
Harem of the rookie demon lord

What would happen if a whole class of high school students were accidentally transported into a magical fantasy world? Their only way home is Sato Tengo, a dependable young man of the class who is a bit pervert. Thanks to his sacrifice, his friends and girlfriend were able to return to their world. And what about him, the only one in the world full of swords and magic? Can he live the slow life of his dreams? Or even find a way to return to the original world again? Let's find the answer together. English is not my native language and I'm not very good at it (mostly translating). So if I see any strange words, I apologize. As always, you can criticize it fully. I know if it's sensitive but yes. This story has incest and homosexuality. The protagonist's harem consists of one male but don't worry, he will soon be gendered and turned into a female. Hope you enjoy this, and Thanks for reading

DaoistBQOLM4 · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
51 Chs

Ways to return home and individual choices 2

After talking with the two of them I went to another classmate to ask the same question and got a wide variety of answers.

"Of course it is!" was the answer of most of his classmates.

"Get the fuck out of here!!" was Kota's answer. Looks like this guy isn't going back.

The shocking thing must have been Aoi and Nana's answers.

"I must want to go back, right? As for things between us, there are no problems! It's enough for us to secretly make an appointment and not let your girlfriend see us."

Aoi said those words and his face was neutral and she smiled brightly.

Ah... innocent Aoi has left me. Look what this world has taken away from me. It's really scary.

"Return to the old world?...No, I don't want to go back. Because it means we have to leave Haru-san's group behind...right?"

Nana replied in an unwilling tone. Because she was able to connect with corpses...dead friends made her have a close relationship with everyone. Nana herself probably doesn't want to abandon everyone.

I chose not to say anything and just patted Nana's head to show that I respected her decision.

Okay, now there are only a few people left.




"So, what did this charming young man have to do that made you come to me?"

Ryuga looked at me playfully, her hand on her chin. Her eyes were full of sparks but were deep at the same time. Although she appeared to act casually, the aura that could be felt from her was extremely oppressive, befitting a leader. The experiences of these past few months had clearly shaped her into a stronger person.

"Well, it's nothing," I sat across from her. Grab some tea and drink it to relieve stress.

Of course, it wasn't real tea, but rather some herbs that smelled good, so I baked it and used it as tea.

"What do you want to know?" she tried to guess.

"about the monster in the room last time? They were definitely strong and coordinated like soldiers. But if you can find the way, there will be no problem."

"Or about Araya's arm? Of course, losing her arm was serious and must have been very painful for her. And I'm really sorry for that girl. But you've already gone looking for her. You can see that she still smiles cheerfully like the old Araya. No, that girl is still the Araya we've always known. If you take pity on her or do anything to sympathize with her, I think that would be more insulting to her."

Ryuga raised her glass and drank the tea before stuffing the cookies she had made into her mouth and saying. "Do you think so, Tengo-kun?

"Um, I think so," I agreed with her. Acting differently from the past will only create discord in the heart. Especially as a cheerful person like Araya.

"Wow, Tenko-kun agrees with me, so glad. Or have you fallen in love with me? The beautiful and well-equipped President?" Ryuga leaned forward happily. So I stuffed a cookie into her mouth, pushing her against the seat. Let her nibble on cookies like a squirrel.

"Hey Ryuga, do you really want to return to the old world?"

I stared into her eyes. Trying to make her aware of my seriousness

"I don't want to live in the same old world. I'll be bored to death. This world is a bit dangerous, but if we can escape from here, it will definitely be a lot of fun, right?"

"Maybe there might be dragons in this world. I'd like to try riding a dragon as well."

Ryuga said non-stop like the same answer that I knew she was lying just so as not to ruin everyone's atmosphere. But this time it's not. I really want the answer that she really wants.

"Ryuga," I interrupted her. My eyes were still fixed on the figure of our leader before I uttered my original question.

"If you could choose, would you want to go back to your old world?"

Her smile and friendly atmosphere disappeared. Ryuga drank tea again. But this time, her eyes were filled with determination and an aura that was so oppressive that she could hardly breathe. It was a clear sign that there was no more teasing.

"Sato Tengo," she said my full name. "Do you know how big a deal this is?"

