
Harem king System

I died ......... but that was not the end, they offered me a chance to live again but not in my world, in a different one with a system of my choice. obviously I accepted, but not everything went well ..... because there are ghost beings, warriors, Yokais angels and many other beings in this place ?? !!! I want to go to a world with beautiful women and without dangers and make a harem in that world !!! but now I not only have to live in a world with many dangers ..... now I also have to travel to other worlds and save them from destruction ........ but I will not give up on my dream of doing a Harem !!!! I will achieve it with the help of The System King of the Harem

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21 Chs

Plans, Handling, New System Function, And hasty elections.

Hello guys

How You Doing?

I was not dead, I was partying !!.... partying with my failed subjects, it was a crazy party that lasted 3 days and 3 whole nights but in the end it ended.

As long as I had time I wrote this, at first I wanted to write a chapter of Aizen but you want more A Maiko and that's why I wrote a chapter of Maiko first.

I hope you like it, today we move fast in the plot.

Thanks for your supportive comments, and Merry Christmas!

As a reward for waiting for me, today's chapter is very Long.

let's start


( How can he be here?!!!! ..... )

My surprise at seeing Shido and his group was normal, after all I had locked him in the school bathroom before this Zombie Apocalypse began.

I was hoping he would stay there and die, how did he get out?

"wait, help us!" shouted one of the 6 students and a teacher who is running towards us.

When Takashi and Saeko looked around the group, they saw the teacher.

"who is that?" asked Takashi.

"That is Shido. He teaches class 3-A," said Saeko.

Hearing the name of this teacher, Rei felt chills running down her back.

"Shido ..." she said,

"We are ready to leave!" shouted Ms. Shizuka.

"Wait a little," responded Takashi who was waiting for the group that was running towards them.

"There's also a swarm in front!..... I can't drive if there are too many of them together!" said a worried Shizuka.

"Run them over if you have to," said Takashi.

"If we do that with this bus, the bus will tip over!" Saya shouted to the side. Seeing Takashi's determined look to help the group

"Pink is right, we have to go now," I told Komurou.

Takashi didn't listen to me and took his bat to go out and help the group of students who were approaching.

Rei stopped him and said, "Don't save him!

"Rei! What's your problem?" Takashi said as he was surprised by Rei's attitude.

"Takagi-san and Maiko-san are right, you don't need to save him! Rei said firmly.

( she really doesn't want Shido to be with us, she's even willing to sacrifice the students who are with Shido... well, considering what Shido did to her, it's normal that she hates him).

"We should just let him die!" Rei shouted right in front of Takashi's face.

"Everybody hurry up! I guarantee you will do everything alive!" Shido shouted trying to look heroic.

"All right! Shido-Sensei!" the students answered running.

"Despite what I said, I wonder if they will make it to the bus," Shido thought to himself.

One of the running students suddenly stumbled and landed in front of Shido,

"I twisted my ankle!" shouted the student as he grabbed Mr. Shido's leg.

"Oh, so that's it? .... Then it's the end for you," Mr. Shido said with a smiling face, then lifted his leg and stomped on the student's face.

"The world as we knew it has come to an end...In this world, it's survival of the fittest," Shido said with a sadistic smile. As he looked calmly at the student who was crying right in front of him, he then moved on and reached the bus.

Almost no one noticed Shido's actions, but Rei and I did because we were watching Shido.

When Shido kicked the student in the face, Rei showed a clear anger and rage.

After Shido's arrival, Shizuka drove the bus forward at full speed and crashed into all the zombies in the way.

You could see how difficult this was for Shizuka, after all she is a nurse and now she is running over a lot of bodies with the bus.

Taking advantage of the situation I decided to approach her and give her a few words of emotional support.

"They are no longer human, remember that, ..... they are not alive.

My words seemed to serve her well because she began to repeat them as if she were reciting some kind of mantra.

"They are no longer human, they are no longer human, they are no longer human.

Shizuka drove like a madman, making her way through the swarm of walkers and breaking down the school door,

Finally, we were out!


We had escaped from school and were now on our way to our next destination.

Kohta is sitting right next to Takagi filming and fixing his handmade nail gun.

