
Rematch! Bonnie's Curving Bullets?!

I waited for Bonnie to finish crafting items and decided to check Ravia's stats just to see what she was all about. I pulled up the heads up display of her stats and looked through her stats.

Name: Bolt Strike Ravia

Rarity: Three Stars

Element: Thunder

Weakness: Earth

Resist: Fire

Type: Breaker

Level: 17

EXP: 45/100%

HP: 1,892/1,892

MP: 119/119

Burst Gauge: 21%

ATK: 92

DEF: 78

MATK: 21

MDEF: 29

AGI: 78

LUK: 30

Skills: Lightning Expulsion, Levin Break, Paralysis Saber

Burst Skill: Lightning Crasher

Leader Skill: Thunder Clap [Boosts Thunder Element Units parameters by 25%]

"Checking me out huh? You like what you see?" Ravia asked as she leaned her back against the wall beside me.

I looked at Ravia and smiled then closed the interfaces then crossed my arms and closed my eyes. "In fact I do like what I see. Stat wise and visual wise." I said in a teasing manner, knowing it would get her flustered.

[Ravia's Bond Percentage rose to 9%]

"I- You-" She stumbled upon her words and her cheeks began to become rosy. "W-Whatever! Forget I even asked that! Mistress surely is taking her time trying to figure out what to make as if it matters. She's only guaranteed the Anti-Freeze Effect on her accessory. Any other effects given are completely random."

"Equipment is important to us Summoners even if the stats don't add up 100%. The thing about Bonnie is she can't equip a shield because she mainly uses a sniper. She can only equip a shield if she was wielding a pistol, a singular pistol. When she duel wields, she sacrifices the chance to wield a shield, so I can see why she's taking her time choosing what accessory she wants to make." I replied and looked at Bonnie.

"Go help her then boss man. You are one of the best, so you know how to make the meta." Ravia pushed me forward and crossed her arms. "I'm gonna wait outside with Yuki and Ophelia."

I watched Ravia leave the Equipment Shop then made my way over to Bonnie.

[Commencing Heart to Heart Sequence]

[Bonnie's Bond Percentage: 8%]

[Bonnie's Mood (Relaxed): Relaxed]

[Bonnie's Affinity Rank: Acquaintance]

"No no...A ring is too basic and a who wears bracelets anymore..?" Bonnie sighed as she looked at the interface of difference accessory options. She kept scrolling and sighed softly. She couldn't pick with all of these different options.

"I think a necklace or earrings would fit you perfectly." I suggested and smiled. "Specifically this design."

Bonnie looked at where I pointed and her cheeks got a little red. "T-That one is a little too cute don't you think? You know I like the cool stuff.."

I chuckled at her reaction and looked at her. "Come on...It fits you wonderfully. It matches your silver eyes and your hair...your cold personality."

[Bonnie's Bond Percentage rose to 13%]

"If I didn't know any better, I would think that you're flirting with me. Would you like to have a bullet through your skull?" Bonnie bumped her hip against mine.

I smiled and kept looking at the difference accessories. "You want to see me split your bullet in half again..?"

"That was a fluke and you know it." Bonnie smiled and looked at the accessories.

"Believe what you want, Bon." I chuckled and noticed her click the accessory I recommended.

"I will and we can always go for another battle whenever you want." Bonnie smiled and added the Aquatic Shards to the accessory, giving it the Anti-Freeze Effect.

[Heart to Heart Sequence: Successful!]

"Look at Mistress Bonnie...This is the first since I've been with her that I've seen her smile. No one has ever been able to get her to smile before. Some men have even tried to flirt with her and she wouldn't even react to them." Ravia said then looked at Yuki and Ophelia.

"Well Master is a nice person at heart and by the way he speaks, it appears he's had experience with women. Can't say the same for some of these degenerates in this game. The devs kinda made the Heart to Heart Sequences the same as real life...you can't just be brash and rush into romance. Now that we have actual free will now, I feel like I can finally speak my mind to these people.." Yuki said and looked around.

"I feel the exact same way. No more sitting there and just taking bullshit from these slobs." Ravia smiled and looked at Ophelia.

"I've never really had that experience. I'm a new unit so not many people have summoned me. Is it as bad as you say it is?" Ophelia asked.

