
No idea at all

"I really don't know what to do Professor. I mean, what would I benefit from exchanging School? My grandmother always said Hogwarts is the best school."

"Oh I think you got it wrong, Neville. I'm not suggesting for you to exchange to another school permanently. It would be just a way to improve yourself since your case is rather unique. These professors would be excelent choices for you to learn more... But you must have in mind It is just an alternative for you."

"And what do you think headmaster? Do you think it would be good to study in another school with Babajide or Flamel?

"Oh, Neville, that is not my choice to make. Every person has its own path. You could learn a lot from both of them, but you could also learn a lot here, in Hogwarts..."

Fuck! It would be so amazing to study with Nicolau Flameu. I mean, he will die in a near future if the Philosopher's Stone is destroyed as in the books. He has what? more than 600 years? There is a lot to learn from a man who lived so long. Babajide is not a bad option too. There is the risk of not knowing anything from him, but he studies such an amazing field of magic. Wandless and Voiceless spell. Besides it would be a whole different culture from the one I am used to by reading the Harry Potter books. I would be able to understand how magic works much better...

Tsk, but I don't think I can let Harry without help for now. He faces Voldemort two times in the first two years, and Voldemort is the only one who can kill Harry. The risk is just too big. The problem is if I don't go to another school, I will leave Harry, Ron and Hermione classroom anyway. It may afect our friendship, mainly the one with Harry and Ron. Ron is a jealous person and Harry is just too meek and fragile right now.

There is another important factor too. Hogwarts is such a huge treasure mine. There are a lot of mysteries here. The Forbidden Forest, the kitchen that some people says is related to Helga Hufflepuff, the Lake, and above all the Room of Requirement. Besides, I know that there are three greatmasters here to teach me. Sererus Snape in Potions, Filius Flitwick in Charms and Alvus fucking Dumbledore in pretty much anything. I have yet to get their support as an apprentice, but the simple possibility generates a huge upside...

Both paths seem right and both will change the future somehow, but I don't wish to change the future that much by now. Yeah, I must stay in Hogwarts for now... Tsk, it would be such a great opportunity studying in other magic culture, unless...

"Headmaster, it is really complicated because I feel I have a lot to learn from Hogwarts yet. I mean, I'm here for just one week. I don't want to leave, but I would really like to understand other wizarding cultures. Do you think I would be able to do this exchange thing later?"

"There is nothing off the picture, Neville. You can learn a lot from Hogwarts later too."

I look at Dumbledore eyes decisively " I choose to stay here at Hogwarts for now headmaster."

He smiles a little. "So it is settled. I will give you three weeks to prepare to do all the tests of the first year..." He looks at Minerva and seems to wink at her. "We are waiting good things from you. Oh, and remember, there was no wrong choice here. In a matter of fact, you are simply too young, you pretty much can do eveything with your life, Neville. Your choice can be remade in a few years." He winks at me now.

"Thanks, Headmaster. Thanks, Professor McGonagall."

Minerva reveals quickly a little smile in her stern face too, then she says "There is nothing to thank, Mr. Longbottom. Go prepare yourself. There will be no easy test for you"

Jesus. Life is really about choices. I don't know if I really made the right one, but I can feel inside of me it is going to be alright.

After my talk with Dumbledore, I quit going to class. Minerva nor Dumbledore didn't warn other students about my situation, so I did the same. I've only told the truth to Hermione and the boys of my dormitory because I had no choice, as they would know I was not sick or anything related. I asked them to not tell anybody about it and they agreed. Hermione appeared to be sad when I told her but she congratulated me and said I would still have to study with her. Of course, I agreed.

Seamus, Dimas and Harry didn't understand a lot about my situation, I guess. They didn't ask me much and what they asked me I had no means or was not able to answer. For instance, they asked me if I would change dormitories if I advance to the second years class. I don't know. I don't remember any case similar to mine happening in Harry Potter books.

On the contrary, Ron was kind of shocked. He seemed to understand what advance in year class means since neither Percy or Bill advanced and they were both Prefects and top students. Surprisingly I didn't felt any jealously from him. He just looked shocked and asked me what have I done to get this opportunity. Once again, I couldn't explain properly. I simply told them I have a bigger magic reserve than wizards at my age without explaining how I obtained that. They all looked at me surprised and suspicious, Ron more suspicious than surprised.

In the first week I didn't attend any class at all and I would continue to do so, until I heard Ron talking to Harry about the flight class tomorrow. He was talking like it would be the first time they would try to mount a broomstick. Damn it! I forgot about it. Tomorrow is the day Harry was supposed to become a Seeker for Gryffindor. I have to think in a plan for tomorrow. Perhaps I will have to become an actor...

