


You’re cute when you blush


After working on the house, I took a shower. I needed one after getting dirty and sweaty from the dirt and dust. It felt nice to shower in a bathroom that wouldn’t explode on you. While I showered, I heard the bathroom door open. Oh, God. Don’t let it be a serial killer.

I closed my eyes, praying the person left. Then I heard the shower curtain. I opened one eye to see Matthew standing there in all his glory. I closed my eyes again.

/"What are you doing here?/" I asked, not looking at Matthew.

/"I’m showering. Why are your eyes closed?/"

/"Because then I can see your thingy./"

/"My thingy?/"

/"You know, what all guys have that women don’t./"

/"Yeah, I’m aware of my package since I’ve had it my entire life./"

/"We aren’t doing anything, are we?/" I whimpered, unsure of what Matthew wanted.