
Harry Potter and Grindelwald's Heir

COPYRIGHT: I do not own the cover art nor the works of J.K. Rowling, I, only own my own characters depicted in this Fan made story. -------------------------------- SYNOPSIS: During his imprisonment, Gellert Grindelwald has a vision and finally understands now why he failed in his endeavor. He was not the one meant to bring justice to the World. It is the role of his Heir, of his legacy. He will be the one to bring down the muggles, les non-magiques, the no-majs, the can't-spells, the filth upon this world. He is the one who will bestow the Greater Good upon this World. Follow along as the Heir reaches new highs and faces enemies like never before. ------------------------------ NOTES: This fan fiction is written only for fun, so the story will not follow canon, nor will the timeline and dates be accurate. This Fanfiction is not to be copied, translated, posted on any websites without the explicit permission of the author. Nor are the Original Characters (OCs) created by the author allowed to be copied or used in other fanfictions.

FrenchViking · Derivados de obras
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9 Chs


Self-made spells:

Aere Perennius: makes any material last longer than bronze

Vitam Impendere Vero: Releases target from mind control cruses

Fiat Lux: Create a sun like fireball (Cruel Sun)

Incendia Verbero: Creates a Whip made from fire or fiendfyre

Atram Noctam Time: Absorb all light in an area, making it dark as night

Milles Morsus: Causes a thousand dog bites to appear on target

Aeris Perditio: Bruns energy stored in target's magical core

Protego Diabolica: Grindelwald's shield

Protego Angelica: Ludwig's version of Gellert's one (protects allies)

Inviso Mento: Makes you invisible (from Gellert's eye)

Cyclonus Transportus: Apparate with underage wizards

Ravenetho: summon a raven

Animata: target goes blind for 30 seconds

Frieshenda Shedayah: Unforgivable Curse, shed blood on target

Induco caelum necnon terra simul: hail of meteors to strike target

Auxilium: Heals target (High level)

Deflagrate muri tempi et intervallia, etenium, dissimulo fidelis arcanum: Fidelius charm

Used spells:

Abrecap benda: Break the chains

Abrumpo: Cutting Curse-Dark

Abscido Totalum: Severs All Limbs From Torso-Dark

Absolvo Ancile: Extremely Powerful Shielding Spell

Accio: Summoning Charm

Acenne Slaep Swylce Cwalu: Sleeping spell

Ackwele: Destroy

Ado pas sawle: Destroy this spirit-used to cleanse Horcruxes by destroying the soul without damaging the actual Horcrux-that is, the container

Adurna: Water

Aduro Flamma Atra Excessum: Dark Burning Spell-Creates a Black Flame Hot Enough to Destroy Horcruxes-Preferably cast by three people

Aegis Contego: Powerful Shield Charm

Aegis Vocare: Shield Charm-Weaker Than Protego

Aegresco Dormitare/Vivo Timor: Nightmare Hex/Curse-Dark

Aeolus: Whirlwind Curse-creates a whirlwind of scalding steam that can burn a specific target-needs absolute focus to do so

Aequor Tutela: Creates a Water Shield

Afeorme: Cleanse

Afflagrans: Flame Curse

Aguamenti: Creates a Jet of Water

Aguamenti Incendio: Creates a Jet of Boiling Water

Ahluttre The Seocness Thurhaele Braed: Healing spell

Ahreose Thaec: Roof fall

Alarte Ascendare: Shoots object into the sky

Aliesin: Release

Alino Capra: Spying Charm-creates invisible eyes that only caster can see through

Alohomora: Unlock

Amplificare Corpo: Charm to strengthen the body-Spell equivalent of Strengthening Solution

Anapneo: Clears Airway

Andlat: Death

Animare Salma: Corpse animation spell-basic Necromancy spell

Animi Adgredior/Arrestus Cardia: Heart Attack Hex/Curse

Animus Purgo: Purify Soul Charm-Charm used to cleanse darkness from a Horcrux in preparation for reabsorbtion

Animus Reddo Invalesco: Curse that destroys Horcruxes and turns soul piece into more magic for caster-Unlisted Fourth Unforgivable

Anteoculatia: Antler Jinx

Aparecium: Reveals Invisible Writing

Aperio Vere Animus: Soul Revealing Spell-Undoes Glamours, illusions and Polyjuice-Side effect of removing biases against target