"It looks like we made it," said Takashi, who is currently sitting near Rei

"Yes," Kohta nodded.

"Thank you for saving us," said Shido as he stopped by Saeko, who is currently polishing her wooden sword.

"Are you the leader, Busujima," Shido asked as he approached Saeko.


"Our survival is the product of our teamwork," I said, interrupting Saeko

My original group seemed happy with my words, after all we survived together, it is normal that they feel united with me.

( Come on, start with your Shido tricks,.... Give me a reason to hit you!)

Seeing this, Shido started his movement.

"Well, that's not good," he said as he looked at the group as if he were looking at a lamb about to die.

"It takes a leader for us to survive," Shido added. Takashi and Rei listened to them and also looked, it was obvious what he was trying to do.

"One who handles everything," Shido told Saeko and me.

"You're going to regret this....You're definitely going to regret saving him," said Rei, angry at Takashi for saving Shido.

Takashi is confused about why Rei has a deep hatred for Shido.

I watched Rei and Takashi's silent talk,

( Takashi,... you really are an idiot, it is obvious that Shido is not a good person, and there must definitely be a reason for Rei's hatred, with that information it is obvious that you should have left Shido.... )

( If Shido had died at the school the original group could have reached Saya's house faster and the invasion at the Takagi mansion would not have happened ... Wait..!!!!!!)

At that moment I remembered something important,

The zombie invasion of the Takagi farm was caused by the barricade that protected the farm being opened when Shido and his group collided with the barricade,

Due to the electromagnetic pulse no machine was working, for that reason they could not repair the barricade quickly and the zombies invaded the farm.

If shido dies before that, the invasion will not happen, the problem is that I need the invasion to happen!

(The Takagi farm is run by Saya's father, Shoichirou Takagi and his men, most of them die sacrificing themselves so that the children and women can escape from the farm .....)

If the invasion never happens, that means they will still be alive and if I manage to make a shelter, it is very likely that Shoichirou's group will become the leader! .... That can't happen! ....

If Shoichirou and his men live, all the employees of the farm and their families will always listen to everything Shoichirou says!!..... But if Shoichirou and his Men die in the invasion, then they will look for a new leader,.... And I will be able to take the position of leader easily! ...

Now the doubt is... Should I let Shoichirou live?.... maybe it's because of the mental alteration that suppresses my moral values, I don't really care if Shoichirou dies, but it's the right choice?....

While I was in my thoughts the story was taking its course.

"Our city!" one of the students shouted when he appeared in sight. What they saw was chaos and anarchy, buildings on fire, lifeless, blood splattered everywhere, and many more.

Now they saw it, no one would come to save them, they would be solely responsible for their own survival in this world.


After a while the new group began to complain, as in the original story.


"Look, we'll never make it if we keep going!" shouted one of the students, he looked like a delinquent, no doubt he's a troublemaker.

"Why do we have to do whatever it is they planned to do in the first place? Then he asked this question blatantly,

( We saved you but you still have the guts to complain?!!! ... Fuck you!)

My feelings were shared by Takagi, Kohta and even the Shizuka and Kyouko began to tremble with rage

"Everyone decided to return to the city without asking us," the offender complained without noticing the angry faces of Kohta, Takagi Shizuka, and Kyouko.

"Couldn't we have found a safe place inside the school?" said the idiot.

"He's right!" Another ungrateful student joined the fray, truly stupid.

"We should find a place to hide, like that convenience store we just passed," said the student.

" screeeeechhh" ( sound of tires slowing down, ) [ I don't know how to spell this sound so just deal with it XD]

The bus stopped abruptly, causing the offender to almost fall off his feet.

SHIZUKA can no longer stand the noise and screaming.

"I can't drive with all of you screaming," she added. In doing so, Shizuka-sensei bent over, causing her breasts to fall down and sway in a seductive manner, indicating that her support is not enough to sustain her abundant blessings from heaven

( Because of Santa's beards, they are huge! ..... At times like this I am happy to have glasses that cover where my eyes are directed!)

While I was getting lost in Shizuka-san's cleavage the delinquent got angrier.

"What the hell?!" said the offender.

( This idiot is already annoying me,)

"So what do you want to do?

She is also tired of this idiot, so I decided to give a few more words.

