
End of the Monster Summoner

"Yuki! Where are you?!" I called out and ran around the forest looking for her. I checked behind every tree, boulder, and every log. I left no stone unturned. "Yuki!"

Yuki heard me calling her name and looked back. "Master..?"

"Oh? Seems like you wandered off too far, pet." Yoshimune smirked and grabbed her arm. "I was coming to pay your Master a little visit, but I guess I'll have a bit of fun with you. System Command, Transfer Unit No. 37 Eclipse Yuki to Player Yoshimune."

An interface appeared in front of Yoshimune and he pressed a button.

"No!" Yuki grunted loudly and tried to escape Yoshimune.

"You belong to me. I have Administrator Power and the power to control whatever I want in the game. Developer Matsuta has given me the power to use the system to gain whatever I please." Yoshimune smirked and looked at Yuki. "I am now your new Master..."

"No! I am loyal to only Master Shin!" Yuki screamed. She cried out as she was being dragged away by Yoshimune.

"Isra has told me that Willpower is an easy thing to break. I will use you to break Shin's willpower and he would have no choice but to surrender to the Grand Order." Yoshimune laughed.

I stopped and panted. I leaned against a tree then got a popup notification in front of me.

[Yuki has been removed from the Party]

"Yuki...what is going on..?! Where are you..?!" I asked and heard someone running towards me. I looked in the direction, noticing Kamie.

"Shin..." Kamie panted and held her knees. "Hold...on...curse these big tits.."

"Kamie, what's the matter?" I asked as I walked to her and held her shoulders.

"I didn't want you to venture out alone. Ophelia told me what happened and I feel as though it's my fault why Yuki ran off. I want to help you find her." Kamie said then looked up at me.

"What do you mean your fault?" I asked.

"Ophelia said that Yuki was jealous and she ran off because of that jealousy...I didn't mean to make her jealous at all or make her run off. I just really wanted a boyfriend and-"

"It's okay Kamie. I don't blame you at all. If I'm being honest, I can just summon her here. I guess I'm the heat of the moment, I forgot I could summon her back to me." I said then let her go. I held my hand out to summon Yuki to me. Nothing happened. "That's...strange. Can units actually reject the calls of their masters?"

"They can't. Something happened to her. We have to hurry and find her now!" Kamie said worriedly.

[Kamie Joined your Party!]

I took Kamie's hand then ran ahead. Kamie held my hand and followed me. I scanned the area for any sign of Yuki. We heard some howls and noticed Armored Kobolds appearing from pillars of energy.

"Get out of our way!" I bellowed and summoned my sword then let go of Kamie's hand and she let go of mine.

"We don't have time for this!" Kamie yelled as she summoned her scythe.

They howled and dashed to us. I dashed towards them and sliced through them and they whimpered then dispersed into magic energy. Kamie sliced through the wave of kobolds as well and her Soul Gauge began to charge up. After we dealt with the kobolds with ease, we noticed the trees growing.

Sil floated down and I glared then noticed multiple Ents being summoned by Sil. She made the field effect a lot stronger with the increasing numbers of Ents.

"You're all in my way!" I bellowed then my aura surged powerfully.

Sil sang loudly and all the Ents went for an earth beam at me. My hair covered my left eye and my right eye shined brightly. I used Imperial Boost and got in a guarding stance. The beam made contact with me and an explosion happened.

"Shin..!" Kamie cried out as she noticed my Barrier shatter and HP lower a bit.

I grunted as I slid back a bit then the smoke cleared. "My turn. Burst Skill: Great Imperial Crush!" I yelled and dashed towards Sil and slashed downward, hitting her and yelled as my eyes shined brightly.

Sil groaned loudly as she hit the ground then was hit with a powerful line of dark energy behind it.

"I'm not done yet!" I bellowed and gave myself a Burst Potion then my Burst Gauge went back to 100%. "Burst Skill EX: Sacred Cleave!"

I slashed down and sliced Sil in half then her body dispersed into magic particles as well as the Ents that were summoned. The field effect weakened once again and Kamie and I pressed forward.