The next day after lunch, I met Harry and Ron in the Common Room. I told them I was going to the flight class with them. They were a little surprised but I explained it was a personal curriculum for the first years students. So I should not miss classes. They thought it made sense and I went to class with them with no plan in mind yet.

I thought a lot of possibilities yesterday, and none of them seemed great. There are just too many variables. I brought my wallet-closet. I'm thinking in 'losing it' after faking an accident. Pretty much like the flow of events of the first book.

The problem is Malfoy and Harry attitudes. By Talking to Harry and Ron occasionally, I discovered Harry and Draco have already developed a rivalry.

"Just what I always wanted. To make a fool of myself on a broomstick in front of Malfoy." said Harry in a depressive way.

"You don't know that you'll make a fool of yourself." said Ron.

"That is true Harry. I don't have a lot of experience in a broomstick too but Ron explained to us that it has a lot to do with confidence." I intervened, before Ron complemented. "Besides, we know Malfoy is all talk."

As it happened in the books, Malfoy was a spoiled and arrogant kid to say the least. He was always saying how awesome he was in a broomstick and was always complaining about the rule that forbids first years students to play in the Quidditch Cup. Harry told me that they almost fought Malfoy due to some silly reason I've already forgot, but Minerva was close to them and it prevented the fight.

If I'm not mistaken, I think it was because Malfoy was mocking Harry about the fact he didn't have a family or something like that. Or that he didn't received any letter since the one from Hagrid. I don't know. Problably some childrens provocation like 'your mother is this','no, she is not. It is your mother that is this'.

Malfoy once tried to provoke me for some reason, I just look at his eyes, I shook my head and looked at him with a look of pity and he never said anything. I think he used to bully Neville because he thought it was embarassing for a pureblood wizard like Neville to be so weak.

Or he is just a typical bully kid, always looking mighty in front of the weak and meek in front of the strong. Anyway, I don't see Malfoy as bad as portraied in Harry Potter books. I think it has a relation to Harry's point of view. He always associated Malfoy to his cousin. I don't know. I, myself, simply think he is too young, a kid. He is capable of turn into a new leaf, like Harry's father once did too. I don't see much evil in Draco. Again, just a super spoiled kid. Annoying, but not evil. Nothing like Voldermort when was kid.

When we arrived at the place of the class, Madam Hooch was already organizing her stuff. There was a lot of broomsticks in a corner and she was distributing them horizontally in the grass. I can see Hermione reading in a corner.

"Hey Hermione."

"Oh, hey Neville. What are you doing over here? You were supposed to be preparing for your tests..."

"Yes, but I always wanted to learn to fly in a broomstick. My grandmother told me she was going to buy one, but I prefered she bought more materials for Potions practice. And by the way, we only have flight class in the first school year. So I would have to come to class sooner or later anyway."

"Makes sense, but you could just request to practice later..."

"For that I would have to ask for a permition to Professor McGonagall. I don't want to bother her more than I already did. That being said, you seem to be nervous..."

"Of course I am. I was never good with heights and you know I'm from a non-wizard family. It is going to be my first contact with a broomstick."

"Relax, we both know that the broomsticks have a core that recognizes the person's calm and courage. The core comes from a magical beast so you mustn't show fear or aprehension. We are Gryffindors, Hermione, if there is something we don't lack it is courage." I wink and smile at her.

"That's what some people say, but..."

"Well, what are you all waiting for?' Madam Hooch barked. "Everyone stand by a broomstick. Come on, hurry up!"

"Be confident, Hermione." I told her and head to an old broomstick near me. I'm really excited and nervous too. But the nervous part of me comes from the fact I don't have a plan to give Quidditch to Harry. I guess I will just try to emulate the happenings from the first book...

"Stuck out your right hand over your broom." called Madam Hooch at the front. "and say 'Up'."

" 'UP' " everyone shouted.

The broom jumped to my hand super fast. Tsk, I really wanted to fly properly today...

I have an outline of the next 4 chapters, but this Quidditch issue still leaves me unsatisfied.

As the title suggests, I really have no good idea what to do to make Harry become a seeker in his first year at Hogwarts. I feel like pretending an accident is kind of lame.

I don't want to do that. So if there is no chapter tomorrow, that is the reason. I'm not satisfied, but the day after there will be two chapters

If you have a good suggestion, I'm open to ideas!

Thanks for your support!

Avdrancreators' thoughts