Aperio Vere Instar: Form Revealing Spell-Undoes Glamours, illusions and human transfigurations-ineffective against Animagi and Polyjuice

Aqua Erecto: Water Charm created to battle Fiendfyre

Aqua Impleo: Drowning Curse-Dark

Aquamariam Inferio: Water Charm-Creates a burst of water

Aquaniam Tidalis: Wave Charm-creates wave of water

Arachiaxus: Spider swarm Jinx

Arania Exumai: Spider Killing Spell

Ardeo: Burning Dart-Shoots a Bolt of Fire

Ardeo Corpus: Incineration Curse-Dark

Ardor Castro: Burning Castration Cursed-Castrates victim while cauterizing wound

Arefacio: Drying Charm

Aresto Momento: Slows/Stops a Falling Object

Arget: Silver

Ascendio: Lifts the Caster into the air

Asshai: Cleanse-Parsel spell that removes poison or potions from food or someone's system, curing them of it's effects

Asheseyra: Bind Completely-Parsel Binding Curse that cannot be removed except by caster-Victim cannot move, speak or use magic, also used for unbreakable magical oaths

Astrice: I strike-Stunning spell

Atra nosu waise vardo fra eld hornya: May we be warded from listeners

Attero Atrum: Destroys Darkness

Attero Telum: Destroys Muscle and Bones in Target's Arms

Audr: Up

Aufero Patronum: Curse to send away a Patronus

Awendap eft wansaeliga neatu: Celtic Impediment Jinx

Avada Kedavra: Killing Curse-An Unforgivable

Avello Viscus: Flaying Curse-Dark

Avera Katana: Freezing Charm-Immobilizes Target

Avero Frigidaris/Glaciestum/Tempestas Glacialis: Freezing Charm/Hex/Curse-Creates a burst of freezing wind/Ice Storm

Baerna: Burn

Behaepse faest: Locking spell

Benelaeg gesweorc: Summons Mist

Beorn: Bear

Berbay Odothay Arisan Quicken: Animation Spell-animates any image or statue

Bjart: Bright

Bledem Bardem: Bleeding Breath Curse-Liquefies Lungs to the Point That the Victim Dies of Asphyxiation or Blood Loss-Dark

Bloedig Driemall: Eye-melting Curse

Boetq Istalri: Broad fire

Bombarda (Maxima): Causes an Explosion

Brakka: Reduce

Brimstream: creates a jet of water

Brisingr: Fire

Burbujee Cabeza/Ossigeno Maschile: Bubblehead Charm

Caducus Epastus: Flaying Curse that only affects Death Eaters

Caeco/Caecare/Caecus: Blinding Jinx/Hex/Curse

Castigo: Painful binding curse

Catena (ex Ferreus): Binds Target in Chains of Iron

Cave Inimicum: Warns of Approaching Enemies

Cavea: Cage Spell-Encases Target in Nearly Indestructible Cage

Censumosis: Dark burning curse that causes it's victims to feel as if their bones are on fire

Cero Ventus: Wind Charm

Chalybs Funis: Binds Target in Steel Ropes That Slowly Tighten-Dark

Chistian: Shield

Cistem Apario: Opens Chests

Clam Imperio: Subtle Imperious Curse-Does not allow full control, but target often follows suggestions

Calm Adamo Imperio: Love Imperious-Forces target to 'fall in love' with someone of the caster's choice-usually the caster

Clava Mocus: Bat-Bogey Hex

Coepia: Blasting Curse

Colloportus: Magically Locks Doors

Colorous Sillius-A spell that turns anything it comes in contact with Neon Pink w/ Neon Green Spots

Comburo Sanguis/Cruro Madidus: Blood-Boiling Hex/Curse-Dark

Comprimo: Compression Curse-Dark

Concalesco Ipse: Warming Charm

Condalesco: Causes target to believe they are being tortured

Confringio: Causes Items to Burst into Flames

Confundo: Confounding Charm

Congelo Corpus: Dark Curse That Causes Victim to Freeze From Inside Out

Conlingo Totalis: Binding Spell that combines Full Body Bind and Incarcerous

Contego: Reflection Shield-effective against Minuo-Created by Grindelwald

Contendo Talus: Bone-Crushing Hex-Crushes bones of area hit by spell

Consesco: Dismemberment Curse

Constructivictus: Binding Chain Jinx-Version of Incarcerous That Shoots a Chain of Steel

