
Harry's New Game Plus

Come and read about a Harry Potter who won't be manipulated, used, or threatened. He's a monster to his enemies and a gentle and loyal friend to his allies, beware villains of the multiverse don't dare poke this dragon lest you end up dead. This story is written and published by Kurokitsune028 on FF. I am posting this story here with their blessing to bring it to you all. Auxiliary chapters may contain spoilers, non-canons, and other relevant information.

Kurogano · Derivados de obras
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242 Chs

Chapter 47

A few days have gone by and things have been busy for Harry and company, Tony was very busy trying to create miniature versions of the arc reactors, and Hermione, Sirius, and Remus were helping find a solution to the overheating problem while he was testing magical metals.

Meanwhile, Harry was training a couple of kitsune and nekomata how to use steel release, the yokai were very interested in this elemental manipulation via chakra so they were learning fast, Le Fay and Jessica were going down to the Natural Dungeon to mine for more different types of magical metal to see which one work with what Tony has planned.

Morgan and Hope are still doing great at school and have a lot of friends, they even came to a sleepover once, needless to say, chaos reigned in the Potter household, especially since Sirius and Remus appeared and dragged the kids on a pranking spree.

Harry became the victim of one particular prank when he came into the living and sat on the couch, when he did the cushion beside him exploded in a pink dust cloud painting him completely pink.

Harry sat there wide-eyed and in shock for a minute until his mind caught up to him a second later and he began to chase everyone all over the house, the kids were having the time of their lives but Sirius and Remus didn't, Harry shave their heads off and curse them so their hair would grow back in a week, they, however, didn't regret their decision to prank Harry and just grinned and walk around proudly.

The rest of the girls continued to train and go to their respective guilds for further adventuring in the Natural Dungeon, recently new types of machine-like monsters and aliens were spawning deep down in the dungeon and the girls were very curious about them.

When Yasaka showed a picture of one of these creatures to Harry when he was visiting, he immediately recognized them "Hmm those are Chitauri... and the machines look like Tony's armor, interesting... the dungeon must be pulling information from my system and the enemies I have faced to create new types of enemies, it will probably begin to produce resources found on that world too".

Yasaka nodded in understanding "I see... That's interesting, so the more worlds you visit the more will the Natural Dungeon expand and grow, which means that, the Yokai faction will get even more resources to work with?".

Harry nodded "Yup, we got to tell Tony about this, he might be able to use those machine-like monsters and the weapons these dungeon Chitauri have for his research".

Yasaka nodded and they both continued to speak about the many things happening in Kyoto while enjoying some tea.


Meanwhile, in the underworld, Rias and her peerage had almost recovered from all their injuries but they weren't happy about that or happy at all.

The underworld as a whole was upset with Rias and blamed her for putting the devil race under the radar of a dragon god, this was something Rias wasn't used to, she has never been ignored or glared at before but now that was what she was receiving everywhere she went.

Her peerage had been more than physically broken, Harry beat them emotionally too and now they seem even worse than before, Rias was worried about Kiba the most since he seemed to transfer his hatred towards Excalibur to Harry and Le Fay Pendragon and that didn't make any sense even to her.

Good thing Rias's mother Venelana saw this and thoroughly got those thoughts away from him before he made a horrible mistake, she also forced him to get some therapy, it wasn't normal to go around with your heart full of anger and hate but all of this did show her that she had utterly failed her knight.

Koneko was even worse, after her fight against Harry she was terrified of everything, almost as if she expected Harry to burst into the Gremory mansion and kill them all, she seems to think that because Harry was a master sage that it was a matter of time before he went insane, her poor rook was still living in the past and under the shadow that was her elder sister still haunted Koneko.

And then there was Akeno, Rias's best friend and Queen, she hated Harry Potter no, it was more like she despised him not only because he beat them all within an inch of their lives but because he belittled their problems and revealed her half fallen heritage, though she had been warned by both Venelana and Serafall not to do anything stupid because if she did and Harry went after her, no one would protect her.

Rias herself was forced to realize how much of a failure as a King and friend she was, up until now she never understood the depth of the traumas that her peerage lived with and was just content with letting her peerage deal with all their problems by themselves and in their own time, she should have gotten them help from the get-go but instead decided to focus on finding a solution to her problem.