"Well there are different versions and variations of all of us, but I don't know how it works now, but taken what we saw Veria as I think I have an idea of how it works, but before I united with Shin, some of the men on this game would hack the game to have Max Bond Percentage, Max Affinity, and Indefinite Romantic Mood so that was we couldn't disobey them. We were taken advantage of just for the sex scenes they could watch...it disgusts me even till this day.." Yuki said and held her arms.

"That sounds horrible..!" Ophelia said then looked inside of the Equipment Shop. "I'm kinda glad I'm with Master Shin then. He seems like a genuine guy.."

I walked out of the shop with Bonnie and she was wearing her necklace around her neck. She looked happy with her necklace then looked at Ravia. Ravia smiled and nodded.

"That's a pretty necklace.." Yuki walked up to Bonnie and held the crystal in her hand.

"You can thank your Master for this. I was stuck for a while...Now that I don't have that annoying drawback of me being guard broken easily and taking triple damage, I feel like I can actually fight like I'm meant to." Bonnie smiled. "Shin! Let's have one more match! This time I know I'm gonna win!"

"Alright, let's go to the Frozen Snowfield." I smirked.

"Mistress, I have a request. I would like to join this battle. I would like to see if Yuki can beat me this time since we both are mock units now." Ravia said.

Bonnie looked at Ravia then looked at me for approval.

"Fine by me. I just need to get Yuki to a higher level really quickly." I said then took out some EXP Potions for Yuki then gave them to her.

She broke the bottle on her body and absorbed the magic into her body.

[Eclipse Yuki Level UP!]

Name: Eclipse Yuki

Rarity: Three Stars

Element: Dark

Weakness: Light

Resist: Dark

Type: Magic

Level: 8 -> 16

EXP: 0/100%

HP: 1,142/1,142 -> 1,790/1,790

MP: 312/312 -> 402/402

Burst Gauge: 0%

ATK: 31 -> 38

DEF: 49 -> 57

MATK: 80 -> 91

MDEF: 62 -> 74

AGI: 38 -> 49

LUK: 80 -> 91

Skills: Gravity Shot, Dark Beam EX, Dark Rescue

Burst Skill: Eclipse Burst

Leader Skill: Dark Influence [Boosts Dark Element Units parameters by 25%]

"All set?" Bonnie asked.

"Yeah, let's go." I nodded then we warped back to the Frozen Snowfield.

Bonnie sent the Player Battle request and I accepted the challenge then the area turned into a Player Battle stage.

"Things are different now, Shin! No easy guard breaks for you, now we fight for real!" Bonnie said then jumped backwards and took aim at me.

"Yeah yeah, less talking, more fighting." I said then twirled my sword in a circle and got in a stance.

[Battle Start!]

I launched myself towards Bonnie without hesitation then Ravia stepped in my way. I looked at her and heard the sniper fire off. The bullet curved around Ravia and homed towards me. I looked a bit surprised then Yuki swung her staff and knocked the bullet away from me.

"She can curve her bullets..? I've got to be careful now..." I said to myself then avoided Ravia's attack and dashed towards Bonnie. She got off the ground then her sniper disappeared and she summoned her Twin Pistols. She still had the same skills except her Extra Skill changed.

Extra Skill: Quick Draw [25% Increase in Reload Speed when Twin Pistols are equipped]

She swiped her arms when firing her pistols, making her bullets curve towards me. I deflected her bullets and yelled then slashed down at her. She parried my attacks then changed her element to Earth. I noticed and changed my element to Fire before she shot a bullet at me, striking me. I hit her with a Fury Slash and knocked her away. She slid backwards and grunted lightly.

Yuki dodged a flurry of Ravia's quick attacks then blocked her downward slash. She grunted then kicked her away and sent multiple dark orbs at Ravia.

Ravia looked up and sliced the dark orbs in half and they all exploded. She smirked and looked at Yuki. "Defense was always your and Hikari's favorite thing, but it takes more than defense to take me down!"

Ravia bellowed and her lightning aura surged powerfully as she began to charge up heavy attack. She dashed toward Yuki and slashed in a circle. Yuki tried to perfect block the attack but her guard broke upon impact.