Contrarius: Contrary Jinx-causes target to speak opposite of thoughts

Contundo: Demolishing Curse-Dark

Cooperio Obstructis Magnus: Charm that hides all magic done in a certain area

Coracis: Siege Engine Curse-obliterates an expanse of space, size dependant on amount of power used

Crematora: Cremation Curse-causes target to burn to ashes in a matter of seconds-Dark

Cremocarnis: Flesh-Burning Curse-Dark

Creo Ovino (Multiplicius): Conjuring spell-conjures sheep

Crucio: Torture Curse-Must Enjoy it in Order for the Curse to Work Properly-An Unforgivable

Cruento Ornatus: Charm that stains clothing with blood-used for framing target with murder

Cruxus: Torture Curse-Similar to Cruciatus, but less powerful and Legal

Cume Thoden: Come, Whirlwind

Curatio Adura: Healing Spell-Specifically for Burns

Cuspis: Transfigures a match to a needle

Datia: Mists

Dauth: Death

Defodio: Creates Gauges in Target

Deloi: Earth

Demergo Puteus Onus: Gravity Curse

Deprehesio Magus: Allows detection of magical residues

Deprimo: Causes Extreme Downward Pressure

Depulso: Banishing Charm

Descendo: Causes Target to Descend

Disintegrata: Disintegration curse

Desisto Mutatio: Inertia Charm-used to stop or slow spells

Detrimentum: Hair-Removal Hex

Dextera Mortis: Wrist-Locking Jinx

Deyja: Die

Diabolus Inflammare: Fiendfyre-A Nearly Unstoppable Fire That Can Destroy Anything-Dark

Diffindo: Cutting Curse

Diffracto/Diffractum/Ossus Diffringo: Bone-Breaking Jinx/Hex/Curse

Diminuendo: Shrinking Spell

Diplopia: Double-vision Jinx

Diripo: Flesh-Shredding Curse-Dark

Discerpo: Severing Curse-More Powerful Version of Diffindo-Dark

Disruptium: Organ-Rupturing Curse

Dissumulo Veneficus: Charm cast on wand to hide it's magical signature

Doxio Thundaris: Electric Charm-creates a ball of lightning that can be used as a weapon

Draumr Kopr: Dream Stare /Scrying

Du grind huildr: Hold the gate

Duro: Turns Target into Stone

Effervo/Ebullio Caedes: Blood-Boiling Curse

Effugiat: Notice-Me-Not Charm

Eitha: Go, Leave

Eldrvarya: Burning

Engorgio: Enlargement Spell

Episkey: Healing Charm-Minor Injuries

Eradico Mens Mentis: Mental curse that destroys most Occlumency shields-Created by Salazar Slytherin

Eructare Ariolimax: Slug-vomiting Curse

Evanesco: Vanishing Charm

Everbo: Bludgeoning Hex

Everte Statum: Hurling Hex

Eviscero: Disembowling Curse

Exorior Quod Rapio Spiritus Ex Meus Foes O Umbra: Creates a Shadow Assassin to strangle a target

Exosso: Bone Eating Curse-Extremely Dark-if bones are vanished and replaced by Skele-Grow, the curse will reactivate and kills in one hour

Expecto Patronum: Patronus Charm

Expelliarmus: Disarming spell

Expulso: Blasting Hex

Extracto (Totalis) Osseum: Bone Extracting Curse

Eyddr eyreya onr: Empty your ears

Feoll bu brand: Causes Ceiling to collapse

Ferio Levitatum: Flight Charm

Fervefacio: Melting Curse-Dark

Fethrblaka: Bird

Ferula: Creates a Splint

Ferunculus/Tergeo Erump: Boils Hex/Curse

Fianto Duri: Shielding Charm

Finite Incantantum: End spell

Flagro Flagello: Flame-Whip Curse-Dark

Flauga: Fly

Flammasectum: Burning Curse that creates a stream of white fire-Dark

Flipendo: Knock-back Jinx

Forbearne: Fire Spell

Fortis Aegis: Creates a Golden Shield That Protects Against Curses and Physical Objects-more powerful than Protego

