of stuff for a small trunk ( space enlargement and weightless runes I presume). I quickly went through the stuff and found a few robes and books, a whole lot of books, a pouch, and a broom. The pouch contained a lot of coins, many of which were gold and a few bronze and silver. I almost shouted "Jackpot" but quickly calmed myself and started to look at books. Books were nothing special just Hogwarts yearbooks for all seven years on all core subjects ( transfiguration, potions, charms, DADA, history of magic, astronomy, herbology ) and two electives (Arithmancy, Ancient runes). The only book that stood out was on occlumancy. I really hit the jackpot with the occlumancy book ( i like my mind protected, thank you very much), from what I read in Harry Potter books occlumancy was a rare art and books on it were highly regulated.

Now the problem was that I don't have a wand, I nearly started to panic ( I repeat I don't have a f***ing wand ) but remembered that few of the powerful wizards like Dumbledore, Voldemort could do magic wandlessly ( Voldemort could even fly without a broom using wandless magic) , So if they could then why couldn't I.

Yes, it's going to be difficult but I had time to spare. I had years to go before my Hogwarts letter. I also had a unique advantage of having lived a life without magic in my body so it should be easier for me to sense magic now that I have magic. I also had the advantage of being a genius with 187 IQ and eidetic memory which means that I could remember books from cover to covers just by turning pages while looking at them. And BOOM, I can memorize a book in just a few minutes.

Since the problem of being able to do magic is now sorted out, I started to go over all my resources and looked at the pouch I lifted from other man and the poor bastard only had a few coins in it. Anyway, its time to go over all of my currency. From what I remember from the books, Wizarding money comes in three denominations: bronze Knuts, silver Sickles, and golden Galleons. There are 29 Knuts in one Sickle, and 17 Sickles make up a Galleon. I had a total of 11000 Galleons, 79 Sickles, and 46 Knuts, which I presume is a lot of money (Triwizard competition had only 1000 Galleons as a reward ). I put away all of the stuff and started to read first-year charms book and went over the Lumos spell. Lumos spell is first spell to be taught in charms class Since it is easy to use and takes very less magical power. I pointed my index finger like a wand and started wand movements while saying ''Lumos''. I barely felt a weird sensation trickle through my body reaching out of my finger and produced a single tiny spark ( a spark so tiny that I had to focus all my attention on the finger just to barely notice it ) for a second before it went out.

Suddenly, I felt very exhausted, it washed over me like a feeling of powerlessness so strong, unlike anything I have felt before. I laid there for half an hour going through everything that just happened before I felt like I could move again. Good thing is that I know how it feels when magic is moving through my body and even though it was just a very tiny spark produced for barely a second, I could do wandless magic.