
The Master Sniper

I stocked up on items and was stopped by Cuara who seemed to have another tutorial for me, a tutorial that I already probably knew about. I crossed my arms and just decided to entertain her.

"Before we head out to the next area, do you remember how to Evolve your units? If not I'll tell you anyway because it's a part of my script. So to evolve a unit just press on the Unit Icon then press Evolve Units then from there select your desired unit to evolve. Luckily you don't need much to evolve a unit other than a certain amount of Elemental Stones and some Gold! Here I'll get you started." Cuara said.

[Obtained Fire Stone(s) x10, Water Stone(s) x10, Thunder Stone(s) x10, Earth Stone(s) x10, Light Stone(s) x10, Dark Stone(s) x10]

"Go ahead! Evolve Yuki!" Cuara smiled.

I decided to evolve Yuki by pressing on her and seeing I was able to evolve her then pressed confirm. The process started and it was a quick and easy process. Nothing too much changed on her other than she looked even cuter and her dragon tail seemed to glisten more.

[Unit Evolved!]

[Yuki Has Evolved!]

Name: Eclipse Yuki

Rarity: Three Stars

Element: Dark

Weakness: Light

Resist: Dark

Type: Magic

Level: 1

EXP: 0/100%

HP: 790/790

MP: 101/101

Burst Gauge: 0%

ATK: 19

DEF: 26

MATK: 48

MDEF: 38

AGI: 25

LUK: 48

Skills: Gravity Shot, Dark Beam EX, Dark Rescue

Burst Skill: Eclipse Burst

Leader Skill: Dark Influence [Boosts Dark Element Units parameters by 25%]

"She's one step closer to becoming Shadow Archon Yuki again. Just got...five more evolutions to go. Maybe I'll hang out with Yuki before we head out. You can go on ahead Cuara." I said.

"Right." Cuara smiled and warped away.

I summoned Yuki in front of me and she looked up at me.

"Is there anything you need, Master?" Yuki asked.

"Come hang out with me for a bit around the town." I smiled at her.

She nodded and her staff turned into magic particles. We began to walk together around the town and she looked around.

[Commencing Heart to Heart Sequence]

[Yuki's Bond Percentage: 18%]

[Yuki's Mood (Friendly): Relaxed]

[Yuki's Affinity Rank: Acquaintance]

"So, I don't really know much about your lore. Can you tell me a little something of your past?" I asked.

Yuki looked at me then looked ahead. "I am one of the Six Maidens who used to serve the Goddesses for their desires. One day we were tired of their sexual desires and betrayed them. We had enough power to kill the Goddesses if we wanted but we just wanted our voices heard. We wanted to be free and not sex slaves, but a woman who went by The Oracle slayed us all. The Yuki you are seeing now is just a mock unit based off the real Yuki."

"The Oracle?" I asked.

"The Oracle Savior. A unit named Oracle Savior Una. She's not in this specific world but she's active once again because of the Goddesses' disobedience to Bravulla in whom I don't truly trust." Yuki answers.

"Why?" I asked.

"In the past it was her who ordered Una to kill me and the other five Maidens..." Yuki answers.

I looked ahead then pulled gently pulled Yuki to the other side of me, so she didn't get hit by the horses and carriages. "I wasn't aware the Bravulla was the one who gave the order, but then again I don't read the lore of units sometimes."

"That's understandable." Yuki nodded.

I stopped walking and she stopped as well. I looked at her and placed my hand on her shoulder. "Listen, I'm here for you as your Master and friend. I could hear the pain in your voice when you spoke about the past. I can tell you wish to have revenge. I will help you. If that is what you desire, I will help you achieve that desire." I smiled at her.

[Yuki's Bond Percentage rose to 21%]

[Affinity Rank Level UP!]

[Yuki's Affinity Rank: Amicable]

[Yuki's Mood (Friendly): Happy]

"You'll really help me? Thank you. I'll do my best so I won't disappoint when the time comes." Yuki smiled happily at me.

[Heart to Heart: Successful!]

I let go of her shoulder and felt our bond deepen. "I won't let you down either."

She nodded then we decided to head back to my home to rest and prepare for the dungeon we had to go though soon. We walked in the house, going upstairs then noticed Selene and Veria were gone. I pulled up my message heads up display then noticed Selene had sent me a message and a friend request.

[Selene: Thank you for allowing me to join you through the Blazing Cave. I really enjoyed it and it has inspired me to really get better! The next time we see each other I'll be a lot stronger and maybe some day I'll challenge you to a Player Battle (。>﹏<。). I had a lot of fun, but I'll be adventuring around on my own with Veria for a while! See you soon!]

I smiled at the message then accepted her friend request then went up to my room. I walked into my room and got on my bed. I closed my eyes and entered a Resting State.


[HP and MP fully recovered!]

Everything once again was dark. I didn't waste any time opening my eyes and just looked at the light.

"Summoner Shin...I come to you with information that will decide your fate." Bravulla said.

It seemed anytime I wanted to speak back to Bravulla I couldn't. I just floated in the darkness and listened to her.

"The first Fallen Goddess, The Goddess of Willpower, Isra, will be the first target and she has the power to destroy your willpower with a blade sharp enough to cut through mountains. You must seek her at the St. Eternus Tower. Defeat her and Soria will be saved." Bravulla said then the light began to fade away.