"If you don't want to follow the bus, get out. "

The offender is now ashamed of his actions,

Then I point my finger.

"I can't ... I can't stand this guy! ..... BECAUSE HE HAS A REAL WEAPON AND WE DON'T?!!" shouted the criminal.

That surprised me, just because he was angry with me?.... I wasn't supposed to be angry with Takashi?..... This guy is a typical delinquent who is unhappy with his life... I barely know him and I already hate him.

Kohta saw that this could turn into a fight and was about to get up with his gun, but Saya stopped him.

".... I don't even know you, background character," I said.

"What did you say?

The asshole jumped up and attacked me and I was waiting for that, I really wanted to beat this asshole up,

But then something happened that I didn't expect.

Rei, and Saeko hit the Idiot before I did.

Saeko hit him on the shoulder and Rei was more violent and hit him in the stomach, taking away his air.

( All right, I didn't expect that,..... I expected it from Saeko, but Rei?.... although maybe she just did it to release some stress from being around shido).

Congratulations, most people in the group recognize you as a part of them and a leader, you get the title [Natural leader] >>> Now you are surrounded by an aura of leadership that makes it easier for other people to follow your orders]

( Great!!... )

The offender was now on the floor panting in pain.

Shido wasted no time and began to use this situation to his advantage.

"Busujima-san , Miyamoto-san, that was an excellent demonstration of teamwork with the young man, ....",

Shido looked at me waiting for me to tell her my name.

"Maiko, Shuu...

"together with Young Maiko-kun.... but, The fact that this conflict arose simply proves what I said before"

she later said when Shido Rei's gaze fell on this master, and she was obviously furious.

( Just a little more.... A little more and Rei will reach the limit,..... keep it up Shido, you are making my job easier).

Shido had taken the opportunity of this accident to further stabilize his proposal to have a leader.

"We really need a leader," Shido said as he came closer and closer to us, this obviously upset Rei even more.

" I hope you understand ...." said Shido directly to our fucking face!

On one side, Saya knew what Shido was doing, after all she is a genius, she fixed her glasses and said

"and there's only one person who can do the job?"

"Well, Takagi-san.... ..I'm a teacher and the rest of you are students, that alone is reason enough to say who is most qualified to lead you..." as Shido said as I brought her nasty face closer to Saya, but she turned her face away.

(That was beyond the pale, I saw saya first, get your own big-breasted pink movie, Asshole!!!!)

Surprising Everyone I used a little HaKi to intimidate him and remove the hand he had holding the saya seat.

The message was clear, don't touch it!

My actions worked, Shido- recoiled in fear as he sweated nervously at the feel of my HaKi.

And as I did not concentrate the HaKi on him, everyone felt it.

This caused many reactions, Shido's group was afraid of me, especially the delinquent who now knew I was dangerous.

Kohta, Saeko, Takashi Kyouko and Rei were happy about what I did.

Especially Rei she smiled when she saw that someone was standing up to Shido's El Maldonado.... Even her smile was a little wicked.

Saya on the other hand was a little embarrassed, She understood the message I gave Shido, And she understood that I was interested in her.

"I agree that we need a leader," I said.

Shido wasted no time and wanted to become a leader.

"So, I'll take the position.

"For that reason I will be the leader!

My words annoyed Shido, it was obvious that I was getting in his way so that he would not become the leader.

"Maiko-kun..... I think that as the Sensei that I am, I am more qualified for the position, for now you have to listen to the words of Sensei, okay?" said Shido without shame.

" Unfortunately for you, you may be a Sensei, but I am not your student, for that reason I have no reason to obey you... also, I have seen the way you "take care" of your students and I don't think I like having you as a sensei or leader. "

"…!! …"

My words had a hidden message, a message that only Shido and Rei would understand,

The message was,

>I saw what you did by dropping that kid off at school! No way am I going to let you be the leader.

Obviously my words made Shido angry, but even though he was angry, I have to admit that the guy is very good at manipulating people,

Shido knew he wouldn't beat me alone, so he used his group.

"I guess you're right Maiko-kun,... Then I think we should let the others decide who would be a suitable leader.