Even that wasn't going anywhere either, she was still engaged to that piece of shit Riser and she was nowhere close to being ready to face him for her freedom, now she lost Gasper and the Boosted Gear, Harry was right about her after all.

Rias Gremory was finally realizing how much she had messed up, not only towards her friends but to herself as well.

Now soon they'll be going back to school and to the town that she no longer had any rights to protect.


In the Sitri hospital a still injured Sirzechs finally woke up and looked around only to smile when he noticed his wife sitting beside him, Grayfia smiled back at her husband "You're an idiot you know?".

Sirzechs flinch at the obvious pain in Grayfia's voice "I know... I'm sorry Grayfia but I had to protect Rias, Harry Potter isn't someone I could just ignore".

Grayfia just shook her head "Sirzechs I know how much you love Rias but you can't keep doing this, you almost died! You almost left me and Millicas alone!".

Sirzechs frowned, he didn't like the fact that his actions brought pain to his wife, suddenly another voice caught his attention "Sirzechs, you can't keep babysitting Rias like this, at some point she's going to have to live with the consequences of her actions".

Sirzechs turned towards the doorway to his hospital room and saw Serafall standing there with a frown on her face "Serafall... how bad is it?".

Serafall huffed in annoyance and walked in "Pretty bad, the other factions now know what has happened to you, they now know that you can be defeated and that you can be surpassed so don't expect anyone to bend to your wants anytime soon, the elders are in a panic, they seem to think that Harry will pop up down here and begin a genocide, luckily Harry is very busy at the moment and he really doesn't care about the Devil Faction but honestly, I don't care about the elders panicking, I did threaten them when they tried to demand to me fix this though".

Grayfia and Sirzechs raised an eyebrow in surprise and Serafall grinned "What? I'm tired of always fixing all of the Devil faction's problems! The devils go around doing whatever they want whenever they want and when they get confronted or caught red-handed they come crawling to me to fix it but no more, I'm done with all of this, the next time a devil does anything stupid I'm not going to intervene and if the Devil faction decides to go against Harry and the Yokai faction then I'll join the Yokai faction myself and help them destroy the underworld and the devil race!".

Sirzechs widen his eyes in shock while Grayfia gasped "Serafall! You can't be serious, you would throw away everything we fought for during the Civil war!? Why?!".

Serafall huffed "And what has changed since we won that war? The devils haven't changed much since then just look at most of the devil purebloods! They do what they want, whenever they want without caring about the consequences, they're so arrogant and full of themselves! Look at what happened to you and Rias! Sirzechs... even the elders don't respect us as maous we're just kept in that position as a deterrent to the other factions but now that you have been defeated so easily, it doesn't matter anymore they're all now scared, I'm done with all of this nonsense, this is exactly why I moved to Kyoto, I couldn't stand what the devil race has become, I didn't fight that war just so things would stay the same!".

Sirzechs and Grayfia looked down, they have to admit that Serafall was right about everything she just said but was it really enough for her to just leave the Devil faction?

Serafall then began to walk towards the door "I have already spoken with mom and dad, the Sitri will be joining the Yokai faction as allies and so is the house of Leviathan, Yasaka agreed to it after dad paid the fine against the house of Sitri, Sona has also agreed and has personally apologized to both the Yokai faction and the Japanese government for helping your sister with her foolishness".

Sirzechs was speechless and just stared at Serafall in shock while she continued to speak "Unlike you and Rias she's making an effort to make up for her mistakes and even Harry has been helping her with the duties to Kuoh town while Rias is here in the underworld licking her wounds but you should really begin to think what to do with her and the devil race as a whole Sirzechs... like I said I'm done fixing this faction's mistakes, sooner or later one of them is going to do something stupid again".

Serafall left the room leaving a very preoccupied Sirzechs and Grayfia behind, they were still in shock about what Serafall has just told them but one thing was made perfectly clear to them, the Devil faction was on its own from now on.


Back in Kuoh, Harry was visiting Sona in the student council office, Sona spoke up "So how can I help you today Harry?".