"Paralysis Saber!" Ravia bellowed and lightning crackled around her claymore powerfully. She swung her claymore, hitting Yuki and knocking her in the air.

Yuki squealed in pain as she was hit with a powerful attack by Ravia. She grunted and recovered in the air. "Gravity Shot!" She bellowed and sent a ball of spatial energy at Ravia then sent a Dark Beam EX right after it.

Ravia dodged the Gravity Shot but was hit by the Dark Beam EX and groaned.

I deflected more of Bonnie's bullets and she parried my attack then I looked a bit surprised. She used Bullet Hellfire on me and a wave of bullets struck me, blowing me away. I landed on the ground then fell on one knee, panting.

"Heh...There is a clear difference in your abilities and my Extra Skill isn't working, but this is far from over." I said then my eyes shined.

"Far from over? I'm to say that it kinda is with this next move! Multi-Shot!" She bellowed then fired multiple bullets at me, all curving and honing towards me.

"Dark Rescue!" Yuki bellowed then warped me to her and healed 50% of my health.

I smirked and stood up. "Synergy is why this isn't over yet."

Ophelia watched in awe feeling the synergy between me and Yuki. "That is some powerful synergy I'm feeling.."

Ravia stood up and her eyes shined brightly. "Me and my Mistress have synergy as well! With this synergy I'll take you down!"

I looked at Ravia then exhaled and got in my stance. I dashed towards her and she dashed to me. I clashed with her multiple times and she pushed me backwards then slashed in a circle. I used my shield to block the attack and grunted lightly. I bellowed and heart multiple sniper shots. Yuki sent multiple dark orbs at the bullets and they collided.

I parried Ravia then hit her with my shield then combo'd it into a Fury Slash then into a Brave Flash. I knocked her upwards then noticed a flash of light.

"Burst Skill: High Noon!" Bonnie bellowed then fired a massive beam at me and Yuki.

"Burst Skill: Eclipse Burst!" Yuki bellowed and fired massive purple beam at Bonnie's attack.

The two beams collided and entered a beam struggle. Ravia landed on her feet then looked at me and vanished in lightning speeds then appeared beside me.

"Levin Break!" She bellowed and slashed at me.

I tried to block it, but her attack broke my guard then she combo'd into her Lightning Crasher. I got hit by the attack the explosion blew me away. My HP fell into the red zone and I grunted as I was Paralyzed. I chuckled then grunted as I could barely move.

"This is it! Our chance to beat Shin!" Ravia bellowed and dashed towards me.

"Burs-Nngh!" I groaned then fell on one knee.

"This is the end! Thunder Expulsion!" Ravia bellowed and slashed down at me then a powerful bolt of lightning struck me, dealing double the damage since I was already paralyzed.

I thought it was all over until I got the lucky 10% roll and survived with 1 HP. I hurried and switched to the Earth Element before I got haxxed again. "Burst Skill: Valiant Slash!"

I bellowed as I slashed and hit Ravia with a powerful Valiant Slash and the Earth Elemental cutting wave dealt more damage then an explosion happened, blowing Ravia away.

[Ravia has been slain]

Yuki had hope then Bonnie made a play she could never forget. Bonnie aimed at Yuki directly and locked onto her. She fired a bullet and Yuki wanted me to stay back. I stepped back then before the bullet hit Yuki, the bullet curved around Yuki and headed straight for me. I tried to dodge it but the paralysis got to me and I fell on one knee. The bullet hit my back and took me out. Ophelia and Yuki looked surprised.

[Shin has been slain]

[Match Over! Bonnie Wins!]

[Reverting Area to normal...]

"Curving bullets are awesome..." Ophelia said.

I groaned and stood up then looked at Bonnie. I smiled at her and she looked pleased that she was able to master the art of Curving Bullets.

"See, told you the first battle was a fluke!" Bonnie giggled.

"I totally would've won that if I hadn't got haxxed." I said and watched her walk towards me.

She tapped my nose and smiled. "The hax didn't matter..~ Now let's go back to camp and rest up. I'm beat."

I looked at her and smiled then looked at Yuki and Ophelia. They hurried to me and we all followed Bonnie back to her camp.