
What All The Fuss Is About

Maxine and I walked back out of the sand pool area and back to our table, but the girls were already gone. Maxine smiled, and we walked over to the place we had taken out MAS off. The girls were already suited up and waiting, some more patiently than others.

"About time you show up! I mean, you guys were pretty fast, so I do feel bad for you, Maxi, but we have these gems just waiting to be eaten!"

Mikota's face was level with mine as she walked upside down. As she stepped, Mikota made a gentle corkscrew turn and righted herself as she walked to stand before me with a big grin. The rest of the girls were coming over, but Kyrina was off to the side, which got me thinking.

What would happen if Kyrina absorbed a crystal? Would it hurt her? I could ask her, so I broke away from the girls and grabbed the four extra Pure gems. 

"Hey, Can you use these? I was thinking about it, and it doesn't make sense why you couldn't benefit from them, right?"