"What do you hope to gain by kidnapping Shin's unit?" The masked figure asked as he looked at Yoshimune. He looked at Yuki who was chained up against a wall.

"Nothing really. I have no use for units like her. I am a Monster Summoner not a Harem Summoner. I'm only using her as bait to see if what Developer Matsuta and Isra said is true." Yoshimune said.

"What? That Shin was chosen by Bravulla herself or that Shin is top five? I still don't understand why he got his original account deleted, but with System Commands, you can recover it." The masked figure said.

"Yeah, but there is a fault in the system and the entire reason why Matsuta is doing this. Bravulla has full access to all Administrator Power and even took over some of Matsuta's ability to manipulate the universe manually so he made the Goddesses go berserk and gave them the power to destroy the Universe aka the entire server worldwide...In doing so millions will die. He plans to have a universe without Bravulla. A universe where only he rules." Yoshimune explained then walked to Yuki.

Yuki glared at Yoshimune and spit at his boots. "I hate people like you. Abusing the system for your own personal gains...I hope you fucking die you piece of shit! I hope all of your die! Master Shin will become the strongest again. He has the means of becoming as powerful as his past once more. You don't know how fucked you are.."

Yoshimune laughed and crossed his arms, looking at Yuki. "That's cute...You have that much faith in Shin. Well you stay there and keep praying. Shin will be dead in a matter of minutes...You along with your friends...will belong to me. I would love to experiment with you and see what monster you would become once I put you through unit fusion."

Yuki glared and looked away. "Master will come out on top...I know he will."

Yoshimune smirked and walked away from Yuki then the masked figure followed him. "I know he's in contact with Bravulla and Cuara. Cuara is the only disciple alive that Bravulla has. It would be a big move if we could capture her but she's always on the move."

"How about you focus on taking Shin down before you target someone of Cuara's status. The safe play would be to take him down while he's at his weakest. He has a Summoner with him as well. A woman named Kamie. She's not as much of a threat as Shin is, but she's his girlfriend so targeting her would draw out the hidden power within him. I have my suspicions that all of his powers from his old account is with him. He just needs to draw it out." The masked figure said then adjusted his mask. "One more thing...Hilda and her partner Hestia have been on the move. If you run into them...kill them."

"You got it." Yoshimune chuckled and walked out of the hideout.

I hurried down a path with Kamie behind me, holding my hand. I scanned the area and sensed Yoshimune's energy then stopped and looked ahead.

"A little history lesson, Shin. The Will of Flames is what the legendary Fiona believes in. She was the disciple for the Goddess of Willpower, Isra. Fiona soon betrayed Isra because Isra bended her will onto Fiona, breaking her willpower, but soon she gained a power that even went beyond Isra, acquiring a form known as the Indomitable Flame Fiona, but soon Oracle Savior Una slayed Fiona at Bravulla's command. You've played the game before and you should know Bravulla is the true enemy of this universe. You know her intentions, so why mindlessly go with the flow of things...you are merely helping to repeat history." Yoshimune said.

"I don't give a shit about that, Yoshimune. Give back Yuki! I know you have her you bastard!" I yelled.

Yoshimune looked at Kamie, who stuck closely to me. He smirked and closed his eyes. "Yuki is that important to you huh? I'm sure Nevio explained how things work between Units. I used to have a fair share of units of my own, I don't have use for them anymore but I know Yuki is important to you because of her final evolution, Shadow Archon Yuki...but I know she's also very important to you as you're bonded with her. Even when I am her master, she disobeys which is shocking."

"She's mine! We may have only been together for 3 days, but deep inside...we've been together for months. I remember the day I summoned her from that Honor Summon. I knew I was going to train her to become one of the best and I did. Love and affection went into her! I poured my entire soul into her like I did with the other five! You can't take her away from me. Even if she has no memory of me, I remember her well and I will do whatever it takes to get her back!" I yelled.

"A very moving story. I can tell you remember a lot so tell me why are you helping someone who is merely using you." Yoshimune crossed his arms.