Harry smiled and brought out a bunch of papers and handed them to Sona, these few days with the help of Jarvis and the Japanese government they were able to get everything ready for Asia to join the school "Here, I'm hoping you would help me enroll this girl, her name is Asia Argento and I think she would do great here in Kuoh academy".

Sona took the paperwork and handed it to Tsubaki who took it and nodded, she then left to begin getting that done, Sona then decided to ask Harry a few questions "Who is she, and where did she come from Harry? I don't think I've seen her around here in Kuoh before".

Harry nodded "She's an excommunicated nun, she was treated as a Saint back in Italy but a devil somehow got in, where she was being kept and she help him not knowing he was a devil the church immediately kicked her out but she was picked up by the Fallen faction, the fallen angels we found here a while ago were planning to extract her Sacred Gear here, so she was being sacrificed, I found her and she joined the Yokai faction, right now she's my student in the healing arts and protégé of Archangel Gabriel".

Sona gaped at how protected this girl is but she could understand, it was horrible what had happened to her "... Wait, how did a devil get inside so deep into church territory like that?".

Harry shook his head "We don't know, you're sister is looking into it but she hasn't found anything, honestly, it all seems very suspicious".

Sona nodded "Yes... it's almost as if.. wait! You don't think?".

Sona stared wide eye toward Harry who nodded "That someone within the church helped that devil get to Asia? Yes we thought so too and Gabriel is investigating that too but right while we get answers I want Asia to have a semi-normal life, that's why I'm helping her get what she always wanted".

Sona nodded "I see, what else did she ask for?".

Harry smiled "The girl just wants to go to school, make friends and have fun, she's a sweetheart so I would appreciate it if you and you're peerage can help her".

Sona smiled and nodded "Consider it done, I'll make sure to keep an eye out for her".

Harry nodded "Thank you and make sure to keep Rias away from her, I don't want her pestering her, she's a member of the Yokai faction now so she won't be joining another faction and most definitely won't be turned into a devil".

Sona nodded "Don't worry, I'll make sure to let her know, she'll be coming back in a couple of days so you should come and talk to her, she might not be in charge of Kuoh anymore but at least she can still finish her education even though that means she'll be heavily monitored and limited to what she can do".

Harry nodded and stood up "I'll make sure to come and see her when she comes back I do need to let her know what the Yokai Faction and the Japanese government have decided in regard to her constant abuse of power, once again thank you, Sona, I'll see you later".

Harry then opened and dark corridor and stepped through while Sona waved at him goodbye.


A few days after Asia was finally able to go to school, her kind and polite attitude made her instantly popular among the students.

Asia was able to get even more friends with her classmates and Sona's peerage who took it upon themselves to make sure she always had what she needed and eventually they too became her friends.

Three days after she joined the school Rias and her peerage were allowed to go back to class but it was quite evident to the students that something was seriously wrong with the members of the Occult Research Club.

Rias looked stressed and completely exhausted, her mother has thoroughly made sure to get her off her high horse and the fact that Riser had been an annoyance as of late had made things worse for her but the worse thing was, that her parents and Yasaka had decided that she won't have a voice in whatever happens in Kuoh anymore.

Her mother had told her that the Yokai faction no longer trusted the Gremory and that as of now Harry Potter will be in charge of Kuoh alongside Sona whose family had officially joined the Yokai faction, this was decided after Sona had officially apologized to Yasaka and the Japanese government for her actions, also her and Serafall made sure to send money to the affected female students as reparations for their in actions towards allowing Issei and his friends to continue their perverted actions against them.

Kiba was even quieter than usual and would spend most of his time brooding somewhere around campus, it got so bad that even his hard-core fans grew to dislike this new gloomy attitude of his.

Koneko seemed to have somewhat recovered from her paranoia and seemed to be lost in thought all the time, whatever she was thinking about, must be very important to her.

Akeno stopped smiling altogether and just seemed ready to snap at anything thankfully she still had some control over her actions so she didn't actually snap at anyone.

Overall all the students were very aware that something was wrong with them but they just didn't know what.


Today, there was a bit of a commotion up at the school's main gates, Asia noticed as she was exiting the school to go home, but she ignored it until she noticed Harry standing there with Kunou, Le Fay, and Fuu.

