
Harry Potter: A New Path

Darkness was all Harry has ever known, first, it was the cupboard, now an underground lab. As Hydra slowly but surely eradicated all his mental barriers a strange blue box became the salvation for the older twin. !AU,!Marvel Crossover,!Twin to BWL,!Alive Potters.

WN_LightNovels · Derivados de obras
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51 Chs

The Attack!

{Dungeons, Hogwarts, Scotland}

{08:12 PM, 11th Sept 1991}

Harry knew the attack would be coming soon, he could sense anyone nearby but he knew someone from the upper years would be sent to deal with him, he was more interested in knowing who it was who will come, maybe the idiot Selwyn himself.


[Harry James Potter]

[Age: 11]

[Race: Wizard]

[Level: 25]

[Mana: 8000/8000]

[Health: 2100/2100]

[Stamina: 190/190]


[Strength: 24]

[Speed: 31]

[Dexterity: 43]

[Vitality: 21]

[Endurance: 19]

[Intelligence: 80 (+32 from last time)]

[Wisdom: 100 (+32 from last time)]

[Points: 0]

[SKILLS:] (AN: I'll only display new skills cause otherwise it gets too clunky)

[Wanded magic (Lvl-7)]

The source of Harry's confidence was of course his superior stats, once Harry noticed that it was taking a herculean amount of effort to just increase one point in Intelligence and Wisdom, Harry dumped all of his stats between the two last week and the effect shows itself, he now had an abundant amount of mana which was easier to control, his mana regen was now 1% per minute due to his 100 WIS so he regenerated mana a lot quicker. His physical stats were above almost all the wizards he had seen till now and he also had an abundant amount of combat experience.

Another thing Harry discovered was how mana interacted with the ambient mana, for example, let's say you fire a stupefy up into the air, how long do you think it travels before it dissipates? Does it even dissipates or does it travel forever? This was exactly what Harry had been experimenting with for the past weeks. He was watching how the spell degrades as it travels through air, it isn't noticeable in normal dues because the distance is so short. This is also the reason there is no magical sniper just assassinating away, how powerful a fast piercing spell be if it was fired from a large distance.

Harry felt several people coming to him so he swiftly drew his wands and leaned against the wall, this way his back is secured and he just had to handle the people in front of him. Leading the small group were Selwyn and Flint as Harry expected, there were two more people with them, both Harry hadn't seen much but a quick [observe], and their stats were filed in his mind too.

"Selwyn what a surprise," Harry said with a fake smile, "How can I help you?".

Harry felt the buildup of mana long before he even saw the boy move, he had to give the boy credit though, he used little to no wand movement to send a Bone-breaker aimed at his leg. The others just stood in place, they didn't feel like they needed to do anything, likely here just to go with whatever story Selwyn would cook later after they dealt with me. As soon as the Bonebreaker left his wand harry moved slightly away from the wall and shot a spell towards the floor. The Bonebreaker collided with the wall and as the wall exploded a small stone slab emerged from the floor just behind Harry blocking all the debris and sharpenal.

'Bone breaker' Harry remembered the spell and moved slightly to the left as a dark purple Lacero headed for his wand arm, Harry grinned as he recognized the dark spell and fired a stupefy followed by a bone breaker wandlessly behind them.

Harry had to grunt as the amount of mana that wandless spell took, was a lot more than Harry was expecting so he had to change his plan of only using lighter magic on the surface while using darker magic wandlessly and putting the blame on them. Still, at least the Bone breaker hit his mark although the spell wasn't as condensed as the one he used earlier during the day, it still managed to break Evan's elbow after he swatted Harry's first spell away as a show of confidence.

Evan grunted as his wand dropped which Harry quickly summoned, He had used the same theory he was studying for the past several days, the first spell was a normal stupefy, Harry had condensed the mana patterns so the spell moved way faster than it should have to give Selwyn almost no chance to dodge or conjure a shield so he had to try and swat the spell away, his wandless spell which was fired just behind the stunning spell but because of the difference in condensation, the wandless spell arrived half a second later, by the time Evans's hand was completing the motion of swatting the spell away so his elbow was precisely the point of impact.

Harry watched as Evan fell down and cradled his hand, now 3 pairs of wands were pointe at Harry prompting him to cast a swift Protego deflecting all the spells away, Harry already knew what he had to do, he could overpower them but go so with lighter magic wasn't easily possible, maybe if he was only against one then a super-condensed flippendo could have been used but against three he wasn't going to take the risk, Harry watched as dozens of spells simple bounced off the surface of the shield which barely wavered, he was controlling the shield constantly, manipulating mana actively so there is no way the three of them could breach his shield.


A loud noise erupted from Professor McGonagall's wand as the three Slytherin students stopped casting their spells, a feeling of dread overcame them as they tried to think of a way to escape punishment.

"Severus," Dumbledore said slightly, his twinkle gone as he had a grave appearance, he was furious with what he saw but his eyes once again went to the remarkable Protego spell that Hector dropped. His eyes dimmed as he was not able to see if the Protego was also created using parselmagic but nevertheless, he watched as Severus took the wands of the three Slytherin 6th years and used 'Prior Incantato~' on each of them.

Prof. McGonagall paled as she watched several incantations of 'Lacero' and 'Os ruptor' along with shield breakers emerge from the wand, if any of the shield breakers would have succeeded then Hector would have been dead. She turned furiously towards the trio and the fallen fourth member and started shouting, "What in MERLIN's name were you guys thinking about attacking another student with those spells..." before she could continue, Hector approached them.

"Professor," he said hesitantly, his eyes a little sad as he talked to Prof.McGonagall, he extended a wand to her which she recognized wasn't his own, "This is Evan's" he indicated towards the lying boy, "He was saying that he will frame me for using the Bone breaker spell on an Heir to the Most Ancient and Most Noble House of Selwyn and thus all four of them would be able to escape the punishment for killing me according to the o-old laws-s," Prof. McGonagall watched as the boy trembled for a bit so she reached forward and hugged him. She turned to glare at the 4 boys who started shouting that Hector was lying.

"Severus stun them and get Mr.Selwyn to the Hospital, also contact their parents, and tell them that their kids have been expelled for the year, Minerva get Mr. Jackson checked out in the hospital wing, and then escorts him back to his common room..." Dumbledore watched the blank expression on Hector's face as he walked toward his office.

'It's time to go and trace where Hector Jackson came from...'