
Harry Potter A New Story

God? reincarnation? multiverse? what?! WTF god is spinning a roulette! Ding! congratulations! you can choose a world of your liking. Ding! lineage randomly chosen. Ding! time line randomly chosen. Ding! power/abilities randomly chosen. Good Luck!

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50 Chs

Secrets unfold (part 4)

[here. I'm here]

Trying to follow the voice I run forward, after some time, I saw the end of the egg room. A circular room about 3 meters in diameter, where a single podium where a black egg is the one who is calling.

What's all with the black thingy. I begin to touch it and as my hands fell on TOP of it a vibration started to come from the egg. It became soft and the creature inside made a hole with its tail. The tail poked the shell and made a small hole then the hole became bigger and popped out. It was not the tail, it was a horn on its head. No wonder it was pointy.

[hello master, iv aired for you for a very long time.]

[can you come out or do you need help?]

Without asking for help it pried out of its egg slowly. As it slithers out of the egg I saw something extraordinary. There is something on its body, there is something a snake should not have. It was a wing. Yes, a wing with feathers. The newly born outstretched its wings and as it emerge from the egg completely its tail was shown and it too has some feathers in it.

[what kind of snake are you]

[I'm no snake. I'm a holy beast. A horned Amphiptere to be exact. I'm you contracted beast]

[But we haven't formed a contract.]

[We did when you touched me your magic resonated with me. All that is needed is for you to give me a name using your magic and we will be bonded for life.]

[a name huh. Are you a boy or a girl, sorry for asking but this is my first time seeing your kind.]

[I am a female master]

Father explained to me that naming a contracted beast I must use my parseltongue and use the words as if I am using a spell. It has to have intention and execution. It was the ritual.

[I Meshac Evans Ophias swear on my magic and accept you as my bound beast and name you. Moriah]

After speaking the ritual the whole room gathers magic around us, circling as if telling us that it has accepted our ritual. Then the gathered magic split in two, each going on me and Moriah, and entered our body. Surprisingly it goes into My Magic and nourishes it making it expand twice as big as before. It was a very soothing feeling as I was lifted floating above the floor. As the ritual ended I was put down slowly by the force back to the ground then I looked at Moriah which was grown to 3 times its previous size. Her black scale became more mesmerizing and her horn had grown too. Her wings which I thought were feathers was her skin with fine scales I was like a bat's wing only scaly so as her tail which I think is used as a balance for flying. It made me remember a movie I saw once. One of the dragon tail wings was cut off and it can't fly properly until a boy invented a replacement for it and installed it on the dragon but he have to ride the dragon and control it manually.

Moriah flew from the stand and fly towards me and fly in circles around me and rested on my shoulder wrapping her body around my neck. Her wings were retracted to her body. It is like a cobra's flappy skin. Well, that is so cool.

[So Moriah do you have any special powers that I should know besides flying?]

[well master I can turn myself invisible, also I have an affinity to the ground.]

[can you show me?]

Moriah nodded and turn invisible. There is no trace of her except I can feel her on my shoulder. Then she appears once more. She looked on the ground and I started to feel her emitting magic. A point on the ground where she was looking shot up a spike.

[its like earth bender magic]

[what is an earth bender?]

[never mind that. Ok let's go back I can't wait to show you my Sister Moira.]

[as you wish master.]

With all the excitement in me, I run back still it took me fifteen muni tee to return to the door leading back to the treasury hall.

Exiting the room of treasure and inheritance, I saw both my Father and my great-grandpa waiting in the lobby. Moriah feeling the presence of other people turned invisible. I walk towards them.

"So what did you get?" Asked my Father excitingly.

I showed them my ring "Moriah my new pet is, I think, very shy." [Moriah show yourself. Meet my Father and my Great Grandfather]

She turns visible again. [Hello master's Father, hello master's great grand Father I'm Moriah. Master's bonded beast.]

Both looked surprised as they saw my new bonded beast.

"An ancient one!" Shockingly said by my Great Grandfather.

"The prophecy is being fulfilled!" Said my Father excitingly.

Confusion went through my thoughts. "Ancient one?"

"Meshac it's about time that you must know all the secrets that our Family of Ophias today follow me to my office both in f you." My great-grandpa told us as he quickly walks towards his office guiding us.

Upon entering the office great-grandpa went over the bookshelves behind his desk and did something with the things in there. Then shelf became a secret door. He turned to us and said, "Follow me to the chamber of the Ophias history."

We entered the secret room. It was a circular room filled with bookshelves and some kind of ritual circle in the middle.

"Meshac I know that you know we keep you very isolated from the outside world, and not much was been told to you why. We kept secret from you, but now you will know everything and I do hope you can forgive me, for it was my instruction to do so." Great-grandpa said apologetically. "step inside the circle now you will have your knowledge inheritance that only the elders of our family know. Don't be afraid of what will happen or what will be shown to you it will benefit not only you but our whole family as a whole."

With Moriah still wrap around my neck and shoulder I stepped inside the circle. The runes started to initiate their magic then I was sucked inside and was teleported to a new room. A blank room that is very vast and white. A figure started to form in front of me. A mature woman with a very mysterious beauty. Wearing an outfit like the Roman god in my memory. A-rated 10 Milf in my view but there is majesty in her presence the way she presents herself is filled with elegance, power, beauty, poise, and mystery.

"Welcome my child. So you were the prophesied one. What is your name?"

"My name is Meshac elder. May I humbly know to whom I am speaking?"

"Acceptable. I can see a bright future ahead for you. You will break the chains that were bounded to all my children. I am your original ancestor, the one that was named Lilith, the first mate. No need for further questions I will pass unto you the knowledge of the history of my family. Just absorb as much as you can."

Then she pointed a finger and touch my forehead. A multitude of flashbacks and knowledge came into my consciousness feeding me a lot of information and knowledge. Moments passed and.

"I have understood all First Mother. I swear upon my lineage that I will make our family prosperous and to live freely and peacefully once more in the outside world."

"Good my child now goes be fruitful, strong, and prosper. And to you, little one here's a gift from me. Now that the prophecy is fulfilled my last piece of spiritual consciousness will finally rest."

Her figure slowly vanished as I was returned to the secret room again with my Father and great-grandpa.