Frethya: Hide

Fulmina: Electric Torture Curse

Fumo: Smoke Charm

Furioso Infernus: Flame Hex-creates a large jet of intense flame

Freohr: Death

Fyrbendum faest: Locking spell

Finna: Find

Ganga: Go

Garjzla: Light

Gath du helgr freohr: Unite the Deathly Hallows

Gath und reisa du rakr: Unite and Raise the Mists

Gehalge: Heal

Gehaeftan: Restrain

Gemino: Duplication Spell

Gauisus Phasmatis: Cheering Charm

Gravitas Penna: Featherfall Charm

Haina: Harm

Hanaysa: Parseltongue-Release

Harayssa: Parseltongue-Destroy

Hasshai: Repair-Parsel Healing charm that instantly repairs broken bones and/or Tissue

Haurio: Shielding Charm-Absorbs Spells

Heill: Heal

Hearass: Hurt-Parseltongue Stinging Curse-Essentially has the same effect as a Stinging Jinx on the whole body

Heyshahassa: Parseltongue Open

Hilderand Fram Aerdeap: Shielding Spell-Shields From Death-Effective Against Avada Kedavra

Hljodhr: Silent

Hoaryaehexia: Shoots a Large Arrow of Silver

Homenum Revelio: Reveals any Invisible Humans in a Room

Homenum Reverto: Reverts any Animagus to Human Form

Ic Awoce The: I revive you

Ic I Tospringe: I open it quickly

Ic The Gehatte Searobend: Binding Spell

Ic the Purhhaele Pinu Licsar Mid Pam Sundorcraeft Paere Ealdan: Healing Spell

Ic The Withdraf: Stunning spell

Ic The Bebeode Thaet Thu Nu Slaepest: I command that you don't sleep

Ignis: Burn Curse-Dark Curse That Causes Severe Burns Over Target

Ilumeo: Truth

Imitorari Flammoviscera/Inflammo Venae: Hex/Curse that Causes Target to Believe Internal Organs are on fire

Immobulus: Immobilizes Target

Impedimenta: Impedes Movement- Freezes, Trips, Binds, Knocking Back

Imperator: Causes target to become very charismatic-Usually used on commanders on battlefields to keep army from retreating or cause them to attempt an impossible task

Imperio: Mind Control Curse-An Unforgivable

Impervius: Makes Target Repel objects

Imprimis Patrocinor: Small but Powerful Shield that Protects Against all but Unforgivables

Incarcerus: Ties up Target with Rope

Incendio: Burns Target

Incendus Ventus: Creates a Massive Ball of Fire

Indolentia: Pain Relief Charm

Infestus Apris: Creates a Swarm of Bees

Infractus Manus: Curse That Breaks Fingers-Extremely Useful Against Grindylows

Infra Video: X-ray Charm-allows user to see through walls and other solid objects-used on Moody's eye-created by Dumbledore in 1950's

Instigo Calvae: Hair-Removing Hex

Integropercuro: Healing Charm for cuts, effective against Sectumsempra

Interia: Dark Curse that causes internal damage and bleeding

Intende lich: Fire attack

Iren Faestnunga onlucap me: unbinds Chains

Islingr: Lightbringer/illuminator

Istalri: Flame

Jacio: Flinging Hex

Jierda: Hit/Break

Kalfya: Calves

Knifr: Knife

Kveya: Lightning

Kvistr: Branch

Kodthr: Catch

Lacarnum Inflamare: Creates a spurt of flame

Lacero: Lacerating Curse

Ladrin: Open

Lam: Hand

Langlock: Glues the Targets' Tongue to the Roof of the Mouth

Lapidibus: Petrification Curse

Lapso Accidere: Tripping Jinx

Latus Destructus: Lung Destruction Curse-causes crushed lungs-Dark

Legillimens: Mind Reading

Lepor Lepos Acidus: Wit-Sharpening Charm-Created by Rowena Ravenclaw

Letta: Stop

Lemures Maxima: Forces a Killer to Feel Victim's Dying Moments, No Effect on Innocent-Dark

Levicorpus: Hangs the Target in the air by the Ankle

Levious Severus: Countercharm to Severus Selious

Lif: Life

Lifa: Live

Liquefacio: Decomposing Curse-Extremely Dark-just under Unforgivables

Locomotor Mortis: Leg-Locker Curse

Losna: Release/Loosen

Lumos: Light

Ma'mor: Unlock

Maela: Quiet

Malthinae: Confine/Bind/Hold

Manin: Memory

Mimble-Wimble-Tongue-Tying Jinx

Minuo: Bleeding Curse-cuts the target while numbing the area so target doesn't know they're bleeding to death-Created during war against Grindelwald