"Because this isn't a game...Well it is, but in this game...my choices truly matter. If I die, I'm done for good. I can't allow myself to falter. Bravulla is different and I can feel it, but if there is a slim chance that I am being a puppet, I'm already prepared.." I said then summoned my sword and let go of Kamie's hand. She let go of mine. "This is where this ends between us Yoshimune. This is where our crossing paths end. I will kill you to get Yuki back!"

"Well if you wish for that to happen...you must battle me yourself...at your fullest." Yoshimune said then snapped his fingers and a wall of flames pushed Kamie away.

"Shin!" Kamie yelled.

[Kamie has been removed from the Party]

[Yoshimune has locked your ability to Summon]

"Kamie!" I ran to the wall of flames and placed my hands on it. "Kamie!"

Kamie looked at me then screamed as she was grabbed by another Sil. Sil began to squeeze Kamie, draining Kamie's HP by 1% per second. Kamie groaned and panted, trying to escape Sil's crushing grip.

"You better hurry...She's losing 11 HP a second. Do you truly love Kamie? Do you truly love Yuki?! So me your conviction in a duel to the death!" Yoshimune summoned his sword and shield then laughed.

"Yoshimune...you bastard!" I yelled and turned around then looked at him. "I'll strike you down!"

I prepared myself for a battle to the death. I began to spam Imperial Boost and my eyes shined brightly. Yoshimune allowed me to spam Imperial Boost until I couldn't anymore. I got off the max of ten Imperial Boosts, boosting my stats by 200%.

"Heh...now this is a battle I've been waiting for! Let's go!" Yoshimune dashed to me.

I dashed towards Yoshimune and our blades clashed, producing sparks then I pushed Yoshimune away and went for a circular slash. He blocked the attack and grunted as he slid back. He noticed he took a lot of chip damage.

The masked figure, Nevio, and Grant watched the battle from afar. The masked figure summoned Yuki to his side and made her watch my battle against Yoshimune.

Yuki grunted and looked at me. "Master!" She cried out.

I heard Yuki's voice and looked around then noticed her with the masked figure, Nevio, and Grant. "Yuki!"

"Shin!" Kamie cried out in pain.

I looked at Kamie and noticed her HP was already nearing the yellow zone. "Kamie!" I clenched my teeth and looked at Yoshimune.

Yoshimune chuckled and got in his stance. "Everything rests upon your shoulders, Shin. You are their hero. Their only way of escaping their hell!"

Yoshimune dashed to me then side stepped, catching me off guard then slashed, hitting me. I groaned as he got a clean cut on me. I stumbled back and looked up, noticing him dashing to me again. He slashed upwards and I blocked his attack. I blocked his Crimson Ride then parried his final attack of the Crimson Ride then slashed in a circle multiple times, striking him with a Round Rush. I sent him flying with the final slash then dashed after him.

Yoshimune landed on his feet then parried my Imperial Slash then struck me with a Flare Combo. He slashed at me five times then shoved his sword through my stomach. I groaned loudly and my HP began to fall a great amount due to a fatal blow to my body. Yoshimune had a sadistic smile on his face then groaned as I punched his face. He stumbled backwards and let go of his sword. I took his sword out of my stomach then tossed it aside.

"He's actually holding his own to Yoshimune, but I don't see how he's connected to Bravulla or even has said power that no one else holds. I just see him as a guy who knows how to use his weapons efficiently." Nevio said.

"Same here. We are all summoned by Bravulla in the game. Our job is to be a summoner. Well now our job is to defend the Goddesses, but still." Grant said.

The masked figure looked at me. "He definitely has the power Bravulla speaks of. I don't have a single doubt that Shin is 100% one of the six chosen by Bravulla to save this universe. Developer Matsuta said the other five chosen are women. All of them carry a Starter Unit. She couldn't find the other top four of the USA servers, so Shin was the only one from there who was summoned. I believe it...if he grows close enough to these women and his units...he can create a True Bond with them, boosting his power to even beyond the Goddesses."

"True Bond..? What's that?" Grant asked.

"You wouldn't know because hacked stats don't reward True Bond.." Yuki scowled.