The students were curious about this group of individuals who had been seen often around the school but everyone was surprised when Asia ran past everyone staring at Harry and the girls and hugged Harry for dear life surprising him and the mob of students but Harry hugged her back with a smile and ignored everyone else Hey Asia, did you have fun in class today?".

Asia let go of Harry and nodded "Yes! We learned a lot and I had fun with my friends and the student council!".

The students sweatdrop knowing how strict Sona and the student council are, so it was a bit hard to believe that Asia had fun with them, Harry grinned "That's great! I'm glad you're enjoying your time here".

Asia smiled "Are you guys here to visit Sona?".

Asia waved hello to Kunou, Le Fay, and Fuu who waved back at her with a smile on their faces, while Harry answered her question "Yes but not only her, were also here to speak with Rias about a couple of other things, we were waiting here for you to see if you wanted to come with us".

Asia nodded and Harry grabbed her school bag and placed it on his shoulders while he began to walk towards the Occult Research Club Building while the four girls with him followed him close behind.

The mob of students just stared at their backs confused as to what was going on but soon enough they all left to go home.


Meanwhile, Sona and her peerage were already in Rias's office along with Rias herself and her peerage, they were patiently waiting for Harry to arrive while Sona was speaking to her "Listen Rias just let me speak and just accept everything Harry tells you, don't make things worse for you okay?".

Rias just nodded while her peerage frowned, none of them wanted to be here but they had to, Sona notice the looks on their faces and frowned "The same goes for all three of you, don't speak unless spoken to, If you do something foolish I've been authorized by my sister to put you down like stray devils...".

Rias and her peerage gasped in shock "Sona! That can't be true! Right?".

Sona shook her head "I'm sorry Rias but my sister even though she couldn't care less about the Devil faction she still doesn't want to go to war ever again, in order to prevent that outcome it was decided to control you and your peerage, Lady Venelana also agreed to this".

Rias looked down heartbroken "Mother agreed?...".

Sona sadly looked towards Rias "You really messed up Rias, you should know by now that everything is going to change for you and I'm sorry but I can't help you anymore, the Sitri have allied themselves with the Yokai faction and if I'm ordered to take down your peerage I will, I don't want a war either after all".

Rias just sighed and continued to look down while her peerage was staring at Sona and her peerage in shock.

Suddenly someone knocked on the door to Rias's office and then Harry along with Kunou, Le Fay, Fuu, and Asia stepped in, as soon as Asia saw Momo, Ruruko, and Reya she ran to them to say hello.

Sona and her peerage smiled at their friend who was cheerfully talking with some of them, Harry and his company smiled at how happy and content Asia seemed.

But Harry continued his walk until he was in front of Rias and Sona, he smiled at Sona who smiled back at him, he then turned towards Rias who flinched when she saw Harry's eyes glow as he looked at her and her peerage "I see... still drowning in darkness huh?".

Harry's comment made Akeno and Kiba frown while Koneko looked down lost in thought, suddenly she looked up and stared into Harry's eyes "Can I ask you something?".

Harry raised an eyebrow at the determined gleam in her eyes and nodded while Rias, Akano, and Kiba stared in shock at her, Koneko took a big breath and then asked "Is it true... what you told me that day? That senjutsu doesn't make you insane? That you are a Sage and that you taught others how to use it?".

Harry nodded and turned towards both Kunou and Fuu "That's right, Kunou and Fuu here learned how to wield and use senjutsu from me and are full-fledged Sages".

Sona and her peerage were impressed while Rias and her peerage were shocked, Koneko stared at both Fuu and Kunou "C-can I-i see?".

Harry stared into Koneko's eyes {She's terrified... but she's trying to move on, to take that step forward}.

Harry then turned his head towards both girls and nodded to them, Kunou and Fuu nodded back, they close their eyes and a second later black markings began to appear on their faces signaling that they have entered Sage mode.

Both opened their eyes and everyone could see their eyes had changed color to green, almost the same color as Harry's eyes.