Min srengest miht hate pe tospringan: Powerful unbinding Spell

Moi: Change

Mor'amr: Open

Morbus Egresco: Causes Target to Become Ill Extremely Quickly to the Point of Incapacitation-Dark

Mor'ranr: Peace

Mortalitis Caliga: Shoots a Mist of Acid-No Counter-curse, but can be blocked by Shield

Muffiliato: Anti-Eavesdropping Spell

Musica Anima: Plays a Song That Best Fits Targets' Soul (Featured in Growing Pains by SensiblyTainted)

Naedre fordripe: Snake, attack

Nagz: Blanket

Nentou Kujiko: Mind Crushing Curse-Destroys the mind of the target completely-Created by Yakuza for quick kills-Dark

Neo: Not

Nonauditorius: Deafening Charm

Nosu: Us

Nox: Darkness Charm

Obdormio: Instantly Sends Target into a Deep Sleep-Can Lead to Coma and Death Without Counter-Dark

Oblido: Crushing Hex-Dark

Obstringere: Binding Hex-binds target in ropes

Occludictus: Healing Spell for Cuts

Onbregdan: Summoning Spell

Ono: You

Onr: Your

Oro: Arrow

Orum: Serpent

Osdetero: Bone-pulverizing Curse

Partis Temporus: Splits a Magical Barrier

Patefacio Valetudo: Medical scan spell, Means Show or make visible the state of the body or the health

Pectus Oris Deflagration Onis Enim Tantum Aevum: Ancient Egyptian spell that destroys both body and soul-Dark

Pelleo: Bludgeoning Curse

Percutio: Striking Curse

Perfigo (Rapido): Puncture hex

Perfringo/Ossus Fragmen: Bone-Shattering Hex/Curse-Dark

Periculum: Creates Red Sparks

Petrificus Totalus: Full Body-Bind Curse

Phoenixius Infernitatum: Fire Charm

Piertotum Locomotor: Animates Statues/Suits of Armour

Pillovinus: Cushioning Charm

Pingo: Paintball Charm

Portus: Creates a Portkey

Praestigiae Cara: Beloved Illusion-Creates an Illusion of Target's Loved One that can talk to the target-Used for Distraction-Most effective if caster knows the loved one

Preda Venator: Curse that opens all of target's previous wounds-most effective on target that has often been wounded or taken serious wounds

Premo Navis: Artery Crushing Curse-Crushes a major artery and kills victim in less than a minute-Originally created for euthanasia purposes

Projectilius: Creates Solid Bolt of Magic-Used to Pin or Impale a Target

Projectilius Argentium/Argentum Spiculum/Silforgium: Creates Solid Bolts of Magical Silver

Protego: Creates a Basic Shield

Pulmo: Asphyxiation Curse

Pulmo Ferramentum: Iron Lung Curse-slowly turns lungs into iron, causing excruciating pain for the victim and inhalation speeds the curse up-death within 20 minutes unless an Inertia spell is cast within two minutes, followed by Reversal and Regeneration charms and a donation of magic

Pu fornimst adl fram guman: Remove sickness from this man

Pulmo Punctum: Slow Moving Unblockable Curse That Punctures Targets Lungs

Purnhaele licsar min: Heal thoroughly my wound

Rakr: Mist

Raudhr: Red

Rauthr: Misfortune

Recutio: Shield That Deflects Spell

Reducio: Shrinks an Object

Reducto: Breaks/Disintegrates Target

Reflectus/Resulto: Mirror Hex/Curse-Reflects Spell back at Caster

Reisa: Raise/Lift

Relashio: Makes the Target Release it's Hold

Remitto: Banishing Charm

Ren: Oath

Rennervate: Awakens Target

Reparo: Repairs Target

Resarcio: Healing Spell for Bruises-Speeds up Healing Factor

Reverto: Deflection Spell

Rictusempra: Tickling Jinx

Riddikulus: Boggart-Banishing Charm

Ruptispecktis: Eye Pain Curse

Ruptura: Rupturing Curse/Dolohov's Curse-Produces Thin Beam of Purple Fire That Causes Severe Damage to Internal Organs-Dark

