
Harry Potter : Ancient Magic

[A Harry Potter fanfiction] Adam is someone who possesses the memories of his other life, now he is in the world of Harry Potter, and is the heir to an ancient and wealthy family. His quest for power and affinity with magic will intertwine with the plot of the main story. Will he go against dumbledore? Unravel the ancient secrets of Hogwarts? Follow Adam as he pursues his own dreams and influence in the world. DISCLAIMER : I do not own any characters other than my OCs. The cover photo is not mine either.

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Book, and first week

"A book" I mumbled, bringing the book to me.

I looked at the book in my hands carefully, it was a fiery red and all over the outside, there were those gold patterns that had been on the board before.

I wanted to study the book right there, but decided to go back to my room and take it easy. After I left the room, the door disappeared, and I knew I could never get to this place again.

Under the cloaking spells, I returned smoothly to my room in the Ravenclaw tower. It was late at night, so I decided not to study the book now, I knew I would spend a lot of time on it once I started, so I put it away in the enchanted case and went to bed.

Everything that happened tonight was replaying in my mind. The meeting with Merlin, the doubts about magic, about myself and magic, I rolled over in bed unable to sleep. The mental focus training proved useful and I managed to throw all the worries to the back of my mind, allowing me to sleep.

I got up early the next day, and went down to the suitcase where there was an empty space, a place where I did my physical exercises. When I finished my morning activities, I took a shower and changed clothes.

I didn't have an early class in the morning, so I didn't even leave my room and went to get the mystery book.

What are these symbols?" I murmured, analyzing the symbols on the cover. They looked like runes, but they were different from all the others I had seen.

I carefully opened the book, the contents of the book were complementarily written with these symbols. If they were used to writing, I knew there would be a pattern, after I found out how it worked I could start studying the contents of the book.

So I started a long study in search of patterns, I took a blank book and started drawing each individual symbol, first I wanted to know how many unique symbols there were.

As I leafed through the book, I realized that it seemed to have many more pages than it appeared on the outside. It was clear that the book was an enchanted one, as the pages went on, I could ambiguously understand some things, it seemed that the book was a personal study on Merlin himself, taking into account that on some pages there were drawings and writing in the corner.

One morning was not enough time to make any headway, so when the afternoon came I put the book aside and set off to my first class.

My first week at Hogwarts went by quickly, and I must say that although I didn't have much to learn from the classes, I did enjoy them, for me it was always good to hear how someone else understood magic.

Each teacher had a unique way of teaching, Professor McGonagall was the most severe and tried to bring this seriousness to the students when practicing Transfiguration. In the first class, the subject was already clear, she spent much of the time explaining how it was a very delicate area of magic, and that small mistakes could lead to big accidents.

She clearly understood a lot about the subject and liked to make it clear how transfiguration was an area of magic that the difficulty was rewarded with the magnitude of the spells.

She taught us the concept behind transfiguration magic, making sure that we understood the concepts. She allowed us to have our first practice test after making sure everyone understood the basics.

The classic, transfiguring a match into a needle. I had no desire to hide my skills, at least not the common part. So with a wave of my wand and the right words the match was gone and gave way to a beautiful silver needle.

The teacher was surprised and asked me to do it one more time, she was in doubt, but when she saw me redo the same process without any problems, she praised me and gave me 10 points for Ravenclaw.

Another class we had spelled, where no spells were actually taught. Flitwick wanted to make sure that everyone understood the theory. from how to pronounce the words clearly to the correct movement with the wand.

The half Goblin was entertaining and taught in a lively and easy-to-understand way, I knew that if I had come to school without knowing anything, I would have learned with ease thanks to his simple and direct explanations.

The Potions class was one of the most interesting, Snape was demanding and wanted perfection when preparing a potion, he charged this to the students and did not allow stupid mistakes.

If he wanted perfection that's what I would give him. My memory was practically perfect, I remembered every single ingredient I had seen, studied and used before. I remembered its smell when it was just right.

Each ingredient was different from the other, no single leaf, even if taken from the same plant, would ever be the same, that was the beauty I saw in preparing the potions, having to improvise and change even if subtly some part of the process.

During his classes I always delivered the best result, I knew he didn't like to know everything so I kept a low profile, this my great results earned me five points in one of his classes.

Apart from the Gryffindor students, Snape was not so rude to the other houses, although he was not kind either.

"Maybe it will get worse next year," I thought.

The flying lesson we had was smooth, however, I had to point out the terrible condition of the brooms, some of them were flying crooked in the sky, and it would take twice as much effort to make a turn.

After the experience of flying on a broomstick, I had come to two thoughts. First, I would not want to play quadribol, perhaps because it was not part of my culture, I had no passion for the sport and did not think of spending my time on training and official matches.

Second, I wanted to fly. Not with a broom or enchantment on objects, I wanted to fly free in the sky, the feeling of flying anywhere I wanted was the closest thing to what I imagined the feeling of freedom to be.

At the thought of flying, I could not help but remember a certain dark lord, who must have been in the forests of Albania at this time. He had conquered the skies and was flying by himself.

It was necessary to remember how incredible his achievements were, he was indeed a great wizard.

There was also astronomy class, which I didn't like, but since I knew the importance of understanding the stars and the movement of the stars and moon cycles, especially for the preparation of some potions, I kept up to date in this subject.

For my first weekend, I decided to spend it in the precise room, I barely had a chance to use magic these days, which was really bothering me.

So first thing in the morning, I arrived at the precise room, this time I wished for a place to train.

After passing through the hallway three times the door appeared, inside the room were a dozen mannequins of different sizes.

I smiled and pulled up my shirt sleeves, it had been a while since I had let go. Without hesitation, I waved my hand sending a large blade of air towards the target.

The blade went through the dummy like paper, but I didn't stop there, without letting the blade crumble I guided it towards the next target, my eyes passed through the whole room analyzing the most efficient way, following my beginning the blade danced between the targets, where it passed it caused lethal damage, always aiming at the weak points, veins and joints.

whenever a target was damaged, the room would quickly rebuild it, not wasting my time. as time went on I wanted more targets, I moved around the room, alternating spells.

With the increase in targets, I also changed the number of blades, there were now five air blades circulating around the room.

I spent a good part of the morning with unusual spells, some of my own creation, but I didn't leave out the normal spells, I spent some time playing with bombs and expelliarmus.

Only when I was completely exhausted, my body wet with sweat, was I allowed resting.

I spent some time thinking about where I could improve some spells after I felt that my magic had largely recovered. I wished for some objects to transfigure, this was an area of magic that delighted me, for me this was one part of magic where the difference between the ordinary and the skilled was very clear.

In front of me were some wooden blocks, pieces of concrete, and iron bars.

I placed my hand under the wood and let my magic flow, feeling every texture of the object. The more one understood an object the easier it was to transfigure. The best world was understanding the initial object, the process, and the final object.

Creativity proved useful at such times, I waved my right hand making the wooden block float, with another movement I divided it into ten small parts, which shaped themselves into small spears.

The spears floated beside me, awaiting my command, as soon as I did she fired at high speed, crashing into the targets in the room, a stake in each, right through the heart.

I brought them back to my side, and gave the command again, but this time before they collided, I forced my magic on them, changing them again.

They seemed to have disappeared from my eyes, but I could still feel them, I had changed them to needles thinner than a hair, and adding this to the high speed, it seemed that nothing had hit the targets.

But if one looked closely one would see that there were dozens of these needles scattered all over the body, mainly in the joints and arteries.