The devil widens their eye's in awe, they couldn't sense anything but their sheer presence was overwhelming, Koneko was trembling unlike the others in the room she could sense the enormous amounts of natural energy within Kunou and Fuu, she was scared but she saw that they were in full control "They're okay... They're not going insane..".

Harry frowned "What?... Of course not, senjutsu doesn't make you go insane if you can't control it, you turn into stone and die, where did you even hear that from?".

Every devil within the room had their eyes wide open in shock, especially Koneko who spoke "What? but my sister went insane because she couldn't control her senjutsu".

Harry tilted his head in confusion "Your sister must be a nekoshou too, so no that would be impossible, Yokai have an affinity towards natural energy, it's impossible for them to lose control while in Sage mode, this is especially true for nekoshous, their bodies naturally absorb natural energy from the moment they're born so their bodies are even more attune to senjutsu".

The devils looked perplexed but it was Sona who explained "Koneko's Sister, Kuroka is a stray devil, she's a wanted criminal for the murder of her master who was a member of the branch family of the clan of Naberius, the report stated that she went insane from senjutsu and killed her king".

Harry frowned "Then that report is a lie, either all of this was a covered-up to protect the Naberius clan or Kuroka's king was involved in some shady things and they used Kuroka as a scapegoat, I'm sure if she killed her king it must have been for another reason but either way, it's not possible to go berserk from senjutsu, if you lose control you die that's all".

Koneko look down and seemed lost in thought but she did say her thanks "Thank you for letting me know...".

Harry nodded and smiled when he saw some of the darkness in her heart dissipate {At least one of them is trying to change and move on..}.

Rias and her peerage looked in concern toward Koneko who seemed to be thinking hard about what she just heard.

Sona stared at Koneko and then nodded "I'll ask my sister to investigate further on this entire situation, something doesn't make sense about all of this, I'm sure she'll be happy to investigate this further than it was allowed back then".

Koneko looked up and nodded to Sona, while Harry grinned towards the Sitri heir who noticed and just huffed causing Harry to chuckle.

But then he turned towards Rias and stared at her "Now with that out of the way, Rias Gremory as of now you have no right to anything to do with Kuoh and its inhabitants, you're no longer allowed to do contracts within Japan, and are forbidden from reincarnating anyone considered a Japanese citizen, if you're found doing any of these things within Japan you will be banned from Japan and a 'kill on sight' order will place on you and you're peerage".

Rias looked down as tears began to drop from her face, her peerage looked at her sadly "You're allowed to stay in Kuoh and continue with you're education but the Yokai faction and the Japanese government sincerely hope you leave and never return once you graduate from Kuoh academy".

Rias began to sob, even though now she understood that what she had done was bad and that she had been extremely arrogant when she challenged Harry Potter to a fight, she still can't believe she was being punished this harshly.

Akeno glared at Harry who just ignored her, he didn't want to waste his time with her any longer, Kiba looked down and tighten his fists in anger, Koneko just sat down on the couch and began to eat, she seemed to be still lost in thought and not really paying attention to anything around her.

Sona just closed her eyes and sadly shook her head, she felt bad about her best friend but there was nothing she could do about it, unfortunately, this was something brought about by the actions of her friend and it was time to pay.

Asia was confused as to what was going on but Momo and Ruruko were explaining what had happened, needless to say, she was sad about what was happening to Rias but she knew that there was nothing she could say or do to fix things.

Suddenly Harry, Le Fay, Kunou, and Fuu sensed something teleporting to the room and they all turned to stare at the place where a magic circle suddenly began to form and let out a gout of flames.

Rias and Sona began to panic, Sona in her panic growled and turned towards Rias "Rias! Why is he here today of all days!".

Rias just stared back at Sona in shock "I-i don't know... my parents didn't tell me about this!".

Harry was half-listening because he was distracted by the disgusting amount of darkness he could sense coming from whoever was arriving.

Suddenly a tall blonde man dressed in a burgundy suit materialized "Hoh! Riser hasn't visited earth in a long time but the air quality here is still disgusting...".

Harry and the girls frowned at this man, Asia hid behind Momo and Ruruko, she didn't like this man at all, something about him made her feel unsafe.

The devils frowned while Riser began to look around until he caught sight of Rias "Rias, my love! I Riser have come to take you home!"

