
Meeting Lady Malfoy

A loud crack resounded as three figures appeared outside the front gates of Black manor.

The first was small, wrinkly, with big eyes and long ears, he also wore a dirty tea towel that covered his front.

While the second person was a tall slim woman with long blond hair, pale skin and piercing blue eyes. She also wore a long flowing green dress that complimented her white blouse.

Next to her holding her hand stood a fair boy with short blond combed back hair and icy grey eyes.

He also wore regal attire with long black pants and a white blouse covered by a dark green tweed vest.

Releasing his mistress's hand the house-elf stepped back.

Turning to the short creature, the woman's nose wrinkled in disguise, "Leave, Dobby!" she ordered and with that command, Dobby disappeared accompanied by a loud crack.

Turning back to the large black iron gates the woman tightened her grip on the boy's hand as she gazed past the bars onto the dark dead grounds of Black manor.

Walking forward she approached them with a regalness few could contend with.

As she neared the entrance to the Black property the gates silently swung open inviting them in.

Passing the wards protecting the manor, the woman's eyes widened as a lush green garden was revealed to her.

The chirping of songbirds filled the air and the smell of flowers drifted into her nose.

The boy on the other hand looked extremely confused, "Mother, what happened?" he asked.

Looking down at her son the woman smiled, "We just passed the wards, they are a kind of shield that protects this place from the outside."

The boy's face transformed into one of excitement at his mother's words and he started pulling her towards the large black two-story manor.

Walking around the large onyx fountain that depicted a wizard triumphantly standing above a hydra, the two slowly approached the manor's front doors.

Suddenly the oak double doors swung open and a woman dressed in black and white walked out.

Bowing towards the two guests, the woman said, "Lady Malfoy, heir Malfoy, I welcome you to Black manor."

Curtsying, Lady Malfoy replied, "It's an honour, Lady Black."

Shaking her head the woman in black and white smiled, "I'm sorry but I am not Lady Black."

Lady Malfoy looked confused, "Then who are you and where is Lady Black?"

"I am her maid, Victoria Sharp's the name. It's an honour to make your acquaintance."

Opening the door a bit more she gestured inside, "I shall guide you to Lady Black."

Stepping into the foyer Lady Malfoy looked around. It was nice and cosy with a large dark red couch to her left and doors to her front and right.

Walking forward Victoria entered the large high ceilinged entrance hall.

Following the maid, Lady Malfoy asked, "Doesn't Lady Black have a house-elf?"

Shaking her head, Victoria led them between the curving stairs and into the ballroom, "No, she doesn't, Lady Black is deeply offended that we wizards would enslave a race of sentient creatures."

Lady Malfoy frowned at the maid's words and was resolved to ask Lady Black about it later.

Reaching out Victoria grabbed the handles of the high glass doors and pulled them open.

A warm breeze wafted inside blowing Lady Malfoy's hair up behind her.

Holding up a hand she blocked the sun from her eyes.

Hearing the sound of footsteps, she removed the hand from her eyes and looked forward.

Victoria was leaning down next to a wooden slightly reclining chair.

She was whispering something to the person sitting on it. She couldn't see much of the person but what she could see indicated that the woman was of small stature.

"Ah, Lady Malfoy, it's a pleasure to meet you.* a childish voice said.

The woman's eyes widened as Lady Black stood up from the chair, there in front of her stood a girl no older than 6 about the same age as Draco.

She was cute in every sense of the word, Narcissa had no doubt that she would turn into an exceptional beauty.

The girl had flowing blood-red hair, and a pair of heterochromatic eyes, the right one was azure while the left one was scarlet.

Looking to Narcissa's right, Lady Black smiled, "And you must be heir Malfoy if I'm not mistaken."

It took a few seconds but soon Draco bowed and said, "It's an honour to meet you."

Lady Black's smile brightened, "The honour is all mine."

Turning to her maid she said, "Victoria, could you bring an extra chair for their Malfoy please."

The maid bowed "Of course, my Lady." and walked past the Malfoys back into the manor.

Gesturing towards the table to her left Lady Black smiled, "Lady Malfoy, please, take a seat, and heir Malfoy, I am very sorry for there is no seat for you to sit on at the moment but I have asked my maid to bring you one, if that is acceptable."

Frowning, he nodded slowly, "Yes, thank you."

Releasing her son's hand Narcissa walked forward and took a seat at the round, steel and glass table.

"I am truly happy to have finally met you Lady Malfoy, you couldn't guess how long I have anticipated this moment." Lady Black said her eyes locked onto Narcissa's.

Narcissa smiled, "There is no need for such formalities among family."

Placing her hand over her heart, Lady Black inclined her head, "Then please, just call me Eleanor."

Narcissa too inclined her head, "It would be an honour, and of course you can call me Narcissa if you'd like."

Turning to the ballroom's large glass doors Narcissa saw as the maid strode through them a chair hovering along in front of her.

Walking over to the trio Victoria placed the chair next to Narcissa, bowing to Eleanor she asked, "Is there anything else you need, my Lady?"

Smiling, the Lady of the house said, "Yes, could you please bring us the tea and biscuits."

Nodding, Victoria bowed again, "Of course, my lady." she then strode back into the large black manor.

Turning back to look at Eleanor, Narcissa smiled, "Your maid told me that you don't have a house-elf and instead hired her to do the work around the house."

Eleanor nodded, "Yes, that is correct."

A confused expression made its way onto Narcissa's face, "Why, if I may ask."

Looking down Eleanor started playing with the singular ring placed on her middle finger.

It was of purse silver and had the crest of house Black engraved in it.

Breathing in deeply Eleanor spoke, "Frankly I don't see the merit in it.

I know most wizarding families have one but I prefer being served by a fellow wizard or witch, it makes me feel more comfortable."

Narcissa nodded, she could understand Eleanor's views but she didn't see a reason to pay a wizard every month while she could have a house elf.

It was then that the maid came over with a teapot to her right and a plate of biscuits to her left, both of them floating in the air.

"My Lady, I've brought you your tea, would you like me to pour it for you?"

Eleanor smiled kindly, "Please do."