
How to Die

Authors note

" Means dialogue"

' Means thought'

| Means authors note (other than beginning of chapter)|

Feel free to correct me in the comments grammatical or historical.

Sorry for short first chapter, not sure what to write for this.

386 Words (Not including authors note)


A man exits his home, once again heading to the supermarket a block away. He buys milk and never returns to his home, for he has kids. This was a random man.

20 miles away, the main protagonist is sitting in his home reading a book on Web Novel. 30 minutes later, he decides to go for a walk. 5 minutes later he sees an old man fall on the road. He instantly ran to help the man up, but saw a truck. He decided that the old man wasn't worth his life and ran to the sidewalk. Then the truck swerved, dodging the old man and hit our protagonist, killing him slowly and painfully.

"Well shit," our protagonist- John said. Then, he saw black, the pain suddenly disappearing. "Where the hell am I?"

"My home young one, but my question is why are you here?" a deep voice responded.

John suddenly screamed out, "Who the fuck are you?!"

"Calm now young one, I am One Above All but you would know me as God," the voice- its owner now revealed, replied. "I shan't keep myself from asking so I shall, why are you here?"

"You think that I know how I got here? And your God? What the hell is happening right now?" John shouted, at his wits end.

"Ah, so you don't know how you got here. You must be an oddity." God pondered. Then, he said louder, "you are dead correct?"

Calmer now, John declared, "yes, I was hit by a truck and died."

God, now positive he is right, announced, "very well, you were born in the wrong universe, as such I shall put you in the correct one. However, as you went to the wrong universe due to my mistake, you can not only keep your memories, but you also get three wishes and knowledge of the place you are going to."

Suddenly a rush of memories flow into John, immediately, he mutters, "by God, your taking me to the Harry Potter universe?"

"Yes, now choose your three wishes."

"I choose Instant Mastery, perfect memory, and I want to be born in the Granger family," John stated after pondering for a time.

"Very well, it shall be done." God responded, "goodbye."

John then fell asleep, teleporting to the Harry Potter universe.