Rias frowned "I'm not going anywhere with you Riser, why are you here! No one was supposed to show themselves here today!".

Riser grinned "Hahaha! Your father and mine decided to push ahead our wedding day! That fine those despicable Yokai gave to your father has placed the Gremory in the red so he decided to go ahead and push for the wedding now!".

Suddenly another magic circle materialized but the being coming through this one was way stronger than this idiot which in turn made Kunou, Le fay, and Fuu react.

This was how Grayfia Lucifer found herself with a holy sword aimed at her heart, a Keyblade touching the back of her head ready to blast her with holy light, and a water blade touching her neck ready to chop her head off.

Of course, this made her freeze in shock as she stared at Harry Potter standing before her glaring at her while being held down by who she assumes are members of Kyoto's elite squad and she was terrified.

The devils present gaped and stared with wide eyes at how Harry and the girls moved so fast, they didn't even see them move at all, Harry glared at Grayfia "Who are you, and what do you want?".

Grayfia gulped "I'm Grayfia Lucifer, maid of the Lucifer household and wife to Sirzechs Lucifer... my apologies Lord Potter but Lady Venelana Gremory sent me here to prevent Lord Riser from coming here today but... it seems I was too late...".

Harry frowned but nodded at the girls who then let Grayfia go and stepped away from her however they kept their weapons out.

Grayfia signed in relief but then turned to glare at Riser "Lord Riser you were told to not come here today, why have you disobeyed both your father and Lord Gremory.".

Riser just grinned "Riser just wanted to tell Rias the good news! Besides Riser doesn't get why everyone is so nervous about this Harry Potter guy, Riser is sure that he isn't as scary as everyone makes him out to be!".

Rias, Sona, and Grayfia gasped and immediately turned towards Harry who just deadpanned at the idiot in front of him "Sigh... great, another clown, I really don't want to deal with this level of stupidity, so I'll be leaving, let's go girls before we get infected with whatever makes this idiot speak in third person".

The girls nodded while Asia ran towards Le Fay then Harry and the girls turned around and began to walk towards the door.

Sona, Rias, and Grayfia deeply sighed, they were glad Harry didn't want to deal with Riser right now, however, Riser didn't appreciate being insulted like this and he responded like the arrogant and idiotic person he is.

He launched a fireball toward Harry's back "Don't ignore Riser you fool!" the devils stared in shock while the fireball flew at high speed toward Harry's back but Harry just turned around and stopped the fireball with his bare hand and then absorbed the mana feeding the flames causing the fireball to breakdown.

Rias, Sona, and Grayfia were terrified now, Harry was glaring with so much anger right now that they felt they were being choked, Riser however was to arrogant and stupid to sense his impending death.

Harry glared at Riser "... Do you have a death wish kid, because if you do I'll gladly end your existence..?"

Riser frowned "Riser is impressed that you were able to stop Riser's attack not bad for a human but you definitely don't know who you're talking to! Don't worry, Riser will show you how to treat your betters!".

Grayfia had enough and so she flared her demonic power "Lord Riser! That is enough! You will stop right now or I will kill you!".

Riser flinched and gaped upon hearing Grayfia's threat "but this lowly commoner insulted Riser, Riser has a right to defend his honor!".

Grayfia had heard enough and launched herself at Riser intending to kill Riser but Harry's voice stopped her a few inches away from reaching the foolish Phenex heir "Lady Grayfia stop...".

Grayfia stopped, turned, and stared with widening eyes as Harry began to speak to Riser "Defend your honor huh? Very well, I'll allow you to defend this so-called honor of yours, what was those game devils like to play?".

Harry turned toward Le Fay who jump a bit at being asked a question so suddenly but she answered it anyways "Oh! They're called rating games, it's a match between two peerages however there are failsafes put in place to prevent death, it's more like a boxing match or a battle royal like those wrestlers Hope likes to watch on TV sometimes".

Harry nodded "Right! That's perfect, you see lately it seems like the Devil faction either doesn't know who I am, or they think everything I can do is just a rumor and honestly, that is getting very annoying so this is what we'll do Riser, you and you're peerage against me and Kyoto's elite squad in a true death match! Which will be televised to the entire supernatural world! What do you think? do you accept and defend you're honor or be a coward and leave with your tail between your legs?".