"True Bond is the true connection between two. It isn't a lustful bond, but a True Love bond. It is a bond made of pure Sexuality and Love. It is the purest strength one can aquire. Not only does it boost the person's stats by 200%, but the host can stack this effect by reaching True Bond with multiple women. This reason this seems difficult is because your feelings can not be lascivious. Your feelings have to be genuine. The sex has to be real. The love has to be true or else True Bond doesn't work." The masked figure explained.

"I can definitely tell that Shin's feelings for Yuki and Kamie is true. Look how hard he's fighting out there...But it isn't enough to take Yoshimune down." Nevio said.

Yoshimune and I continued to clash then I parried his attack then landed a clean Imperial Slash on him, causing him to stumble backwards. He panted and noticed his HP was in the yellow zone.

"Heh...To think I am being worn down like this. By a rookie who isn't a rookie. It is a honor to even be fighting against you, Shin..but I won't let you beat me so easily!" He bellowed then flame wings emerged from his back as he began to transform into his monster form. He turned into a flaming red dragon that stood on its hind legs.

I grunted and scanned him.

Name: Magma Wings Yoshimune

Level: 30

HP: 14,000/14,000

Yoshimune now had three health bars. I feared the fate of Kamie and Yuki now. I looked back at Kamie and noticed her health in the yellow zone. I looked at the timer for my Imperial Boost. I only had three minutes left. I changed my element to Water and my eyes shined.

"Burst Skill EX: Sacred Cleave!" I bellowed and slashed downward at Yoshimune.

An explosion of water followed behind the slash and dealt critical damage, but it only brought his first health bar down to half.

"And that's it. There is nothing else that he can do." Nevio said then closed his eyes. "We all can go home now."

I looked at Yoshimune then grunted as he charged up a beam. He unleashed the beam at me and I tried to dodge it, but he moved his head, making the beam hit me. I groaned and was blown into the wall of flames. I fell to my knees and coughed a bit of blood. My hair covered my eyes and I could barely move, but I didn't want to give up. Kamie needed me. Yuki needed me.

"Summoner Shin...is this really all the power you have? When I summoned you...I summoned you with more than this. You hold a power only you can use. A power only you wield. Why are you holding back..?" Bravulla spoke to me.

"It's different in the game...than it is in reality.." I said then stood up and spit out blood. "I don't...understand how to summon this power you speak of that's why I've been playing the game as if I didn't have it.."

"Who is he talking to?" Grant asked.

"Bravulla." The masked figure said then adjusted his mask. "It is true...He is the chosen one from Earth.."

"Concentrate your energy, Summoner. All your power from the past will return to you if you just concentrate. Relax. Breath... Harness the Unlimited Potential. Seek Truth. Create Justice. Become the beacon of Hope. Be the Guiding Light....Surpass Death. Become the Shin you once were. The Shin who followed these virtues." Bravulla said.

I began to clear my mind of all negative thoughts and closed my eyes. Yoshimune roared and charged another beam. He stomped on the ground then released another beam at me and a powerful elemental barrier protected me from the beam.

A white cloak with silver embellishments appeared on my body. Underneath the cloak, I wore white and gold armor with a clear crystal in the middle of the chest plate. I summoned a sword, a legendary sword I crafted in my old account called the Oath of All.

"What the hell is that..?!" Grant looked surprised.

I opened my eyes and Kamie's pain began to be suppressed and she began to heal the HP she lost. She looked at me and her eyes widened.

"This is the real Shin. The Legendary Shin who made it to the top five. He's finally here..." The masked figure said.

"Go forth Summoner. Use your power to strike down Yoshimune and proceed to save this universe." Bravulla said.

I looked at Yoshimune and twirled my sword then got in my stance. "Allow me to now show you my true power. I may only have gained the power of my previous avatar, but...this is all I need!"

