
Harry Potter - Smut Fiction

Writing is hard... Writing sm-ut is even harder... You start writing, then you get distracted, then you find out you are writing with only one hand, then inexplicably your keyboard gets sticky with something white... Overall writing sm-ut is a mess... Recently i had an epiphany to rewrite certain song that would be epic as substitute for Sorting Hat song... Trust me - this is a Hat Song you will want to read. After writing the idea down i decided magnanimously, to write at least until first "checkpoint" which is - Sorting Ceremony... Between start and sorting ceremony i have only ONE sm-ut chapter in plans... Whoever wants to pick this up and write his own version feel free... In auxiliary volume whole plot is planned out at least the major plot... Just message me so i can follow your work, you know... --------- First part: Build a harem in the Wizard side... Second part: Expand the harem in Marvel side... --------- bla bla bla English not my first language... bla bla bla copyrights are owned by whoever owns them...

LemonZawodowiec · Derivados de obras
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4 Chs

Chapter 002 - Ah sh-it, here we go again

Some people die in honor and peace, and some people die in terror. All what "he" knew was that he died looking his death in the eyes. But the most infuriating thing about his death was that its eyes reminded him of a god damn TRUCK!

He opened his eyes realizing he was lying on the floor in an unknown room. 'Where is this?' He asked himself, thinking that the afterlife shouldn't look so homely. He found that everything around seemed to be so much bigger than he remembered. He tried to check himself over and noticed his hands were small and really babylike. 'I'm a baby?' He turned his head trying to find something that would answer his questions. He noticed a beautiful lady laying next to him on the floor. 'Who is she?' Without getting any answer he felt his body getting overwhelmed by a sense of tiredness. He fell asleep faster than he could have any more questions.

Next time he opened his eyes he was laying in a baby cot, in the same room he saw last time. Immediately his attention was turned to the voices of laud argument coming through the closed doors.

"What do you mean 'WE' should hide Harry?" A female voice asked with visible irritation in it.

"Until we apprehend the rest of 'Her' followers, I'm afraid they would want to try and get revenge for their master." An elderly voice with a grandfatherly vibe replied. "I believe it would be best if you left Harry for a time with your sister."

"WHAT!?!?.You old goat! If I didn't suspect that you are senile with how you lead Order of Phoenix then now I'm certain you lost your mind!" The woman screamed in response. "I just lost my husband and now you expect ME to leave MY SON with PETUNIA... OF ALL PEOPLE!?"

"Calm down Lily." A third person - a man - tried to calm the situation but without much success

"I AM CALM!" Lily snapped at the man. "And you Dumbledore, if you think that I will leave Harry even for a moment you are greatly mistaken." Tone of her voice did not leave any room for negotiations.

"Then let me at least…" Dumbledore tried one last time but was interrupted mid sentence.

"Sirius - Director is leaving…" Old man understood that further insistence was futile.

All that Harry heard afterwards were two pairs of stepps moving away becoming fainter and fainter. Then it hit him like a truck (oh no not again), he has reincarnated and is in some variation of a Potter-World as Harry f-ing Potter himself. This emotional blow did not help with the fact he was still a baby and Harry started crying involuntarily.

Hearing her son Lily entered his room and took him in her arms. "Everything is going to be OK, Harry. Mama is here and I won't let anybody hurt you." Lily hugged her son until he soon fell asleep again.

For the next few days everything was quite hectic. Harry wasn't left alone for even a moment. Whenever Lily had to leave because of important events there was always someone trustworthy with him. Mostly Sirius and Remus but sometimes there was Andromeda or even Hagrid. Big and small events were happening one after the other. Lily had to attend a Wizengamot meeting as Lady Potter to save Sirius from Azkaban. Unfortunately Harry's godfather was relieved of his duty as an Auror because of his failed attempt to catch Peter Pettigrew.

After that there was a joint funeral for James Potter and the Longbottoms. Even though Lily and Augusta Longbottom wanted the funeral to be a small "family" event the Minister still came with her entourage and reporters. The Minister made her speech for the newspaper and posthumously awarded the dead wizards with Merlin First Class orders. That was the beginning of bad decisions by Millicent Bagnold.

With the funeral of the "fallen heroes" still fresh in memory came the series of Wizengamot court cases. There were many Death Eaters that were to be sent to Azkaban. The most devoted followers of Lady Voldemort were set with lifetime imprisonment. There were voices to give Dementor's Kiss to the ones such as Dolohov, Mulciber, Rockwood and Lestrange family but with Dumbledore "forgiving stance" they were just given life imprisonment. After those trials came the most blatant example of corruption and "behind backs deals" where even most devout muggle haters such as Malfoy came off scott free with "Imperius defence".

This series of failures in delivering justice to the oppressors were the final nail in the coffin to the relation of Lily and Dumbledore. While day after the funeral she let herself be convinced to allow Dumbledore to at least check over Harry for eventual magical side effects of that "fateful" night, those failed trials and blatant leniency on behalf of "Chief Warlock of Wizengamot" made Lily furious. There was a major argument between her and Dumbledore with mostly Order members as witnesses. But thanks to little effort on behalf of Dowager Longbottom whole Wizard Britain knew about this major fallout. Potter, Black and Longbottom families took out their official support of Dumbledore. No more willing to follow all of his political agenda.

After this turbulent event Lily decided to distance herself and Harry from the "unreasonable" wizarding community and relocated from Godric Hollow to muggle side London. She decided that the more reason driven muggle society would be more beneficial to her son's development. Lily chose a quiet location near Brent River Park in London, 69 Monks Park, Wembley. With open space to roam near home and big school nearby she hoped for Harry to have a quiet and happy life before Hogwarts. (An-#1)

Out of all Potter family friends only Sirius had to struggle a little. Andromeda made some potions for shops in Diagon Alley, Ted dived into wizarding law to prevent a fiasco similar to Death Eater trials, Lupin became a magical animal hunter. Sirius couldn't find a place for himself after Pettigrew's escape. After brooding for a month under Lily's pestering he decided to open the first Private Investigation firm in the wizard world, inspired by detective story books he received from her in his Hogwart years.

An-#1 - Man… trying to decide on location was a pain in the as*... Close enough to Granger house but not too close...