"MASTER!" Yuki yelled in my ear.

I sat up quickly and panted. I looked at Yuki and closed my eyes. "Sorry...I had a very strange dream. Let's go to the dungeon."

"Not yet...Ophelia and I made breakfast for you. We already ate and you don't want to fight on an empty stomach." Yuki smiled at me.

I opened my eyes and looked at her then pulled her hood over her face playfully and chuckled. "You didn't have to, but thank you."

Yuki blushed and looked up at me. I stood up and walked out of the room and Yuki happily followed behind me. I walked down the stairs and noticed Ophelia cleaning the kitchen, listening to the gentle theme of the Graceful Grasslands.

Ophelia looked at me and clapped her hands together, smiling. "Ah. Good morning, Master. We have your breakfast on the table still warm! Eat up and let's go show these enemies our strength!"

I nodded and went to sit down at the table. I looked at my breakfast and it was a plate of very fluffy pancakes with some tea on the side. It looked absolutely amazing to the point my mouth watered. I cut a piece of the pancakes and took a bite then instantly fell in love with the food.

"It's shooo good.." I said, feeling as if I was in paradise.

[Ophelia's Bond Percentage rose to 19%]

[Yuki's Bond Percentage rose to 28%]

Ophelia and Yuki looked at each other then smiled at one another. I looked at them, noticing a support conversation about to happen between them. I wasn't aware they were compatible.

[Yuki and Ophelia Support A]

"So...Yuki, you say you were one of the Six Maidens? Does that mean you stood over the Goddesses in power?" Ophelia asked.

Yuki blushed as she cleaned the dishes. "That is true. The Goddesses feared our power based off my lore and the others. We were legends in our lore until Bravulla ordered us to be struck down."

"Wow...Never once have I ever had any interaction with Bravulla or the other Goddesses. You see I'm not even from this Galaxy. I come from a galaxy named Astreas and a world named Ilia. I've always wanted to meet the Goddesses and Bravulla." Ophelia smiled.

"You will get the chance after we clear the Quest Zones of Aclia and Eshus. The first Fallen Goddess is in St. Eternus." Yuki said.

"Ah I see! I can't wait to meet her!" Ophelia smiled excitedly.

[Yuki's and Ophelia's friendship deepened]

I smiled and had finished my breakfast then stood up. "Well that was a good meal. I guess we should get to heading out. These dungeons ain't gonna clear themselves."

"Right!" Yuki and Ophelia said together.

They hurried and cleaned up what was left to clean then hurried over to me. I warped all three of us to the Warping Crystal that was along the path to the new dungeon. We walked along the path and looked around. We walked for twenty minutes before noticing a shift in weather. There was snow around and the weather began to get colder. I noticed Cuara up ahead rubbing her arms.

"Brr...Holy shit it's cold out here! I forgot how extreme this game's weather is- ACHOO!" Cuara exclaimed and sniffled. She noticed us walking up and she glared and pointed at my face. "How dare you leave a woman of my status waiting this long in this unbearable freeze!"

"First you're too hot despite being a water unit. Now you're too cold even though you're a WATER UNIT? Geez girl, what's next?" I teased and grunted when she pinched my nose.

"I don't have time for your teasing! It's freezing out here! I don't understand how you and your units aren't cold..but alas I digress." Cuara said then let go of my nose. "Your first main boss will be at the Tower of Aclia. You still have the forest after this and the marsh and the ruins...not to mention the g-graveyard..! You still have a long way to go, but that's alright since you don't really need too strong of units until you've reached the Tower of Aclia. That's all, I'm getting out of this cold..! I'll see you at the forest!"

Cuara warped away and I smiled. I looked back at my units then they nodded at me. We pressed forward and I stopped seeing a horde of monsters rushing at us. I looked around knowing it was Yoshimune's doing. Yuki pushed me out of the way of a javelin and I looked back then looked ahead drawing my blade out of the scabbard then changing my element to Thunder. I looked at the enemies and it was a bunch of mermans.

"Let's cut down these troops!" I said.

"Right!" My units said at the same time.

We charged into battle and I sliced through the mermans with ease, while Yuki shot magic orbs at them and Ophelia shot magic arrows at them.

"This is just like the Graceful Grasslands...They just keep coming." Yuki said.

I grunted and heard a sniper shot then dodged a bullet that was coming from behind me. The bullet struck a merman though his head. Yuki, Ophelia, and I took cover as we heard multiple sniper shots.

"Burst Skill: Lightning Crasher!" A woman's voice bellowed then she slammed her sword on the ground, taking down the mermans in one blow.

The three of us got off the ground and looked back. I noticed a woman with short yellow hair styled into a bob cut and her eyes shined yellow. She wore a kimono and a kimono jacket over the kimono. She stuck her claymore into the ground and looked at us.

"Lightning Ravia." I said then noticed another woman warp to Ravia.

She had long white hair, silver eyes, and wore a winter outfit. She carried a sniper with a strap around her shoulder. Her eyes were cold, but her looks were beautiful. "You're lucky you dodged..."

I looked at the woman and blinked. "You mean you meant to hit me?!"

"Sorta. Yeah. I just wanted to see if you would dodge and you did. Congrats." The woman said, coldly. "My name is Bonnie. It's nice to meet you."