
Harem for The Dragon God

Being born into a world of fantasy Kenji Itsumora always wondered why everyone looked down on him until one day when he made a huge discovery. "My father was from a family of dragon gods?!?!" Kenji asks with confusion in his voice. "Yes and that means you are a dragon God yourself." The woman answers with certainty. "Don't I have to be a dragon to be a dragon god?" Kenji questions stupidly. "Not in this case. You possess the means to use that power, and you should use it to conquer everything." The woman Responds with a smile on her face. Yes I will gladly use it to conquer the world and will make my own harem!! I want everything and anything I can get! No one will ever look down on me again if I become the ruler of the world! This world was already plagued by such evil that it made Kenji look pure and more like a hero. Follow along to see where Kenji goes and what comes from his journey! -------- ------ ------- Warning!! R18 Content is included! Sex scenes, Potential incest, and Yes gore. Since it is considered to be in the category obviously. Also please be patient for updates, as I'm also working on two other stories atm! But if you really enjoy it, make sure to let me know! Powerstones, Reviews, and comments! Disclaimer: Cover does not belong to me and if it is yours and you want it taken down, let me know immediately. ---------- Also feel free to check out my other works! "My Own Succubus" "Why Can't I Be the Hero?!?!"

Kota_Sama · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
26 Chs

Destruction awaits

A giant wall of flames begins to erupt as the fireball seems to impact the enemy. I stood back and watched for a few moments before deciding on my next course of action.

I was already over doing it with the amount of magic I put into the fireball and the barrier from earlier.

Also should stop shouting what I'm using since it isn't necessary to use the magic or the attacks but I guess it felt like the right thing to do earlier.

"That did quite a lot. You really are strong." The person said as they pulled the hood down.

The clothes they wore were completely ruined and covered in holes from the fire, but what caught my eye was the appearance that I was faced with.

Dark Purple eyes, short curly black hair, and the look of a goddess. I was fighting against a female enemy this time and this was definitely a lot different or at least it should be different right?

I tried to shift my focus but it was hard to do since all they had left was a bandit like attire after the robes were burned away.

"Maybe we could talk?" I question while standing there with flames in my hands.

"Talking would be pointless." She responds while staring at me with a sinister look in her eyes.

Before I could speak another word, she began to charge at me with light speed. My eyes couldn't keep up which was strange considering what I was using myself now to fight against her.


I felt a punch go across my face that moved me a few meters but I wasn't going to let myself get sent flying this time. This fight wasn't going to end in their favor, even if it meant using more power than I should be using.

"1 punch was enough." She says while smiling at me.

"Huh?" I question before I feel a shockwave go past me.

Pain immediately went throughout my face as I fell back to the ground.


"Fyuh!" I let out as I hit the ground.

The ground felt as if it caved in a bit as I hit it, but what the hell just happened? She already punched me but yet it feels like an impact is hitting me all at once.

"Delayed punch. An interesting attack to use, but it gives hope to the enemies." She says as she begins to walk over.

Delayed punch? I've never heard of someone being able to do attacks like that before, how am I supposed to react to that..?

Slam! I slammed my hand on the ground and forced myself to get back up, this wasn't going to be the end of the fight. Blood was dripping down my face but that wasn't going to stop me from winning here today.

I've got a lot to do before I die, that includes building up my families kingdom once again.

The magic began to flow to my hands once more but this time it was going to be different, my power was going to be needed for the rest of the fight. She's proven to be strong so I can't hold myself back.

I took a deep breath in and a deep breath out before looking back towards her.

"So you can still fight? I'm surprised." The woman says while crossing her arms.

Thump. Thump.

My heartbeat was getting loud once again, it was like last time when this happened but the pain is here. My chest feels like it's being ripped apart but now I'm hearing something else.

Rattle! Rattle!

Why am I hearing chains rattling in my head?

I looked down at my hands to see a red aura starting to surround them as the flames stayed within my hands. It seems I'm up to attack now.

Crumble! Fwooosh!!!

I broke pieces of the ground as I kicked off it towards the woman before me. She wasn't just going to sit there and watch, the fight was far from over.

I began to throw a punch as I approached her and all I could hear was the sound of a shockwave going back in all directions.

"Had me scared for a second there." She says while holding my fist.

She caught my fist like it was nothing, but how is she this damn strong!?!

My fist was shaking in her hand as I tried to force it through, yet nothing seemed to be going anywhere.

"What are you?" I question while gritting my teeth.

"Just a really strong person." She answers before punching me back.

I was lifted off the ground once more and could see the trees going past me as I flew through the air. This woman was extraordinary strong but I don't know what she's doing to be this strong.

Magic wasn't used, there was no aura around her, so what could this be?

Crash!!! Boom!!!!!!

Smoke began to cloud the area as I sat there on the ground looking into the distance, was this going to be the enemy that I couldn't stop? I'm not sure what else she's capable of but I know magic is something she used as well, but what did she do just now to attack me?

"Cough. Cough." I began to cough up some blood as I sat there against the broken tree.

I don't want to lose so why am I still sitting here on the ground?

Slowly I began to stand up as the thoughts flowed throughout my mind, it wasn't going to be easy by any means. Fighting against someone who is using something I have no knowledge about.

A lot is at stake here. My life, Miza's life, and the kingdom itself is at stake.

The pain went throughout my whole body but I knew that I had to fight this battle no matter what, who else would?

I raised my fists once more and looked at the woman in the distance.

"I'm not done." I say out loud.