"I know." I handed the book I received from the library to Ryuga. "That's why I want to know your needs and everyone's needs."

Ryuga's expression changed to one of worry and confusion when he read the cover. She handed the book back to me and asked, "What is this all about? Please explain to me in detail, Tengo-kun."

"To put it simply," I explained. It's a way for us to be able to return to Japan."

"It's not as simple as you say, is it?" Ryuga couldn't believe it. Of course, if I didn't get it myself, I wouldn't believe such a thing either.

"Sure, but is it worth the risk?" I answered with a question.

Ryuga was silent before asking me. "Does anyone know about this yet?"

"No one knows but you and me," I replied. "I trust you the most of all."

The female class leader didn't show any signs of cheerfulness like always. As if it were already a certainty However, she still had a slight smile on her face that showed her happy mood.

"But it has a price, right? Because it doesn't look like they can send us back without any loss." Ryuga surmised. Which was as she thought.

"The exchange can be a little or a lot," I answered hesitantly. Because if I say it, I'll definitely get scolded by her. But I still hope that if it were Ryuka, she would understand.

So I began to explain what the book said.








"HAVE YOU LOSE YOUR MIND!!!" Ryuga shouted at me angrily, no longer having the playful class leader attitude.

As for me, I could only sit and shrink, not daring to argue with her.

Well, it seems that what I hoped for was not true.

"Calm down, beautiful president," I tried to convince her with all the cookies I had. "Honestly, it's not that bad at all."

"How can it not be!! Isn't this an obvious plan to trick and kill?"

Ryuga was now so angry that her hair turned into lightning due to her skill.

The dweller of Indra Skills that allow her to control lightning and also have a strong body and are resistant to various diseases and poisons like a superhero.

Her green-turned eyes looked at me with anger, disappointment, and concern. She grabbed all the cookies and stuffed them into her mouth. She looked more like a monkey than a squirrel now. But it seems like I stuffed it in so much that it got stuck in my throat. So I handed her my own glass to drink from.

After getting some water, Ryuga felt better. And when her stomach was empty, she began to calm down. But she still had a serious expression on her face.

"Not approved!" Ryuga said firmly, not leaving any space for negotiations. "I can't afford to lose any more of my classmates."

"Calm down, if I succeed I won't die." Yes, if I succeed I will have a comfortable life too.

"Then what do you think is the chance of success, you idiot! Damn Tengo. You're usually so smart, why didn't you think more carefully this time?"

"And even if it were successful, wouldn't you still not return to Japan with us? So what will I have to tell your family? How can I look at Kanae's face? And what about the Kirinas?"

"Ahhhha, is this not causing enough stress for me?"

Ryuga rubbed her head until her hair became messy and released many small lightning bolts.

I let those lightning bolts hit me without blocking them. It's true what Ryuga said. If I don't go back to my family and my girlfriend will definitely be worried.


"Don't worry, even though it might be a little difficult to accept at first. But my family must understand. As for Kanae, you have to understand me too."

I looked into Ryuga's godlike eyes filled with resentment. Even though I was afraid that she would blow my fuse and stomp on me until I passed out and then lock me in a room. But I made her realize as much as possible that I was serious.

"Because I did something that everyone is proud of me for."

I held both of Ryuga's hands and brought my face close to hers. So close that I could see my reflection in her angry eyes. Close enough to feel her erratic breathing. And I hope it's close enough for her to accept my selfishness.

"Therefore, please, Ryuga. I really want to bring everyone back. No matter what you lose!"

"And if it doesn't succeed? If it really was a lure and murder plot, what would you do? No, you'd probably be dead by then. So what should I do?" Ryuga asked hesitantly.

"No problem, if I really died in vain then and The beautiful and well-equipped President I fell in love with would take revenge for me, right?" I smiled at her.

Ryuga's expression changes all the time as if he's making a decision. Until finally, her skills were deactivated and her aura of pressure disappeared. The beautiful and playful face that I know so well appeared.

"Mo, I didn't know that Tengo-kun would be such a pester guy. I can't help it since you confessed your love to me and I will help you to the utmost."

Ryuga twisted her body around as if she was shy. So I shook her hand away and said with a straight face.

"Oh, I lied just now."

As a result, I was beaten by her for bullying women...