Sirius took Harry on the night Voldemort attacked and and left England. What will happen now? How will the story change? ..... Disclaimer J. K. Rowling owns everything.
Harry's mid terms came back with A's. He was glad to be back in school with his friends but missed sharing a room with Dominic. His ninth birthday was mostly overlooked by his own request because of the planned birth of the triplets the next day and the fact it was finals week. Just as his test let out he dialed Sirius' cell. "Well?"
"Two sisters and a brother all healthy and Beth is doing fine. James Sirius is five pounds, Elizabeth Marie is four and a half pounds, Lila Rose is four and a quarter." Medi-witch Thompson taught me a spell that will make formula become like breast milk from Beth so we're good. I'm amazed and Harry they're so tiny. I thought you were small but Lila is half the size you were. You'll be on your own at the house with Winry for the next few days be sure you take care of Sheba. How was your Latin test?"
"Walk in the park."
"I've got to go Michael wants to review for the final in math."
"Okay, later then."
The day the babies came home Sirius put a silencing spell on Harry's room so he could study and sleep uninterrupted by the babies cries. But the last day of finals Harry came home and insisted the spell come down so he could hear and help. His helping at night didn't last long though after a week he requested Sirius show him the silencing spell so he could take it down and help during the day and sleep uninterrupted at night. Sheba decided she liked Harry and Harry's room better than Beth and Sirius' room that held the three cradles.
Harry learned to change diapers but after James hit him in the face with urine he did his best to make sure any diapers he changed were for the girls. He loved giving the babies their bottles. It was simple which ever baby got up first got first dibs on Beth and as result Harry also learned the formula to breast-milk spell and he would feed the second baby or sometimes the third. During the school break George and Walter worked with him on his occlumency and started to teach him the fundamentals of potions. Rachel came back from her extended vacation and worked with Harry on transfiguration and martial arts.
Sirius was thrilled to be a father but even he admitted having three newborns in the house was hard. When the second week of September came around Harry was delighted to start sixth grade. He was taking Humanities, once again privately doubling up on it, Social Science, Pre-Algebra, Biology, Composition, Latin, Orchestra, Horsemanship, Cotillion, and Japanese. He decided to join the soccer team, the Astronomy club and the debate team. He and Dominic were once again roommates. However they had new suite mates, Timothy Anderson Howell the Fourth who was as pretentious as his name implied and Steve Higgs who was a scholarship student. Within four hours Harry and Dominic took Steve under their wings and departed the suite to get away from Timothy.
"It's going to be a long trimester with that jerk." Steve said.
"No kidding." Dominic agreed.
"Yes talk about your over inflated opinion of yourself." Harry agreed.
Michael came over, "Hey Harry you're taking Pre-algebra right? Any chance you'll tutor me?"
"Sure thing Michael. Michael meet our new suite mate Steve Higgs, Steve this is Michael Coldsmith Briggs the third and don't let his pretentious name fool you he's an entirely different kettle of fish than the snob in your room."
"Ouch Harry you wound me. So who's your roommate Steve?"
"Timothy, don't call me Tim, Anderson Howell the fourth."
"Ooh, my sympathy is with you. His family is a lot like mine the difference is he still wants his dad to give a crap. I gave up on that long ago. Needless to say the boy has issues. So tell us about yourself Steve."
"My Dad's a SEAL with the U.S. Navy. My folks are split. I'm in sixth grade. I got top of my class test results last spring and the school came and talked to me about coming here. My grandma and my mom didn't want me to come. But my dad thought it was a good idea and so did I. I figure my mom just didn't want to give up her free baby sitter and the fact that if I'm not living with her my dad won't be giving her child support for me. In case you can't tell I don't like my mom much, something about her cheating on my dad while he was on tour out of the country. Grandma is okay but she blames all the problems between my folks on dad which is bullshit.
"What are your stories?"
"Well.." Dominic told his story, followed by Michael and Harry told his last.
"So I just have one question how a little shrimp like you get in the sixth grade?" Steve asked.
The tone of the question was offset by the twinkle in Steve's brown eyes.
Harry grimaced as Michael and Dominic started laughing.
"I'm nine. I'm smaller because I'm younger by two years."
Dominic managed to stifle his laughter. "Don't let his small stature fool you Harry here has it where it counts, he is one of ten kids in our year group that carries a straight A average and he knows martial arts."
"Shoot! What time is it?" Harry frantically looked at his watch. "I've got to go meet Sensei." He ran off like his tail was on fire.
Dominic looked at Michael, "Where's Verun and Kamala?"
"Their dad was recalled to India for a higher position."
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