The devils gaped at what Harry just suggested but Sona understood what he wanted to do {He's going to publicly execute him... and he's going to showcase his strengths and that of Kyoto with this! Dear maou!}.

Riser gaped at the mention of Kyoto's elite squad but his arrogance and his belief of him being truly immortal gave him the confidence to accept "Riser accepts your challenge! A week from now Riser will teach you how to treat your betters fool!".

Harry maliciously grinned "Great! This will be fun!" with that said Harry opened a dark corridor and the girls and he began to walk into it "See you in a week, Mr. Riser!".

As soon as Harry stepped through the dark corridor it then dissipated, Riser frowned and then turned around toward Rias who was staring at him horrified "Riser, do you know who you just attacked!".

Riser just raised an eyebrow "No and Riser doesn't care! That commoner will die by Riser's hands no matter who he is!".

Grayfia frowned "That was Harry Potter... one of the leaders of the Yokai faction and you just challenged him to a death match you fool! He's a dragon god! do you honestly believe you can beat him!".

Riser shrugged "Riser is sure those are just rumors! Hahaha he didn't look too strong, anyways I have to go and let Riser's father know about this!".

With that said Riser teleported back home via magic circle while loudly laughing.

"..." silence reigned in the room but Sona broke that silence "Well Rias... it seems like you won't have to worry about Riser soon, I'm pretty sure Harry is going to mercilessly murder him in that match...".

Rias just nodded still not believing what she just saw "Wait... is that how I sounded when I challenged him?".

Sona and her Peerage nodded making Rias flinch "Ah! I see... i- you know what I really did deserve that beating".

No one said anything while Grayfia began to teleport "I'll have to report this to Lord and Lady Gremory... Sirzechs isn't going to be happy with this...".

With that said Grayfia teleported back home leaving a room full of perplexed young devils.


That night during dinner Harry told everyone what had happened that day, Yasaka, Serafall, and Gabriel were also present.

Yasaka frowned and turned towards Serafall "Sera... there's something seriously wrong with your race you know?".

Serafall was grabbing and pulling her twin tails in anger while growling and cursing something fierce while Jean and Pepper covered Hope and Morgan's ears.

Harry chuckled at Serafall's reaction to the news but turned towards Yasaka "Well in any case this works perfectly for us, we'll televise this to the entire supernatural world and showcase the Yokai faction's power, this way they'll learn to not mess with us... or at least those that aren't too stupid will learn not to mess with us".

Everyone chuckled because they know that there will always be stupid people, after that everyone finished their dinner and then went to either go to sleep or continue working.

It comes to show how unpreoccupied they are with this situation, Harry stays at the dinner table speaking with Yasaka, Kunou, Le Fay, and Fuu about what else had happened during the meeting.

When suddenly Harry got a quest notification.

[Ding! Ding!]

[The Otsutsuki are back and one of them has attacked Konoha.]

[Help your friends Naruto and Sasuke against Jigen or both might be crippled foreshadowing their future deaths!.]

[Objective: Saved both Naruto and Sasuke from Jigen and prevent them from losing very important parts of themselves.]

[Reward: Skill Orb - Angelic magic (Tales of Symphonia)]

However, the moment Harry read that quest notification letting him know that his friends were in trouble he stood up from his seat, surprising Kunou, Le Fay, and Fuu while Yasaka stared at him in worry "Harry? What's wrong?".

Harry turned to look toward Yasaka "I have to go help my friends, right now!".

Yasaka nodded and stood up along with the three other girls "Well then go! Save your friends Harry!".

Harry widened his eyes but then he grinned happy that Yasaka was encouraging him to go help his friends he then turned to look towards Kunou, Le Fay, and Fuu, they smiled and nodded to him "Thank you, girls, you're the best! I'll slow down time here so we have plenty of time to help my friends.

The girls nodded and Harry then looked up {Just hang in there Naruto, Sasuke... I'm on my way!}.

Harry then raised a hand and said "'World jump'!" and reality shattered around him and the girls.