
Flashy Entrances are Everything

" Louis! Annie! Richard! You three are late! I thought you'd never make it and miss the train! " Draco scolds the three dragging them towards the express train after the four say 'goodbye' to their parents.

" Okay, I'll admit it that over sleeping was our fault, but at least we made it right? " Annie defends.

" Speaking of which, I think saw Golden boy and Red head outside the barrier. " Louis says remembering them passing by the redheads family but were in to much of a hurry to care.

Rolling his eyes, Draco brings them to an empty cart and the four settle down with a sigh of relief.

Annie, Richard and Draco were still jet lagged so they decided to take a nap until the Hogwarts express reached its destination.

Louis was also in the same condition as them, but had to feed Bandit his snacks or suffer the wrath of the niffler sooner rather than later.

Five minutes in and the Hogwarts express was taking off. Still feeding Bandit his snacks, Louis happens to overhear a conversation that was taking place outside their cart.

" Don't you find it weird- "

" that Ron and Harry- "

" Aren't here yet? " The voices question sounding slightly worried. Louis was certain that they were twins. But who were they exactly?

" Do we really- " The voices start again.

" Want to look for them? " The other voice finishes off. " Do you want me to help you? " Louis asks popping up all of a sudden.

Both twins turn their heads to Louis at the same time with surprised looks on their faces. " Really? " The twin on the left says, " You'd help us? " The twin on the right asks.

" I did offer you help, so of course I'm gonna help you. " The smile on both twins faces made Louis happy with his choice of deciding to help them.

" I'm George! " The twin on the left says, " And I'm Fred! " The one on the right greets. " I'm Louis. Nice to meet you. " The Princeton greets shaking both their hands.

" So how are we- " Fred says, " Going to look for them? " George finishes. Looking left and right, Louis signals the two to enter the cabin once the coast is clear.

Confused at what Louis was doing, the twins just shrug it off and head into the small room to find out.

" So what are you- " George says, " Going to do exactly? " Fred finishes. All Louis does, is smirk mischievously while he pulls out his wand. " You'll know soon enough. "

" Does that creep you out Fred? " The Weasley asks his twin, " It sure does George. "

With a simple wave of his wand, Louis casts his spell and a ripple in the air slowly shows itself to the boys. " Wicked. " The twins say in awe.

" That's where the two are right this moment. " Louis tells the two looking through the ripple, squinting his eyes to get a better look through the rippling. " Outside the barrier apparently. "

" Why are they outside the barrier anyways? " Louis asks looking back at the two. The two just shrug their shoulders.

" We don't really know ourselves. " George says, " We thought they were on the train when we realised they weren't with us on the platform. " Fred follows.

Contempt with their answer, Louis shrugs his shoulders and offers the two mini cups of Jello from his pockets. " Jello? "

The two stare at the cups of Jello for a solid minute before taking it and popping the glorified jelly desserts into their mouths.

" So how come we haven't seen you the whole of last year? " Fred asks " Unless your a first year, " George follows " Which doesn't really make sense. " Both state.

" Great job Louie, we're not even back and you go ahead and do whatever this is. " A voice behind Louis remarks, startling the twin Weasley's.

" Woah! " Both exclaim in surprise, " Who- " George starts once more, " Are- " Fred follows suit, " You? " Both end at the same time.

" Richard, cousin to this Jello giver over here. " Richard states jabbing his left thumb to Louis as he shakes the two's hands with his right hand.

" Are we missing anyone else here? " Both ask looking to each other, then proceed to look back to Louis, " Seeing as we did not even see Richard here when we entered. "

Arms around each other's neck and leaning against each other for support, the two await expectantly for Louis to introduce anyone else before getting surprised once more.

" Right. " Louis says, remembering Annie and Draco- and getting horrified at the fact he actually forgot about his violent cousin.

Coughing to cover up his comical expression, Louis turns around to introduce the still slumbering Draco and Annie in their respective seats- out like a log.

" This is Annie, my other cousin. " Gesturing to the Princeton on his right, he then gestures to the Malfoy on his left, " And this is Draco, who I'm pretty sure you know. Or not. "

" Shush it Louis, I'm trying to catch up on some sleep here. " Draco grumpily says readjusting his position for maximum comfort.

" Yup. That's him alright. " Both twins state to themselves.

• • •

" Wake up you two! We're here. " Richard had started to violently shake the two sleeping preteens when Hogwarts came into view.

" Five more minutes. " Annie mumbles brushing off Richard's hand. " We're not even there yet. " Draco adds in, also brushing off Richard's hand.

" Wow. " Fred marvels at the two's actions. " Are they always like this? " George asks Louis who was sitting on the opposite seat reading a book.

" Nah, their only like this cause we went on a trip to Greece and came back two days before school started. We slept through the whole of yesterday and only - just barely - woke up in time to catch the train. " Louis says as he flips to the next page of his book.

" You went to Greece?! " Both twins exclaim in excitement at the revelation, " Tell us everything you saw! " The two state, both twins on either side of Louis awaiting eagerly.

" Oh how wonderful. " Richard mumbles in sarcasm at Louis' smile as he begins his recount of his time exploring all that Greece had to offer for the remainder of the train ride.

• • •

It was three minutes before the Hogwarts express reached it's stop when Draco, along with Annie at last woke up.

" That was a great nap! " Draco yawns happily through his stretching " Same! " Annie follows Draco's statement.

" So what did we miss? " Draco asks looking toward Richard to fill him in, whom in turn only sighs in defeat as he points to the seat opposite of him.

" Where's Loui-! " Draco stops midway due to choking on air the second he saw the scene Richard was pointing at.

Louis was grinning evilly as he lays out a blueprint of what was apparently Hogwarts, while Bandit and the twins plot their master prank plan for when the time they deemed was right .

" How many years was I asleep for? " Annie mutters as she rubs her eyes in disbelief, and in slight concern for her safety just based off on the look Louis was showing on his face.

Draco was still coughing on air, and only calmed down when Richard patted him on the shoulder in an attempt to make him cease his coughing.

" Better yet, what happened while we were asleep? Did a life changing event somehow happen while we were asleep? I'm so confused. " Draco at last states, short of breathe.

" It's better to be left in the dark in situations like these. The less we know the better our mentality will be. " Richard remarks as he watches the three boys and niffler evilly cackle at some point of their master plan.

" Good idea. " The two agree immediately, to frightened for their own good now that Bandit has fellow partners in crime, and Louis was tagging along. It was a nightmare in the making.

• • •

" Have you seen Harry and Ron? I haven't been able to find them for a sometime now. " Hermoine asks the twins, worried for her friends and what they were doing.

" Their fine. " George reassures her " Trust us. " Fred confidently states, patting Hermoine lightly on the back.

" Alright, if you say so. " Hermoine says less worried, but now her eyes squint at the two Weasley's in suspicion at their answers.

It was only after the new batch of first years were sorted, and the start of the feast was there news of Harry and Ron's whereabouts.

And boy did they come enter in the best way possible.