"If I were the leader, then I would avoid conflict!" ..... What does everyone say?!" he said as a person who announces himself during elections,

The naive students suddenly stood up and some began to applaud.

Their minds are still thinking like a child despite being a high school student,

" ... That's it ... I've become the leader by a majority vote," he said.

Rei couldn't take it anymore and exploited his anger.


"Enough!" "No way am I going with him," Rei shouted, Rei was already sick of this shit and got off the bus,

When I saw Rei take her spear and get off the bus, I had a neutral and unchanged expression on my face but in my mind I was rejoicing.

If she and Takashi leave I can make more progress with Saya and Saeko, I can even take control of the bus and throw out shido..... but it is the right decision?..... after all I need the zombie invasion to happen at the farm.....

"Rei!" shouted Takashi

Shido rejoiced inside and said,

"if you're saying you can't get along, then we'll have to split up"

Takashi turned his head and yelled at Shido,

"What the hell is that supposed to mean!

Without thinking about it, Takashi followed Rei, he couldn't leave her alone in the street full of dangers.

Upon seeing this, Saya shouted "Komuro!"

Yes, saya is definitely still in love with Takashi.... She only shouted Takashi's name and not Rei's, it's obvious who she cared about.

While I was watching the development of the story the system sent me a notification.

[ Congratulations, you have remained faithful to the events of the original history of this world, you have unlocked the hidden function, [ Route to the end of the story ] ]

[ This system function gives you the opportunity to choose the possible results of. Different situations, although of course it is possible for the Host to change some results through certain situations and actions]










[ you have reached a point of Major Change in this world, depending on your choices so far show possible routes for your future ].

(what?!!!!!!... Routes?.... I thought you were a system, not a video game !!!!)

[ The System was created with many functions to help the host in the right way, and some functions are created based on the memories of the Host, like this function].

( Damn, this function was definitely born from my memory! ... I still remember the nights I spent playing Galges and Eroges until dawn... what good times...)

-[Choose your path]-

>>Take Takashi's place in the accident and separate from the group with Rei

A close relationship is created with Rei and eventually you become an important pillar in his life.

Enhance your reputation with the group by saving Rei.

The chances of winning Saya's heart will decrease, [ not impossible but very difficult ].

You win the respect of Saeko, Kyouko and Saya for saving a girl you clearly don't like very much.

New possible relationship with *******

>>[ Let Komurou save Rei and let them both part from the group,]

Your relationship with Saya increases easily.

Your relationship with The Shido Group becomes more hostile.

Friendship of Hirano Kohta and information about firearms.

You meet Rei and Takashi on the bridge. [Or you never meet them because the original group doesn't get off the bus.]

You earn Saya and shizuka's appreciation for taking them away from Shido.

Note: the Host can choose to ignore these routes but by doing so, new possible routes will be created.


Now what do I do,?!! ... I go with Rei O and let Takashi take care of her?

While I was thinking Takashi continued to soften up with Rei on the street.

It's too dangerous ..." before Takashi could have finished what he was supposed to say, Rei yelled at him.

"Didn't I tell you that you'll regret saving him?!" Rei poured out all her anger on Takashi. For having saved Shido.

"Look ... Now is not a good time for ..." before Takashi was about to finish, a loud sound was directed at them.

Saeko also noticed this and shouted

"Dr. Marikawa, move the bus!"

"uweeehhh" Shizuka reacted quickly and started moving the bus because there is a bus full of walkers heading towards them at a high speed.

( Damn!!! The zombie bus is already here! .... What do I do?! .... What route do I choose?!!!...)

The bus full of zombies was already very close, and before the little time I had to decide I only did one thing...








that's it guys

What do you think of the new Function of the system?

Let's face it, we all wish we had that Function sometime,

What was the decision Maiko made? ... and do you think Maiko let the massacre of the farm happen just so he can take the lead?

all that and more discover it in the following chapters !!!

You know what I always say, if there is a spelling mistake please let me know to fix it

that's it for now guys

his friend, Joey tribbiani says goodbye

note: Aizen is still alive!

he's only late

You know, tell them you liked the chapter, leave me your Shining Power Stones so that I can decorate my Christmas Tree with them.

INVADER_WESTcreators' thoughts