Yoshimune roared and five magic circles appeared around him then they all sent meteorites at me. I summoned my shield and blocked the meteors then dashed forward towards Yoshimune. I wall jumped off the wall of flames then my eyes shined brightly. I yelled and slashed downward, slicing the wings of his back. He roared pain then went for a punch. I used my shield to block the attack then grunted as I was blown back into wall of flames. I recovered and placed my feet on the wall then launched myself at him.

"Burst Skill: Atlantic Eternity!" I slashed at him 18 times quickly then struck his weak spot and blew him away.

"Because he is currently a Water Unit, his Oath of All has different Normal Burst Skills. His skills are universal, but his Burst Skills is what really makes him shine. He potentially has 6 Normal Burst Skills and an Overdrive Art." The masked figure pointed out.

"6 Burst Skills..?!" Nevio looked surprised.

"His Burst Skill EX and Final Burst Skill are also universal no matter the element." The masked figure explained.

Yoshimune noticed his HP reaching critical levels and roared then activated his Final Burst Skill. He summoned a massive magic circle above me. I looked up and noticed a massive meteor coming from the magic circle. If the meteor hit the ground, the entire Wise Woods would be destroyed. This was his last ditch effort to take me down.

I used my aura to fly up to the meteor. I yelled and my sword shined. I thrusted my blade upwards and struck the meteor. I grunted and tried my hardest to push the meteor away from the ground.

"Spring Break!" Ophelia yelled and shot a powerful arrow through the wall of flames and struck a weak spot of the meteor, cracking it.

The arrow exploded and cracked the meteor more. Shelly threw her lance at the meteor and struck where the arrow hit, cracking the meteor more. Fiona yelled and appeared where the meteor is then slashed at it, cracking it more.

"Dark Beam EX!" Yuki yelled and shot a beam at the meteor.

I yelled then the meteor shattered into a million pieces then turned into magic particles. "Everyone!"

"Kill him Master!" Ophelia yelled.

"Strike him down!" Shelly yelled.

"Do it for me and Kamie!" Yuki yelled.

The Beacon of Hope shined within me and I looked at Yoshimune and smirked. "Final Burst: Worldly Iridescence!" I flew towards Yoshimune and my sword shined Red, Blue, Green, Yellow, White, and Dark Purple. I yelled and struck Yoshimune's weak spot then a bright light shined.

Everyone covered their eyes and only heard the painful screams of Yoshimune as I struck him in his weak spot with my strongest attack. Yoshimune began to revert to normal and stumbled around with my sword through his chest.

"You...you...actually did it.." Yoshimune chuckled softly and fell to his knees. He looked at his hands as they slowly turned into magic particles. "Heh...so this is what death feels like...Yo, Captain...tell my student..to train hard so he can avenge me. Shin...has grown powerful..heh.."

Yoshimune closed his eyes and dispersed into magic particles and I grabbed my sword from the ground. Yuki felt her spirit reconnect to mine then hurried towards me. She hugged me happily and nuzzled my chest and cried tears of joy.

Sil closed her eyes as she also shattered into magic particles, dropping Kamie on her butt and the Ents shattered into magic particles.

"Yoshimune is dead. He was hesitant to kill Shin because he knew that Shin would draw out the power from Bravulla...his foolishness cost him his life." The masked figure said then snapped his fingers and Yoshimune's equipment warped back to the Grand Order HQ. He turned around to walk away.

"Wait. Who are you?" I asked and looked at the masked figure.

"In due time, the truth will be revealed. Enjoy your victory for now, Shin, as this war has only just begun." The masked figure walked away with Nevio and Grant.

Kamie got up and hurried to me and Yuki. "Shin! Are you okay?"

"I should be asking you that.." I smiled at her then looked at Yuki and rubbed her head. She held onto me tightly. "Overall I'm happy she's safe and unharmed.."

"I promise to never run off like that again..! I don't want to separate from you ever again!" Yuki cried out.

Everyone looked at us and looked relieved. I continued to rub her head and smiled softly.

"Let's go home for now. We all deserve a rest." I said then everyone agreed to my suggestion.

[Kamie, Fiona, Ophelia, Shelly, and Yuki have joined the Party!]

I warped all of us back to my home so we all could rest and recollect ourselves.