Sabaki Mahou: Magic Draining Curse-Drains magic from target and adds it to caster's own, also adds a few years to caster's life-Dark

Sachera: Parseltongue-Die

Sachessa: Parseltongue-Stun

Sanerra: Parseltongue-Forget

Sang Quasso: Blood Bursting Curse-Dark

Sayahsess: Obey-Parseltongue Imperious Curse-Extremely Powerful and Resistant to Thief's Downfall

Sassesi: Remove-Parseltongue Disarming Charm-Removes Arms From Target

Schaduw Ninja: Curse that blinds target before having their shadow consume them

Scourgify: Cleaning Charm

Sectumsempra: Cutting Curse-creates sword like slashes in target-Dark

Selious: Sealing Charm

Searassa: Torture-Parseltongue Cruciatus Curse

Serpensortia: Serpent Summoning spell

Servio Obviam Incendia: Flame-Freezing Charm

Severus Selious: Severing Charm-Cuts person off of magic

Sheara: Shield-Parseltongue Shielding Spell-Eats Attacking Spells to Power Itself-the More It's Attacked, the Stronger it Gets-Does Not Protect Against Unforgivables

Sicco Pulmo: Saves Person From Drowning

Signum Translocus: Anti-Apparition Hex

Silassa: Silence/Quiet

Silencio: Silencing Charm

Silex Iacio: Stone-Throwing Charm

Skileshmorte: Tears Away Chunks of Flesh-Dark Curse (Created by Shiquresan in Sanguis Vita Est)

Skolir: Shield

Slytha: Sleep

Snaede: Cut

Sobrietus: Sobering Charm

Somnio Verus: Illusion Charm

Soporo: Modified Stunning Charm-Target cannot be Revived except by Caster-wears off after one week

Speculum Ardoris: Surrounds Caster in Flame Mirrors-Defensive Measure; With Different Pronunciation Turns into Offensive Spell that Confuses Targets and Makes Them Cast Spells

Spongify: Cushioning Charm

Spiculum: Stinging Hex

Stenr: Stone

Stupefy: Stunning Charm

Sugh: Dark Curse that drains energy from target

Suscitatio, Exorior Per Invocatio of is Quisnam Dico Vos Quod Exsisto Reus, Inferious: Inferi Curse-Necromantic Curse that reanimates the dead to serve as an army for the Necromancer

Svelt: Die violently

Sweffin: Sleep

Talus Ruo: Trip Jinx

Tarantallegra: Jelly-Legs Jinx

Tedrenas: Timely Rain

Tegeo: Cleaning Charm

Telum Conico: Shoots a Red-hot Spike at Target

Tenus Calculus: Transfigures object to stone

Terra Conrtremo/Terra Motus: Earth Shaker Hex/Curse-creates an earthquake of varying magnitude dependant on power used

Tharinna Imbicentra: Animation spell

Theyna: Be silent

Thrautha: Throw

Thrysta: Thrust/Compress

Thver stenr un atra eka horna: Traverse stone and let me hear

Thurhaele: Heal Thoroughly

Tormenta: Rack Curse-simulates pain of the medieval rack

Tospringe: Burst open

Transire Vulnus: Dark Healing Spell That Transfers Wound to Person of Caster's Choice

Treavam: Tree

Urinario: Urination spell-originally medical spell, but useful for pranks

Vampa Lancia: Flaming Spear Curse

Vanyali Ven: Magic Sight, allows caster to see Magic

Ven: Sight

Vera Verto: Turns Animals into Goblets

Veoht: Slow

Victus Nex: Variation of Stupefy-Keeps Target Down for Certain Time as Determined by Caster

Vipera Evanesco: Destroys Serpents

Viscera Eiecto/Extractum: Entrail-Expelling Hex/Curse-Dark

Visumagicus: Charm to see magic

Vomica: Lesion Curse-Dark

Vulnera Sanentur: Heals Wounds-Extremely Useful for Sectumsempra

Waise heill: Be healed

Weorp untoworpenlic: Binds target in chains

Wingardium Leviosa: Levitation Charm

Wyrda: Fate

Zar'roc: Misery/Pain

Zephyrious Seraphara: Whirlwind Charm